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Blade & Soul |OT| Kiss From A Rose


PVP is just not worth it unless you are a Summoner or KFM/KF. As an assassin I did reasonably well (while also having a high ping due to not being on the states) until the latest patch where I read the notes and saw assassins got a single change while every other class got like an entire page worth of changes.

Now I just go into the arena for the daily pvp quests and just alt+tab to chrome if I'm matched against a summoner.

It seems a lot of people grind elo to get those soulstones, I've no idea what they are or what they're used for (I'm lvl 42 atm), but I certainly hope they're obtainable via PVE as with the current balance state + my high ping there's absolutely 0 chance of me making gold to get them.

I did one duel as ass vs another ass, and the whole time I was just trying to get stealthed and spam my right click and F. It literally destroys, but ass doesn't have much AoE to break stealth, so it was pretty easy for me.
I don't do Blackwyrm or Terrors on my BD. At all.

Thinking of running a FM alt to do that open world garbage. This game has the worst world boss mechanics of any MMO I've seen this decade.

Summoner is better tbh for world boss stuff. You get a lot of self healing via X and Doom and Bloom, and in the event that you die, your cat can rez you, since it's unlikely anyone will bother doing it.

But yeah it's kinda bad as a melee, a lot of it is due to the terrible engine though. Blackwyrm you have to look at what it's doing to the tank, so you can iframe the roar before it actually starts casting.
If you check the F8 lobby dungeon menu, any dungeon with a little present box next to the name means the daily for that gives you white roses. At low level, you don't get too many of these though, Blackram Narrows, Darkglimpse, Forgotten Tomb and Tomb of Exiles. Although you can try to queue for a higher dungeon at low level and hope you don't get kicked, but yeah.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Destroyers are actually considered the counter class to summoners thanks to redspin and fury being so potent against them and their pets. Dnno how true that is in actual practice, but that's what I've been told.

Blade dancer. I rolled the class purely because it's the only melee option for Lyn.

Gotcha gotcha. Wish I had tips for you with BD, but I got nothing. :lol

KFMs on the other hand, their cats are our personal stun generators. My guess is because of dealing with Junghado for so long I now sidestep on instinct, and their auto attacks usually occur during that time, allowing me to run over to the summoner and put in work after stunning them.


I take it you've just been introduced to this as well?


No, we were doing BSH 6 and got the message that the servers would shut down for 30 minutes with a warning time of 5 minutes. Really shitty.


*sigh* currently on a win streak because I was trying to do my daily quests in PVP. now I have to play another even though I am done and dont want to to turn in a quest. smh.

I just know the next one is gonna be a summoner... Im gonna lose


Everyone likes their cats.

I like Ass, but I'm not sure what my role is in boss fights because I don't feel like I'm getting good damage in. I need to stealth before I can do massive damage with right click and F.

Your rolle is to be the biggest dmg dealer there is. Just stay in stealth and deal dmg while not having to worry about aggro.
The trick is to not lose stealth for more then a moment before re stealthing.
|f you dont know how to do this check a few of the guides on perma stealth or try soloing the lvl 45 blue dungeons to get a hang of it.


edit : slightly confused about bracers. Do you start with Pirate or what? I never had a purple / Siren bracer or something.

This is where I am too. Is it worth upgrading the evolution pieces (Pirate) from BSH or just stick with hongmoon. Which is better in the long run?


Is there a way to share materials across characters on your account? What about gear? Outfits? Is this a premium only thing?
Is there a way to share materials across characters on your account? What about gear? Outfits? Is this a premium only thing?

Only tradeable things, or in rare cases account bound items, can be shared between chars, by sending them via mail. Outfits and gear in general are bound, so you can't share them.


Only tradeable things, or in rare cases account bound items, can be shared between chars, by sending them via mail. Outfits and gear in general are bound, so you can't share them.

wow! You would expect them to at least have a premium option then. Dayum. That's odd.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
I loves the feeling of killing summoner, seeing a Lyn punched to dead, then the cat disappear into nothingness is soul smoothing.

Yeah it is! :lol


The pirate bracelet in BSH refuses to drop for me and it's driving me crazy. T_T


wow! You would expect them to at least have a premium option then. Dayum. That's odd.

I'm pretty sure it is because no other region has an account shared wardrobe. I don't know what type of revenue the West has to bring in for the developers to start catering to us, but they aren't right now.


I expected that to happen, but how long would they have to run for them to get anything. Isn't it less than 10 beans a loss?
Got the full Bloodshade SS set. It increases my crit from 41% to 43% but my defense is lower so I'll probably fuse that into it. I am a Forcemaster though. My Accuracy went way up also.


Got the full Bloodshade SS set. It increases my crit from 41% to 43% but my defense is lower so I'll probably fuse that into it. I am a Forcemaster though. My Accuracy went way up also.

Is that the best end-game SS? I have a few of the Blackram Supply one, but it doesn't seem as good as I thought it would
Is that the best end-game SS? I have a few of the Blackram Supply one, but it doesn't seem as good as I thought it would

Problem if Blackram is you need crit rolls on everything but #8(which has innate crit), so it can be annoying to get the right one. Bloodshade has innate crit on 3 of the pieces, and they're also a lot more than on blackram, so you get way better crit with that, especially if you get crit rolls on the other pieces.

8pc Bloodshade is the highest potential damage, assuming you're fighting something that makes the piercing work(so it'd need to have like 400+ defense, not too sure what it works on tbh). 5pc Mushin 3pc Bloodshade on the other hand has very slightly more crit(91) and about 6k more health, at the cost of some accuracy(irrelevant at this point of the game) and the piercing. You can also 3pc mushin 5pc bloodshade for fairly similar results, but lower hp I believe.

This is your current endgame set basically. Blackram isn't too bad with the right rolls though, my KFM has all crit blackram and it gives a solid amount of crit.


Tried one of those Artisanal Moonwater Crit Primer out on a soul shield piece. Damn, it's expensive but u get like 300+ crit on one piece lol.


Man, how do you solve the bag problem. I'm literally always full and I want to keep all my costumes.

Maybe I have to sell some of them...

Your rolle is to be the biggest dmg dealer there is. Just stay in stealth and deal dmg while not having to worry about aggro.
The trick is to not lose stealth for more then a moment before re stealthing.
|f you dont know how to do this check a few of the guides on perma stealth or try soloing the lvl 45 blue dungeons to get a hang of it.

Took a look at one, and I got a better idea now. I still have problems getting into stealth into melee range. Most of the stealth tools are used when in stealth except for shadow dash which needs to move out.


Bots can do it 24/7, so the amount gained per loss is immaterial to them.

Yes and no. It may not matter to the individual but it will matter to the overall economy if the goal is to farm soulstones. If it takes them 24+ hours to farm one bag that has a chance to give them 20 that greatly reduces the amount of damage they can do before they are banned for botting compared to if it took 2 hours.


That costs money, right?

You need membership when I last looked?

Just put it in your storage. Meh. Not like you're gonna be changing every two seconds right?


I carry two costumes:

-My faction one so I can rep my B O Y Z in da blue in times of need. I feel like a superhero sometimes.

-My "look at how cool I am for grinding out this" outfit (changes all the time)
KFM feels a bit bleh to play in group mob scenarios because they don't have access to the last LMB Hongmoon skill which lets you use Cyclone Kick/Searing Blow off of it critting, which it does often since you get the stacking crit buff with every hit. As a result I sometimes end up running dry since my Tiger Strike just happened to go a while without critting.

There are a few things you can do to recover focus but sometimes they're all on CD and I'm just jabbing for a bit to build some focus so I can resume my offense.


Best place to test your build is Mushin Tower. Floor 7, watch the timer when you down Junghado. Whatever time is left is how much damage you put out.

That doesn't give you much information on actual crit. rate, min/max/avg damage for each skill you use, uptime for each DoT, accuracy, and other metrics. A parse isn't just for providing a final damage per second number. You learn so much more from having all the data in front of you. You'd also have to fight Junghado multiple times to measure each minor tweak you want to make.

One primary issue (unrelated to tweaking stuff) a parser would address right now is telling you how much damage you've done on a Blackwyrm or other world/24-man bosses so you know if you've done enough to get a normal chest, a brilliant chest, etc.


Just put it in your storage. Meh. Not like you're gonna be changing every two seconds right?


I carry two costumes:

-My faction one so I can rep my B O Y Z in da blue in times of need. I feel like a superhero sometimes.

-My "look at how cool I am for grinding out this" outfit (changes all the time)

My storage is full of costumes and crafting materials. My bags are only filled with mostly crafting stuff.


Is it frowned upon to receive store outfits sent as a gift for some of your gold? I've seen it being done a few times now in faction chat. Is this common?
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