Cerulean is currently full, any negatives aside from PvP dailies if I don't join a group?
What's your name in game? I'll try to PM you if CO opens up.
Cerulean is currently full, any negatives aside from PvP dailies if I don't join a group?
Mushin's Pain and Rage were both pretty easy. I only died a couple of times each, but my DPS is too low to beat Mushin's Darkness. I can only get him down to 45% and then he 1 shots me.
Guess I'll get him in a few days once I get pirate weapon. Other than that, I still need to upgrade my necklace.
Ugh got stuck at 20% on Mushin's Rage. Still need to learn his pattern I guess. Only had 5s left on Mushin's Pain with lots of lucky crits at the end lol.
Yes, some of us do. We're not many anymore, but we're at least two. More once the others finish their darn Warlocks
And Cacophonic Noise is simply the guild name
Gimme your name and I'll add ya tomorrow.
At least there is something to work towards with these challenging new content.Mushin's 2nd stage is beating my ass right now. This is what happens when you decide to take a break from the game. :lol
So for FMs Warlock is a part using the Awakened Dual Dragons right?
Edit: Holy fuck a queue popped up. Haven't seen that in a while
That buff will allow you to hit for hundreds of thousands.
Ugh. Troll parties are the worst. Time for a break. Was trying to grind out Narrows but fuck it.
I told Nexon to shove it with their pay for a slot. I made another account for my Warlock.![]()
I told Ncsoft to shove it with their pay for a slot. I made another account for my Warlock.![]()
Didn't they give us a slot for free today???
I never saw it when I logged in.
It's in the HM store and it's free.
What class are you?
I guess I should finally upgrade my crappy weapon/accessories = (. I'll come back to his second form later.
They should get the guy that voices the BSH daily to do it.
I beat him earlier with my BM. It really wasn't a fun fight, but once I got some invuln potions it worked a lot better. I don't think there's a way for BM to do it without the potions though, his skills do just way too much damage if you don't play defensive so you can react to them, and if you do that you don't have enough damage at all when he spends so much fucking time doing stupid fire nonsense. There's also the vicious cycle that if you don't do enough damage, he does the ice aoe which reduces your damage further, so you fall behind more and more. The fact there's fire on the ground is what really kills it, in theory as a BM I could iframe all 4 waves of the aoe everytime, and keep DPSing decently in the meantime, but since there's fire on the ground I can't even do that.
From what I've seen Naksun(the next mushin tower boss) is a lot less dumb, more like Junghado but with room wide iframes to spice it up.
Mushin is just annoying, and the fact they didn't dub him is also really really dumb. They only needed 2 lines really, the quick red aoe and the backstep into combo one. I installed the japanese voice pack again and the fight is actually quite a bit easier like that, because I can tell what skill he's doing without having to read the speech bubble. They really got lazy with the localization at some point, like how act 1/2 vendors have voices, but in act3 they said fuck it and none of them do(they do in the japanese/korean/chinese versions). It's actually detrimental on fights that rely on audio cues for warnings about abilities though.
Is the clan chat not working?
You know an audio que in F7 would make that fight a lot easier.
I wonder if the Warlock population will go down at all.
I wonder if the Warlock population will go down at all.
Party chat also hasn't been working since yesterday.
Well, at least your free account can get a free character slot too!
Something up with Warlock? I really like it so far (lvl 24) but I'm really interested in the buff skills to come.
Oh those numbers will stabilize.
Rupture(F skill), Wingstorm (V skill) and RMB skill with points in the far right will give you orbs for helix.I do have a question: I tried using the built in "shadow" talent spec, and it kept giving me the "Dragon Helix" or something upgrade. The skill reads that it requires spirit orb or something, yet none of the skills I examined mentions creating the orbs. Is this skill just completely useless until some random higher level when I unlock a skill that provides orbs? It kinda sucks losing your big damage move for a move that's not even accessible until late levels.
What is BBoy's GAF name? I see him in game often, really cool guy, but I don't see him here.
Oh those numbers will stabilize.
Especially when all of the bandwagon people fall off. So many people blindly jumped on WL not even knowing at all what it was xD
Exactly. It's a great class but for only a set of people.