Fury? As far as I see it at the trader it's just a Offering/skin.Hm, got a Locked Fury chest from Mushin 6F. Is that for something later?
Fury? As far as I see it at the trader it's just a Offering/skin.
Can you expand further on this? I believe I read it was a support DPS. Is this still true or did I read wrong?
The class can be pretty stationary and is more about a patient rotation of cooldown management. It is basically the opposite of FM, which is just a constant river of range dps. They take what fm does and divide / alter it with how the WL summon works and the rotation ranged stuff. It can do big damage and yes has support things like defense buffs & other.
The class can be pretty stationary and is more about a patient rotation of cooldown management. It is basically the opposite of FM, which is just a constant river of range dps. They take what fm does and divide / alter it with how the WL summon works and the rotation ranged stuff. It can do big damage and yes has support things like defense buffs & other.
Welp, used a name change voucher yesterday on my 45 destroyer I don't play anymore to use the name for a warlock. Was spamming the complete creation button around the 24 hour mark but still can't use the name. Guessing someone got it or it's still locked.
Don't waste money on these things.
Anyone here active on EU? I made a character on the EU GAF server Windrest. Was hoping to get some in-game friends. :3
Define active.
Right now we're around 4 or 5 people you could call active (Chariot and me being super active, I guess).
So i got pissed last night....
I suck at pvp with my blademaster... I can beat another blade master.., but other than that... Its such crap.
Ive rolled warlock now.
With this combo I'm always tanking in parties.
I guess people aren't going to spec into threat stuff at anything less than max level though so that might explain it.
Tbh, I don't believe Warlock's a lot better at PvP than BM is atm.
Also you should have no trouble with FMs in general, that's really the easy matchup for BM, the rest is, yeah. Sins I guess can be ok, depends on how familiar the sin is with BM tricks and plays around them, but we can kick them out of stealth pretty well with flicker or flock of blades, block a bunch of their ranged crap and can punish them hard if they mess up. Destroyer/BD feels like tough matches most of the time but can be done, summoner feels like garbage and other than the bad ones it's really hard to beat one.
So yeah BM atm is kinda like, most of the hard matchups are also the most popular classes, it's rough.
yeah BM vs FM is BM best match up in game. Ask Burton when we run 3 vs 3 I normally always take the FM on and win NP. Also if you need help with BM come on discord ask me or Yushi tips we both hit gold Before patch and during patch. well right now Yushi is Plat. Yeah you got a good few BM that like to PvP
instacast dragoncall
animation before damage is as long as cast
But you can move away or do other attacks meanwhile.
instacast dragoncall
animation before damage is as long as cast
Where is the quest for floor 8 btw
instacast dragoncall
animation before damage is as long as cast
Barely beat Mushin's Rage, had 4% left and used 3 Kaoliang Ju over the course. Brr. I don't want even try Darkness yet.
Oh lawd Yura and Jin Seoyon, these two birds are something special.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v0tY9qwTmQalLrD0FW2LkX2AJWqEKKSrBz5Ij4WvRXo/edit#gid=0So are there any good Mushin SS pieces or should I just use them to buff crit on the Nayru SS
Did they ever confirm they switched it to 24 hours? It used to be a year. Send a support ticket in, if they haven't switched it to 24 hours they may be able to help you out.
EDIT: Looks like the most recent patch did say they bumped it to 24 hours. Check here to see if anyone has your name.
Not sure if I will still be online, but I try toChaariot!I tried to ask on Discord right now but I'm going out now and won't be back till midnight EU time, the thing with my guild is finally through so I would appreciate if you could invite my character Mei Xing to the guild if you're around at that time
Dat Yura :3
She looked real good in that outfit from the last chapter
No, when I get into a 410+ group, 6-man goes out without a hitch. now that people know what needs to be done. But people are concerned, because Sins don't actually add much to the team and can't do much at all at the yellow god. They rather have people who add more stuff to the party. I already dreading looking for 4-man ;__;Naryu that bad? I haven't attempted it yet since still on the warlock grind.
No, when I get into a 410+ group, 6-man goes out without a hitch. now that people know what needs to be done. But people are concerned, because Sins don't actually add much to the team and can't do much at all at the yellow god. They rather have people who add more stuff to the party. I already dreading looking for 4-man ;__;
That's her royal outfit.
That is soooo february. I can't do this in Nyaru. In fact I can't even do it againts Poharan or in BSH.Why don't you just solo it with your broken perma-stealth ^^
Why don't you just solo it with your broken perma-stealth ^^
That's her waifu outfit
Well since Mushin is Naryu royalty and she's his waifu it's royal waifu outfit