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Blade & Soul |OT| Kiss From A Rose

Thanks for the input Quonny. Please do not feel bad in any way.

BDO and FF14 are the two MMOs I will probably try next.

Though all I want is an MMO where all I do is run dungeons and sell loot obtained in said dungeon for gold/money. This unable to trade crap annoyed me to no end in BnS, if you could sell costumes drops/ purple breakthrough weapons in dungeons as an alternative way to make gold that would of been ace. Instead it's do 24 man dailies (usually solo because no one ever seems to make a party or if they do no one in the group does anything except wait for Poh), do owpvp dailies, do misty wood dailies rinse and repeat ad nauseam. Do not get me started on the lack of socializing at all when it comes to DF, everyone does their best Sonic impression and speed through everything or just wait at the dungeons entrance.

When I played TERA I only ever did dailies for cosmetic crap and mounts. Every gold I made was through farming weapons, armor, master scrolls and crafting recipes etc. My experience in BnS has been the exact opposite so far.


I sort of knew BDO would be mentioned, which is cool. However, that game has a serious problem explaining anything to the player to the point where I felt totally lost. That and Blader isn't in yet which is the class I wanted to play the most.

See, all of those things sound cool. But to what end? Money? Where does the money go? Into more workers? More items? What items? AFK fishing empire? Bigger houses? Like, I get it, but its just another form of "dailies" to me. I get the things you can do and I see the appeal, but in BDO, to what end are you doing it for?

You're getting gear to get more gear in other MMOs. Just the way you can do it in BDO is up to you, unlike most MMOs where if you want to get good PVP gear, do PVP. You can fish for money to buy the gear or gear upgrade items, or you can farm it. Or you can level up your processing and make items that other people can't, and you can buy your way into the best gear. If you want. Some people just want to be on top of the leaderboards.


Worships the porcelain goddess
You're getting gear to get more gear in other MMOs. Just the way you can do it in BDO is up to you, unlike most MMOs where if you want to get good PVP gear, do PVP. You can fish for money to buy the gear or gear upgrade items, or you can farm it. Or you can level up your processing and make items that other people can't, and you can buy your way into the best gear. If you want. Some people just want to be on top of the leaderboards.

I mean no offense, but instead of raids, dungeons, etc. It's just a different type of tedium. But that's MMOs for ya and we all have our own types of tedium we like. =)
Black Desert. The only dailies it has are Contribution Point dailies that take 15 minutes and kill 30 enemy quests which take 5-10 minutes each. There are no dungeons or raids, instead are summonable bosses that can be done once a day.

But the bigger part of end-game is doing what you want. People have done nothing but fishing, even to cap. People have done nothing but horse taming. Farming. Running trade routes. Cooking. You can spend 10 hours doing one task and there's always something more to do. Plus BDO has awesome combat, with iframe dodges and everything. The PVP isn't as balanced as BnS, but they are implementing an arena with normalized stats in the future.

I played BnS and found the end game horrible. I've been at "cap" for a week in BDO and there is so much shit to do I can't even see the end in sight. For example: I was horse taming and training for about a week. Then I realized that I needed to craft wagons to maximize my horse training. But to build wagons, I needed to build up a town so I can craft them. Then I needed to gather a bunch of wood, hides, and metal. Then I needed to process these items. But to do that I needed to hire workers. Then I leveled my workers so they can do it faster. All this to build a wagon to train my horses faster. And that's ONE tiny aspect, focused on horses. Everything is woven together. You can build an empire on just fishing. Many people do that and don't touch the combat.

I don't mean to come in an OT and shill another game, but I did play BnS to cap, then tried BDO. I'd recommend the game to anyone who likes the combat in BnS but finds the end-game to be too RNG-based and boring.

I uh, don't want to train horses and fish endlessly in a virtual world. But I guess it's good you're having fun. I'm all about combat, so that sounds boring as shit quite frankly.


I mean no offense, but instead of raids, dungeons, etc. It's just a different type of tedium. But that's MMOs for ya and we all have our own types of tedium we like. =)
Oh yeah, MMOs are tedious as heck. You said you didn't know of an MMO that didn't have th dungeon-raid MMO grind and at end game, I pointed one out. That's all.

I uh, don't want to train horses and fish endlessly in a virtual world. But I guess it's good you're having fun. I'm all about combat, so that sounds boring as shit quite frankly.

Or you can ignore all that stuff and just kill enemies, bosses, PVP, and guild war.

I was offering an alternative to people who are bored of theme park MMOs. I put in hundreds of hours in BnS and the end game grind put me off. Plus summoners. Fuck summoners.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Well, time for a small break. I'm going through the Pirate path for my weapon but MST has jumped in price by 2g+ in the span of a day. Soulstones up to 30s again. Need a ton where I am on my gear (which isn't a complaint, just a fact). 200 SS and 18 MST for all my gear.

Inflation hit the game like a mother. lol After grinding out the story and such. Time for a short break. =x

Tried Grand Harvest last night. That is a shitshow. Soulstone Plains can be pretty shitty as well. Pretty big chunk of time just sitting around. I'm not 50 yet so haven't jumped into dungeons yet. =x

Edit: There is currently an awful reset bug with mobs as WL that makes dailies a potential pain in the ass. =/


Well, time for a small break. I'm going through the Pirate path for my weapon but MST has jumped in price by 2g+ in the span of a day. Soulstones up to 30s again. Need a ton where I am on my gear (which isn't a complaint, just a fact). 200 SS and 18 MST for all my gear.

Inflation hit the game like a mother. lol After grinding out the story and such. Time for a short break. =x

Tried Grand Harvest last night. That is a shitshow. Soulstone Plains can be pretty shitty as well. Pretty big chunk of time just sitting around. I'm not 50 yet so haven't jumped into dungeons yet. =x

Edit: There is currently an awful reset bug with mobs as WL that makes dailies a potential pain in the ass. =/
This shit explains why my friend kept telling me that BnS KR 2.0 was grindy as fuck. This is where they were at and it was worse. Jesus.

I was told that it was because the original Team Bloodlust was moved to something else and the replacement team made it true Korean grind, but without the fun.


Unlimited Capacity
I uh, don't want to train horses and fish endlessly in a virtual world. But I guess it's good you're having fun. I'm all about combat, so that sounds boring as shit quite frankly.

Then just do combat. At no point do you ever have to do one thing. If you want to fight to cap, grind gear and PvP all day then go ahead.


Ugh getting 1250 achievement points is pretty hard. Most of them are those dumb soul shield collecting achievements too. >_>
I uh, don't want to train horses and fish endlessly in a virtual world. But I guess it's good you're having fun. I'm all about combat, so that sounds boring as shit quite frankly.

Fevir had a great video on how BDO and BnS despite both having combat that looks similar, is actually very different beneath the surface. As someone who plays both games, I agree with him; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIKIoOM5gJI

I don't believe these games exist in a vacuum. It's true that things like during trade missions where you carry a lot of heavy stuff will increase your strength. It's true that people are being told to not use their horse as they are leveling up, so they build up their stamina.
BDO has incredible combat. It feels like Dragons Dogma meets Dynasty Warrior meets Soul Calibur.
It's not a game I think will ever have a e-sport scene. BDO is wayyy too crazy to be able to do what BnS does with it's balance.
In BDO the leveling doesn't stop. There is no end. There is no cap at lvl 50. So someone who plays 8 hours a day is going to grind and wreck the shit out of everyone else. The game has a xp penalty loss when you die. And your gems (gear upgrades) might even break when you die. Add to the fact that once you hit lvl 45 you're fucked. You are free to be ganked by everyone outside of safe zones (towns).

To sum it up- BDO is incredible unfair and biased towards "No lifers". But the other side of the coin is that it is in my mind- The most immersive, exciting and and heart pumping MMO we have seen in more of a decade.
So it's a vast contrast to BnS. BnS which is just about getting through the grindy shit to end game, and then it's normalized gear in the arena for the skill > gear.
I think both games are fantastic, and they compliment each other well. People would do well to have them both to compliment each other. In BDO, it's true. There are things you can do while AFK. You can do things like taking a trade mission- carry a bunch of shit on your horse wagon to the other side of the world. You then set auto pathing, and the character does it by itself. It follows the roads and everything. So you can go afk or just chat, or eat or browse.
AFK fishing is a thing. In fact it's a big thing to use the "Minimized mode" where you just minimize the game to the trey on your desktop while your character crafts, auto fishes, or goes in a loop to build up their strength/stamina or whatever.

Weight is a big thing in BDO too, and you're constantly bogged down by not being able to just do shit in conveince.
There is no fast travel. It takes forever. You cant just leave your horse somewhere. It'll die. With your shit and items still on the horse.
So all these things, all these deliberate design choices makes BDO very immersive and exciting. I played it in the KR and RU betas and I thought the game was okay decent. But the braindead AI and easy mode really circumvented that. In the US release grinding is still a thing. Literally. There are no real breadcrumbs here to guide you. quests don't give xp, and you have other sorts of xps that is massively important. It is mandatory you use your alts. You need them as they deplete energy when trying to do various tasks. You don't have to trade in BDO to win. Farming is still one of the most effective ways to make money, and the games housing / buying workers, creating resources still encourages action players to buy houses, build trade networks and so on.

The game has clear disadvantages to BnS. BnS while offensive itself, has a much superior UI to BDO. The UI in BDO is a serious fucking problem. One that UX designers need to study closely, because it's a mess.
The translation and english voices are somehow- and I don't know how they did it, but they did, worse than Blade and Soul. Holy fuck is this garbage. It speaks to the games artistic splendor that you are able to feel so immersive in the world, when the lore, characters and narrative is a complete clusterfuck. I have no words for how atrocious it is. I press R (skip) through everything. R R R RRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRR RRRRRR.
The biggest surprise for me has been the character customization and lack of gear. Surprisingly, there are quite a few clones in BDO. You wouldn't think so with that character creator, but the gender/race look has made it so that many look similar. dyes and outfits behind a paywall with no real current looking gear in the game means that everyone looks the same.
BnS has a lot. And I do mean, a lot of variety across its races, and good lucking hairstyles, faces and so on between the races. And while BnS has a lot of cash shop outfits, you can't deny the volume and breath in which it exists in.

I love BDO and BnS. We are way above the cut of what was set out with in Lineage 2, TERA and ArcheAge.
I think both games are really solid, and I think everyone should own both. You just need to play them for their various strengths and weaknesses. BDO is more than the sum of its parts. I've never seen a eastern/western mix like that before. The ire of exploration and how the navigation feels is like a mix of harvest moon and skyrim. It gives me flashbacks to Star Wars Galaxies and Ocarina of Time.
And it ends up being so confusing- As Kintaro points out, the game does a bad job of explaining you how the systems work. The game basically says: fuck you, google this shit.
And once you get it, its logical enough, but it took me a while to understand the gearing (no gear progression at all), the node system (every town, and resource gathering place has to be connected), the knowledge system (npcs wont talk to you before you have discovered enemies, places, items, books, other npcs < aka talk to everyone, kill anything, press interacte with anything).
The community is over its heels over the awakening updates. BDO goes Guild Wars 2, and everyone gets a second weapon that circumvents the weakness and lackings of each class. Warriors get a two-handed sword (Berserk!), tamer gets a staff, sorceres gets a scytche, valkyries get a lance, and so on. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPrCelDD_jE )
It further stipulates what BnS also has going: fuck the holy trinity. fuck it to the pits of hell. GW2 has done a 180 and now has healers in its game.
But it seems unlikely that BDO will go the same route. They have wowed to make more hard content, but instanced content doesn't seem to be a part of the plan. I think that is a good thing.
But I also think that locking these awakening weapons behind a lvl 56 level requirement is crazy. the grinding after lvl 50 is immense. and the potential for ganking everywhere.. you can imagine the frustration and drama that will arise over BDO. Almost to the point where you want to ask yourself if you want to indulge in the stress, chaos and unfairness that surrounds the game. Fevir made another really great commentary video on what makes BDO so special. It's very true IMO; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwyqxm_r1rE )
BDO also has awakening skills, where your character through a random RNG selection will get certain random skills boosted through a one-time thing. yes, your characters talents/specialization will be randomly selected. There is a way to reset these until you get the awakening skills you want, and it is also possible to buy a skill reset, but it's pretty clear that this game is not going to be a e-sport game. At least I don't think so.
And that itself is BnS main strength. BnS has made the impossible and taken competitive fighting games and blended it with an RPG online. It's for these reasons I feel that BDO and BnS are not competitors. They compliment each other really well.

I know who he is, but I haven't followed Asmongold- He is big in the WoW community (?). He made a BDO review recently. And I thought it was interesting as he came from WoW, and didn't engage in crafting at all. His review seemed sincerer and honest, and I got a good sense of what he fancied; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXMtDD_txnU

And I'll just say this- With Everquest Next cancelled MMORPG genre essentially is dead in the water. There is nothing big AAA on the horizon. And you see it even in Korea where the most anticipated games are now Lineage Eternal and Lost Ark- Two Isometric Diabloesque MMOs.
And in the west we are going full MMO hybrid with the likes of Division, Destiny and Star Citizen. I think that trend will continue.
There is some things like Bless Online (Korean GW2-WoW hybrid) and Moonlight Blade (Chinese WoW-BnS) but I don't think there is enough difference here. I think Civilization Online and Tree of Savior has promise, but we're in a spot now, where we have had a whole category of big budget MMOs who have performed below expectations.
And it's annoying to me personally, as someone who plays both BnS and BDO to hear people shit on both while trying to rile up some kind of "its dying. everybody leaving" atmosphere. Both games know what they are about, and are comfortable in it.


Well, time for a small break. I'm going through the Pirate path for my weapon but MST has jumped in price by 2g+ in the span of a day. Soulstones up to 30s again. Need a ton where I am on my gear (which isn't a complaint, just a fact). 200 SS and 18 MST for all my gear.

Inflation hit the game like a mother. lol After grinding out the story and such. Time for a short break. =x

Tried Grand Harvest last night. That is a shitshow. Soulstone Plains can be pretty shitty as well. Pretty big chunk of time just sitting around. I'm not 50 yet so haven't jumped into dungeons yet. =x

Edit: There is currently an awful reset bug with mobs as WL that makes dailies a potential pain in the ass. =/

That bug has been there ever since they introduced WL. It happens with FMs too but it's really painful with WL since it's a burst class and if it happens after your blow your wad your SOL.


New outfits are out. They're so so. I don't see myself getting traveler though.

I've been making a killing off of the unlimited soulstones the past few days. I'm wondering if the soulstone prices will go even higher once people start selling silverfrost transformation stones.

Also, Is it possible to get your oathbreaker weapon from a vendor? It says it's available at the silverfrost valor stone trader but It's not listed in the items available. I would like to use the oathbreaker razor skin for an alteration, I just don't want to be locked into that upgrade path to get it though.


Then just do combat. At no point do you ever have to do one thing. If you want to fight to cap, grind gear and PvP all day then go ahead.

That's what I tried to do and lost interest when all I was doing was playing Dynasty Warriors Online to level. The combat feels good but there's nothing fun to use it on while leveling.

Anyways, is the BnS patch that much of a stinker? Only thing I've done since patch is spin the daily dash once. Did they fiddle with stuff or was it always like this in the Asian releases too. Kind of wondering if I should just wait on the new content and hopefully stuff will get better later over time?
That's what I tried to do and lost interest when all I was doing was playing Dynasty Warriors Online to level. The combat feels good but there's nothing fun to use it on while leveling.

I wonder if the people trying so hard to sell me on BDO on this page realize that I have a KR Black Desert account and I played it during KR beta and early launch.

I already know what BDO is all about which is why it's funny watching them try to sell me a game I played a year ago.

Anyways, is the BnS patch that much of a stinker? Only thing I've done since patch is spin the daily dash once. Did they fiddle with stuff or was it always like this in the Asian releases too. Kind of wondering if I should just wait on the new content and hopefully stuff will get better later over time?

Apparently it's very focused on large-scale OW content. Unfortunately you and I know what zerging down the S-ranks is like in FFXIV and there's a lot of that going on here. Fortunately there are new dungeons as well and from what I heard the new 50 dungeons are a genuine step up in difficulty over the 45 dungeons so it's not as if Korean Hunts is all we got this patch. People say the new 24-man kinda blows though, oh well.


I wonder if the people trying so hard to sell me on BDO on this page realize that I have a KR Black Desert account and I played it during KR beta and early launch.

I already know what BDO is all about which is why it's funny watching them try to sell me a game I played a year ago.

What's more funny is watching somebody believe they matter enough that somebody else is trying so hard to sell them on a game.


Only on chapter 8 so far, I am not really back in the game yet. And did I see that right, 99% of the side quests are now group quests? Does that change later? I don't mind if I get 50 just from the story (and with the huge amounts of EXP each chapter gives, I am pretty sure I will reach 50 with that alone). But then I just skip accepting all of them.
Sölf;199243254 said:
Only on chapter 8 so far, I am not really back in the game yet. And did I see that right, 99% of the side quests are now group quests? Does that change later? I don't mind if I get 50 just from the story (and with the huge amounts of EXP each chapter gives, I am pretty sure I will reach 50 with that alone). But then I just skip accepting all of them.

The first ones are, later on it goes back to blue quests/solo daillies, and on the way there's a 24man area and stuff, but yeah overall in this patch there's a bigger focus on group daillies, for good or for bad.

Story doesn't quite take you to 50. Even if you do the sidequests once they start, you end up with like a good part of 49 left to do, at which point you have to do the daillies and stuff. Good thing is if you're decently geared from last patch, you can easily do the 50 dungeons at 49, so other than the bit of stats and the skill point, you're not really missing much and can just take it slow.


You know I'm getting real sick of getting bodied by Jinsoyun

Technically she ain't just boding you, hell you'd be dead sometimes if it was not her assistance. She's not the true monster as quite a few of the characters in the game are much larger monsters.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I think I'm going to wait until Chi Fighter is in until I really accept and participate in the upgrading/grind in the game. I've continued to have a hard time with accepting a "main" but I have a Gon character I love that I am saving and everything I've seen and read on Chi Fighter is exactly what I want. So, in the meantime, I'll collect SS, deal with various things, collect money and such and prep for that character. Make his progression so much more easier up to a certain point.


Well, you spent the time to reply to my post in a thread you don't even post in, so obviously I matter a lot more to you than you care to admit.

Your grasp of the English language could use some work if you think my post has any bearing on you being important enough for a person to try hard to sell you on a game. Kintaro asks about alternative MMOs. Quonny provides a fair example. You then believe it's a hard attempt to sell you specifically on the game. Right.

You thinking my post means you matter a lot to me would be like me calling somebody in a video game bad at what they're doing and then that person believing they matter a lot to me. Speaking of bad players, I remember somebody regularly whining about their class needing buffs and other classes needing nerfs because they couldn't deal with the more difficult PvE content.
Your grasp of the English language could use some work if you think my post has any bearing on you being important enough for a person to try hard to sell you on a game. Kintaro asks about alternative MMOs. Quonny provides a fair example. You then believe it's a hard attempt to sell you specifically on the game. Right.

You thinking my post means you matter a lot to me would be like me calling somebody in a video game bad at what they're doing and then that person believing they matter a lot to me. Speaking of bad players, I remember somebody regularly whining about their class needing buffs and other classes needing nerfs because they couldn't deal with the more difficult PvE content.

Wow stay mad, keep on talking shit. You really think highly of yourself don't you?

Quonny replied to me with that long post. You think you grasp the English language so well yet can't even figure out who replies to who in threads. You must be the Donald Trump of English language grasp.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Honestly, when I asked the question, I knew BDO would come up. However, it's just an example of "endgame" being a different type of tedium (trade routes! workers! fishing!) for gear (just different type of gear).

Point was, "endgame" will always mean doing some stuff over and over. It just matters if you find that stuff fun or not.


Wow stay mad, keep on talking shit. You really think highly of yourself don't you?
Pot. Kettle. Black. The one infamous around GAF for his salt is you.

Quonny replied to me with that long post. You think you grasp the English language so well yet can't even figure out who replies to who in threads. You must be the Donald Trump of English language grasp.

You mean this long post where he's quoting Kintaro? http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=199168512&postcount=7747

His only post regarding BDO that quotes you is this two line response. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=199189780&postcount=7755 Two lines = long?


You did call him out first and out of the blue. That usually means high levels of sodium regarding that person.

And you are derailing the thread.

Salty thread derails out of nowhere is something Unknown Soldier does regularly. Quonny made a reference to his long post in the BDO thread and said to check it out. So here I am. Anyway, I ain't going to shit talk Blade and Soul since I like the game, so I am done.
Salty thread derails out of nowhere is something Unknown Soldier does regularly. Quonny made a reference to his long post in the BDO thread and said to check it out. So here I am. Anyway, I ain't going to shit talk Blade and Soul since I like the game, so I am done.

LMAO, so now someone else calls you out for blatantly going after me out of the blue and suddenly you run away. That figures. Bye Felicia.


LMAO, so now someone else calls you out for blatantly going after me out of the blue and suddenly you run away. That figures. Bye Felicia.

My points about you have already been made with you helping with supporting those points. You don't make it hard to keep going, but it's getting redundant.

But going back to discussion on this game, are there people who find the new daily routine from latest patch content more enjoyable than the previous daily routine? I see more posts about the grind getting boring, so I'd like to see some input from people who are enjoying the new grind.


Neo Member
How do I get the hong moon skill for impact? Specifically the pvp one that lets you block melee. In other versions it seems achievement vendor gives it, however in this version it seems like a yeti drop. Please someone tell me it's not a yeti drop. I only want to play this game for pvp arena and don't want to have to farm 500g :/
My points about you have already been made with you helping with supporting those points. You don't make it hard to keep going, but it's getting redundant.

Indeed, your points about holding grudges against people who have never antagonized or as far as I can tell barely even talked to you are good. I also like how you dragged up things from 2 years ago now, that says a lot more about you than it does about me. What's redundant is your endless posts attacking me even though I've never done anything to you. But whatever, you obviously have your issues and you'e taking them out on me today.


Indeed, your points about holding grudges against people who have never antagonized or as far as I can tell barely even talked to you are good. I also like how you dragged up things from 2 years ago now, that says a lot more about you than it does about me. What's redundant is your endless posts attacking me even though I've never done anything to you. But whatever, you obviously have your issues and you'e taking them out on me today.

I was making references to your whining about your BnS class in this thread and in game since NA release. I didn't even mention anything from 2 years ago, but you thinking I am referring to something else from 2 years ago is you admitting you have a history of whining then?

My issue and my first post for this whole topic was because of this post below.

I wonder if the people trying so hard to sell me on BDO on this page realize that I have a KR Black Desert account and I played it during KR beta and early launch.

I already know what BDO is all about which is why it's funny watching them try to sell me a game I played a year ago.


My points about you have already been made with you helping with supporting those points. You don't make it hard to keep going, but it's getting redundant.

But going back to discussion on this game, are there people who find the new daily routine from latest patch content more enjoyable than the previous daily routine? I see more posts about the grind getting boring, so I'd like to see some input from people who are enjoying the new grind.
Dungeons are by far more enjoyable. 24 Mans/ Dailies are much much worse.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Are the new dungeons (blue) doable at 49? I dont want to be that person in the group but i need xp!
I was making references to your whining about your BnS class in this thread and in game since NA release. I didn't even mention anything from 2 years ago, but you thinking I am referring to something else from 2 years ago is you admitting you have a history of whining then?

Excuse me? I don't think you know what you're talking about. But I think we're done here, it's obvious the problem is that you seem to have problems and you're really going out of your way to make my life unpleasant for reasons I can't fathom. Please go away and leave me alone.

My issue and my first post for this whole topic was because of this post below.

The post I made is so amazingly harmless that it's obvious from your own quoting of it that the problem is with you. You seem to have some vendetta against me, that's fine. I don't know you and I never will. Keep on doing whatever it is you're doing. I don't have time for Internet vendettas, I'll just ignore your existence from now on.


Are the new dungeons (blue) doable at 49? I dont want to be that person in the group but i need xp!
Dude, just do them. They are so straight forward and short, nobody will even remember it if u die, because u guys should be done with the dungeon by then already. Oh and they are very simple lol. U can even do the Necropolis and Lake one with ease. Yeti is also simple until the last boss.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Dude, just do them. They are so straight forward and short, nobody will even remember it if u die, because u guys should be done with the dungeon by then already. Oh and they are very simple lol. U can even do the Necropolis and Lake one with ease. Yeti is also simple until the last boss.

Alrighty. Sounds good. Thanks


Unlimited Capacity
I wonder if the people trying so hard to sell me on BDO on this page realize that I have a KR Black Desert account and I played it during KR beta and early launch.

I already know what BDO is all about which is why it's funny watching them try to sell me a game I played a year ago.

I'm not trying to sell anyone on anything. I was just telling you that you don't have to do anything but fight if that is what you want to do. People can play and enjoy whatever they want.


Of course Moonwater Transformation Stones are already rising in price. God, I have to continue my Summoner and reach Moonwater plains, then I can craft those stupid stones myself.
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