I have been playing 3v3 it is all good til you lose your summon then it gets tough.Summoner are pretty op in PvP especially in 3 vs 3 arena
I have been playing 3v3 it is all good til you lose your summon then it gets tough.Summoner are pretty op in PvP especially in 3 vs 3 arena
I have been playing 3v3 it is all good til you lose your summon then it gets tough.
Are people farming Pinchy for some breakthrough item or the asswindow gear?
Everything we do is for asswindow gear.
Crap I forgot there was an afk timer.
edit: only a 4 min wait it seems
New to this game since this morning. Any way to make the UI more like WoW? It's a clusterfuck now.
estimated wait time: 2060 minutes
I know you can customize the UI, but i dont know how good it is.If you find out, let me me know.
So... am I the only one with a male character?
Alright guys the overflow guild is up, called: Believe It
Message Ayane Kazami (ShinMaruku) to get in the clan. Gogogo!
Yeah i seen you post that a lot and i would advice against doing it because it is agianst the rules too. Also while being a junior member the mods are usually tougher and bans are almost always perma for juniors.Dont mind me spamming my twitch channel again if you guys want to see what me and burton do at end game also Blade master footage watch here.
Male chars represent.
There are alot of things i wish you could tone down in this game.I wish I could tone down the douche-levels on the Male-Sin pose.
if someone can invite me my name is Husky GrillCLAN UPDATE
Alright guys the overflow guild is up, called: Believe It
Message Ayane Kazami (ShinMaruku) to get in the clan. Gogogo!
If you want to see how hype PVP is in this game, you should check out this stream. It's the Korean world champion and he is wrecking fools with his Destroyer and a 200ms ping. He's like 24-0 right now.
Hey, I saw you wandering around earlier.if someone can invite me my name is Husky Grill
if someone can invite me my name is Husky Grill
Wait you can invite people without them being on?
In that case: name Leylia if I can get an invite
Crafting been pretty profitable. Lvl 30 and I almost have 2 gold pieces.
What are you crafting?
Merry potter stuff.
What are you crafting?
Merry Potter and Soul Shield stuff (mainly the upgrade stones) sell very fast and at a very nice profit.
Blademaster goes from meh to awesome around level 10. So many cool abilities.
:O :O :OWait till u get those levitating swords and aerial skills.So flashy.