Maybe people should play what they want to play and not whoever is the strongest or most useful.
Yeah, I have no interest in playing anything but Blade Dancer (until Warlock maybe). So *shrug*.
Maybe people should play what they want to play and not whoever is the strongest or most useful.
If you have a force master in your party, we can use a shield spell that blocks all the fire he throws out for everyone under it, so even if you don't iframe the shockwave it doesn't kill you. We even get a big prompt in the middle of the screen telling us to use it, though I'd imagine it still doesn't see much use in random pugs.
Too many people want to be fluffies. They don't understand that BD is the lowest DPS in endgame PvE, even lower than the tanks (KFM and BM). BD is a utility/support class, you're expected to do stuff like grab the boss and help with stuns and KDs. You're not the big dick DPS, if you're after big numbers roll an Assassin, FM, or SMN.
The BD population will die down pretty fast, especially after the 50 patch when BD gets nerfed straight to hell and even Destros do more DPS while having better utility/support skills.
BD isn't even top-tier in PvP in Korea now and hasn't been for awhile, it's been nerfed pretty bad in PvP too and multiple classes will just shit on a BD in PvP at 50 cap. At best BD is regarded as mid-tier PvP in Korea and the numbers of BD in Top 10 and Top 100 in Korea reflect that.
There really isn't any good reason to play BD and I wish everyone else would quit playing it so I won't have as much trouble getting parties at 50 cap a few months from now.
If you have a force master in your party, we can use a shield spell that blocks all the fire he throws out for everyone under it, so even if you don't iframe the shockwave it doesn't kill you. We even get a big prompt in the middle of the screen telling us to use it, though I'd imagine it still doesn't see much use in random pugs.
Source? The only thing I can find is some adjustments to the force grab.
PVP is absolutely fantastic. Holy shit.
Arenas are TONS of fun, it's amazing. And this comes from someone who always *hated* WoW arenas (ex-DAoC player - I like open world pvp). I'm having so much fun with this.
The combat is really awesome.
Never thought this game could have been so good.
How's the PVE?
Multiple golden deva weapons for every single class but mine. The RNG in that game sucks.
of course the first post-health buff BnS NA imperial tournament is LBM vs LBM finals.'
b r a i n d e a d
45 cap bro, not representative of the current 50 cap balance in KR.
BnS Tournament 2015 final was Warlock vs. FM. 2014 was Destro vs. BM.
Are they going to copy the patches verbatim?
I feel like with the benefit of hindsight they can streamline the balance instantly by picking and choosing the best buffs/nerfs.
Are they going to copy the patches verbatim?
I feel like with the benefit of hindsight they can streamline the balance instantly by picking and choosing the best buffs/nerfs.
just dreading the time between now and 50 meta
just gonna be beyblade world championships every tournament
just dreading the time between now and 50 meta
just gonna bebeybladeAxe world championships every tournament
Got the full Stinger set, tried it on and the game crashed seconds later. Now I can't get back in. All good tho!
Got the achievement for soloing the Tomb of Exile boss. It took me the 2nd try to beat him, the first time I died when I tried to take a snapshot when he had 10% hp. My photo skills are complete buttcheeks. The Dagger Beak Roostery boss is the worst boss to solo because of that really crappy boss mechanic. He flies up in the air and it takes 30 shots with the guns on the ground to bring him down while he shoots unblockable aoes that knock you down every 5 seconds. The gun skills are just shoot, so when you pick one up, you lose all the skills your class had. I had Illyasviel and Safflower come in and help me beat that boss because the solo vids for that guy is basically have enough hp to eat any hits and keep shooting. So thanks to you guys for that. Also I got Dark Sandstorm from the bird. It's in the pic below, basically a bra, tattoos, and jncos.
That is really impressive, man. I have to try that sometime but I'm too scared of dying and having to repair.
Do you just skip all the trash or do you do them too?
Do you have any videos you used as a model for your runs?
Even if I roll 1s on every roll for the next 16 days, I'll get Regium Corvus before time's up.
Are they going to copy the patches verbatim?
I feel like with the benefit of hindsight they can streamline the balance instantly by picking and choosing the best buffs/nerfs.
Multiple golden deva weapons for every single class but mine. The RNG in that game sucks.
Does forcemaster get any better? Stopped mine at level 10 because it was boring as hell compared to a summoner
So I have a stupid question. Playing my KFM and notice there's purple and green outlines around him sometimes. Usually accompanied by a sound. What exactly does that mean?
So THIS is what it is like during peak hours? How do you all deal wit this lag? My character is doing everything a second later than normal.
The delay is killing me. (mushin btw)
Yeah. But you can make your weapon look like most of the weapons you find. And I heard in later content you can retire the Hongmoon Weapon for something else. But for now? Yes, feed your weapon.Hey is there any weapon variety? It just seems like you...feed weapons to your starting weapon endlessly?
Hey is there any weapon variety? It just seems like you...feed weapons to your starting weapon endlessly?
Looking for the last soul shield to drop from Blackram is stupid ...
And I looked up what I need to evolve my ring and necklace, so I need then to farm for that also.
Oh well, it is atleast nice to play so early in the morning because there are no queues and there are still enough people to do dungeons with.
Yeah. But you can make your weapon look like most of the weapons you find. And I heard in later content you can retire the Hongmoon Weapon for something else. But for now? Yes, feed your weapon.
im not very original, but I like my redheads so /shrug