the more the pinchy shit doesnt drop the more it gets to a point where now I HAVE to get it, or all this time was a waste
the more the pinchy shit doesnt drop the more it gets to a point where now I HAVE to get it, or all this time was a waste
At least that mentality ultimately works out in this situation, unlike in gambling =p
Money is a recoverable resource. You can always go to work the next day and earn more.
You can't ever earn more time. You have the time you are given and once you've wasted all of it you die.
If anything, wasting time is the biggest waste of all for a mortal human with a finite lifespan. People are always so obsessed with money but it's time they can't ever get back.
Just got to Lycan. Farming him because his outfit looks fantastic on Lyns.
Got the adornment on the first spin of the wheel, but I don't really want it. Looks dumb.
If anything, wasting time is the biggest waste of all for a mortal human with a finite lifespan. People are always so obsessed with money but it's time they can't ever get back.
I like the tails :<
Things and stuff about time.
Eh? I'm talking about the face adornment looking stupid on Lyns. Do other races get tails on their faces? The non-face adornment is pretty awesome.
You're guaranteed to eventually acquire the item you're looking for if you sink in enough time in this situation. You're not guaranteed to recoup your losses if you're gambling and continue to sink money into it infinitely. This was my point, and it's 100% sound lol.
Edit: It's also worth noting that you're effectively wasting time as well, if you're having to spend time recouping money you threw away. Though if we're gonna talk about wasting time, these games kind of do that by design =p
You're being pointlessly philosophical in a thread about tits and ass and it's coming off as kind of pretentious. I hope you're just messing around. It's an MMO, so it's pretty much a time sink by definition, and Rhaknar said it would be a waste of time if he didn't get the outfit. Telling him to quit is basically telling him to label that time as wasted.
wonder if ill reach the 100 spins before it drops
I don't think you understand how statistics works if you think that it's guaranteed that he will eventually get the item. It works exactly the same as gambling actually although the odds are probably better.
I'm going to develop a game one day with an "I feel sorry for you" dynamically biased RNG
I've seen this in some games before. The odds for rare drops etc increase the more you fail to roll them. Sometimes even being able to reach 100%. Wish I could think of an example off the top of my head, though.
TERA does this with equipment upgrades.
I'm going to develop a game one day with an "I feel sorry for you" dynamically biased RNG
So when I hear people tell me about how things are somehow "guaranteed" when playing the odds against RNGesus I just have a good laugh.
Tera had a system where every time you failed a weapon enchant, the % odds of success on the next attempt increased slightly until you succeeded and the % reset for the next tier or you hit the cap.
It was statistically nearly impossible to hit the cap if you did the math on % success and number of attempts you had to fail sequentially to hit the cap. We're talking lower than the odds of being hit by lightning class unlucky here.
I knew 2 people who hit that cap in Tera failing enchants.
Tera had a system where every time you failed a weapon enchant, the % odds of success on the next attempt increased slightly until you succeeded and the % reset for the next tier or you hit the cap.
It was statistically nearly impossible to hit the cap if you did the math on % success and number of attempts you had to fail sequentially to hit the cap. We're talking lower than the odds of being hit by lightning class unlucky here.
I knew 2 people who hit that cap in Tera failing enchants.
So when I hear people tell me about how things are somehow "guaranteed" when playing the odds against RNGesus I just have a good laugh.
Took about 10 runs but I finally got this:
Oh and to put that whole "who has the best dance" thing to rest.
I wanted to know, why is it that they put a limit on your ability to sprint. Do they plan to add mounts or something???
Is there anything like that on the KR version which has been out for some time? If there is they probably would've added it by now
but yeah, I'm wondering this too, especially since it already takes a long time for you to be out of combat before you can sprint, so I'm wondering why it's in at all since you can't just run away from enemies
Farmed 20 essence and got 2 of these.
There's no way to trade outfits, right? I would give the other one away if I could.
Took about 10 runs but I finally got this:
Oh and to put that whole "who has the best dance" thing to rest. Spoil tagging for courtesy.
Farmed 20 essence and got 2 of these.
There's no way to trade outfits, right? I would give the other one away if I could.
Fun fact. You can use that GIF as your ingame profile picture by renaming it:
Wait. And it will move?
Fun fact. You can use that GIF as your ingame profile picture by renaming it:
yeah that's another thing
after i get the first one and try to get the additions i feel like the outfits are even easier to get than the extra parts
What's the point of your profile pic? I mean who sees it and how?
What's the point of your profile pic? I mean who sees it and how?
What's the point of your profile pic? I mean who sees it and how?
I wanted to know, is there a way to get more than 2 moves per day on the daily dash?
I really like the look of the costume at the end :/
What's the point of your profile pic? I mean who sees it and how?
Buy premium.
how many more rolls do you get? Also, are you still limited to 1 roll per hour?
Because if the time limit is still in place, then (assuming i did get premium) it would still be a waste because i don't get to play for more than an hour or 2 on most days...
how many more rolls do you get? Also, are you still limited to 1 roll per hour?
Because if the time limit is still in place, then (assuming i did get premium) it would still be a waste because i don't get to play for more than an hour or 2 on most days...