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BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II |OT| The Sequel Blue Me Away

I'm available for regular sessions on both consoles if anyone is interested. I know there is no lag excuse on GGPO for the most part either so throw an invite my way.


Grinding combo is so fun.... god dam it.

I can see how Noel became high tier, faster and higher priority on normal, damaging combo, and mash friendly. The bad new is she became another "lol wtf rush down" character, I miss the CS1 Noel that rely on countering attack with her D drive. Now that her D invincibility got nerfed, and better normal, I don't see any reason to play defensive with her anymore.

Most of her combo also changed from timing based to "fastest input", my wrist fking hurts.

I felt like a old man, I miss the good old day, 6 months ago. :(

p.s. my PSN is kiunch, so feel free to add me if anyone want a game... I need Platinum!!!
Fugu said:
You want to play right now? (PS3)
Sorry for the late response, but I don't think I'm going to be available. I didn't even bother touching the PS3 while PSN was down and I just popped in the disc to find a 432mb BlazBlue update. I'm pretty sure it doesn't even include the PSN network update and the password change. I'll gladly play if you are still on in another 20+ minutes.



Taking a break now, I'll play in 20 minutes. Add Fygu.

EDIT: Kiunch, if you're on right now, you should play too.
Man, I'm going to be everyone's bitch for a long time to come on the PS3. It's going to be a hell of a learning experience even while other people are relearning their characters.
QisTopTier said:
if you are playing bb on psn and you are not in the chat, shame on you
I have no idea about the chat on BlazBlue and I'm stuck downloading the system update now...




2AM is apparently BlazBlue primetime. Q, Prototype and I are all in a lobby. I'm not playing atm so if you're reading this now, add me for an invite.
Fugu said:
2AM is apparently BlazBlue primetime. Q, Prototype and I are all in a lobby. I'm not playing atm so if you're reading this now, add me for an invite.
I'm holding on to my butt as we type.

Don't ask me how I'm typing
Alright, I'm bored as fuck so I decided to pick this up today. Kinda hard to find a character that fits my playstyle but I guess I'll stick with Haku-Men for a while. Now excuse me while I force some numbers and other data into my brain.


Played last night, really wanna play platinum but not possible on PS3 right now.

Q goaded me to play online... only after 30 minutes of me being in practice. Take in account I haven't played since the release of CS... I didn't even remember how to burst or that you have to manually recover etc. It was pretty brutal. Think my biggest combo was a 3 hit gattling, then my brain would fritz.

Hopefully get some more time into it.

Q, how was the lag comparably to others when fighting me?
Ferrio said:
Played last night, really wanna play platinum but not possible on PS3 right now.

Q goaded me to play online... only after 30 minutes of me being in practice. Take in account I haven't played since the release of CS... I didn't even remember how to burst or that you have to manually recover etc. It was pretty brutal. Think my biggest combo was a 3 hit gattling, then my brain would fritz.

Hopefully get some more time into it.

Q, how was the lag comparably to others when fighting me?

I have practiced for literally 10 minutes. Feels good to mash buttons. Mashing buttons with Rachel=windwindwindwind



Prototype-03 said:
I have practiced for literally 10 minutes. Feels good to mash buttons. Mashing buttons with Rachel=windwindwindwind


Well it's worse than that. Cause I don't even remember how any of the subsystems work. Everytime I got knocked down I'd stare at my character taking a nap waiting for them to get up... then I'd remember I need to actively recover.

I kept hitting 3 buttons to burst and trying to pushblock. Ya it was a mess.
Ferrio said:
Well it's worse than that. Cause I don't even remember how any of the subsystems work. Everytime I got knocked down I'd stare at my character taking a nap waiting for them to get up... then I'd remember I need to actively recover.

I kept hitting 3 buttons to burst and trying to pushblock. Ya it was a mess.

LOL, I did that when I went back to CS2 too. The best was when I tried to X-Factor and then I burst.


Urban Scholar said:
Anybody tinker with Hazama yet post CS2 patch?
[Things] Jayoku [Things]

I frequently attempt to burst in MVC3. Also I "barrier" a lot and then become instantly surprised at its efficacy.

GGs to all y'all playing last night, by the way. I think that's the most of you I've ever played at once.
Fugu said:
[Things] Jayoku [Things]

I frequently attempt to burst in MVC3. Also I "barrier" a lot and then become instantly surprised at its efficacy.

GGs to all y'all playing last night, by the way. I think that's the most of you I've ever played at once.

I stopped barrier'ing 'cause of mvc3. Get hit by a lot of unblockable normals while I'm in the air. I see a blue exclamation point and I go "FFFUUUUU!!! BARRIER" *jumps again w/o barrier*

edit: didn't read the second part. Sorry I cut the game short. It was midnight and had a long day yesterday... plus work day today but definitely GGs. We'll play again soon.


I realized yesterday that I still wasn't used to this. At least a few different people that I played yesterday were hitting me (repeatedly) with 5B in the air because now most characters have an air unblockable 5B. I'm pretty good about barrier in the air but out of habit I almost never jump with it out (jump IB j.B[m] yippie yo ki yay). Also people who jump back with barrier out look like dumbasses.


In previous versions of BlazBlue, there were certain moves that were deemed air unblockable, which is a misleading term meaning that there were moves that had to be barrier blocked in the air. These moves were usually anti-airs or other slow moves with special properties (For an example of an air unblockable move in previous versions of BlazBlue, try Litchi's 2C[m]; there are others but Litchi is the only character I play).

This is not to be confused with certain moves that have the property of being completely unable to be guarded, like Carl's Nirvana clap. These are still exceedingly rare (in fact, I think that's the only one).

Now in CS2, almost every ground move is air unblockable, meaning unless your opponent is also in the air, you have to barrier block basically everything while you're in the air or it'll hit you. If you get hit by an air unblockable while regular guarding, you'll see a blue exclamation mark.
Fugu said:
In previous versions of BlazBlue, there were certain moves that were deemed air unblockable, which is a misleading term meaning that there were moves that had to be barrier blocked in the air. These moves were usually anti-airs or other slow moves with special properties (For an example of an air unblockable move in previous versions of BlazBlue, try Litchi's 2C[m]; there are others but Litchi is the only character I play).

This is not to be confused with certain moves that have the property of being completely unable to be guarded, like Carl's Nirvana clap. These are still exceedingly rare (in fact, I think that's the only one).

Now in CS2, almost every ground move is air unblockable, meaning unless your opponent is also in the air, you have to barrier block basically everything while you're in the air or it'll hit you. If you get hit by an air unblockable while regular guarding, you'll see a blue exclamation mark.

I know for a fact that Rachel's 5B and Tsubaki's 5B are also air unblockables.


Fugu said:
In previous versions of BlazBlue, there were certain moves that were deemed air unblockable, which is a misleading term meaning that there were moves that had to be barrier blocked in the air. These moves were usually anti-airs or other slow moves with special properties (For an example of an air unblockable move in previous versions of BlazBlue, try Litchi's 2C[m]; there are others but Litchi is the only character I play).

This is not to be confused with certain moves that have the property of being completely unable to be guarded, like Carl's Nirvana clap. These are still exceedingly rare (in fact, I think that's the only one).

Now in CS2, almost every ground move is air unblockable, meaning unless your opponent is also in the air, you have to barrier block basically everything while you're in the air or it'll hit you. If you get hit by an air unblockable while regular guarding, you'll see a blue exclamation mark.

Ah makes sense why Litchi was so crazy... 2C was an awesome move.

So this makes jumping in in this game a lot more dangerous I take it?


Yeah, I think everyone's is in CS2. The prevailing trend seems to be that unless it's a projectile or it happens (or can happen) in the air, it's air unblockable. I think even 5A is.

Ferrio said:
Ah makes sense why Litchi was so crazy... 2C was an awesome move.

So this makes jumping in in this game a lot more dangerous I take it?
2C[m] actually isn't so great by itself because it's dangerous and its forward range is short, so if you guess wrong and it whiffs you're going to eat shit; as well, it crosses up very poorly and dangerously due to the way its hitbox is oriented. 2C[m] is made strong by the things you can put around it and the fact that if you hitconfirm you're looking at like 6k damage and ~60 heat. But you won't see it so much in CS2.

Jumping in isn't any less safe, really; you just have to be more conscious of how you use your barrier because if you're using it on the ground and in the air you're invariably going to run out and break it. What has gotten weaker as a result of this is jumping in blocking for the purposes of baiting an anti-air, because with the increased blockstun (and knockback) of barrier there's a good chance that even if you do get the anti-air, you probably won't be able to punish it. The change mostly affects jumping out because now you basically have to barrier, making punishing bad catches or people attempting to chase your jump out substantially more difficult. You can sort of option select ground normals now if you think your opponent might jump out because they will have to barrier them even if they're in the air: For example, if Ragna thinks you might jump out, he can do dash 5B, which will catch you if you stay on the ground or if you jump where previously the person jumping out could regular block (or IB) the dash 5B and punish it or at least turn things more in their favor.


Litchi's 5A is not, I just tested it. For example, if people are curious just how many moves are air unblockable, for Litchi's moves it looks like this...

Air unblockable: Staff: [6A 5B 5C (both hits) 6C 2C 3C 6B 6D 4D Itsuu A B Tsubame] Staffless: [6A 5B 6B 5C 6C (both hits) 2C] All Green: All Green

Not air unblockable: Staff: [5A 2A j.A j.B j.C Daisharin (Dohohoho, last hit might be)] Staffless: [5A 2A j.A j.B j.C Ippatsu A, B, C Riichi B Hatsu Chuun Kokushi]

I wasn't able to get off an Itsuu C, 3C, 2B, haku or a 2B[m] off as an anti-air in a match. I'll check these in training mode later. I presume that they are all air unblockable except haku. The general rule is that if you can do it in the air, it's not air unblockable. There are some exceptions, but all of Litchi's moves follow that rule.

EDIT: Forgot jumping moves.
Master Milk said:
Apparently PSN might be back up on the 24th. It doesn't sound like we'll be able to start using Platinum on the 24th.

Don't give us hope like that. If PSN store doesn't come back up on the 24th, we shall all shun you and not play with you.
Prototype-03 said:
Don't give us hope like that. If PSN store doesn't come back up on the 24th, we shall all shun you and not play with you.
You guys are monsters. I don't want to get my butt kicked repeatedly play with you anyway! >:p

The chances of her being up there might be just as good as her not. Apparently Sony will rush updates faster than the schedule they've got going to catch up if the publishers care, like with games that have things available on Live already. So, we might get "lucky" because of that. Or, we end up having to wait until the update comes along in the little queue Sony is planning to go with. I'm not expecting anything until the end of May, honestly, because this is Sony.


I assume ps store being up will be everywhere but Asia.
meanwhile the people with the japanese version will have to keep waiting because Sony still needs to answer to the japanese government.


Finally patched up to 1.03 on PS3 for myself. Ran thru some challenges with Litchi. Yikes @ the changes. She seems to be more based on being Staffless now?


I've been meaning to ask. What do you folks do at the start of a round? Anyone who has played me is likely familiar with the fact that I do back IAD j.C like 90% of the time so I'm curious to what others use.

kiryogi said:
Finally patched up to 1.03 on PS3 for myself. Ran thru some challenges with Litchi. Yikes @ the changes. She seems to be more based on being Staffless now?
It may look like this, but not really.

Midscreen you will play mostly with the staff because without it your range is piss poor and you need the projectile to have any kind of zoning. You need to drop the staff to obtain any kind of pressure because of 3C[m] being techable now so you will likely land more staffless hits than you did before, but seeing as her big corner damage relies on staff placement and her entire game plan depends on her controlling the staff, you will still ultimately end up playing most of the game with the staff. Hatsu Riichi A is still in, and that depends (as it did before) on the staff being in the right place.


*runs in*

I want to play! Fugu, I'm on PS3 and could use some Litchi practice. I'll add you later on tonight.


EDIT: Something just came up. (NBA) Might not make it. =/


Fugu said:
I've been meaning to ask. What do you folks do at the start of a round? Anyone who has played me is likely familiar with the fact that I do back IAD j.C like 90% of the time so I'm curious to what others use.

Currently I do my best impression of a deer in the headlights.

Back in CT days when I was litchi, I'd stick out a 2C, IAD B, or 6B. But that was a loong ago.


Fugu said:
I've been meaning to ask. What do you folks do at the start of a round? Anyone who has played me is likely familiar with the fact that I do back IAD j.C like 90% of the time so I'm curious to what others use.
Usually do a poke or anti-air.

Sometimes just patiently wait 'til they do something.

Also, if there's gonna be a room tonight, just shoot an invite. I'll check if anyone sent me a chat invite when I reach home.
ApolloJoh said:
Usually do a poke or anti-air.

Sometimes just patiently wait 'til they do something.
Sf4 strats. I run that Blazblock.
(sadly, like 90% of my game plan is to IB until I have meter and then toss out reversal Jayoku Hotenjins.)

My 25% win ratio speaks for itself ololol
_dementia said:
Sf4 strats. I run that Blazblock.
(sadly, like 90% of my game plan is to IB until I have meter and then toss out reversal Jayoku Hotenjins.)

My 25% win ratio speaks for itself ololol

*Do Jayoku Houtenjin*

*Miss followup*


_dementia said:
Sf4 strats. I run that Blazblock.
(sadly, like 90% of my game plan is to IB until I have meter and then toss out reversal Jayoku Hotenjins.)

My 25% win ratio speaks for itself ololol
Hazama Pro Strat Combo: Jayoku wait


ApolloJoh said:
Usually do a poke or anti-air.

Sometimes just patiently wait 'til they do something.

Also, if there's gonna be a room tonight, just shoot an invite. I'll check if anyone sent me a chat invite when I reach home.
This sounds very, very dangerous.
Hah! I figured out and cleared that Tao mission that was giving me trouble. It looks like it saves your progress now. I thought I'd have to do it twice, but it cleared after doing it just once.
ApolloJoh said:
That's just how I roll.

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