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Blizzard to Uwe Boll, "GTFO!"


never heard about the cat, apparently
Uwe Boll Won’t Ever Be Entering The World Of Warcraft - MTV said:
Whatever else negative you can say about Uwe Boll, one thing you can’t criticize him on is his strong love for video games. I mean, there may be over 200,000 signatures on an online petition asking that he stop making movies, but he clearly loves the gamer market, and at least goes into each project hoping to make good films for that fanboy community.

Right? Right?!?

“You go for it, to please the game fans, but on the other hand if you have the hard core gamers, they live in their own world. And you cannot fulfill their ideas from a video game based movie, it’s impossible,” Boll recently told MTV News. “And to be honest, the real gamers are the typical download guys, right? They don’t pay anything for movies, because they illegally download the movies. So why I should please these guys? I need the normal audience.”

That’s the Uwe Boll I know and love – the Uwe Boll who’ll criticize even his most ardent followers. God bless you, sir.

But if you’re not going to make a faithful adaptation, why make an adaptation at all? Apparently, the folks over at Blizzard wonder the same thing, since they practically laughed Boll out of their offices when he approached them about making a World of Warcraft adaptation, the director confessed.

“I got in contact with Paul Sams of Blizzard, and he said, ‘We will not sell the movie rights, not to you…especially not to you,’” Boll revealed. “Because it’s such a big online game success, maybe a bad movie would destroy that ongoing income, what the company has with it.”

A bad movie! He called his hypothetical adaptation bad. Awesome.

What do you think? Could Uwe Boll have made a decent WOW flick? Come to think of it, what would a WOW flick even be about? Sound off below.



The game's he makes movies off of rarely have plot's worth conserving. The man is talentless, but let's not pretend he is destroying classic gaming narrative with his films.


Master of the Google Search
Uwe Boll should make the movie anyway. What is Blizzard going to do, Sue him? Its not like he's making any profit off of it :lol


Wow. Just wow. This guy is something else.... I guarantee he'll end up winning an oscar or something. Hell be remembered as genius I bet, and self help books will reference him until the end of time as an example of what can be achieved with incessant, unrelenting persistence.


I coulda sworn his funding was cut a while ago because he never made a profit.

I'm glad Blizzard denied him. He doesn't deserve to make any more movies.


grandjedi6 said:
Uwe Boll should make the movie anyway. What is Blizzard going to do, Sue him? Its not like he's making any profit off of it :lol
If he is not making profit,blizzard isn't gonna make profit either.


never heard about the cat, apparently
grandjedi6 said:
Uwe Boll should make the movie anyway. What is Blizzard going to do, Sue him? Its not like he's making any profit off of it :lol
It will damage the Warcraft name.
Uwe Boll is gonna go down in the history books as the man with the most confusing fanbase ever. I mean, the lower he goes, the more his fans like him.


Trucker Sexologist
zaccheus said:
does anyone ever feel bad for him? :lol
I felt bad after looking at that picture. He reminds me of the goofy kid in class who may have been kind of slow. But the saddest thing is that he doesn't know he's slow.


Junior Member

thanks for linking to porn, goodbye :lol (too bad it ain't free)

And goodbye to Boll too, Blizzard shows one of the many reasons why they're highly respected.


never heard about the cat, apparently
pilonv1 said:
I thought someone had the rights already? Legendary Films or something?
Yeah I think Blizzard is working closely with them on a film. Haven't heard much about it though.


“And to be honest, the real gamers are the typical download guys, right? They don’t pay anything for movies, because they illegally download the movies. So why I should please these guys? I need the normal audience.”
Come to think of it, he's probably right.
one hour and a half of the hero taking bullshit quests and beating up shitty monsters, and 20 minutes of him fighting this huge demi god demon only to die in the end and get no loot.

worst movie ever.
Uwe Boll flips Blizzard and challenges Paul Sams to a boxing match.

Then Chris Metzner creates some kind of epic lore involving the most epic boxing match of the millennium in World of Warcraft: Saul Pams vs Bwe Uoll.


alistairw said:
I don't even think he feels bad for himself, which is why he's fucking awesome.

You nailed it.

I think he's having as much fun as the team behind Duke Nukem Forever every time they put a trailer out.


Son of Godzilla said:
Uwe Boll would have been a king if he had gotten into porn.

He really would've.

Porn, tbh, sucks.

Porn needs some real hollywood directors and Uwe Bolls crappy ideas + porn might rock.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Herr Boll must always push around a wheelbarrow. I imagine it would be impossible to walk around with balls that big if he didn't.
‘We will not sell the movie rights, not to you…especially not to you,’

:lol :lol

zaccheus said:
does anyone ever feel bad for him? :lol

I used to. Just imagine this bumbling hack who insulates himself from the harsh reality of his ineptitude with delusions of misunderstood genius... that's profoundly sad. I wonder if he's honest with himself during those quiet moments when he's alone, nothing to protect him from inward reflection.

But no, it's pretty obvious now he's just a fucking idiot, and an asshole to boot.


Professional Schmuck
Uwe Boll has almost achieved "awesomely bad" status, reserved for such greats as:

1. 80s hairstyles
2. Mike Tyson
3. Britney Spears
4. Chevy Chase Movies
5. Amir0x's modding
6. modus' new neogaf theme



never heard about the cat, apparently
PantherLotus said:
Uwe Boll has almost achieved "awesomely bad" status, reserved for such greats as:

4. Chevy Chase Movies

Awsomely BAD? Get your facts straight, they are Awsomely Awsome.


I said WOW.

Next time : How Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay used imperius curse in order to make Paul Sams laugh at Uwe Boll BECAUSE THEYRE AFRAID OF COMPETITION.


You guys complain so much about him its almost like you have some sort of homo erotic fantasy and want to spank for being bad.. really bad.

seriously.. let it go.
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