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Blizzard to Uwe Boll, "GTFO!"


zaccheus said:
does anyone ever feel bad for him? :lol

I would, but he constantly tells "hardcore" gamers (read: anyone on earth who knows even one small bit about the game he makes the movie about) to go stick it, so forget em.
I mean whats the point of making a movie adaptation of a game if it isnt anything like the game? Just to save the effort of making a creative name?


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
How can you feel bad for Boll? He is the most amazing person who ever lived. His films on the other hand, suck ass.


Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
PantherLotus said:
Uwe Boll has almost achieved "awesomely bad" status, reserved for such greats as:

4. Chevy Chase Movies

You shut your damn mouth. Vacation, European Vacation, Christmas Vacation, Fletch, Fletch Lives, Caddyshack, Caddyshack II, Funny Farm, Three Amigos...dude!

Plus, Vacation has one of cinema's all-time greatest lines:

I think you're all fucked in the head. We're ten hours from the fucking fun park and you want to bail out. Well, I'll tell you something: this is no longer a vacation. It's a quest. It's a quest for fun. I'm gonna have fun and you're gonna have fun. We're all gonna have so much fucking fun we'll need plastic surgery to remove our godamn smiles. You'll be whistling 'Zip-A-Dee Doo-Dah' out of your assholes! I gotta be crazy! I'm on a pilgrimage to see a moose. Praise Marty Moose! Holy Shit!


Exis said:
They have sold the rights to a Warcraft movie to Legendary Pictures, the budget in the 200 range although AFAIK there is no director attached yet.

200 mill, that's decent. I don't follow WOW, but I always imagined a movie tie in to be a sweeping epic...how do you keep an epic in the 120 minute range I don't know, WOW franchise seems to deserve much respect. Director though...Blizzards doing the right thing, keeping Uwe away, they need to attract their large core auduence and I don't see that happening with Uwe. At the same time, they need to get the noobs in, like myself, who know absolutely nothing about WOW...they need a reputable director...


I saw his Dungeon Siege adaptation last week. 40 minutes was enough for me -it was too damn shitty that I feared I may hate Dungeon Siege because of it.

I wonder how he gets good actors. I'd pay to know this :mad:
VeritasVierge said:
I'm kinda sick of hearing of Boll. He's getting the attention he needs for his crappy films.
Exactly the right type of attention, too. I believe it's actually his aim to lose money with each picture, right? That's the requirement for his little loophole scam.

Doc Evils



PantherLotus said:
Uwe Boll has almost achieved "awesomely bad" status, reserved for such greats as:

1. 80s hairstyles
2. Mike Tyson
3. Britney Spears
4. Chevy Chase Movies
5. Amir0x's modding
6. modus' new neogaf theme


As you often do, you hit the nail perfectly on the head.
I mean really, the worst thing you can do to this guy is go see his movies. If they make a profit, he's fucked. Which is probably why he talks so much shit.
Segata Sanshiro said:
I mean really, the worst thing you can do to this guy is go see his movies. If they make a profit, he's fucked. Which is probably why he talks so much shit.

Didn't they fix that loophole?


Uwe Boll isn't the only person doing bad (videogame) movies, people just don't realize that.
And since when would WoW translate well into a movie?


alistairw said:
You shut your damn mouth. Vacation, European Vacation, Christmas Vacation, Fletch, Fletch Lives, Caddyshack, Caddyshack II, Funny Farm, Three Amigos...dude!

Plus, Vacation has one of cinema's all-time greatest lines:

Please fucking tell me this is a joke post.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
voltron said:
Wow. Just wow. This guy is something else.... I guarantee he'll end up winning an oscar or something. Hell be remembered as genius I bet, and self help books will reference him until the end of time as an example of what can be achieved with incessant, unrelenting persistence.

You might be onto something there. Is this guy an Andy Kaufman type character? I can think of no other reason for his insanity.




NintendosBooger said:
James Cameron couldn't make a good movie out of 99% of the video games out there.
So ur saying Cameron is a better director than Boll? Because Boll can't make a good movie out of 100% of the videogames out there.


I would have liked to see a Uwe Boll WoW movie. People bitch about him but seriously, there would be this black hole missing in our lives to bitch about.

He would do a two parter. The first movie would be the hero running around for two hours killing rats and pigs. The 2nd part would be him running around for the first half of the movie finding a group.

Uwe Boll.

I wish I was half the man he was.

House Of The Dead will forever be a get-drunk-with-friends-and-it's-amazingly-awesome film, from "what do you zink I am trying to do, you fucking moron" through to the zombie swordfight at the end.

The rest of his films are shite though.


PrivateRyan said:
House Of The Dead will forever be a get-drunk-with-friends-and-it's-amazingly-awesome film, from "what do you zink I am trying to do, you fucking moron" through to the zombie swordfight at the end.

Rudy: You did all this to become immortal. Why?
Castillo: To live forever!


I'm still angry that the Dungeon Siege movie was not as bad as advertised.

And House of the Dead and Postal are definitely the "so bad that they're good again" type.

Bloodrayne, though... lol.


Night_Trekker said:
So? He's easily the most obnoxious.

I personally don't care about the life of directors. I don't read about them and I seldomly know how they typically react to their environment. I talk about their work, nothing more.

Still from the interviews I've seen Boll doesn't strike me as that bad a guy.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Exactly the right type of attention, too. I believe it's actually his aim to lose money with each picture, right? That's the requirement for his little loophole scam.

I believe the investors who are able to tax shelter their funds by investing them in his movies are safe either way, but Uwe gets stuck with the tax bill on his movie's profits if he makes money on it.

Haunted One said:
I'm still angry that the Dungeon Siege movie was not as bad as advertised.

It isn't? :(


grandjedi6 said:
Uwe Boll should make the movie anyway. What is Blizzard going to do, Sue him? Its not like he's making any profit off of it :lol

Blizzard already ripped off most of their IP from Games Workshop so Uwe should just make a rip off World of Warcraft movie anyway.
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