The point of going there is to either get the key to an optional area or an item that makes youfight the true final boss.
there is also a high rank rune that is only available there.
I know about the shortcut.
The point of going there is to either get the key to an optional area or an item that makes youfight the true final boss.
there is also a high rank rune that is only available there.
Yahar'gul is the worst thing ever. I've died here more than in every other area combined.
I was down there for the first time last night and had a tougher time with the snakes than I did the giants! The saw cleaver wasn't doing much but the axe's blunt damage did better damage on both. The snakes got me a couple of times and I had to get my souls off one of the giants, luckily the AI seems to shut off if you lead them into one of the tunnels that they can't pass through so I just cheesed them. The AoE on their ground slam got me a few times though.I think the poison lake area in Forbidden Woods takes the top spot for "what the hell am I doing here?"
-Giants with insane range that can go through walls.
-Worms that are hard to hit, tank hits like a boss, and flip the camera out if you dare to lock on. And there's a lot of them.
-Of course the area has poison. Like...why wouldn't it?
-Shortcut that takes you to an insight sucker, with totally legit grab attack.
On the plus side, once you grab the items, you never have to go back. Seriously. Don't go back.
Yahar'gul is the worst thing ever. I've died here more than in every other area combined.
3. If it closes (I assume this is something server side) will I keep my progress if it needs to generate a new glyph or whatever?
It's nothing but practice for future chalice dungeons, embrace it now.Yahar'gul is the worst thing ever. I've died here more than in every other area combined.
The only thing this means is that you will not be able to co-op. The dungeon will otherwise continue to work and be playable.
Yeah, just pretty annoying areas. Don't like how they forced me to run through them since I probably missed a bunch of items on the way.That, and Mensis with its, based on how some of my PSN friends have stopped playing the game around the 5th mandatory boss. I don't think either of them is that hard, although both can certainly be annoying.frenzy effect
Damn itIt's nothing but practice for future chalice dungeons, embrace it now.
Was planning to finish the game this week, but I kind of want to go for the platinum so I started the chalices before going to beat. I was following a bit of a guide to see what dungeons I needed to do to get to the boss of the final dungeon, but need to know somethings:Mergo's Wet Nurse
1. I know I need to do the Ailing Loran to get some mats, it seems I will also need to do Lower Loran to get the jelly unless I do NG+ (I do not have the time to be starting a NG+ and trying to get up to DLC ready area). Is this a correct assumption or will it show up in Ailing Loran too?
I honestly hate those worms more than the Brain Trusts (or some say Winter Lanterns), tbh.
I was down there for the first time last night and had a tougher time with the snakes than I did the giants! The saw cleaver wasn't doing much but the axe's blunt damage did better damage on both. The snakes got me a couple of times and I had to get my souls off one of the giants, luckily the AI seems to shut off if you lead them into one of the tunnels that they can't pass through so I just cheesed them. The AoE on their ground slam got me a few times though.
Now I tried killingwhich was an exercise in futility since it seems she has infinite blood vials and can just heal away forever!Iosefka
I'm having problems doing visceral attacks.
I parry an attack and get that whoosh sound indicating I can do it. But then I run up and press R1 and i just end up doing a regular attack.
Is the window for it really small? Does the stick have to be in neutral position when I press R1. Do I have to be practically hugging the enemy?
Also does mashing buttons help yourself break free from grabs? If so which buttons?
One last question about armor: i'm assuming the game encourages constant switching of armor depending on the situation, but for overall general purposes would i just want to have whatever gives me the most physical def?
Thanks! Does the position of the stick matter when i press R1?
Yeah, just pretty annoying areas. Don't like how they forced me to run through them since I probably missed a bunch of items on the way.
I honestly hate those worms more than the Brain Trusts (or some say Winter Lanterns), tbh.
I got the extra Red Jelly from the Great Isz dungeon (there's 2 already in the main game). To get them from Lower Loran you'd neet to fight the Abhorrent Beast and there was a thread in Gaming recently claiming he was the hardest boss ever, so I pussied out and did Great Isz instead. The bosses there were a joke (you only need to fight the first two, the Red Jelly is in a treasure room on the third level).
So i got a mail with a code for a BB theme/design because i have the platinum. Is this just an available theme which is on PSN or something special? (germany) At work so no chance to try it.
So i got a mail with a code for a BB theme/design because i have the platinum. Is this just an available theme which is on PSN or something special? (germany) At work so no chance to try it.
Sorry for the crap size. Any way to get a better image other than share -> twitter?
Good idea to reward a theme to platinum players.
Unfortunate it's based on that god awful advert.
New player, just beat Father G. Should I go with the Saw Cleaver or Saw Spear for a while?
Or hold out upgrade materials for the lightning mace?
Thanks! Does the position of the stick matter when i press R1?
Both are great weapons, but the cleaver is more strength focused, while the spear is more skill focused. It's up to your build. Spear does have a sweet thrust attack if that's important to you.
There are enough materials to upgrade a few weapons, so don't worry too much about it up to +6. It's the chunks (+6-9) that are the rare ones.
That reminds me, that for some reason I played the game through twice without using the thrust, eventhough I used the cane on both times. Oddly enough, I also never used the R1 strike with the whip.
I like to bait enemies to walk into the thrust. You can use the charge to time it right. The R1 whip has surprisingly good range, and it counts as a serrated weapon for the damage bonus there. I hated it to start with, but once upgraded, it's pretty strong. Great scaling.
Alright you can add me to the "fuck chalice dungeons" group now. Wishing I didn't care about trophies right now.
Man, turns out the theme is actually a EU thing. Weak.
I just read that a patch removed the stamina penalty for the hand lantern. This is good. I'm actually enjoying running some chalice dungeons this time, but I'm not worried about trophies, so there's that. It still has plenty of stupid stuff (oh boy, a chest with mold in it), but it sure does seem to offer up some nice gems now. Too bad I need arcane/fire/bolt gems and not all these physical ones, but it still makes it feel more worth doing them.
Am I maybe under-leveled for chalice dungeons?
I'm at lv 70 and using a +10 LHB. I've done everything else in the game besides the final boss and these ~4 remaining chalice dungeons..
Though if I am under-leveled then I guess I'd have to go grind for blood echoes.. what's a good place for that?
Am I maybe under-leveled for chalice dungeons?
I'm at lv 70 and using a +10 LHB. I've done everything else in the game besides the final boss and these ~4 remaining chalice dungeons..
Though if I am under-leveled then I guess I'd have to go grind for blood echoes.. what's a good place for that?
I didn't know the stamina penalty had been removed. Thanks for the heads up. Running with the lantern/torch kinda increases the atmosphere slightly.
IIRC, you get different kinds of gems from different dungeons. Root dungeons with fetid, rotted and defiled offerings increase the chances of getting better ones. Although the latter make them a pain in the ass as well. Fextralife's BB pages should have more info about it.
Am I maybe under-leveled for chalice dungeons?
I'm at lv 70 and using a +10 LHB. I've done everything else in the game besides the final boss and these ~4 remaining chalice dungeons..
Though if I am under-leveled then I guess I'd have to go grind for blood echoes.. what's a good place for that?
I'd say you are probably underleveled for the later dungeons, yes. You're gonna have a bad time in the defiled dungeon at only lvl 70. The dungeons themselves are far and away the best place to get a ton of echoes. Ailing Loran and 3 Moon runes were my go to. 2 or 3 minutes in there and I could buy a shit ton of vials which I was needing for the Watchdog in the defiled dungeon. Dude fucked me over repeatedly.