That motherfucker can go eat 1000 dicks.![]()
So much fun.
That motherfucker can go eat 1000 dicks.![]()
So much fun.
Just slayed Micolash on the first go. Think I'm over leveled.
It's tight though.
Probably not, Micolash is piss-easy. Interesting to have a boss that runs away from you and teleports through mirrors if you have a lot of Insight though.
Well, the journey is over. Gehrman isdead, I made kissy faces with a moon alien and now I'm the new Gehrman. Gehrman himself is kinda lame, he'll just walk straight into your Tiny Tonitrus bolts, but the anime style teleporting and air-bending was pretty cool and the Burial Blade scythe form is sick.
Great game, slides nicely into my top 5 with Metroid Prime, Bioshock and The World Ends With You. Even better, the missus was half-watching me play and now she wants to have a go herself, so I've set her up on a Professional Skill build since she wants to use fast weapons.
Is the patch for the League coming out at the same time as the DLC? I've also been debating whether I should secretly buy the DLC and see if she stumbles upon it so she'll discover something entirely new...
So much fun.
That motherfucker can go eat 1000 dicks.
When you make a bloodtinge build, what's the best weapon to use before you get the chikage?
When you make a bloodtinge build, what's the best weapon to use before you get the chikage?
The circle button.
Platinum trophies in Souls games aren't hard, just very grindy.
That's why Bloodborne is the only one where I bothered.
(Congrats, by the way!)
Probably not, Micolash is piss-easy. Interesting to have a boss that runs away from you and teleports through mirrors if you have a lot of Insight though.
The circle button.
Your gun
Or build up another stat (skill) and use skill weapons like threaded cane
Thanks. I don't want skill to be too high. Is the repeating pistol the best choice if I level bloodtinge from the start?lol! very true
I went for the saw cleaver, it's very useful against the first few bosses and then rushed forbidden woods -> cainhurst, basically running past all enemies there and got to logarius with a saw cleaver +3. By then I mostly focused my echoes on skill and vit. Co-oping him can help
Thanks. I don't want skill to be too high. Is the repeating pistol the best choice if I level bloodtinge from the start?
That's the thing. I'm worried I won't be able to make it to Cainhurst with just bloodtinge .
Cool. Thanks. Will do this after I level my skill character.You'll still want some skill when using the chikage as only the transformed mode scales with BT. Getting to Cainhurst isn't that bad at base level, and using a weapon that's good against beasts will make CB/BSB and Amelia slightly easier. Just use a serrated weapon and fire paper if possible. From the forbidden woods and onwards it's basically just running to the shortcut to grab the summons and you'll be fine - even in Cainhurst you can avoid most enemies if you feel like it.
The Cainhurst enemies can technically be fought, granted I've at least had level 50 something characters in there and managed to be pretty efficient in killing. Only died once because I got caught in an insta kill grab attack by one of the screaming headless women. Only hard things in Cainhurst are technically the bloodlickers and those damn worms at the bottom of that hill.You'll still want some skill when using the chikage as only the transformed mode scales with BT. Getting to Cainhurst isn't that bad at base level, and using a weapon that's good against beasts will make CB/BSB and Amelia slightly easier. Just use a serrated weapon and fire paper if possible. From the forbidden woods and onwards it's basically just running to the shortcut to grab the summons and you'll be fine - even in Cainhurst you can avoid most enemies if you feel like it.
Hey guys, finally going back to this game (my first From Software game) before the DLC. I just got the Hunter rune and have a question. Since it is a covenant rune, does it effect anything outside of the listed stat change? Like will it effect anything online such as how often I get invaded/who I can co-op with, etc? I ask because the effect seems nice but I'm not a PvP guy at all and would rather avoid it if I can.
Do you all think I should just go ahead and beat the game and start and NG+ for The Old Hunters... or should I just pause where I'm at (Mergo), and wait for the DLC?
My fear is that if I start an NG+ game, its going to take me ages to get to the point in the game where the DLC beings (I don't have a lot of time these days to devote to video games).
Right now I'm lvl 90... how hard should I expect NG+ to be? Harder than the original play through, or should it be a cake walk considering I now know how to play the game?
I'll post this here too
Bloodborne - November 20th, 2015 Update - First gameplay Footage
I actually liked a lot this platinum.
this is the kind of platinum trophies I like to do, because it doesn't require me to fill some incredibly difficult task or complete the game on X difficulty just because of a trophy, on bloodborne, these trophies are needed to truly find everything in the game, from visiting areas, to find the weapons and even defeating bosses, these trophies are actually meaningful to get all this game has to offer. I'm glad I explored everything I could
I'll post this here too
Bloodborne - November 20th, 2015 Update - First gameplay Footage
Cane seems to always be my mainstay weapon. Spin2Win Axe isn't bad, but after Gascoigne battle I forgot it even existed and it's still only at like +1 or something. Kirkhammer is good but it's damage is inconsistent and it's charge attack has limited range in transform mode, plus it just bounces off everything and can't be clipped through the environment.So, guys, what do you suggest me to use, Hunter Axe, Threaded Cane or Kirkhammer?
If you are looking to go strength build, I'd suggest starting with the axe and upgrading to Ludwig's Holy Blade when it becomes available.So, guys, what do you suggest me to use, Hunter Axe, Threaded Cane or Kirkhammer?
So, guys, what do you suggest me to use, Hunter Axe, Threaded Cane or Kirkhammer?
Or, what do you suggest me to focus? I don't want my ass handed to me. Should I go for a strength build?
Maybe due the lack of covenant achievements and the other collectibles are quite short but yes the trophies are not intrusve or forcing you to change your gameplay but rewards you for exploration and do the optional content.
with those trophies it would be the perfect platinum to uncover everything from the game, but even then it is not a lot, so I can't complain, this platinum is worth
I read there was a kind of PS4 Theme for those with the platinum, is that correct?
I even used the Cane to put down most of the harder chalice dungeon bosses, it's great, it's paired nicely with the Blades of Mercy in my opinion. I used the Cane to even beat Defiled Watchdong. It's the only weapon I've used on it any way and it allows you to hit the head from a safe distance reliably.Alright, thanks! That 'welp' had me worried for a second there hahaha.
Is your first run? Play the way you want, Test all the weapon you find, dont go directly to the boss, explore. There a few weapons dedicated to one stat until to go to the middle part of the game but be careful the +3 to +6 upgrade where you are is quite rare so dont upgrade all the weapons you find, just the ones you like.
Agreed.play without many guides or tips, go and smack your head, come back here for help when you get stuck for too much time somewhere, you will find you start to get better a everything once you have enough time with the game.
Ufff, Upper Cathedral was nuts with those brainsuckers.
It's manageable if you have a weapon that will kill the brainsucker on the other side of the starter door. I think one time I didn't and I was in a world of pain...A WORLD OF PAIN. Spent half the time mashing the circle button trying to roll out of an incoming grab attack only to get sucked off and thrown back onto the ground and having the process begin all over again.Ufff, Upper Cathedral was nuts with those brainsuckers.
yeah, when the beaststook me a few tried to get through that area. I couldn't see shit until it was on top of me.cause the chandiler to fall down and the room goes dark...
Wait you can kill all of them through the walls? I thought it was just the main one with the key?
I'll post this here too
Bloodborne - November 20th, 2015 Update - First gameplay Footage
I think I've gotten used to using a Blue Elixir and some bolt paper paper to clean up the upstairs area. Makes pretty short work of them, but I never tried luring the ones downstairs to a corner and killing them through a wall, hopefully I remember that.Pretty much yeah. The ones that patrol you can just wait around the corner and once they are close enough you can attack through the wall. Then there is the one that is in front of the door that leads to 'Make Contact' and you can either backstab him or aggro and backtrack through the small door and attack through the wall.
I just listened to his dialogue again, constable buckethead definitely makes his hate known.From this, it's safe to say the new guy is the male voice from the trailer. Looks like Constable Buckethead and Djura would not get along if they met.In some ways, he's scarier than Alfred...but at least you know what you're getting I guess.
I think I've gotten used to using a Blue Elixir and some bolt paper paper to clean up the upstairs area. Makes pretty short work of them, but I never tried luring the ones downstairs to a corner and killing them through a wall, hopefully I remember that.
I just listened to his dialogue again, constable buckethead definitely makes his hate known.
Wait you can kill all of them through the walls? I thought it was just the main one with the key?
Not new info. Being killed by a giant slab of bacon that's not even on the same floor as you is hilarious and sad at the same time.The bad thing is the enemy can do it too.