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Bloodborne: The Old Hunters |OT| Old Hunters. New Tricks, Bells & Whistles.


So what's the recommended lvl for NG Ludwig? I've been trying with my new character since lvl 40. Now I'm already lvl 60 and still nowhere near beating him...
So I breezed through the game in my second playthrough 6~ months ago and ended up at level 96 with 40 points into Arcane and now I'm trying to do the first boss of the DLC in NG+ with my only +10 weapon (Blade of Mercy, bad idea) and getting completely destroyed. I don't seem to have a problem dodging his attacks and I can survive a while, but I do die in 2 hits to anything he does to me and I feel like I'm doing no damage to him at all. Haven't even gotten him to... even 70% once.

Am I just underleveled? Is it my weapon? A combination of a ton of points being in a useless stat (for now) and the other stuff? Maybe I just need to get better? Any advice?

At this point I'm thinking about just starting a new game or using one of my other guys with more "standard" builds.

Uh..you leveled up arcane for a weapon that doesnt scale greatly off of arcane? Its no wonder you do no damage. What you're doing, attempting to fight Ludwig like that, is essentially a challenge run.

Go level up skill for the blades if you wanna stand a chance.

Alot of people complain about the boss health but imo the bosses health is fine, granted you went through chalice dungeons for good gems. At NG+5 with a fully upgraded and gemmed out wheel I felt I was doing fine damage. The fights didnt feel like a battle of attrition, just rely on you learning the crazy difficult movesets. Yeah there are a few one shots but that's to be expected in higher NGs.




That last panel lol.


So it could be any sort of dungeon under the LL-chalices? Thank you for your answer =).

i went to do some gems and chunks and had to spunk money on blood offerings (5), yellow eyeballs etc because i've never made a Ihyl Root with all the debuffs and what not.


Valtr in NG+ vs laurence is a shitshow. He runs straight into the first attack and loses 80% of his health, then you're left to see if the AI attempts to heal before the next attack. 40% of the time he doesn't and is wiped out by the next attack.

It'd be hilarious if the second form wasn't such a big sweaty arsecrack of a time.


So what's the recommended lvl for NG Ludwig? I've been trying with my new character since lvl 40. Now I'm already lvl 60 and still nowhere near beating him...

Recommended level for that area is 65. So for the boss it is probably 65-70. As for my experience lvl70-80 is good.
Still need to find a strategy for those fat dudes with axes, their range is giving me trouble.

dodge, parry, visceral. You can also get a visceral after their bellyflop if you get a backstab. You can get a free backstab on the first one by following him slowly around the middle column and bone blade one of them after the second one falls down. I was even able to climb the ladder and do a falling attack on both at one for massive damage.
dodge, parry, visceral. You can also get a visceral after their bellyflop if you get a backstab. You can get a free backstab on the first one by following him slowly around the middle column and bone blade one of them after the second one falls down. I was even able to climb the ladder and do a falling attack on both at one for massive damage.

Thanks! I'll try that.
So I beat the DLC and got all of the trophies yesterday. Overall a very good expansion with some of the best "souls" bosses I've ever fought. The only one that truly gave me any trouble was the optional boss, and that one took me and my buddy at least 10-15 tries to take him down. I'm just not a fan of how much health the dude has. It's absurd. But the 2nd phase of that fight with the music was so hype! The first boss I actually beat on my first try, and I loved the second phase of that fight too. The best fight was
Maria. I absolutely love those one on one fights against someone of your size in video games.
The final boss was pretty tough but once I started using a different form of my weapon it became a lot easier.

As far as areas in the game go? I really like the first two areas! Especially the second one, the atmosphere in there was amazing. The third area was cool looking but the encounters just felt sloppy, like they just wanted to throw lots of enemies at you without a care for design. And the bros in the well! Seriously, they can go to hell. I had to cheese that one.

I love the new weapons, especially Simon's Bowblade and the Whirligig Saw. But each weapon has a nice design and I'm eager to try them out.

Overall, I give it a 9/10. Awesome, just with a few problem spots. This is how DLC should be done.


I wish this game had better support for pvp. There's so many cool items added in the dlc but now I've seen all the content I'm not really motivated to make a build around any of them
Thanks! I'll try that.

You have to be patient and learn the range of their crazy moves. I found it easy to get behind thwm after their dive flop but when the second one drops it gets crazy. I'm not sure I would be able to beat them without the bone blade. They usually do massive damage to each other.
Ok, just started the game a few minutes ago, second experience with the Souls series after trying Demon Souls and finding it boring. Interesting so far, but I'm still shaking my head that they
do not give you a weapon to begin with
. Seriously?

I spent hours before I discovered I could get a weapon, but thats me oblivious to things that are infront of you.


I am pretty much going to be camped out outside Laurence's door for the next hour until I learn the second phase well enough to kill him solo (becaue I have soloed every boss's trophy in this game and I'll be damned if I summon for the last one I need to be at 100%)

So let's do this!


Ok so the reason why I wasn't seeing the Chalice dungeon materials is because you need to be in NG+ in order for them to appear after you have created a dungeon with all offerings.


Goddamn it, I keep getting two hit killed by the double arm swing, I get hit, I try to dodge back instinctively to heal, and get caught by the follow up. Pretty much 90% of my first phase deaths are to that. I keep telling myself try dodging into him next time but the instinct is too strong.

Let's go again.


These shark fuckers are broken.

Only thing in this DLC that is straight up unfair.

They ARE easy to parry, but I was so irritated with them before I learned that. Even so, they are bullshit. Their tracking is RIDICULOUS. Just to see what would happen I unlocked from one of them and ran THREE FULL LOOPS around it as it was winding up for an attack. Guess what? He fucking bullseye'd me, and spun the whole time to match my position. Completely fucking stupid.
Does anyone really call them Blood Echoes? :p

There are to kinds of people. People like you, who refer to "dex weapons" and "quality builds" and still think they're collecting "souls."

Then there are people like me, who refer to everything by its proper name because we are proper people.

These are your people and my people. And my people hunt your people. You are the scourge of the earth. I'll mess up your brain.


Why is the game randomly removing my old chalice dungeous? I had one right before the queen fight and then another one before a boss fight, but now they are gone...


What would you guys say are the best DLC weapons? Do you find any of them replacing your previous main?

I must be boring because I just CAN NOT bring myself to put down the trusty Saw Cleaver. It's the longsword of Bloodborne - that shit just gets the job done.


the hardest souls boss ever or is it just me?

Remember that bosses in this series impact everyone differently as some people may not struggle with the ones other people do and vice versa. Personally,
wasn't a big deal for me, but i've seen many a people talking about how he's up there in terms of difficulty.


Holy shit, if you have trouble with first boss and use NPC help, forget the NPC Old Hunter Henriette ! (good for first phase but he dies as soon as the second phase begins in my NG+) > get Valtr, the League boss as NPC summon ! He's the man and beasted trough L in one go with me. More health, and his pizza cutter is nice.

Finally ... had L almost down solo a couple of times but his sword moves in phase 2 still took me off guard sometimes. Don't want to know how he is in NG+++ and more. Still very nice boss and the transformation to phase two was a real "shieeeet" moment. Chapeau FROM.

And yeah, when you summon NPC's (or other players) with GAFHUNT password, invasions happen pretty quick. One time was someone in
mode but i had the two Cthulhu guys near the lamp aggroed so it was to much on my plate.

Glad that i can move on now. 4 bosses to go :p DLC is already worth the 20 € nonetheless.


Managed to reach Ludwig with my level 30ish dude that I did for a Moonlight sword build.

Doing him 40 damage... yeah guess I can't do it lol
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