You could've just shaman bone blade one of them to make things easier.+8 stupid kirkhammer- the wep i never use!
made it into 2h version, got them next to each other, hugged the center of the cave, backed up in circles while doing forward jumps at angles so they couldnt hit me well. killed them with plenty of vials left!
You could've just shaman bone blade one of them to make things easier.
you can get the Uncanny/Lost version of the new weapons from a vendor in the Chalice Dungeons. (you need to have the normal weapon first)
if you want to go there easy..
Use the code Sp5wddug to make dungeon. There is a vendor in a hallway,This is a basic dungeon, depth 1, Just go up the ladder in the main area, look for the hallway and the vendor is at the end.
.Also great time to point out that souls is in a very interesting place where random people take half the time to finish the game as others doing the exact same areas and I don't have a very good explanation for this.
Anyone playing this on NG++? What level are you at because I'm level 159 and I'm getting wrecked. Holy shit.
What's the upgrade material quantity like? Any improvement of chunks drop rates in the new area?
Yea I think I'll have to do the same.I made it to 160 last night on ng++ but dlc enemies still hit hard so going to grind some more
Anyone know how to activate theboss fight?Laurence
Anyone know how to activate theboss fight?Laurence
if I had to guess I've maybe found 9-12 chucks through the first two areas. The Scurrying Beasts have been dropping x2 a pieceWhat's the upgrade material quantity like? Any improvement of chunks drop rates in the new area?
Didn't get any drops or atleast I didn't notice picking any up from enemies. I have 14 atm and I already used 8 to upgrade one new weapon so you should be able to get atleast one of the new weapons up to +10 with the materials from the DLC.
I'm feeling at level 96 in ng + like I'm severely outgunned on the first boss and a couple of the hunters.
I feel Like if I jumped 20 levels it'd be a little closer to ng
That's my main concern- 10 new trick weapons and 5 new side weapon is fine and all but if you can't upgrade them to full then it's meaningless sigh...
dem recycled assets
I was reading EG review earlier and they comment on how little assets were re-used from the original game.
I was reading EG review earlier and they comment on how little assets were re-used from the original game.
I was reading EG review earlier and they comment on how little assets were re-used from the original game.
Spoilers after 4th bossThe black thing on the 'squid' can you interact with it? And how the hell do you use Kos Parasite?
There are a few spots in the first location that are ripped wholesale from the base game, but the areas between them are new. They came off to me more like unsettling callbacks rather than laziness or anything.
Slay the nightmare.
Well it seems about the same balance as the main game as in you now get around double the amount of materials. You still have to choose what you want to use.
Okay I am seriously missing something here.
Spoilers after first bossThe locked door where the guy bangs his head against the wall. Can you open the door or talk to the guy somehow?
Spoilers after 4th bossThe black thing on the 'squid' can you interact with it? And how the hell do you use Kos Parasite?
Thanks for the answers. My problem:
I have a Level 55 char and a level 138 (NG+) char. Hmmm...should I use the NG+ character?
I don't want to play the main game again to level up my second character.
Just found this on EU PSN - so when did they crank the price up to £16 exactly? Wasn't it advertised around £12 when announced?
How much are our NA cousins paying for it?
Fuck off, Sony.
According to the second spoiler you are NOT finished You haven't slayed the last boss. How about making a gesture to talk to it? Or hitting it? (These are tipps, I know what happens) To use the item you need a certain runeAfter this the item will be usable.Milkweed Rune which is the Kin covenant
Still stuck on the last mandatory boss, but overall I think the DLC is incredible. Level design and complexity is absolutely on point, and the new bosses are tough as nails, but still very fun to fight. All of these baller new strength weapons are leaving me feeling a bit shafted going through with a skill character, though their general absence was a major complaint about the base game and I'm glad to see it addressed.
Minor last area spoilersThe atmosphere in Fishing Hamlet is just unreal. It feels so fucking heavy. I don't know how From does it, but they sure do it.
20 usd.
That's not a great excuse lol. It's easier to google patch notes than it is to type your post.Would someone be kind enough to link me what was added with 1.07 patch? I'm on mobile at the moment.
Balances out when converted to pounds with VAT added, but still higher than they stated.
Yea doing the same,not too hype for a reskin....BWHAHAHA OH WOW! Just tried the 'optional' boss. Died on the first hit. I guess now is a good time to take a break.Laurence