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Bloodrayne 2 Demo Impressions - Matlock Tested, Ferrio Approved


After downloading this damn 500 or so megabyte demo, I decided to give it ye olde spin. First thing I did, after turning on shadows, bump mapping, reflections, and the such was pretty obvious:


He heeee...

Shortly afterwards, I destroyed the little cavity off of the rotunda...scattered things everywhere. They broke kind of nicely, but the parts seemed to float for some odd reason.


Destruction. Also, nipple shading.

A few lousy fights later (seriously, they were nothing special, just a bunch of fodder), and I'm surrounded by blood. Lots of it, even more than you see below. One part was dedicated entirely to harpooning people, Scorpion-style, and flipping them into taxidermied rhino horns. Seriously. I wish I was kidding.


Nipple shading yet again. And blood! Glorious blood! When cutting off this guy's head, she said something about "Let's see your master let you regrow that," or something ludicrous.

Yet another round of lousy fights later, and I come to a boss (who I really didn't care to screencap, as somehow his rotunda made my steady framerate go to shit, and he used tactics that somehow got past my tried and true "KILL 'EM WITH ONE HIT" strategy. Even the guys with the guns weren't this hard, and this guy definitely didn't have a gun. And all I had was a mouse, the bastard.

But oh well, it's a decent game so far, probably much better on a controller...kind of feels like Prince of Persia in a way, but nowhere near as good. If it stays the course, I'd say this runs about a 75% or so.


Japanese schoolgirl. Gothy vampire. Obvious lesbian embrace (why else would she be grabbing Rayne's ass? Also note the guy in the background with the face that says "I want in that!" Double bonus points for nipple shading, yet again.


Hmm, maybe I'm spoiled or something but why is it all jaggy and low-res looking? Maybe I should download it myself and see how well it looks on a 6800GT :p


Matlock said:
Go for it, I'm running a Radeon 9200 Mobility. Plus I ran those through irfanview on low setting.

That explains it. I was beginning to wonder where you got a copy of Bloodrayne 2 for the n64.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Those aren't the best looking screens, but it's about a billion times better than any N64 game.

I like this games style. But then I have a thing for sexy vampires. Damn you Buffy, damn you to hell!


For what it's worth, the Collective's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" game, as published by EA for the Xbox, is infinitely better. Best game on the Xbox, really.
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