Bloomberg Poll: Hillary Clinton more unpopular than Donald Trump

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Gabriel Knight

President Trump is viewed more favorably than his 2016 Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton, according to a new poll.

A Bloomberg News survey finds Clinton is viewed favorably by just 39 percent of Americans, compared to Trump, who is viewed favorably by 41 percent of Americans.

Fifty-eight percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of Clinton, compared to a slightly lower majority - 55 percent - who have an unfavorable view of Trump.


I'm assuming more people started disliking her after her election missteps


I would say your assumption is correct. As much as I hate that man, I am incredibly upset at the campaign she ran and her loss unfortunately led to his win. I know it is heartless, but I never want to hear or see her, or any clinton, ever again after this last election.


I would say your assumption is correct. As much as I hate that man, I am incredibly upset at the campaign she ran and her loss unfortunately led to his win. I know it is heartless, but I never want to hear or see her, or any clinton, ever again after this last election.
This is stupid.


Makes sense to me. Most Republicans are still sticking by Trump while he's president, and Democrats became disillusioned with Hillary after she lost. You generally don't hear much from most presidential election losers.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This poll result took about thirty years and tens of millions of dollars in active campaigning. See also Jimmy Carter and the contra-example of Ronald Reagan.


Not surprised.

She would have gotten a bump of she was POTUS, but she would have still been seen as the bitter medecine people had to swallow, despite their gag reflex.


i believe it, misogyny and racism are both quite popular these days

58% of the US population isn't made of mysogistic people

She's just really unlikeable and I believe a lot of the hate she's getting is for losing in such a fashion against the worst possible candidate of the past 60 years.


I would say your assumption is correct. As much as I hate that man, I am incredibly upset at the campaign she ran and her loss unfortunately led to his win. I know it is heartless, but I never want to hear or see her, or any clinton, ever again after this last election.

are you for fucking real?

jesus christ


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Am I missing something? I'm pretty sure Hillary was more popular consistently then Donald trump during the election year
lol I was recently went to lunch with my 65 year old father and at one point he told me "I can see why Trump fired Comey, I mean Comey let Clinton get away with murder."

I rolled my eyes and kept stuffing my face with french dip.


Well I'm not a fan of either. Am I part of the problem?

If you didn't vote for her because you didn't like both, then yes you are. Anyone who didn't vote for Hillary because "emails" or she wasn't liberal enough or anger over Bernie losing is personal responsible for all the agony Trump is causing and deserves to have that hang over the heads for the rest of their lives.


39% is higher than I thought. She's down to 50% or so from Republicans alone. So that means only 22% of Democrats/left-leaning moderates have turned on her.

I'd imagined her down to 25% or so at least. I feel like there's pretty sharp division over her legacy right now.
Duh. She will only get worse as opinion of Trump gets worse because people are defensive little shits. The more he gets ripped apart, the more his supporters will rip into her to balance out their awful candidate.


Am I missing something? I'm pretty sure Hillary was more popular consistently then Donald trump during the election year

I think there's a lot of animosity post-election after revelations of how the campaign was handled, the DNC allegations, the fact she loss, and that it seemed people were rallying under her not because she was Hillary Clinton but because she was the opposition to Donald Trump.


I imagine a lot of Dems are very bitter about losing the election and a lot of progress to the monsters currently in charge and she is a convenient scape goat so that makes sense when you remember that 99% of Republicans will always hate her.

Still another L for America.
Am I missing something? I'm pretty sure Hillary was more popular consistently then Donald trump during the election year

Neither the Hill nor the Bloomberg headline contain the word still, because she was more popular.

That still insinuation is a 100% Schattenjäger revisionist history addition
Yet 3 million more American's voted for her than Trump.

You can refuse to like someone personally and still recognize them to be a much more qualified President than a Russian Puppet.


I'm gonna need receipts on this one.

You're going to argue that 20% of the women in the US are self loathing women?


And you're also assuming that 100% of the men are mysoginistic pigs too (if only 20% of the women population is part of that 58%)
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