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Blue Dragon (Xbox360) |OT|

Danielsan said:
There is the weird character that you'll encounter that will give you the option to buy items with your medals that level up classes or boost stats. I've only encountered him once and after I bought a few items he ran off..



Finally finished the English version as well and overall I think they did a nice job. The USA demo was a BAD, BAD indicator of the final game quality. Yes, the spell names and some place names are lazy, and the dialogue could have used a few more passes to make it more interesting and less pedestrian, but the voice acting is on the whole good. For me, the only character that was completely and utterly miscast was Zola. She sounds like a reject from lead auditions for a revival of "The Graduate".

Looking forward to Lost Odyssey and later Blue Dragon 2 :)


vireland said:
Finally finished the English version as well and overall I think they did a nice job. The USA demo was a BAD, BAD indicator of the final game quality. Yes, the spell names and some place names are lazy, and the dialogue could have used a few more passes to make it more interesting and less pedestrian, but the voice acting is on the whole good. For me, the only character that was completely and utterly miscast was MaroMaro. She sounds like a reject from lead auditions for a revival of "The Graduate".

Looking forward to Lost Odyssey and later Blue Dragon 2 :)

I think was a worse actor, I wish they could have made him less annoying. Still a great game regardless, but it made me almost mute my tv.


Scary Euro Man
theultimo said:
For me, the only character that was completely and utterly miscast was MaroMaro. She sounds like a reject from lead auditions for a revival of "The Graduate".

You obviously have different memories of "The Graduate" than most people.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
vireland said:
Looking forward to Lost Odyssey and later Blue Dragon 2 :)
They already announced Blue Dragon 2?! Without spoiling, as I have yet to finish the game, does the ending even leave it open for a sequel?


FateBreaker said:
OK, guys, I officially have to admit something: I have no idea wtf critics are talking about on this one. THe average at gamerankings is 77%. I'd MAYBE give a "77" for disc 1, but disc 2 and 3 have boosted it up way more. This is not only visually and aurally a beautiful game, but it's one of the most fun games I have played in a while. It's sickening to think how many people are going to ignore this one in the US.

So wait, it's not a 5/10, 6/10 like EGM and 1UP said? It's not "haha, it's so bad we'll mock it in our other rpg reviews" bad? @_@

Honestly I think the US gaming press in general reminds me so, so much of the J6P GO USA! guy...which kinda makes sense since they need to relate to the J6P whose reading their mags/sites. Stuff that appeals mainly to the Japanese game industry (turn-based straight-forward battles, anime characters, JPN games with a TON of dialogue that's not always important, mecha stuff, games based around leveling etc...) always seems to get panned over here.
Bebpo said:
So wait, it's not a 5/10, 6/10 like EGM and 1UP said? It's not "haha, it's so bad we'll mock it in our other rpg reviews" bad? @_@

Honestly I think the US gaming press in general reminds me so, so much of the J6P GO USA! guy...which kinda makes sense since they need to relate to the J6P whose reading their mags/sites. Stuff that appeals mainly to the Japanese game industry (turn-based straight-forward battles, anime characters, JPN games with a TON of dialogue that's not always important, mecha stuff, games based around leveling etc...) always seems to get panned over here.

It's depressing, really.



Bebpo said:
So wait, it's not a 5/10, 6/10 like EGM and 1UP said? It's not "haha, it's so bad we'll mock it in our other rpg reviews" bad? @_@

Honestly I think the US gaming press in general reminds me so, so much of the J6P GO USA! guy...which kinda makes sense since they need to relate to the J6P whose reading their mags/sites. Stuff that appeals mainly to the Japanese game industry (turn-based straight-forward battles, anime characters, JPN games with a TON of dialogue that's not always important, mecha stuff, games based around leveling etc...) always seems to get panned over here.

That's not entirely true as both Odin Sphere and Persona 3 got Game of the Month in EGM very recently.

But usually the people who are given those games to review are JRPG snobs that think Blue Dragon is a "baby game" (and in EGM's podcast from a few weeks ago they said exactly that). This is a very straightforward, simple RPG that doesn't have a particularly dark storyline and takes a lot of cues from standard shonen manga stories. That's not a recipe for endearing yourself to the folks that usually review JRPGs. Part of the problem as well is the amount of time most reviewers have to play and then write up a game. If you're working on a deadline and must hurry through the game then a lot of it would seem rather fluffy/flawed.

Probably doesn't help that the translation is very by the books and is, honestly, incredibly lifeless through much of the first disc.


I'm on disc 3 now and I just don't get the bad scores BD got, the first disc is a bit rough i'll admit, but from the end of disc 1 to disc 3 i've had a great time :/


Sysgen said:
Holy moly, I had 471
the first time I talked to the
man in

I had about 575 when I first got there. Now, I have 823. This does not bode well for me.

*keeps checking every item*
i <3 this thread so much (for convincing me to go out an purchase this great fantastic quality game) i will make my first post on GAF (finally validated, woo) in this thread

Still on first disc, about 8 hours in and loving the game. I was skeptical about the voice acting, kiddish cartoony feel - but it fits perfect for a adventurous light hearted JRPG imo

Like it has been said, dunno where the bad reviewers are coming from on this one...


SuperPac said:
That's not entirely true as both Odin Sphere and Persona 3 got Game of the Month in EGM very recently.

But usually the people who are given those games to review are JRPG snobs that think Blue Dragon is a "baby game" (and in EGM's podcast from a few weeks ago they said exactly that). This is a very straightforward, simple RPG that doesn't have a particularly dark storyline and takes a lot of cues from standard shonen manga stories. That's not a recipe for endearing yourself to the folks that usually review JRPGs. Part of the problem as well is the amount of time most reviewers have to play and then write up a game. If you're working on a deadline and must hurry through the game then a lot of it would seem rather fluffy/flawed.

Probably doesn't help that the translation is very by the books and is, honestly, incredibly lifeless through much of the first disc.

Honestly those examples of the "well-reviewed" jrpgs sort of show how bad I think the western press is at grading jrpgs. They just seem to care about flashy stuff, or westernized stuff and not really care if there's substance to back it up. Whereas games like BD that have the substance in a great adventure with good dungeons, battles, length, towns, etc... get shunned.

Sometimes the scores are warranted though as like P3 is flashy and edgy to pull high scores from critics but at the same time it has great substance as well.
MasterMFauli said:
Short question:

What´s the name of the main party-girl with the white/greyish hair?
She´s hot.



Bebpo said:
Honestly those examples of the "well-reviewed" jrpgs sort of show how bad I think the western press is at grading jrpgs. They just seem to care about flashy stuff, or westernized stuff and not really care if there's substance to back it up. Whereas games like BD that have the substance in a great adventure with good dungeons, battles, length, towns, etc... get shunned.

Sometimes the scores are warranted though as like P3 is flashy and edgy to pull high scores from critics but at the same time it has great substance as well.

I really don't believe these reviewers actually played the whole game. I mean, it is an jrpg and they probably have dozens of other games to review. Notice that gaffers here said that the game gets better on the 2nd and 3rd disk? When it comes to jrpg's, I can't really trust a reviewers full opinion as it takes some mad dedication and basically a speed run to finish it, which lowers a persons enjoyment of the game.

Eric WK

MasterMFauli said:
Short question:

What´s the name of the main party-girl with the white/greyish hair?
She´s hot.

Kluke's better.

Finally beat the King Poo. Got him on my first attempt, but he was really tough. Now the only optional content I need to tackle is the Gold Mecha Robo, which I hear is even tougher.

Speaking of the optional content - I'm willing to bet that most of the reviewers just skipped all of this stuff, which is a shame. Not only is it fun, but it provides a decent challenge in spots and some of the areas are among my favorite in the game.
Kelaso Village
, for example, is probably the most wonderful thing I've seen in a game in a long time.
Not necessarily from a content or visual standpoint, but certainly from a "oh my God, these are the most delightfully happy hat-wairing people I've ever seen" standpoint.

Love this game.


Masta_Killah said:
:lol that's dedication right there.
I had 586 before even going to the castle ;)

IJoel said:
I had about 575 when I first got there. Now, I have 823. This does not bode well for me.

*keeps checking every item*

I'm guessing you guys scoured the town and maybe the
before talking to him because I think I've checked almost everything. My favorites are those SP+ and Way of the Thief items.


Masta_Killah said:
I really don't believe these reviewers actually played the whole game. I mean, it is an jrpg and they probably have dozens of other games to review. Notice that gaffers here said that the game gets better on the 2nd and 3rd disk? When it comes to jrpg's, I can't really trust a reviewers full opinion as it takes some mad dedication and basically a speed run to finish it, which lowers a persons enjoyment of the game.

That is a tough one. EGM's main reviewer (A. Fitch) says he beat the game and I believe it. Unfortunately since BD has no "Finished the first disc," "Finished the second disc" landmark-type achievements, so even if you were able to view their gamercards from their debug playthroughs you would have no idea how far they played.
The lack of a "save anywhere" save system in this day and age is absolutely infuriating. I just don't understand it. That's really my only complaint so far.

And tell me it gets better after the Forest of the Dead...pleeze


you can save anywhere in the overworld, I think it is good that they don't let you save anytime.

And the game gets better constantly after disc 1 with a few fluctuations.

Eric WK

siamesedreamer said:
The lack of a "save anywhere" save system in this day and age is absolutely infuriating. I just don't understand it. That's really my only complaint so far.

And tell me it gets better after the Forest of the Dead...pleeze

Well you just can't save anywhere in dungeons. And yes, it sucks. Last night I went through an hour and a half-long optional dungeon only to get a disc read error as I tried to make a break to Jibral Castle Town with my phat loot.

And yes, it gets better.


Junior Member
MasterMFauli said:
Short question:

What´s the name of the main party-girl with the white/greyish hair?
She´s hot.
Her boobs even jump DOA style. FAP! (not really).

Anyway, I have been dreaming about this game to nights in a row now: First time I was looking for nothings and last night I got a 30 point achievement that doesn't exist ;)

Did anybody else get a FFVII vibe from the game when doing all the optional stuff before the crater?
Man people weren't kidding when they said the game picks up and the end of the first disc. I'm absolutely loving it. Gives me more hope for Lost Odyssey too.
Bebpo said:
Honestly those examples of the "well-reviewed" jrpgs sort of show how bad I think the western press is at grading jrpgs. They just seem to care about flashy stuff, or westernized stuff and not really care if there's substance to back it up. Whereas games like BD that have the substance in a great adventure with good dungeons, battles, length, towns, etc... get shunned.

Sometimes the scores are warranted though as like P3 is flashy and edgy to pull high scores from critics but at the same time it has great substance as well.

yeah. the beginning of persona 3 is plenty better than blue dragon, and I'm sure they base that and perhaps a few more hours of gameplay and judge the entire experience there. It may work for other genres, but it just doesn't with RPGs. Like you said, I think there are a lot of factors of determining just how well done an RPG is--some stuff I think we take for granted (like dungeon designs, town to dungeon pacing, uniqueness of the world, and always the most underrated thing in RPGs, music)

I'm glad Persona 3 is getting very good reviews here in the USA, but I can't say that gives me any faith; the reviews for BD...ugh. this just goes to show that neogaf is the place to get the dirt :p
I'm approaching Disk 3 and complete boredom has set in.

- Traditional turn-based combat systems are mindless and tedious. The problem is compounded in Blue Dragon due to the slow pace of its battles which is the result of overly long combat animations and constant framerate slowdown.

- There're too many load points, which further slows down the game's pace.

- There are no proper puzzles.

- Event triggers are often unclear.

- It uses the worst event trigger known to man and it uses it numerous times: Talk to everyone in the village.

- It lacks an automap. The levels are extensively maze-based but without an automap you're left with the choice of either mapping them by hand or wandering around in circles until you happen to find the right path out of the maze. That often slows an already slow paced game down to a crawl.

- The protagonists are unlikable except for the pirate girl. There's the gung-ho simpleton, the henpecked son, the hyper-active rodent, and the girl with no personality.

- There isn’t anything novel about the gameplay. It’s an archaic rehash with nothing new to offer.

I love the art direction and the graphical detail, and I even think Nene is a fun villain in a stop-motion Xmas special sort of way, but after 25 hours the thrill is long gone.
GremlinInTheMachine said:
archaic rehash

despite me disagreeing with most of what you said, I really just don't understand this one. archaic rehash? This is one of the most conservative jRPGs in a while ... the last thing it does is get caught in its own web of "rehashing." Anyway, I disagree with you, big time.


theultimo said:
I think was a worse actor, I wish they could have made him less annoying. Still a great game regardless, but it made me almost mute my tv.

Marumaro was annoying, but at least fairly faithful to the Japanese version, so I cut the actor some slack. Zola was just terribly miscast. The voice did NOT fit the face and much-too-perky body.


u_neek said:
Her boobs even jump DOA style. FAP! (not really).

Anyway, I have been dreaming about this game to nights in a row now: First time I was looking for nothings and last night I got a 30 point achievement that doesn't exist ;)

Did anybody else get a FFVII vibe from the game when doing all the optional stuff before the crater?
more of a Chrono Trigger Vibe to me., with Cafe Jibral directing you like the End of Time.


Rodeo Clown said:
They already announced Blue Dragon 2?! Without spoiling, as I have yet to finish the game, does the ending even leave it open for a sequel?

I'd say it does but if they do a sequel in the same world I think it would probably be lacking. Without spoiling the end too much I don't see what villain they could pull out of the bag thats completely dispicable without going back
to some monster the ancients kept secret
or something.
I really get the feeling that Sakaguchi wants to tackle it FF style and leave each world seperate in every installment with a fresh beggining. Plus if they do that they have a much bigger breathing space to really roll the carpet out (I think anyway). Like iv'e said before there's a lot a lot of little things about this game that they can take over to the next and pull off an even greater game.

By the way did anyone else read the short stories.?

u_neek said:
Her boobs even jump DOA style. FAP! (not really).

Anyway, I have been dreaming about this game to nights in a row now: First time I was looking for nothings and last night I got a 30 point achievement that doesn't exist ;)

Did anybody else get a FFVII vibe from the game when doing all the optional stuff before the crater?

Actually they do go a bit Doa in one of the final scenes.


GremlinInTheMachine said:
- It uses the worst event trigger known to man and it uses it numerous times: Talk to everyone in the village.

I don't think I've had to talk to everyone in a village a single time. Perhaps you're just not very good at identifying the people you're supposed to be talking to.

- It lacks an automap. The levels are extensively maze-based but without an automap you're left with the choice of either mapping them by hand or wandering around in circles until you happen to find the right path out of the maze. That often slows an already slow paced game down to a crawl.

I haven't gotten lost and had to fumble around a single time. Pay attention to the minimap and follow a wall and navigation is easy.


Brashnir said:
I don't think I've had to talk to everyone in a village a single time. Perhaps you're just not very good at identifying the people you're supposed to be talking to.

He's probably talking about Devoor where you kind of end up talking to nearly everyone but you certainly don't have to. If you know where *such and such* are all you have to do is walk over there. That said apart from that and the very end I don't know where in the game you have to do that either.


Nolan. said:
He's probably talking about Devoor where you kind of end up talking to nearly everyone but you certainly don't have to. If you know where *such and such* are all you have to do is walk over there. That said apart from that and the very end I don't know where in the game you have to do that either.

he said he was "approaching" disc 3, so he hasn't even got to Devour yet.


So this morning I beat the first disc and got the mechat shooting achievement.
I'm now doing a bit of grinding outside of jibral to up the shadow class generalist on most of my characters. Got to have that skill+4 :p
This place is also perfect to up my amount of monster fights for the 100 monster fights achievement.


I'm only at the Underwater Caverns, beautiful down here!

Just out of a matter of interest, has anyone got any tips on ensuring that your crew has the combat turns first?

I always try to dash in to an enemy before they detect me, but sometimes I dash a tad too late and only 2 of my crew have their turns before the enemy(s). Anyone got any tips on ensuring you always get first attack?


Danielsan said:
So this morning I beat the first disc and got the mechat shooting achievement.
I'm now doing a bit of grinding outside of jibral to up the shadow class generalist on most of my characters. Got to have that skill+4 :p
This place is also perfect to up my amount of monster fights for the 100 monster fights achievement.
Later on, you use the Accesory + a LOT.


Android18a said:
Yeah, Accessory + is a must.

Although with 2 Belts of Hermes and a Black Belt, my Shu must look more like Lulu right now.

Yeah I always wanted to know why you couldn't see the accessories you equip. I would have loved seeing what those earring's and necklaces looked like on the boys. They should have had lipstick as an accessory aswell.


Junior Member
Nolan. said:
I would have loved seeing what those earring's and necklaces looked like on the boys. They should have had lipstick as an accessory aswell.

uh? Scary thought... do you happen to think on this things often? :D :D


aries_71 said:
uh? Scary thought... do you happen to think on this things often? :D :D

What you mean you never wondered what Shu and Marumaro would look like with red lipstic.? Jiro already wears a dress so he wouldn't look too hilarious.
pswii60 said:
I'm only at the Underwater Caverns, beautiful down here!

Just out of a matter of interest, has anyone got any tips on ensuring that your crew has the combat turns first?

I always try to dash in to an enemy before they detect me, but sometimes I dash a tad too late and only 2 of my crew have their turns before the enemy(s). Anyone got any tips on ensuring you always get first attack?

invisibility item is your friend
Nolan. said:
He's probably talking about Devoor where you kind of end up talking to nearly everyone but you certainly don't have to. If you know where *such and such* are all you have to do is walk over there. That said apart from that and the very end I don't know where in the game you have to do that either.

Actually, the town after Devour requires you to talk to everyone but it's not like there's a ton of them there anyway.


GremlinInTheMachine said:
- The protagonists are unlikable except for the pirate girl. There's the hyper-active rodent,.


This is my favorite character. The scene after the
wagon escort when he falls for the girl
was hysterical.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Sysgen said:
Holy moly, I had 471
the first time I talked to the
man in

Holy shit, I had like 74 and I thought I was fairly obsessive-compulsive when it came to checking the environment.
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