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Boeing engineer Sam Salehpour describes Boeing manufacturing practices


Gold Member
plane crash GIF

It's only planes.... I have so little confidence that the thing won't crash already. With the whole Boeing disaster, I no longer have any confidence in aeroplanes at all.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
They all use Safety slogans in the corporate world, but really look to cut cost.

Also most corporate leaders it seem look for cutting cost to maximize share holder value, they never seem to understand that building a superior product will grow share holder value.
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This is why it always makes me laugh when people think deregulation is some sort of solution. Companies will just regulate themselves and the invisible hand of the free market will hold them accountable!

Yeah, no. Part of my job has always been arguing with regulatory bodies, and part of it has always been arguing with my own companies looking to cut any corners they can to meet a deadline in the Gantt chart with zero slack which they presented to the higher ups to keep them happy.
Well, this is something really serious. I hope that in the end we will get better safety standards. For Boeing, I guess that the company will loose a significant market share for Airbus and will need to reinvent itself.


Gold Member
I dont know anything about building airplanes, but to me as long as the ride is decent thats all I care about. Over the years it seems certain Boeing models are way more dangerous than others and you never hear about big Airbus issues.

So whatever they are doing to fuck it up is probably one part maxing profits, and I'd guess another part jamming in extra features or complexity in manufacturing muddying the pot. You dont have to reinvent the wheel every iteration.

It's like cars. All I know is it seems people (including me) get all kinds of repair issues or warning light crap every year. You'd think higher end cars that cost a good amount would be higher quality and less repairs. Nope. A tried and true basic Civic or Sentra probably has 10x better reliability and fewer issues. It's not that the axle is going to fall off, but there's so many added features and computer tracking systems that it's probably engineering overload so more things slip through the cracks. Out of all the fancy features, some people like me just want a good looking car that drives well. I dont need the million bullet point feature set.
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I dont know anything about building airplanes, but to me as long as the ride is decent thats all I care about.

I literally don't even care if it explodes or falls apart on the street, when I'm picking out what car to drive, all I car about is that the ride is good!

BTW in the video he makes specific allegations of Boeing's misconduct sending out knowingly defective airplanes on purpose and being physically threatened when he raised issues. That's not a "whoops we over designed and made it too complex" type of a problem.


So what will all these conspiracy theorists say once he isn’t killing himself / dies in mysterious ways?

It’s a US company, nothing worthwhile will happen some people will be fined and that’s it then.

The US can’t have Airbus get more contracts than Boing.

The Stig

This is why it always makes me laugh when people think deregulation is some sort of solution.
we've already had 2 oil rigs blow up because of it. you think some planes that poor people fly in crashing is going to bother them one iota?

""let the free market decide, it'll be best for everyone"

fucking morons.
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ChatGPT 0.1
Everything deteriorates, and in general as long as it can fly and intact I think its fine. No one remembers the dude who inspected the Titantc a big boat that sank.
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