Someone must have hired the same hitman from Putin

I think boeing care more about money than this or any guys life, so yes i think they cared about what he had to say, at least more than they cared about his life.You really think Boing cares what the guy had to say? They’ll pay a billion dollar fine, get a US contract to build another hundred airplanes and businesses goes on as usual.
VW payed an equivalent fine of 20billion dollars for the Dieselgate scandal, no one was murdered. VW payed and moved on. No one of these managers really care. They get their golden parachute and then “don’t remember “ anything in court. Case closed.
VW is partly owned by the German government. They are part of the militaro-industrial complex by design.I think boeing care more about money than this or any guys life, so yes i think they cared about what he had to say, at least more than they cared about his life.
Do you really think boeing did not care ?
About your exemple, even though funded by the nazis, wv isn't part of any militaro-industrial complex that i know of plus they weren't responsible for the death of people with what they did. Boeing case is different.
Anyway, good people cannot believe a lot of things because it irks them the wrong way, doesn't mean it's false.
A friend of mine recently bought a new Passat. Solid car.VW is partly owned by the German government. They are part of the militaro-industrial complex by design.
Emissions kill people, lung cancer rates in cities etc. are primarily driven by car emissions.
They payed their fine and moved on.
VW is partly owned by the German government. They are part of the militaro-industrial complex by design.
Emissions kill people, lung cancer rates in cities etc. are primarily driven by car emissions.
They payed their fine and moved on.
The epstein memes really got the public talking with that stuff. I was actually surprisedI sent that story to one of my friends and my brother. This is how they responded separately:
"Ceo must be a friend of Hilary"
"He was Clinton'd"
Talk about people on the same wavelength...
Thank youYes, pollution...the secret war machine of the German MIC. That comparison is horrible.
Read. I did not imply that VWs military goal is to kill people with emissions but to refute the initial claim that VWs law breaking didn’t kill people.Yes, pollution...the secret war machine of the German MIC. That comparison is horrible.
Air travel is safer than it’s ever been.How do they keep getting away with this? Basically can't fly anymore.
My thoughts exactlyThey Michael Claytoned this dude.
When you get to use Airbus.Air travel is safer than it’s ever been.
Just the kind of thread you want to read a few days after booking transatlantic flights - on a fucking Boeing.
You're telling other to read when you're just talking out of your ass comparing the german gvt and WV with the US gvt and boeing, lockheed martin, etc.Read. I did not imply that VWs military goal is to kill people with emissions but to refute the initial claim that VWs law breaking didn’t kill people.
Another one died recently, according to the seattle times.
He was 45, had been in good health and was noted for having a healthy lifestyle.
He died after two weeks in critical condition, his aunt Carol Parsons said.
Parsons said Dean became ill and went to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing just over two weeks ago. He was intubated and developed pneumonia and then a serious bacterial infection, MRSA.
His condition deteriorated rapidly, and he was airlifted from Wichita to a hospital in Oklahoma City, Parsons said. There he was put on an ECMO machine, which circulates and oxygenates a patient’s blood outside the body, taking over heart and lung function when a patient’s organs don’t work on their own.
Also, murder could happen to any of us.Hmm….
Could happen to any of us healthy 45 year olds
So is the family friend a whistleblower on the hit list too now? lol'if anything happens, it's not suicide': Boeing whistleblower told family friend before death
I like how people make fun of China and Russia for murdering dissidents and in the US corporations with close connections to the US government openly now murder people for daring to interfere with corporate interests and no one even bats an eye. These psychopaths won't even be investigated for the murders, that's for sure
The world is built on corruptionWe live in a corrupt society with corrupt people.
Trick questionWould you rather be a Boeing whistleblower, or have information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton?
plant info on hilary in boeing hq. Let them fightWould you rather be a Boeing whistleblower, or have information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton?
Another Boeing W
Upping my Boeing stock as they clearly understand the fiscal consequences of doing the job right vs saving money by hiring assassins and milking the weak legal system to just pay fines for having whistleblowers killed. Short term they will be found culpable of killing whistleblowers, be fined, but those fines will be far less than the profit losses if they had to recall planes and hold on selling them until those safety features are fixed.
Quantifying everything into profit and loss for pure greed has been the status quo for decades. Profit wins every time!
Almost as if paying off campaigns for both sides as they do gave them an advantage as the laws written by those that win said campaigns has no teeth to actually find them accountable is part of the system as well… nah that’s conspiratorial nonsense!It's even better! They will never even be accused of it since they own the American political system and intelligence apparatus through their enormous military industrial complex bribes
This post certainly aged wellIt's situations like this where I always roll my eyes at conspiracy nuts.
In situations like this those people always believe that the big bad evil in question is nefarious and smart enough to carry out an assassination for their own gain......
....without also realizing that a person in position like this being found dead regardless of the official circumstances looks bad on the big bad evil in question. Worse than if it they had just rode the situation out. Especially a publicly traded entity like Boeing.
A company or individual would have to be fucking insane to even try it in today's world with all the infinite surveillance and technology on hand. The only people that can get away with shit like this anymore are the people like Putin who kills people and the world knows he kills people, but he doesn't have to worry about it because reasons.
Because there's basically zero real evidence that Boeing had anything to do with either of these deaths the second you look into either person's background OR apply any real logic to the events.I like how people make fun of China and Russia for murdering dissidents and in the US corporations with close connections to the US government openly now murder people for daring to interfere with corporate interests and no one even bats an eye. These psychopaths won't even be investigated for the murders, that's for sure