Boeing is part of the military industrial complex and since the military industrial complex owns the State Department and the CIA it doesn't surprise me the least that this guy was assassinated
I’m being silly. I got the work ufo in my user name.
Corporation itself, no. Individual corporate executives who faces the end of their careers and/or criminal liabilities, don't be so sure.I mean yeah this looks bad but as a guy who works for a mega corp, there is no way a publicly traded corporation is going to hire a hitman to silence him. These people have a hard time making sure to correctly bolt doors on airplanes- you think they could manage an airtight hit?
Get real people.
Because the protection usually comes from the same people that want them dead.So this is the thing I've never understood - obviously these people know they are in danger - how do they not get protection?
Like it's not evil spirits coming out of the television to get them - it's just people.
So ... risk going to jail for life or getting the golden parachute, go earn money at Lockheed Martin and enjoy live. No higher up is facing criminal liabilities. Its always another low level engineer signing off stuff etc.Corporation itself, no. Individual corporate executives who faces the end of their careers and/or criminal liabilities, don't be so sure.
Boeing must work with consultants on this legal case
Because the protection usually comes from the same people that want them dead.
While it’s possible he may have felt some sort of responsibility for “not doing enough” or something like that (that’s pure speculation by me based on what may drive this person do that) it would be stupid not to investigate this as potential foul play. But even if it was investigated that way, who is to say we would get the truth anyway?
Very unfortunate.
Nuh uh.
I ain't getting on the Clinton's shitlist.
Crazy the amount of power an airplane manufacturer has.
It will most definitely fade into nothing.Curious if this story will just fade into nothing or if it's going to be one of those stories we hear about all the time. Has potential to be either.
Right into the Memory Hole, unfortunately.It will most definitely fade into nothing.
Yeah, he really blew the doors off that one.Guess he was gonna say some shit that wasn't gonna fly.
On the other side it is always like this, we look in the past at actual conspiracies and then think that “oh but now it is impossible” <insert whatever today’s date dynamically when the post is read>.It's situations like this where I always roll my eyes at conspiracy nuts.
In situations like this those people always believe that the big bad evil in question is nefarious and smart enough to carry out an assassination for their own gain......
....without also realizing that a person in position like this being found dead regardless of the official circumstances looks bad on the big bad evil in question. Worse than if it they had just rode the situation out. Especially a publicly traded entity like Boeing.
A company or individual would have to be fucking insane to even try it in today's world with all the infinite surveillance and technology on hand. The only people that can get away with shit like this anymore are the people like Putin who kills people and the world knows he kills people, but he doesn't have to worry about it because reasons.
It's situations like this where I always roll my eyes at conspiracy nuts.
In situations like this those people always believe that the big bad evil in question is nefarious and smart enough to carry out an assassination for their own gain......
....without also realizing that a person in position like this being found dead regardless of the official circumstances looks bad on the big bad evil in question. Worse than if it they had just rode the situation out. Especially a publicly traded entity like Boeing.
It's nice of you to always use marvel or disney's lore references with your takes so we know they come from a braindead person.While it is of course idiotic to suggest this guy was deliberately assassinated (this is Boeing we're talking about, not Hydra)
It's nice of you to always use marvel or disney's lore references with your takes so we know they come from a braindead person.
If you think some guy who was going to hurt Boeing bottom line by billions of $ if he testified could not have been assassinated, you truly are naive.
Did you guys know that the reporter who did the rolling stones expose on the U.S general in Afghanistan who was caught talking shit about Obama and subsequently fired? Well, the reporter also died a few years later in a car crash going 120 mph.
The actress Anne Heche who also died in similar circumstances did not have any drugs or alcohol in her system. but she was also working on a child trafficking documentary.
im not one to believe in conspiracy theories but this is all very suspicious.
While I agree with your statement, I also think it might be easier to pull something like this off for Boeing because they're a major military manufacturer and supplier. The military industrial complex is into all sorts of shit and many things are more willfully "overlooked" by government agencies. But I also don't think he was assassinated. At least not directly, as in, sending some dude to kill the guy. He could've been bullied/triggered into suicide, tho. If he was really mentally unstable.No. I just live in the real world. It is an incredibly difficult thing to successfully have a person assassinated, without leaving a trail of evidence and again... this is Boeing we're talking about, not The League Of Shadows. Assassination of the physical kind isn't necessary anyway. Assassinating someone's credibility, livelihood and future enough that they commit suicide is more than enough.
If you engage in silly fantasy, you allow reality to go unexamined and unappreciated. And the reality is that major corporations get away with disgusting treatment and harassment of their employees and ex-employees, because the system and the law allow them to. This poor guy had PTSD and severe anxiety. Nobody needs to invent conspiracies about assassination plots, when there's more than likely ample evidence of what they actually did to him.
That may be true, but all that means nothing if you have a prosecutor or judge with aligned interests. Boeing is so large of a company, they can never go under with government bail outs, so none of this would surprise me.No. I just live in the real world. It is an incredibly difficult thing to successfully have a person assassinated, without leaving a trail of evidence and again... this is Boeing we're talking about, not The League Of Shadows. Assassination of the physical kind isn't necessary anyway. Assassinating someone's credibility, livelihood and future enough that they commit suicide is more than enough.
If you engage in silly fantasy, you allow reality to go unexamined and unappreciated. And the reality is that major corporations get away with disgusting treatment and harassment of their employees and ex-employees, because the system and the law allow them to. This poor guy had PTSD and severe anxiety. Nobody needs to invent conspiracies about assassination plots, when there's more than likely ample evidence of what they actually did to him.
Pretty sure he shot himself 8 times in the back of his own head.He slipped on his tea and broke his neck.
Just imagine FAA is ruled by Boeing , basically they auto certify thier's like if FAA was the QC department of Being.Crazy the amount of power an airplane manufacturer has.
Guess he was gonna say some shit that wasn't gonna fly.
What you say basically is of course boeing is responsible for this guy's death but through legal means and not thuggish ways. But the dude needed to be dead before testifying, you really think boeing would let this dude a chance to testify by using scare tactics which could potentially work too late ?Once again you seem to equate assassination with what you see in movies... If you cannot fathom boeing hiring a bunch of thugs to come to this guy's house in the middle of the night and leave only when he has committed "suicide", mafia style, you are the one engaging in silly fantasy.No. I just live in the real world. It is an incredibly difficult thing to successfully have a person assassinated, without leaving a trail of evidence and again... this is Boeing we're talking about, not The League Of Shadows. Assassination of the physical kind isn't necessary anyway. Assassinating someone's credibility, livelihood and future enough that they commit suicide is more than enough.
If you engage in silly fantasy, you allow reality to go unexamined and unappreciated. And the reality is that major corporations get away with disgusting treatment and harassment of their employees and ex-employees, because the system and the law allow them to. This poor guy had PTSD and severe anxiety. Nobody needs to invent conspiracies about assassination plots, when there's more than likely ample evidence of what they actually did to him.
You really think Boing cares what the guy had to say? They’ll pay a billion dollar fine, get a US contract to build another hundred airplanes and businesses goes on as usual.What you say basically is of course boeing is responsible for this guy's death but through legal means and not thuggish ways. But the dude needed to be dead before testifying, you really think boeing would let this dude a chance to testify by using scare tactics which could potentially work too late ?Once again you seem to equate assassination with what you see in movies... If you cannot fathom boeing hiring a bunch of thugs to come to this guy's house in the middle of the night and leave only when he has committed "suicide", mafia style, you are the one engaging in silly fantasy.
You really think the types who run this company would leave its bottom line to chance ? You're very naive if you think those in a domineering position would leave anything to chance concerning their unchallenged domination of society. Your life, mine doesn't matter, those who govern us have already sacrified a lot more people for a lot less profit.
No one was murdered that we know of.VW payed an equivalent fine of 20billion dollars for the Dieselgate scandal, no one was murdered.
Oh don't get me wrong. I 100% believe that the suicide is genuine.While it is of course idiotic to suggest this guy was deliberately assassinated (this is Boeing we're talking about, not Hydra) I can equally and absolutely believe that this man took his own life due to the pressure being exerted on him by Boeing executives and legal counsel.
We don't live in a world of midnight assassins... but we do live in a world of unscrupulous companies who will quite happily drive a former employee to their grave.
Boeing did not kill this guy.
But there's every chance Boeing killed this guy.
but why not wait until the deposition is over??Oh don't get me wrong. I 100% believe that the suicide is genuine.
The guy spent his entire life working for a company that has gone down the toilet in terms of safety. We have deaths and injuries over the course of years and this guy was a part of the company doing it. Then he blows the whistle on the company and probably alienated himself from all the friends that he made in the industry as a result.
Between the loneliness, the possible guilt, and any underlying mental issues he already had it makes sense that the situation ended the way it has.
Crazy the amount of power an airplane manufacturer has.
Suicidal people are rarely of sound mind and worried about other people's schedules.but why not wait until the deposition is over??