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Boeing Whistleblower found dead. Was in the process of testifying


Because there's basically zero real evidence that Boeing had anything to do with either of these deaths the second you look into either person's background OR apply any real logic to the events.
The first man (John Barnett) already testified like 6-7 years ago and had no additional information with the current ongoing case. The ONLY thing he was still pursuing was his own defamation civil case, and on top of this his own family stated that he was under incredible amounts of stress and anxiety while working at Boeing, which is why he whistleblew in the first case. It could've been that he couldn't handle the stress of the case, legal fees, or maybe some external intimidation from Boeing themselves caused him to kill himself. But it was known that he was a depressed wreck prior to his suicide. So why the fuck would Boeing openly kill him YEARS after the damage had been done, AND right smack dab in the middle of their entire PR/media disaster? Are they a cunning "I can do ANYTHING I WANT!!!!" or genuinely stupid to have that happen right in the open? They aren't "getting away with it" either, because most of the midwit population already genuinely believes the conspiracy theory that they killed the guy, which is a PR disaster for Boeing alone.
The second man died of MRSA, which lets be real here, did we already forget after COVID (early covid that is) that completely healthy people are still capable of getting sick from something as common as the flu (which this poor dude had + pneumonia) and dying? That almost happened to a family member of mine too. It has a fatality rate of like 18-36%.

I'm sorry, anyone who genuinely believes Boeing killed these people either watches way too many goddamn movies or has an unrealistically pessimistic view of the world. Boeing deserves most of the crap they are getting right now about quality assurance and how they treat their workers but this is way, way too contrived and stupid for Boeing to be openly killing people, and they wouldn't just "get away" with it either, considering the ICAO, who is NOT friendly to Boeing and is a part of the UN, can easily just charge them and attempt to ban them as an airplane manufacturer and just let Airbus dominate everything, which would help Europe out more than anything.
The reason why nothing is being done about it is because its a complete conspiracy theory that makes no sense the second you look into it. This isn't some Hitman-tier shit. It wouldn't help Boeing in the slightest at all to silence them at this point. Unless if actual, definitive evidence comes out that these were planned deaths, this is just some batshit crazy coincidence that's going to continue the fuel the paranoia wave the media is on for everything.

John Barnett hadn't finished testifying and his final testimony was supposed to be the most revealing one, not to mention that the main reason they're doing this isn't to stop them from testifying but to send a message to other employees who think of testifying against them. Also they obviously wouldn't kill people the same way to have plausible deniability.

Boeing also doesn't give a fuck about their PR, they already own the US government through their military industrial complex bribes and their reputation has already hit rock bottom, they're mostly afraid of criminal charges and like you said international organizations. The ICAO doesn't investigate murders btw, that in the jurisdiction of the US state which they own


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
LMAO where's this guy at

This post certainly aged well

This is what happens when your mind is completely controlled by Disney
Right here? And I stand by what I said.

If you think Boeing is killing people then you need a reality check.


John Barnett hadn't finished testifying and his final testimony was supposed to be the most revealing one, not to mention that the main reason they're doing this isn't to stop them from testifying but to send a message to other employees who think of testifying against them. Also they obviously wouldn't kill people the same way to have plausible deniability.

Boeing also doesn't give a fuck about their PR, they already own the US government through their military industrial complex bribes and their reputation has already hit rock bottom, they're mostly afraid of criminal charges and like you said international organizations. The ICAO doesn't investigate murders btw, that in the jurisdiction of the US state which they own
That's not entirely correct; he DID finish testifying in the OSHA criminal case, he was in the middle of a civil retaliatory case (which by the way finding an actual source that clarifies what he was in the middle of and doesn't just ambiguously call it a court case is some top tier fear mongering), which he already cross-referenced and gave a 12-hour testimony. Why on Earth would he wait until the last day to drop some unknown bombshell that he for some reason DIDN'T mention in the OSHA case, which would have had far more impact? What the fuck sense does that make at all? On top of this his lawyers (who fyi have seen Barnett's written complaints against Boeing, which is all extensively documented) are still proceeding with the case AND his death is still being investigated.
Why on Earth would Boeing "send a message" to other employees not to whistleblow when its already happened on at least eleven different accounts? NOW they decide they don't want that to happen (and on top of this, think they can get away with it)? Also, you contradict yourself by saying Boeing doesn't care about PR; so why would they care about losing a civil case that has no criminal consequences? Again, the conspiracy has zero sound logic about it.
And NOW you mean to tell me someone at Boeing magically gave some guy the flu so he can die from it?

Furthermore, Boeing does not "own" the US government, that's some complete bullshit. They regularly compete with Lockheed Martin for contracts, did everyone just forget that they almost lost some major contracts 5 years ago with the original MAX issues going on? On top of this, Boeing has actually been bleeding losses like crazy on some of these recent contracts. They have everything to lose and aren't "in bed" with the government. So again, the idea they'd go out and kill SOME whistleblowers after they've already made their complaints publicly and privately known is beyond stupid. It's basically saying Boeing is putting out a fire by intentionally pouring gasoline on it. Sorry, I'm a strong proponent of innocent until proven guilty, and there's literally zero evidence to suggest they actually straight up killed people intentionally.
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That's not entirely correct; he DID finish testifying in the OSHA criminal case, he was in the middle of a civil retaliatory case (which by the way finding an actual source that clarifies what he was in the middle of and doesn't just ambiguously call it a court case is some top tier fear mongering), which he already cross-referenced and gave a 12-hour testimony. Why on Earth would he wait until the last day to drop some unknown bombshell that he for some reason DIDN'T mention in the OSHA case, which would have had far more impact? What the fuck sense does that make at all? On top of this his lawyers are still proceeding with the case AND his death is still being investigated.
Why on Earth would Boeing "send a message" to other employees not to whistleblow when its already happened on at least eleven different accounts? NOW they decide they don't want that to happen (and on top of this, think they can get away with it)? Also, you contradict yourself by saying Boeing doesn't care about PR; so why would they care about losing a civil case that has no criminal consequences? Again, the conspiracy has zero sound logic about it.
And NOW you mean to tell me someone at Boeing magically gave some guy the flu so he can die from it?

Furthermore, Boeing does not "own" the US government, that's some complete bullshit. They regularly compete with Lockheed Martin for contracts, did everyone just forget that they almost lost some major contracts 5 years ago with the original MAX issues going on? On top of this, Boeing has actually been bleeding losses like crazy on some of these recent contracts. They have everything to lose and aren't "in bed" with the government. So again, the idea they'd go out and kill SOME whistleblowers after they've already made their complaints publicly and privately known is beyond stupid. It's basically saying Boeing is putting out a fire by intentionally pouring gasoline on it. Sorry, I'm a strong proponent of innocent until proven guilty, and there's literally zero evidence to suggest they actually straight up killed people intentionally.

Again, they did it mainly to stop any other more harmful leaks from new whistleblowers that could potentially destroy them. And lol at the notion that the military industrial complex doesn't own the US government, how the fuck does mic contractors competing for the same contract disprove that? You keep arguing semantics to deny what everyone already knows
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Again, they did it mainly to stop any other more harmful leaks from new whistleblowers that could potentially destroy them. And lol at the notion that the military industrial complex doesn't own the US government, how the fuck does mic contractors competing for the same contract disprove that? You keep arguing semantics to deny what everyone already knows
I literally just made an entire post telling you that your point makes zero sense, especially because new whistleblowers have stepped forward anyway.
You haven't backed anything up that you've said with anything but theory and misconceptions. Meanwhile I just made a large ass post with like 9 citations of where I'm coming from and have directly disproven what you are trying to say. Its not "semantics" (which btw you completely moved goalposts, before you explicitly said "Boeing" themselves owns the US government, then when I called it out now you claim "the military industrial complex" owns the US government), you simply have no idea of what you are talking about and, again, peddling midwit conspiracy theories that the headlines are making everyone WANT to believe.

Maybe do some more research next time, but then again if you did you wouldn't be posting any of this bullshit to begin with.
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Simps for Amouranth
N Nvzman cheers for clearing up what I had originally thought was a conspiracy theory, when I say thought, I mean loosely as it'd take gargantuan balls to be offin ex employees whilst in the middle of a PR shit storm


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
LMAO I can always expect the opinions of Disney, Boeing, and Joe Biden from you

I don't really need to read the New York Times, I can just check your posts to see what their opinions are
Your insults are about as sharp as your intellect which is about what I would expect.

You strike me as the same kind of person that questions the curvature of the planet and thinks that 911 was an inside job.
Your insults are about as sharp as your intellect which is about what I would expect.

You strike me as the same kind of person that questions the curvature of the planet and thinks that 911 was an inside job.
Sorry but your attempts at a retort are very average and I'm not saying it in a cold brick of passion

You're one of those people who has been instructed by the media to hate Elon Musk IIRC which all that needs to be said about your so-called intellect


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Sorry but your attempts at a retort are very average and I'm not saying it in a cold brick of passion

You're one of those people who has been instructed by the media to hate Elon Musk IIRC which all that needs to be said about your so-called intellect
You accuse me of being instructed by the media yet you have fallen head over heels for the smooth brained conspiracies revolving around Boeing.

There is a special kind of irony when it comes to that level of cognitive dissonance.


Gold Member
I like how people make fun of China and Russia for murdering dissidents and in the US corporations with close connections to the US government openly now murder people for daring to interfere with corporate interests and no one even bats an eye. These psychopaths won't even be investigated for the murders, that's for sure
Yeah this shit is kinda surreal, like a bad joke but it's actually true.


Gold Member
I mean there was a report when the first whistleblower died and then crickets. Looks like it's going to be buried at this point, I'm sure the investigations into these deaths will be very inconclusive because mysterious reasons
People are so desensitized these days that even something shoking like this get forgotten in no time.

Edit: i don't wanna sound too apocalyptic :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
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Gold Member
So this is the thing I've never understood - obviously these people know they are in danger - how do they not get protection?

Like it's not evil spirits coming out of the television to get them - it's just people.
Never understood why the russian oligarchs killed by putrid didn't had a small army around them 24/7.
Even Philip Morris didn’t go beyond intimidation tactics and lawsuits against their whistleblowers. You can’t just go around offing everyone as a viable tactic in the US.

It’s very unlikely that Boeing is doing so.
Unlikely, yes. Illogical and stupid too probably. Bur weirder thing happened. I did not think that the first death was Boeing fault, outside of maybe the stress they put on the person who died. Then another died. Once again it logically should have nothing to do with Boeing. But I prefer being pessimistic than optimistic with too big to fail companies like Boeing. As a european I am really happy that they are in deep shit and not Airbus, but the last incident proved that they have yet to work on themselves and hope thay there will not be another death in the next few months.


They do it because they have culturally conditioned the population to believe there is no way they would do it.
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If Boeing ever got caught ordering a murder, it would be the literal end of the company. $110B market cap gone. There are 100 other things Boeing could do before murdering a whistleblower that would cost way less than even a billion dollars. Boeing is being whistleblown on shitty QA which we all know they have now because of Alaska Air. Maybe they will be fined a few billion dollars. There is nothing on the line worth risking the company over. Let alone the executives risking life in Federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.

Plus, Boeing is close enough to the Department of Defense that they probably have a better sense of all the NSA cellphone monitoring shit the US government has that would almost certainly be used against them to uncover the murder.
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They do it because they have culturally conditioned the population to believe there is no way they would do it.
This is an incredibly stupid argument because the vast majority of people I've seen on social media and even in person genuinely believe it was an assassination (because the media headlines are being incredibly sensational). However, as my posts above state, it's actually most likely not the case because none of the facts line up with that at all and it's completely illogical.
I mean there was a report when the first whistleblower died and then crickets. Looks like it's going to be buried at this point, I'm sure the investigations into these deaths will be very inconclusive because mysterious reasons
The first death is still being investigated, the second one was confirmed by doctors to be MRSA, wtf do you investigate about something that hospitalizes like 800,000 people a year.

Jesus it's like y'all did zero research and are thinking that an assassination is actually the smart assumption to make lol


Gold Member
Even Philip Morris didn’t go beyond intimidation tactics and lawsuits against their whistleblowers. You can’t just go around offing everyone as a viable tactic in the US.

It’s very unlikely that Boeing is doing so.
^^^^^^Someone's check cashed :p

But yeah, "murder by pneumonia" seems....unlikely. I've seen a healthy 30 yo wake with a mild cough and be dead by the afternoon of pneumonia.


What time is it?
You can’t just go around offing everyone


Conspiracy theories exist because they’re exciting and fun to think about, but reality is much more mundane. Boeing execs pinched pennies and corners were cut, also people die of non-nefarious means all the time; yes, even in a group of whistleblowers or a group of people who got a vaccine.

That said, Boeing definitely murders people on the regular and even has secret murder budgets: one for passengers and one for whistleblowers
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