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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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siamesedreamer said:
Was DVD ever "owned" by a company the way BluRay is "owned" by Sony?

I just don't see how that can be a good thing.
I think Sony and Phillips came to agreement with DVD with toshiba (and everyone else) came afterwards,


siamesedreamer said:
Was DVD ever "owned" by a company the way BluRay is "owned" by Sony?

I just don't see how that can be a good thing.

Blu-ray is “owned” by a consortium.

1. Panasonic
2. Sony
3. Pioneer
4. Royal Philips Electronics




TTP said:
well someone has to invent this stuff after all. it doesnt rain from the sky.

Sony does not own Blu-Ray as far as I know, the BDA does and several companies have developed on it. TDK developed the coating and the expanded multilayer BD-Disc.


BenjaminBirdie said:
What? I had been. You're not curious about what the sales figures ACTUALLY are between DVD and a Hi-Def Format?

That holds no relevance at all?



Not really when movie studios are investing huge sums of money in new media for the future. Yanno, kind of what this whole format "war" and thread is all about. But erect straw men for the sake of damage control. It's cool.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Ah, there were are. I've been looking for a comparison like that.

That comparison is meaningless though. You can find similar numbers at the dawn of the DVD era when comparing it to VHS.


In 5 years when they announce Bluray 2 or whatever new format, will you guys just buy your collections over again? Over and over and over until you die?
Dante said:
Couldn't you basically make the same argument a year after DVD came out with VHS?

I'd love to. What were the figures back then?

I think everyone knows where I stand on this, and it's not on some kind of Pro-MS, HD-DVD platform, that's for sure.


Firewire said:
It would be a bit higher considering most smaller distributors & publishers back blu ray, but they don't get counted in among the big boys. It might not be to far off to say 80%.

Just exclusive Lord of The Rings trilogy counts for 20% IMO. :p


urk said:
So does anyone really think there is a flood of people just waiting for Warner Bros. to go Blu-ray before buying a PS3?

This is a positive move for Blu-ray as a format, but I just don't see it sending a significant percentage of fence sitters jumping off their perch and running for a PS3. Consumers interested in High Definition Warner Brothers films will buy a Blu-ray player. Consumers interesting in PS3 gaming will but a PS3. Sure, they'll be some overlap, but we've already seen that that segment of the market is nowhere near the driving force we're pretending it to be.

This is not about Warner going Blu Ray, but a strengthening of the format as a whole. The picture is bigger than this. There are people sitting on the sidelines waiting for the format war to end, and now it looks like we are finally coming to an end. Consumers can now buy Blu Ray movie players with a better piece of mind knowing it is the HD format of the future. On top of this, a trickle down effect will occur with the PS3 as the blu ray disc drive in the system has become more valuable with Blu Ray winning this format battle. How big of an effect, we don't know at the moment. But as HDTV prices continuously drop consumers will look for HD content.


JB1981 said:
i think if people can only get high-def media on blu-ray for the better part of 2008, it will most certainly have a positive impact on ps3 sales. how could it not? it will help and could very well end up helping out in a major way.

i mean, my brother just bought a Toshiba 37" LCD HDTV for $599 at Circuit City the other day. HDTV is getting cheaper, ps3 is getting cheaper, the media will hopefully get cheaper. Christmas 2008 could be very big. But who knows.

they'll still be able to get HD content on HD-DVD in 2008, most consumers are still confused by the two formats and perplexed that they even need to update from DVD, and the end result is a very muddled, limited market that isn't in any position to drive a console's sales. Not to say that there won't be... three... people out there who buy a PS3 thanks to this news, but nothing on the level to actually save the system from its current catastrophic lows.
TTP said:
well someone has to invent this stuff after all. it doesnt rain from the sky.
Actually last round, the DVD was the Super Density Disc if I recall, which was supported by Toshiba and others. The other format was the Multimedia Compact Disc which was mainly the Sony camp...I don't even think that either of them went retail, but after a long while, the best of both were combined leaning more on the Toshiba side, and that is now what we know as the DVD.


Gub'mint Researcher
siamesedreamer said:
Was DVD ever "owned" by a company the way BluRay is "owned" by Sony?

I just don't see how that can be a good thing.

Dvd is owned by the sames consortium that run bluray minus toshiba i think.


Tobor said:
In 5 years when they announce Bluray 2 or whatever new format, will you guys just buy your collections over again? Over and over and over until you die?
5 years from now, when they announce Wii 2 (blu-ray drive lol) will you just buy your collections over and over again. Until you die?


BenjaminBirdie said:
I'd love to. What were the figures back then?

I think everyone knows where I stand on this, and it's not on some kind of Pro-MS, HD-DVD platform, that's for sure.

That you buy into the concept of HD games.....Just not HD Movies?


BD needs to be the only HD disc based format out there as soon as possible. having that will make way for all BD products and development to get cheaper and more accessible at a much faster rate. why is that important for PS3? well, for starters, it will make PS3 cheaper to produce and sell. this format war is stupid, and that is all the more reason for it to end quickly with the better choice being the default choice; BD.

but why I really want to see BD win, aside from having bigger capacity, is not for today, but for tomorrow. with BD being the DVD successor and the continuation of Cell development, I am expecting a very competitively priced PS4 with a huge technical edge over anything else on the market.


siamesedreamer said:
Was DVD ever "owned" by a company the way BluRay is "owned" by Sony?

I just don't see how that can be a good thing.

DVD was the result of a group effort by Toshiba, Time Warner, Matsushita Electric, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, Pioneer, Thomson, JVC, Phjillips and Sony to create one standalone format, to avoid the type of war that occured from Beta vs VHS.

Blu-ray is no different. It was created by nine companies, Matsushita, Pioneer, Philips, Thomson, LG Electronics, Hitachi, Sharp, Samsung, and Sony.

Currently there are 18 companies on the Blu-ray board of directors.

Apple Inc.
Hewlett Packard
LG Electronics
Mitsubishi Electric
Panasonic (Matsushita Electric)
Pioneer Corporation
Royal Philips Electronics
Samsung Electronics
Sharp Corporation
Sony Corporation
Sun Microsystems
TDK Corporation
Twentieth Century Fox
Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group / Buena Vista Home Entertainment
Warner Home Video Inc.

HDDVD is Toshiba's baby.

People like to act like Sony solely created Blu-ray, but that's not the case. They simply included the tech in their PS3 that they were backing at the time.


JB1981 said:
5 years from now, when they announce Wii 2 (blu-ray drive lol) will you just buy your collections over and over again. Until you die?

Hopefully not. Hopefully my VC collection will crossover. If not, I might not.

As for movies. I'm done collecting. Renting with the odd purchase is more than fine.


Amir0x said:
they'll still be able to get HD content on HD-DVD in 2008, most consumers are still confused by the two formats and perplexed that they even need to update from DVD, and the end result is a very muddled, limited market that isn't in any position to drive a console's sales. Not to say that there won't be... three... people out there who buy a PS3 thanks to this news, but nothing on the level to actually save the system from its current catastrophic lows.

Shelf space is already being pulled on HD DVD. Before this announcment, Best Buy stores have been going to a 2:1 to 3:1 blu ray configuration for hi def movies. Best Buy is the biggest retailer for hi def movies.

HD DVD will have some presence in the online space, but don't be surprised if most HD DVD movies get pulled from valuable retail space in 2008 leaving Blu Ray alone in the hi def aisle.

The biggest concern for Blu Ray isn't HD DVD anymore, it is driving people to upgrade from their DVD to hi def. Now there is finally a real opportunity for growth in the HD movie market. But we don't know what kind of capitalization will occur.


butthole fishhooking yes
Mrbob said:
This is not about Warner going Blu Ray, but a strengthening of the format as a whole.

Eh, I agree with that, but it's still not going to affect mass market in the short term. HD formats are still getting their ass absolutely kicked by DVD. That's not going to change any time soon. The consumers you have left to tap into are gamers and videophiles and most of them aren't waiting out the format war.


Gub'mint Researcher
MechDX said:
The majority of DVD patents are owned by Toshiba and WB, I believe.
just checked :
Ten companies founded the dvd organization:

Hitachi, Ltd.
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Pioneer Electronic Corporation
Royal Philips Electronics N.V.
Sony Corporation
Time Warner Inc.
Toshiba Corporation
Victor Company of Japan, Ltd. (JVC)
Not sure who got the most patent..
mysticstylez said:
It won't be happening anytime soon. Hell, Pirates of The Caribbean:At Worlds End, sold 7.3 million DVD's in its first week compared to only 160,000 for Blu Ray in the same time frame.

No time soon will better video/sound quality make those numbers come close together.
Wasn't VHS a more expensive format also? When the DVD format took over, DVD's weren't 2-3 times as expensive as VHS. But going from the DVD format to HD is not something that the average consumer is going to jump all over because HD is so expensive. I still do not have an HD player and I don't plan on getting one for quite a while. And the DVD's that are in the low price bin are not exactly new releases, nor blockbuster hits.
Dante said:
That you buy into the concept of HD games.....Just not HD Movies?

The difference between HD and Last Gen games is WILDLY more massive than the difference between HD and SD movies, by the very nature of the platforms delivering them.

360 and PS3 games are more advanced only because they're at a higher res or, in one instance, have more storage space? That's not what you're positing, is it?


Gold Member
urk said:
HD formats are still getting their ass absolutely kicked by DVD. That's not going to change any time soon.

Define "soon." I'm not trying to be a snot here, but I keep seeing this come up. I would figure that once HDTV penetration grows and grows, and it is, sales will pick up. The BRDA now needs to concentrate on giants like Comcast, Dish and DirecTV. That's the real competition, in my opinion.


siamesedreamer said:
Was DVD ever "owned" by a company the way BluRay is "owned" by Sony?

I just don't see how that can be a good thing.

It's a joint thing, not just Sony, but, yes they are the leaders. They played nearly as big a part in introducing the CD. I don't think that was a bad thing.


MechDX said:
The majority of DVD patents are owned by Toshiba and WB, I believe.

Toshiba runs the DVD group, they actually setup the vote on the HD format so that Blu-ray was disqualified, thus making their own format the only submission. Toshiba is HD-DVD from beginning to end.


butthole fishhooking yes
Chiggs said:
Define "soon." I'm not trying to be a snot here, but I keep seeing this come up. I would figure that once HDTV penetration grows and grows, and it is, sales will pick up. The BRDA now needs to concentrate on giants like Comcast, Dish and DirecTV. That's the real competition, in my opinion.

Best guess? Five years until HD disc sales overtakes DVD. At least.


siamesedreamer said:
Was DVD ever "owned" by a company the way BluRay is "owned" by Sony?

I just don't see how that can be a good thing.

DVD is 'owned' by a group of companies, you know, like Blu-Ray is 'owned' by a group of companies.


Chiggs said:
Define "soon." I'm not trying to be a snot here, but I keep seeing this come up. I would figure that once HDTV penetration grows and grows, and it is, sales will pick up. The BRDA now needs to concentrate on giants like Comcast, Dish and DirecTV. That's the real competition, in my opinion.

You're right, but compete how? DD isn't going away.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Why did people want HD-DVD to win in the first place? It has less storage capacity which has led to lower quality audio and extra features being in standard definition due to space limitations. I don't even own a PS3 and I'm glad this is happening because there was no benefit to an inferior format winning out.

jax (old)

Mrbob said:
Shelf space is already being pulled on HD DVD. Before this announcment, Best Buy stores have been going to a 2:1 to 3:1 blu ray configuration for hi def movies. Best Buy is the biggest retailer for hi def movies.

HD DVD will have some presence in the online space, but don't be surprised if most HD DVD movies get pulled from valuable retail space in 2008 leaving Blu Ray alone in the hi def aisle.

The biggest concern for Blu Ray isn't HD DVD anymore, it is driving people to upgrade from their DVD to hi def. Now there is finally a real opportunity for growth in the HD movie market. But we don't know what kind of capitalization will occur.

Well said.


Well, I guess MS is going to have to put a Blu-Ray Drive in their next console...serves the cheapskates right,them having to pay Sony for the privilege.


siamesedreamer said:
Was DVD ever "owned" by a company the way BluRay is "owned" by Sony?

I just don't see how that can be a good thing.
What? Do you know how many companies are in the BluRay camp? Compared to just two for HD-DVD?
edit: beaten like a bitch

Zophar said:

It's okay everyone! According to kotaku, this doesn't change anything!

LOl sweet bitter tears for my BluRay chalice.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Just a point of clarification, NEC was also involved with Toshiba in establishing HD-DVD (AOD at the time) though I'm not sure if they hold any patents for the effort.
CES 2008 MS announces that all digital downloads for the Xbox 360 will become DRM free and they will release 320GB as well as a 500GB HD in the next coming months. Blu-ray/HD-DVD nullified.


steve said:
I'll go out on a limb and say in 2 years HD content is outselling SD content.
do you forsee some massive reduction in HDTVs prices in the next 2 years as well?

sony just dropped production on rear-projection tvs

Innotech said:
why cant they just do the proper thing and make a 99$ HD player and put the Tvs at normal prices? thats what people want. the technology isnt special. ts not like its costing much more than DVD technology now. I refuse to spend money on a tiny marginal improvement. and Ive seen enough of HD to say this.
this is what I'm hoping sony aims for in the next year or so, driving down the overall prices of standalones.


why cant they just do the proper thing and make a 99$ HD player and put the Tvs at normal prices? thats what people want. the technology isnt special. ts not like its costing much more than DVD technology now. I refuse to spend money on a tiny marginal improvement. and Ive seen enough of HD to say this.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
steve said:
I'll go out on a limb and say in 2 years HD content is outselling SD content.
So you're saying that HD media will catch on twice as fast as DVD media did? It took DVD approximately 6 years to finally outpace VHS sales...
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