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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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abacab driver said:
Even then, theres no point in buying movies (that you probably already own) from the 70s/80s/90s for a more expensive format that doesn't even benefit them (like Bladerunner..why?).

Blade Runner...why? BLADE RUNNER...WHY?

You would be surprised what good HD transfers do for classic movies. 2001, for example, is simply stunning.
Dizzan said:
Bill gates to announce 360 with built in Blu ray at CES :lol :lol
Yeah, maybe that´s what the big announcement always was about and what finally pushed Warner over after a few hints from MS. :lol

Piper Az

Majority of average consumers with HDTV don't care much about jumping on to the HD video now. I really don't know when the HD format will become a outright standard like DVD is now. Maybe after 4-5 years, I'm going to guess. But to those few folks who have been really sitting on the fence, this news should win them over to the PS3, unless what they care is games. If so, this news doesn't matter much to them either.


Well HD DVD, had MS.Intel,Toshiba, and a bunch of other BIG $$$ companies, IF HD DVD fails they have No ONE to blame but themselves.Even an idiot would have seen that HD DVD was going to have a hard time without a game player(which sell ALOT quickly) Stealth selling.


get some go again
hope this is only the first domino and universal and paramount soon fall as well into the blu ray camp.



old movies need to stay with old formats. That fuzzy feeling of nostalgia would be ruined in HD. Theres a coldness to the format that I just cant stand. Like fluorescent light versus the warm light from a incandescent. It seems trite probably but I really love the old format and if I cant get DVDs because of HD Ill probably go pretty nuts.


Piper Az said:
Majority of average consumers with HDTV don't care much about jumping on to the HD video now. I really don't know when the HD format will become a outright standard like DVD is now. Maybe after 4-5 years, I'm going to guess. But to those few folks who have been really sitting on the fence, this news should win them over to the PS3, unless what they care is games. If so, this news doesn't matter much to them either.

not going to happen for a long time. i believe hd movie sales account for 1% of the market lol


butthole fishhooking yes
kaching said:
I don't think they've been planning to appeal to the casual market for at least another couple of years.

If they didn't then the Wii must be scaring the ever loving shit out of them right about now. I think you're probably right. Sony may have been counting on their hardcore fanbase and videophiles to take the early price blow while they busied themselves securing studious and reducing manufacturing costs to entice casuals later down the line.


Innotech said:
old movies need to stay with old formats. That fuzzy feeling of nostalgia would be ruined in HD. Theres a coldness to the format that I just cant stand. Like fluorescent light versus the warm light from a incandescent. It seems trite probably but I really love the old format and if I cant get DVDs because of HD Ill probably go pretty nuts.

Where you the same guy who used to praise VHS over DVD on this board?


Gold Member
Innotech said:
old movies need to stay with old formats. That fuzzy feeling of nostalgia would be ruined in HD. Theres a coldness to the format that I just cant stand. Like fluorescent light versus the warm light from a incandescent. It seems trite probably but I really love the old format and if I cant get DVDs because of HD Ill probably go pretty nuts.

2001 and The Shining are two of the best Blu-ray's I own, so I disagree.


Sonys whole problem is that they are too technical. they expect generations of people to suddenly adopt some new technologies when all the majority of people want to do is watch a movie and play games. they dont care if it looks high res or if the sound blows them out of the seat. All that matters to most people is how cheap can they get something and will it stay the same for a long time. Im telling you, its going to be a HELL of a time getting people to switch. Unless prices absolutely plummet.


Mifune said:
Blade Runner...why? BLADE RUNNER...WHY?

You would be surprised what good HD transfers do for classic movies. 2001, for example, is simply stunning.

Isn't there a thread somewhere in OT about this being the FINAL CUT? And it is completely remastered, I saw this in the cinema and it was stunning.

I can't see Blu-ray hitting the heights of DVD, but I do agree with those who says that a lot of it is up to retailers and how much they push this format and how much incentive they have to do so. There are a lot of genres like comedies and some dramas where I don't see HD adding too much to the film and DVD would suffice.


abacab driver said:
I'll care about HD movies when there are enough movies filmed in HD worth buying.
Films don't have to be explicitly shot in HD to have an HD transfer made, because the potential resolution of 35mm film is far higher than even 1080p. They just scan the film at a higher resolution.

Look - a film from 1938 with 4.5-star video.


Innotech said:
Sonys whole problem is that they are too technical. they expect generations of people to suddenly adopt some new technologies when all the majority of people want to do is watch a movie and play games. they dont care if it looks high res or if the sound blows them out of the seat. All that matters to most people is how cheap can they get something and will it stay the same for a long time. Im telling you, its going to be a HELL of a time getting people to switch. Unless prices absolutely plummet.

Do you ever have anything positive to say about Sony?

no wait, don't tell me, I already know the answer!


Mifune said:
Blade Runner...why? BLADE RUNNER...WHY?

You would be surprised what good HD transfers do for classic movies. 2001, for example, is simply stunning.

I have Blade Runner on Blu-ray, it's fucking incredible.
Looks like it could have been made 2-3 years ago.


Innotech said:
old movies need to stay with old formats. That fuzzy feeling of nostalgia would be ruined in HD. Theres a coldness to the format that I just cant stand. Like fluorescent light versus the warm light from a incandescent. It seems trite probably but I really love the old format and if I cant get DVDs because of HD Ill probably go pretty nuts.

I wouldn't call that trite so much as....unbelievably stupid.
Innotech said:
old movies need to stay with old formats. That fuzzy feeling of nostalgia would be ruined in HD. Theres a coldness to the format that I just cant stand. Like fluorescent light versus the warm light from a incandescent. It seems trite probably but I really love the old format and if I cant get DVDs because of HD Ill probably go pretty nuts.

This is ridiculous. If you prefer 480p over 720p or 1080p, you do not love movies. Movies are shot on film, which is much sharper than even "Full" HD. Except for scattered special cases (damaged masters, extremely old formats, etc.), good HD transfers immediately improve image quality drastically. As suggested above, maybe you should watch something like 2001 in HD.

Yes, it's possible to ruin audio or video quality during a transfer, but those are problems with the mastering, not with the format. Citizen Kane looks much better in its DVD incarnation than on VHS, and will look much better again when released in HD. If you honestly believe otherwise, you are just plain wrong.


Innotech said:
old movies need to stay with old formats. That fuzzy feeling of nostalgia would be ruined in HD. Theres a coldness to the format that I just cant stand. Like fluorescent light versus the warm light from a incandescent. It seems trite probably but I really love the old format and if I cant get DVDs because of HD Ill probably go pretty nuts.

Innotech said:
Sonys whole problem is that they are too technical. they expect generations of people to suddenly adopt some new technologies when all the majority of people want to do is watch a movie and play games. they dont care if it looks high res or if the sound blows them out of the seat. All that matters to most people is how cheap can they get something and will it stay the same for a long time. Im telling you, its going to be a HELL of a time getting people to switch. Unless prices absolutely plummet.

Innotech said:
old movies need to stay with old formats. That fuzzy feeling of nostalgia would be ruined in HD. Theres a coldness to the format that I just cant stand. Like fluorescent light versus the warm light from a incandescent. It seems trite probably but I really love the old format and if I cant get DVDs because of HD Ill probably go pretty nuts.

What are you talking about? Seriously....what?

Don't people realize film equivalent resolution in pixels is even higher than HD-DVD/Blu-ray right?

The original film masters for theatrical releases are like 2000 to 4000p for decades!!

Its only because now we have tv and video players that can do HD.


KTallguy said:
I have Blade Runner on Blu-ray, it's fucking incredible.
Looks like it could have been made 2-3 years ago.

Same could be said for 2001.

I gotta pick up the Blade Runner set.


BruceLeeRoy said:
The best part about this whole deal is I cant wait to see what Harry Knowles writes in response after his ridiculous WHY I CHOSE HDDVD THE WINNING FORMAT.

Well if you live in Harry's world then you know that Blu-ray doesn't read DVD discs so the impact of Warner choosing Blu-ray over HD-DVD will have very little impact. But you should have posted some of the highlights on why Harry selected HD-DVD over Blu-ray. The story reads like a what not to do when sending your senile grandpa into a Best Buy .


Innotech said:
Sonys whole problem is that they are too technical. they expect generations of people to suddenly adopt some new technologies when all the majority of people want to do is watch a movie and play games. they dont care if it looks high res or if the sound blows them out of the seat. All that matters to most people is how cheap can they get something and will it stay the same for a long time. Im telling you, its going to be a HELL of a time getting people to switch. Unless prices absolutely plummet.
I'm guessing you never went to Sears with your dad as a kid.


Dante said:
Where you the same guy who used to praise VHS over DVD on this board?
I wasnt on this board before last year.
VHS to DVD was a HUGE leap in many ways, including consumer ergonomics and cost. This SD to HD is a tiny step that doesnt seem worth the price. It still functions like a DVD, it still looks the same roughly, and really doesnt offer much benefit to anyone except a videophile. For the average consumer, its a waste of money unless they absolutely need a new TV.

Storagewise, Ive already become wary of storing media on DVDs because thats a LOT of data to lose. Its not like a CD where less than a gig was lost if you lost or ruined a CD. This is gigs of information here. And with HD formats its even worse. I think they are trying to force HD on a market that isnt ready to switch. they are getting too greedy and consumers arent just going to follow along.

Guy Legend

A post from the Avs forum:
There goes my HD-DVD collection. No more sales from me. Selling my 360/add on and all my HD movies and going with a Sony PS3.

There's no way HD-DVD can survive this.

It was fun while it lasted.



KTallguy said:
I have Blade Runner on Blu-ray, it's fucking incredible.
Looks like it could have been made 2-3 years ago.

Shit it's on Blu-Ray? I didn't know that, I need to pick that sucker up rawr.


Innotech said:
I wasnt on this board before last year.
VHS to DVD was a HUGE leap in many ways, including consumer ergonomics and cost. This SD to HD is a tiny step that doesnt seem worth the price. It still functions like a DVD, it still looks the same roughly, and really doesnt offer much benefit to anyone except a videophile. For the average consumer, its a waste of money unless they absolutely need a new TV.

Storagewise, Ive already become wary of storing media on DVDs because thats a LOT of data to lose. Its not like a CD where less than a gig was lost if you lost or ruined a CD. This is gigs of information here. And with HD formats its even worse. I think they are trying to force HD on a market that isnt ready to switch. they are getting too greedy and consumers arent just going to follow along.

If you honestly think they look close to the same (assuming the HD format is properly hooked up to a proper HDTV) then you either haven't seen both or you need a series pair of specks.


Innotech said:
old movies need to stay with old formats. That fuzzy feeling of nostalgia would be ruined in HD. Theres a coldness to the format that I just cant stand. Like fluorescent light versus the warm light from a incandescent. It seems trite probably but I really love the old format and if I cant get DVDs because of HD Ill probably go pretty nuts.

then you should be buying original film reels, not dvds.


Where do cellphones come into this. Last I checked they are constantly changing and upgrading and the casual market keeps buying. New technology and the complexity of using electronic equipment isnt so bad nowadays I think.


Raist said:
DVD is complex enough as it is. sometimes people prefer a simpler thing. I dont use VCR anymore because DVD is a substantially easier format to use. HD formats arent any easier to justify the leap in costs. thats what it comes down to. Nobody can deny this.
Innotech said:
This SD to HD is a tiny step that doesnt seem worth the price. It still functions like a DVD, it still looks the same roughly, and really doesnt offer much benefit to anyone except a videophile.

No. It doesn't look the same at all.


I really don't see the big deal to HD-DVD owners. Contine to Buy HD-DVD supported movies and then torrent the rest of the shit made for Blue-Ray.:lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Guy Legend said:
A post from the Avs forum:


My friend who was dual-format [he's rich, he can afford it] and has some 60 HD-DVDs and 110 Blu-Rays, says he's not buying any more HD-DVDs.
RavenFox said:
GhettoGamer said:
I did /\

When did you hook back up your VCR? DVD is going to the wind. Did I write that? Or your just trying to twist this someplace else? HD is here and its damn successful and guess what? It will move up the ladder and take DVD's place one day. Also the same people that press our beloved dvd's are pushing the HD format. Send them your letter and concerns.

Standalone BR will sell, I dont think John Q Public is going to get the PS3 when he doesnt even play video games, he just want a BR player
it should be a crime to watch anything below 720p on a new hdtv

SD TV looks like crap on my not so new HDTV LCD

bluray looks great sometimes stunning.

its gonna be a while before most people have an hdtv


Kittonwy said:
Shit it's on Blu-Ray? I didn't know that, I need to pick that sucker up rawr.

You must, I have the 5 disc version, it comes with like a 3 hour documentary, if you're a blade runner fan it's like the sweetest nectar of life evar.


Innotech said:
old movies need to stay with old formats. That fuzzy feeling of nostalgia would be ruined in HD. Theres a coldness to the format that I just cant stand. Like fluorescent light versus the warm light from a incandescent. It seems trite probably but I really love the old format and if I cant get DVDs because of HD Ill probably go pretty nuts.

This is without a doubt one of the dumbest comments I have read in a while.

Poorer quality makes movies better!


Shamrock said:
I really don't see the big deal to HD-DVD owners. Contine to Buy HD-DVD supported movies and then torrent the rest of the shit made for Blue-Ray.:lol

Sure, torrent 25+ gig files. :p That's really practical.


xtyen said:
This is without a doubt one of the dumbest comments I have read in a while.

Poorer quality makes movies better!

It's a valid argument. Why do you think people still collect records?


GhettoGamer said:
RavenFox said:
Standalone BR will sell, I dont think John Q Public is going to get the PS3 when he doesnt even play video games, he just want a BR player
Hellooo. It is a bluray player. Arguably the best one out right now for $399 and Spiderman 3.

Core407 said:
It's a valid argument. Why do you think people still collect records?
Who collects VCR tapes? A vinyl classic is very different to hmm lets say the first Star Wars on VHS? Think about it.


frankthurk said:
No. It doesn't look the same at all.
It does to me. I watched a football game in SD and in the same house another one in HDTV. I could follow both games the same. It wasnt such a gigantic difference that I was like "OMG I need HD!". It was morel ike "its nice, but I dont see why this costs a premium"

Keep in mind we have a 1080i HDTV at my apartment. I still dont see the need to upgrade.
And I still watch SDTV broadcasts entirely. You guys can flame me all you want but Im not the only one thinking this way. People arent going to just adjust to hD if it isnt as cheap as DVD/SD.
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