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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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Gold Member
Tobor said:
You're right, but compete how? DD isn't going away.

Hey, they're not paying me! But if I were to guess: standalone prices need to drop asap, and software prices need to follow suit.

As far as DD...of course it's not going away, but the studios can certainly make it so that HD movies debuts on BRD first. As a movie collector, I want the hard copy. And I know I'm not alone on that.

Personally, I see both DD and BRD living in harmony.


neptunes said:
do you forsee some massive reduction in HDTVs prices in the next 2 years as well?

sony just dropped production on rear-projection tvs

This is already happening. Next time you walk into your local electronics chain, Best Buy or the sort, take a look at the television areas and make a note of what you see.

It's not the tech geeks buying new TVs these days, it's the baby boomers in their 50's with money to burn that are investing in the new tech. Once they adopt, you've got mass acceptance.

They show it off to their friends, and on and on it goes.

And once they figure out that they're pushing SD content through their shiny new TVs, you can bet they're going to start looking at what their options are for upgrading, and now it looks as though BD will be their only choice.


RavenFox said:
What? Do you know how many companies are in the BluRay camp? Compared to just two for HD-DVD?
HD DVD is actually administrated by the same DVD Forum that holds DVD which includes all of the BD companies, and indeed they all have the right to vote on matters pertaining to HD DVD. Disney are the only ones who exercise that right, except apparently when it's something that could negatively affect Blu-ray - when they voted on whether HD DVD should be interoperable with that official Chinese standard Sony and co were the only ones to vote no, for example.


steve said:
This is already happening. Next time you walk into your local electronics chain, Best Buy or the sort, take a look at the television areas and make a note of what you see.

It's not the tech geeks buying new TVs these days, it's the baby boomers in their 50's with money to burn that are investing in the new tech. Once they adopt, you've got mass acceptance.

They show it off to their friends, and on and on it goes.
and 5 times the amount of people are buying regular crt edTVs with $70 DVD players and/or recorders.


Gold Member
MWS Natural said:
CES 2008 MS announces that all digital downloads for the Xbox 360 will become DRM free and they will release 320GB as well as a 500GB HD in the next coming months. Blu-ray/HD-DVD nullified.

HD-DVD is already nullified. And since we were talking about how long it will take for HDM to outsell SDM, why not take a shot at this: How long will it be before DD overtakes HDM?

I personally wouldn't underestimate the significance of having a high-quality HD movie on a disc, ready to go, at any number of retail locations.

VVVVVVVVV - What he said.
MWS Natural said:
CES 2008 MS announces that all digital downloads for the Xbox 360 will become DRM free and they will release 320GB as well as a 500GB HD in the next coming months. Blu-ray/HD-DVD nullified.
Yeah, nothing like waiting all night for a full-length HD movie to download. Or not being able to store very many of them at all.

Storage and broadband simply aren't enough right now for direct download to be sufficient for HD movies. The world is moving toward Blu-Ray for HD movies and direct download for SD movies (where iTunes will eclipse everything else, pretty much).
The best part about this whole deal is I cant wait to see what Harry Knowles writes in response after his ridiculous WHY I CHOSE HDDVD THE WINNING FORMAT.


NekoFever said:
HD DVD is actually administrated by the same DVD Forum that holds DVD which includes all of the BD companies, and indeed they all have the right to vote on matters pertaining to HD DVD. Disney are the only ones who exercise that right, except apparently when it's something that could negatively affect Blu-ray - when they voted on whether HD DVD should be interoperable with that official Chinese standard Sony and co were the only ones to vote no, for example.
Info is always good. Thx.

neptunes said:
and 5 times the amount of people are buying regular crt edTVs
Uhmm no they are not. There is so much wrong with that post I suggest you do what he says and go to Best Buy.


neptunes said:
and 5 times the amount of people are buying regular crt edTVs

What country do you live in? Here in Sweden HD Ready LCD's and plasmas have almost completely phased out regular fatty TV's.

Rand al Thor 19

Junior Member
I really can't see Blu-Ray ever outselling DVD. The only way it could i think, is for the movies to be priced the same. Say $15 for The Dark Knight on both DVD and Blu-Ray. We know that ain't going to happen and consumers are notoriously cheapskates, so I just can't see Blu-Ray catching and passing DVD for those reasons. Peole will just keep on picking up the cheaper alternative until something truely revolutionary comes along.


Gold Member
BruceLeeRoy said:
The best part about this whole deal is I cant wait to see what Harry Knowles writes in response after his ridiculous WHY I CHOSE HDDVD THE WINNING FORMAT.

:lol :lol :lol


butthole fishhooking yes
kaching said:
So you're saying that HD media will catch on twice as fast as DVD media did? It took DVD approximately 6 years to finally outpace VHS sales...

And this transition has been made far more difficult due to a number of factors. All the jump from VHS to DVD required was a new player. DVD to HD requires a brand new television and the unraveling of tangled standards and formats. It's too much for a lot of consumers to deal with and in the end, they see a disc that looks exactly the same in the case and technology that makes improvements that they don't see as clearly as the VHS to DVD jump.

Sony is still left with the same problem: they aren't appealing to the casual market. High Definition is not casual yet. Not even close.
BruceWayneIII said:
Soul Creator: it's not really the same. A movie is filmed on a specific media and then gets transferred to a multiple of mediums. They don't have to have DVD or Blu-ray in mind when making the movie. Same can not be said about creating software (games): CPU is specific, GPU is specific, bus might be specific, RAM etc. etc.

fair enough, but I don't see why some people see it as a huge impossibility that these details can be agreed upon with some sort of industry-wide consortium. The industry is already sorta taking baby steps towards this with the use of middleware and various standard programming libraries. So I've always thought that some point in the future that CPU/GPU/RAM etc. for consoles will be so ubiquitous that multiple consoles will just become redundant (and some might say there are hints of that already, with the 360/PS3)

In this hypothetical scenario, the speed and type of CPU/GPU/RAM would all be agreed upon. The only differences would be things like hard drive space and USB sports and what not (kinda like how the current 360 and PS3 SKU's vary within the same manufacturer)

Obviously right this minute it probably won't happen, but I tend to find that people seem to be resistant to this idea not because it's actually "impossible" but simply because it goes against "console tradition". And I've never been the type to follow along with something solely due to tradition :p

But anyhoo, enough of that I guess...go blu-ray? *shrug*


Felium Defensor
2008 starts off with a bang indeed.
About freaking time too. This is great news imo. It's good to see Warner choose the superior disc format. ;)


Chiggs said:
Hey, they're not paying me! But if I were to guess: standalone prices need to drop asap, and software prices need to follow suit.

As far as DD...of course it's not going away, but the studios can certainly make it so that HDM debuts on BRD first. As a movie collector, I want the hard copy. And I know I'm not alone on that.

Personally, I see both DD and BRD living in harmony.

OK, good. I was afraid you were some anti DD weirdo. Rentals should seriously all be DD. There is no need to wait for mail or drive to the store to rent a movie. For purchases, I'll use BluRay, I guess. For rentals, I'll use DD like I do now anyway.


badcrumble said:
Yeah, nothing like waiting all night for a full-length HD movie to download. Or not being able to store very many of them at all.

Storage and broadband simply aren't enough right now for direct download to be sufficient for HD movies. The world is moving toward Blu-Ray for HD movies and direct download for SD movies (where iTunes will eclipse everything else, pretty much).

And then to have XBL go down on the busiest holidays! :lol


MWS Natural said:
CES 2008 MS announces that all digital downloads for the Xbox 360 will become DRM free and they will release 320GB as well as a 500GB HD in the next coming months. Blu-ray/HD-DVD nullified.

:lol 2.5 hour movie with 1080p uncompressed audio download? This is Waiting.


Digital distribution is a long ways off, for a variety of reasons but particularly because of this: people like having stuff. Our generation has adopted digital media fairly well but I still amass tons of CDs and DVDs because deep down inside everyone likes having a giant bookshelf of awesome books/discs/precious moments dolls. I see it becoming fashionable for rental services but when Netflix is already as huge as it is, why go out and buy a $600 box so you don't have to keep movies floating around when Netflix will have them out of your hair in less than a week?


urk said:
And this transition has been made far more difficult due to a number of factors. All the jump from VHS to DVD required was a new player. DVD to HD requires a brand new television and the unraveling of tangled standards and formats. It's too much for a lot of consumers to deal with and in the end, they see a disc that looks exactly the same in the case and technology that makes improvements that they don't see as clearly as the VHS to DVD jump.

Sony is still left with the same problem: they aren't appealing to the casual market. High Definition is not casual yet. Not even close.
Dont blame the HD format for anything. This is progress and the FCC move to pure digital airwaves sweetens the future ahead.


Downloads don't have to be 1080P. 720P is more than sufficient for a rental.

I can't stand it when people keep talking about how HD downloads are so in the future.

I watched Reno 911:Miami in 720P last night on Comcast. It's not in the future.

Zophar said:
Digital distribution is a long ways off, for a variety of reasons but particularly because of this: people like having stuff. Our generation has adopted digital media fairly well but I still amass tons of CDs and DVDs because deep down inside everyone likes having a giant bookshelf of awesome books/discs/precious moments dolls. I see it becoming fashionable for rental services but when Netflix is already as huge as it is, why go out and buy a $600 box so you don't have to keep movies floating around when Netflix will have them out of your hair in less than a week?

Jebus save me, they have no clue. A long ways off? Or works on 2 different systems in my house, on equipment I own today, on bandwith I have today? Take a guess. WTF.

And seriously, everyone wants a bookshelf of crap? Please alert Apple, they should close the iTunes store immediately.


So we are already on denial mode with HD formats being unimportant and DL being the future.

Why do you think all these multibillonaire producers are jumping on HD format?, why do they care to release and promote their products on HD format? why do retailers carry them?.

If you don´t have a clear answer wait three or four years and tell us what do you see at Wal-Mart and so in film sections.


Tobor said:
Downloads don't have to be 1080P. 720P is more than sufficient for a rental.

I can't stand it when people keep talking about how HD downloads are so in the future.

I watched Reno 911:Miami in 720P last night on Comcast. It's not in the future.
Streaming HD quality doesn't even compare to an actual HD transfer. The bandwidth simply doesn't exist to even transmit 720p at a reasonably high bitrate. What you're getting is the MP3 equivalent of high definition video.


butthole fishhooking yes
RavenFox said:
Dont blame the HD format for anything. This is progress and the FCC move to pure digital airwaves sweetens the future ahead.

Who's blaming? I'm watching HD content right now. But I realize I'm in the minority. And I also realize that the HD formats have not made the transition easy for consumers. There's literally dozens of standards, replete with horrible acronyms and hamstringing caveats that makes it really difficult for most people to walk into a B&M and buy anything HD.

Where's the benefit to most consumers? More lines of resolution? It's just not worth it for most.
Tobor said:
Downloads don't have to be 1080P. 720P is more than sufficient for a rental.

I can't stand it when people keep talking about how HD downloads are so in the future.

I watched Reno 911:Miami in 720P last night on Comcast. It's not in the future.
Comcast is the supplier of your bandwidth. And that was streaming over that bandwidth. Unless Microsoft becomes an ISP/cable-level content provider, it won't exactly be easy for them to make that sort of thing happen. We're talking about totally different levels of available bandwidth and technology here.


FF_VIII said:
So basically;




New Line Cinema
Everything else
HD-DVD has Weinstein Company too, but they'll flinch next. Those guys freak out at the first sign of failure (remember the Grindhouse fiasco?).


TheDuce22 said:
I doubt this will have any impact on PS3 as a game console.
Yeah keep holding on to that one.

urk said:
Who's blaming? I'm watching HD content right now. But I realize I'm in the minority. And I also realize that the HD formats have not made the transition easy for consumers. There's literally dozens of standards, replete with horrible acronyms and hamstringing caveats that makes it really difficult for most people to walk into a B&M and buy anything HD.

Where's the benefit to most consumers? More lines of resolution? It's just not worth it for most.
Dozens of what standards? If you walk into an electronics store like bestbuy the BluRay section and now defunct HD-DVD section was clearly labeled. If consumers are confused on what it is I suggest they do what they did when they were in school. Ask a question. Society cant be that dumb eh? Or do you drive or take the train to work on your own personal route?


I think it will be a long time before a physical format "dies" from DD. More and more Blu Rays are being released on 50GB discs. In five years, if I had a collection of 100 50gb discs, that would be 5000GB, or 5TB. That's a lot of storage space. Also, I wouldn't want to have to wait for a 20+GB download if I decide there's something I want to watch that I don't have in my digital collection. Not to mention, moving discs between separate players or borrowing discs and letting others borrow yours.

I have no doubt that some day physical format will be obsolete, but we have a long ways to go as far as internet speeds and affordable massive storage before that will become a reality.
omg rite said:
And this really won't do anything for PS3.

At all.

No one is going to say, "Oh shit, Warner movies are on Blu-ray now!? Gotta get me a PS3!"

So.. wrong forum.
Actually I know one guy that this will give the final push to buy a PS3.

Anyhow, breaking these news 2 days before CES must create a shit storm of category 5 in the HD-DVD camp. No doubt Sony must have put some seriuos work into swinging Warner their way.

If anything in Bill Gates presentation concerned HD-DVD, it will probably be toned down or removed altogether. The 360 Ultimate will remain just a twink in Bills eye, despite whatever was MS original intention.


Zophar said:
Streaming HD quality doesn't even compare to an actual HD transfer. The bandwidth simply doesn't exist to even transmit 720p at a reasonably high bitrate. What you're getting is the MP3 equivalent of high definition video.

Which is perfectly fine for the majority of customers.

I don't want to get into this again. I'm happy for you all that Bluray won. I will get a player and maybe buy a disc or two. Happy?

badcrumble said:
Comcast is the supplier of your bandwidth. And that was streaming over that bandwidth. Unless Microsoft becomes an ISP/cable-level content provider, it won't exactly be easy for them to make that sort of thing happen. We're talking about totally different levels of available bandwidth and technology here.

I rent movies on my 360. Using the comcast bandwidth. Right now. Do you even know what you're talking about? Never mind. Just let me out of here before I get carried away.
painful fart said:
Actually I know one guy that this will give the final push to buy a PS3.

Anyhow, breaking these news 2 days before CES must create a shit storm of category 5 in the HD-DVD camp. No doubt Sony must have put some seriuos work into swinging Warner their way.

If anything in Bill Gates presentation concerned HD-DVD, it will probably be toned down or removed altogether. The 360 Ultimate will remain just a twink in Bills eye, despite whatever was MS original intention.

And in the eyes of so many, now it will have always existed, no matter how bullshit the original rumor may have been.



urk said:
Who's blaming? I'm watching HD content right now. But I realize I'm in the minority. And I also realize that the HD formats have not made the transition easy for consumers. There's literally dozens of standards, replete with horrible acronyms and hamstringing caveats that makes it really difficult for most people to walk into a B&M and buy anything HD.

Where's the benefit to most consumers? More lines of resolution? It's just not worth it for most.
It isnt worth a single penny to me. Its similar in all aspects to DVD quality except maybe a bit sharper. Maybe if companioes hand out free TVs or players people might upgrade eventually but I dont see it happeningf until people can get HD quality stuff for the price or less than SD. People arent going to buy a new TV + new player+ HD discs at substantially higher prices for a miminmal benefit. If it was revolutionary, I could see it happening, but the vast majority of people can barely afford DVD, let alone hd. Try taking SD channels off the air or stop selling DVD players and watch the revolts happen. I have no idea how theyre gonna force this on people but its not going to be a pretty sight.


TheDuce22 said:
Woops, I forgot this was GAF. THE TIDE HAS TURNED, IT BEGINS, GO PS3!!!
Your reply is nonsensical. Nothing to do with Gaf. Do you really fucking think PS3 sales wont boost when its carrying the only format the studios are using? It doesn't even have to be PS3 since the Sony hate is so strong. Lets call it Bens Player if you like.

Innotech said:
It isnt worth a single penny to me. Its similar in all aspects to DVD quality except maybe a bit sharper. Maybe if companioes hand out free TVs or players people might upgrade eventually but I dont see it happeningf until people can get HD quality stuff for the price or less than SD. People arent going to buy a new TV + new player+ HD discs at substantially higher prices for a miminmal benefit. If it was revolutionary, I could see it happening, but the vast majority of people can barely afford DVD, let alone hd. Try taking SD channels off the air or stop selling DVD players and watch the revolts happen. I have no idea how theyre gonna force this on people but its not going to be a pretty sight.

Your in some serious denial there my friend and I suggest you do not post this on any professional audio/video forum. Pop in cars on BluRay and then pop in the DVD on a 720p-1080p set. Why I am even bothering...
norinrad21 said:
I'm still hoarding a huge amount of DVDs and i haven't stopped buying them yet. Am i screwed by any chance with the format wars? :lol

Absolutely not, which is why I (in the same boat as you) find this whole thing funny.
DVD has been beautiful to me these last couple years (as a collector)..so much good stuff making it on DVD now and there will continue to be.

HD movies arent even on my radar until a great catalog is there and the price is there. DVD took well over 5 years to get that way.
Even then, theres no point in buying movies (that you probably already own) from the 70s/80s/90s for a more expensive format that doesn't even benefit them (like Bladerunner..why?).

I'm perfectly content with watching my extremely robust DVD collection on my HDTV (and my snazzy speaker setup)..and gaming in HD. I'll care about HD movies when there are enough movies filmed in HD worth buying.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
urk said:
Sony is still left with the same problem: they aren't appealing to the casual market. High Definition is not casual yet. Not even close.
I don't think they've been planning to appeal to the casual market for at least another couple of years.


Tobor said:
Which is perfectly fine for the majority of customers.

I don't want to get into this again. I'm happy for you all that Bluray won. I will get a player and maybe buy a disc or two. Happy?

I rent movies on my 360. Using the comcast bandwidth. Right now. Do you even know what you're talking about? Never mind. Just let me out of here before I get carried away.

It defeats the whole point of high definition. I've rented 360 movies too and the quality is horrible.
abacab driver said:
Absolutely not, which is why I (in the same boat as you) find this whole thing funny.
DVD has been beautiful to me these last couple years (as a collector)..so much good stuff making it on DVD now and there will continue to be.

HD movies arent even on my radar until a great catalog is there and the price is there. DVD took well over 5 years to get that way.
Even then, theres no point in buying movies (that you probably already own) from the 70s/80s/90s for a more expensive format that doesn't even benefit them (like Bladerunner..why?).

I'm perfectly content with watching my extremely robust DVD collection on my HDTV (and my snazzy speaker setup)..and gaming in HD. I'll care about HD movies when there are enough movies filmed in HD worth buying.

I was with you until the end. Film has a higher resolution than HD. But I'm more than happy with my DVD collection.


It's amazing that all the studio's are sticking by Blue-Ray while the PS3 is selling like shit and HD-DVD players are below 199. I can not understand it. More people buy standalone players than gaming systems over time. Blue-Ray players are still 400+ dollars.

It's like people are celebrating the fact that they just won the right to pay double for a Blue-Ray player. Well I guess PS3 owners are the only ones celebrating. People like me who don't own a next gen format yet are not.

Whats even more amazing is I guess these studio exec think PS3 owners will buy Blue-Ray disc when sony can't even get them to buy AAA games like R&C.


GhettoGamer said:
RavenFox said:
Yeah keep holding on to that one.QUOTE]

I did /\

GauntletFan said:
Wait, when did they all stop using regular DVD?
When did you hook back up your VCR? DVD is going to the wind. Did I write that? Or your just trying to twist this someplace else? HD is here and its damn successful and guess what? It will move up the ladder and take DVD's place one day. Also the same people that press our beloved dvd's are pushing the HD format. Send them your letter and concerns.
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