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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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Kittonwy said:
Buy it for UNCHARTED!!!111!!!

No thank you.


Won't lie here, so I'll say I'm glad Warner will continue releasing movies on Blu-ray, since those are the only HD discs I'm able to watch. Although I really wonder how much this will affect the PS3's situation... Don't think it will have any kind of impact in the short run. Not that I even care about sales and such crap.
bud said:
but will the brd version fix the terrible camerawork? probably not (lol) but that's my main gripe with it.

yeah, I heard the bluray version will replace the fight scenes with clips from Batman TAS so appeal to fans of the old Superman show.


Firewire said:
I feel sorry for those that spent good money on HD-DVD players and movies, yes even those MS loyalists that purchased the add-on. Although I always found that rather confusing as many industry analysts and those in movie business always trumped blu ray as being the desired platform for the industry.

This announcement is pretty well one of the last nails in the coffin. Those (big & small) that support both formats will surely migrate to blu ray now.

That's the unfortunate effect of the two sides using different tactics to lure consumers. You're going to see a sizable divide between purchasers and having one side win inevitably means some will have to lose out. Sucks for consumers but it's an unfortunate eventuality.


Jtyettis said:
Boon? Not anytime soon.

2007 was supposed to be the year for the PS3. Didn't happen.

2008 is supposed to be the year for the PS3. Not going to happen.

2009 will be the year for the PS3. Might happen.

"The Prophecies of Jtyettis"

Buy it now for Blu-ray only for 24.99$

jax (old)

the bitterness is tangible.

I'm glad I have a ps3 + bluray. I do use my console more for movies than games though.

That said, my game collection across all platform = sub 40

dvds/blurays = 300/30+

love bluray
Davidion said:
Oh please, half of this forum would be pissing and moaning or dead silent if Warner went HD DVD. If you believe otherwise, I have a nice bridge here I'd like to sell you.

Your point being?

HD-DVD has already been lagging in the market lately. If WB announced exclusivity to it that would only serve to prolong this format war. Them siding with Blu-Ray increases the likelihood that we'll have a dominant format that will ultimately be better for consumers.

Now, this being a gaming forum you would stand to have a greater chance of people being upset if what you said actually did happen - but that's only logical considering Blu-Ray is the only format natively supported by a gaming console. That's less a "fanboy" reaction than plain common sense considering the demographics of this place.


Like I said in the other thread

Sony needs to help back a low-cost standalone player or allow another manufacturer to build one ASAP.


hyperbolically metafictive
'it's all about the games' rings pretty false when wii and ds are riding roughshod over their competitors -- this quite without the assistance of games. it's a nice platitude though.
I have 15 HD DVDs and am not that bothered, i'm sure if Toshiba are forced to go Blu then they at least will keep their players supporting HD DVD.

Infact i'm pretty sure ultimately most will, Toshiba will just put the licensing costs down to zero if they no longer need to or make it so cheap it will be pointless not to add it.
drohne said:
'it's all about the games' rings pretty false when wii and ds are riding roughshod over their competitors -- this quite without the assistance of games. it's a nice platitude though.

Ever heard of Wii Sports?


Junior Member
Chinner said:
Guys I got a question. Should I flog my x360 while I still can?

If I had a Xbox 360 HD-DVD player addon I would sell it now, but keep the Xbox 360 itself of course.


No lets see if Microsoft cares for its consumers and announce the discontinuation of the HD-DVD add on since it is clear now that Blu-ray will be the standard format. They wouldn't want some poor ignorant consumer to blow their cash on something obsolete now wouldn't they?
Batman Begins Blu-ray!! I wants it!!!

Best Buy has been cock teasing me for months with their damn Blu-ray promotion with the Batman Begins Blu Ray in the movie previews.
$h@d0w said:
If I had a Xbox 360 HD-DVD player addon I would sell it now, but keep the Xbox 360 itself of course.

Depends if you have a collection of HD DVD's.

I'm sure you'll be able to play them on players in the future


Firewire said:
I feel sorry for those that spent good money on HD-DVD players and movies, yes even those MS loyalists that purchased the add-on. Although I always found that rather confusing as many industry analysts and those in movie business always trumped blu ray as being the desired platform for the industry.

This announcement is pretty well one of the last nails in the coffin. Those (big & small) that support both formats will surely migrate to blu ray now.

Meh why feel sorry? It is not like HD-DvD is going Poof and disappear here. Those that havei t can still enjoy the movie they purchase for it. My entertainment center has both a bluray and hd player connected to it. I paid 99 bucks for my HD-player, it is not like I broke the bank. I am just happy this damn war is moving to a close....hopefully.

Thank god for those Bogo deals as well. I went a little over board with the bluray bogo on amazon a few days ago. With out those competition, I would not have the type of collection I have now...Family movie night has became a fav for me and the GF :)
Stinkles said:
I have more Blu Ray movies by far than HD DVD ones, but this is the gaming forum.

sonycowboy said:
It's being jumped all over on the OT, but not everyone here goes to the OT and IMO, this is big enough that it is definitely going to have some ramifications on the PS3's performance one would think. Or do gamers not really, really care?

So gamers don't really care?
sakuragi said:
No lets see if Microsoft cares for its consumers and announce the discontinuation of the HD-DVD add on since it is clear now that Blu-ray will be the standard format. They wouldn't want some poor ignorant consumer to blow their cash on something obsolete now wouldn't they?

I agree, they wont want any negative goodwill, I guess they will cease production right away and start work on a blu ray drive to try to negate some of the benefit of having a ps3.

frankthurk said:
So gamers don't really care?

"Gamers" who want the PS3 to succeed care
I don't think this is gonna benefit PS3 enough to make a difference. What benefit other than better audio/visual quality does Blu Ray have over DVD? It was a different story when the PS2 jumpstarted the DVD age cause it was a huge benefit over VHS in other areas than just audio/visual.


Has no PEINS
drohne said:
'it's all about the games' rings pretty false when wii and ds are riding roughshod over their competitors -- this quite without the assistance of games. it's a nice platitude though.
drohne I love you on so many levels
It's good that the format war is now over, I always thought having two competing formats was stupid.

The whole 'successor to DVD' thing is still dull and unneccessary to me, so it hasn't sold me on any new consumer gadget.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
frankthurk said:
So gamers don't really care?

Of course they do, btu they shouldn't. This would be a bigger deal if Warner announced it was making really good games for PS3, no? As it is, this is one more collection of reasons for PS3 owners to buy fewer games.
slightly OT, but am I the only one (well, besides that Too Human guy probably) who finds the difference in customer reactions between "standard" game consoles and "standard" movie playing devices to be a bit interesting?

if it was announced that, say, PS3 hardware became standard. All developers will support it, multiple CE companies will manufacture systems that all play the same software from any developer (maybe different hardware feature sets, but gameplay wise, games will play the same), customers now have one software format to worry about...people would be incredibly worried that all the innovation in gaming would be gone, and bringing up how "monopolies" are bad for consumers, etc...

but the same thing happens with movies and it's "pushing HD movies forward" and "great news for consumers" and so on.

hope I don't knock the thread too far off course, lol


mysticstylez said:
I don't think this is gonna benefit PS3 enough to make a difference. What benefit other than better audio/visual quality does Blu Ray have over DVD? It was a different story when the PS2 jumpstarted the DVD age cause it was a huge benefit over VHS in other areas than just audio/visual.

It's not as if the difference in quality is marginal, it's pretty substantial. Other than that, it's probably all the interactivity the Java support offers, and on top of that, you can bet your sweet ass Blu-ray discs will become popular when the prices drop for the BD burners.


Stinkles said:
I have more Blu Ray movies by far than HD DVD ones, but this is the gaming forum.

I don't know, Agent Icebeezy applauded that post of yours so it's not a good sign.



This shit is officially over.

Fantastic news for people who are looking for faster HD adoption rates.
I'm still hoarding a huge amount of DVDs and i haven't stopped buying them yet. Am i screwed by any chance with the format wars? :lol
BeeDog said:
It's not as if the difference in quality is marginal, it's pretty substantial. Other than that, it's probably all the interactivity the Java support offers, and on top of that, you can bet your sweet ass Blu-ray discs will become popular when the prices drop for the BD burners.

But what is going to convice the average family that doesn't own a PS3 but own a DVD player to jump ship?
Choke on the Magic said:
I can't see MS offering a Bluray add on. Wouldn't they have to pay Sony royalties for everyone they made?

Yes of course indirectly but do you think Sony dont use windows?

I think they would want to bring out a blu ray drive to stop 360 owners buying a PS3.


Stinkles said:
Of course they do, btu they shouldn't. This would be a bigger deal if Warner announced it was making really good games for PS3, no? As it is, this is one more collection of reasons for PS3 owners to buy fewer games.

Lovely post. Oh and there are no games for the PS3, watch out now! I haven't turned it on in weeks except to watch movies, I swear :lol

sakuragi said:
No lets see if Microsoft cares for its consumers and announce the discontinuation of the HD-DVD add on since it is clear now that Blu-ray will be the standard format. They wouldn't want some poor ignorant consumer to blow their cash on something obsolete now wouldn't they?

Yea right :lol

I don't see Sony licensing the technology to them in the first place.
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