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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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I won't argue, I fell for it. :\



Onix said:
People's sarcasm detectors are broken based on the responses to this post.

That said Mojo, to pretend this will have no long-term effects on PS3 sales is similarly :lol

I already said it would help.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Geek said:
Hahahaha! :lol You have created quite the little world for yourself! I'm amazed that this little post is generating so many fanboy accusations based on a throwaway Catwoman reference.

For the record, you really ought to have your fanboy detector serviced.

You really ought to get your humor motor replaced.


Onix said:
People's sarcasm detectors are broken based on the responses to this post.

That said Mojo, to pretend this will have no long-term effects on PS3 sales is similarly :lol

Realistically, and I know I'm contradicting myself, but a 30% increase in January sales would not be surprising. If nothing else, the HD DVD users need to replace their players with the new spec.


alba said:

So they canceled the event as well

CES HD DVD Event canceled due to Warner announcement
HD DVD logoI just received an email from the HD DVD Promotion Group stating that the CES 2008 HD DVD press event has been canceled. The recent Blu-ray exclusive announcement from Warner is cited as the reason for the event being canceled. You can find the full text of the notice below.

Notice of CES Press Conference Cancellation by North American HD DVD Promotion Group

“Based on the timing of the Warner Home Video announcement today, we have decided to postpone our CES 2008 press conference scheduled for Sunday, January 6th at 8:30 p.m. in the Wynn Hotel. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We are currently discussing the potential impact of this announcement with the other HD DVD partner companies and evaluating next steps. We believe the consumer continues to benefit from HD DVD’s commitment to quality and affordability – a bar that is critical for the mainstream success of any format.

We’ll continue to keep you updated on new developments around HD DVD.”

HD DVD is in trouble

If there is one thing that everyone is agreeing on, it is that the HD DVD is in trouble due to the Warner announcement. This decision to cancel the HD DVD press event further proves that the defection of Warner Brothers studios from the HD DVD camp is a major blow.

I am very disappointed that they have canceled the event. I would have liked to see them try to explain this move or attempt to put some type of positive spin on it. I guess I will only be attending the Blu-ray CES event this year! Stay tuned to this site for CES 2008 coverage!


AltogetherAndrews said:
Honestly, reactions from people like yourself would seem like the strongest indication that it might at least theoretically work in favor of the PS3.

Theres no doubt (or at least shouldn't) that this will help PS3 sales.

The point is, will that be a small help or the decisive factor for ps3 success?


Truespeed said:
Realistically, and I know I'm contradicting myself, but a 30% increase in January sales would not be surprising. If nothing else, the HD DVD users need to replace their players with the new spec.

The big box stores will be pushing the PS3 with great gusto now. In other news, EB games will still be filled with Sony angst.


To the Blu-ray guys:

This is bad news for EVERYBODY. In the end whether HD DVD or Blu-ray wins isn't that big a deal. But this is a blow to HD ADOPTION period. Think of all the average consumers who are either one of the people who just bought a HD DVD player over Christmas or are going to be hearing horror stories about those who did. Whether or not the decision was correct, the timing was stupid on Warner's part.

This could spell the demise of both HD formats.

I hope you guys are happy.




Post Count: 9999
Mojovonio said:

Please actually read the review.

The 'score' is based on the reviewers hatred of the color-timing issues. If that isn't of major concern to you ... the actual image quality is decent given the age of the movie. Detail is pretty good.
Mojovonio said:
He has a point.

How are they going to convince non-ps3 owning consumers to adopt it?

Oh... sorry...

Well i expect refunds... should i expect refunds?

Also, last time i checked, Sony handed Cell production to Toshiba. Can't they pull the plug on it to harm Sony one way or another?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
itsgreen said:
Thats capacity, not bitrate. Anyhow. Lame discussion. For movies Bluray doesnt have any extra value imo. Your movie does not look significantly better on Bluray than on HDDVD. I don't see the extra value of those 3 extra hours of content on a single disc. Sorry can't. I'll buy you an icecream (if that shuts you up ;)) when you can sit out 9 hours straight of movie watching.

Do you not understand that in order to support a higher bitrate, it requires more space on the disc? Is that such a hard concept for you to grasp?


Onix said:
Seriously, did previous Beta owners just give up on video tapes when VHS one?

when VHS won?

People didn't have another option. It was VHS or BETAMAX.

Why would people...

oh fuck it


Post Count: 9999
Mojovonio said:
when VHS won?

People didn't have another option. It was VHS or BETAMAX.

Why would people...

oh fuck it

And if BD wins they won't have another option ... I'm not sure I see the difference.


Mojovonio said:
He has a point.

How are they going to convince non-ps3 owning consumers to adopt it?

Yeah, it's kinda like Bobby Petrino at Arkansas. After what he pulled with the Atlanta Falcons, how in the fuck is he going to convince the parents of potential recruits that he won't bolt the second things don't go his way?
Mojovonio said:
Or people will just stick with DVD?

People will stick with DVD regardless. This whole thing will amount to a standard HD-alternative to DVD. If BD fully replaces DVD at any point in the near future, I'll eat my shoe.


Mojovonio said:
He has a point.

How are they going to convince non-ps3 owning consumers to adopt it?

The same way it happened with BETA max. People realise they messed up, buy the right player with the proper support and hey presto.


Post Count: 9999
Mojovonio said:
oh man.

i think putting this thread in the gaming forum was a huge mistake.

Maybe if you clearly stated your points, and also clearly responded to posts ... you wouldn't be so upset. :\


vilmer_ said:
Zombie movies aside, it's one of the best pictures EVER MADE!!

This man speaketh the truth.

Loudninja said:
Sad to say, no :(

Obtain it!

Onix said:
Maybe if you clearly stated your points, and also clearly responded to posts ... you wouldn't be so upset. :\

Here's what will happen.

I'll say that people had more reasons to go from VHS to DVD than they ever will DVD to Blu-ray.

Your rebuttal will claim something about my grandmother caring about seeing the pores on Patrick Swazye's Biceps in Dirty Dancing.
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