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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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akachan ningen said:
HDDVD is even more confusing to slackjawed joe consumer. remember that story about how people were buying Planet Earth on HDDVD thinking it would play on their HDTVs on a regular DVD player? They had a good time trying to return opened those box sets.

At least with bluray, the name alone forces them to do a little research about it.

That's true.

Still sounds like a Ninja Turtle though.

He would have been Manta Ray's nemesis.


nib95 said:
Post from DVD boards:

1. Toshiba ending HD DVD stand alone production within 8 weeks.


2. MS will be notifying retailers to liquidate any remaining 360 add-ons.
3. P/DW will be allowed out of their contract.

4. Universal will be canceling production of HD discs with a BD launch date as early as Q3 2008.


Take it for what you will.
And the saga continues...
Jonnyram said:
So how long are Paramount/DreamWorks exclusive to HD-DVD?
Does this even begin to end the war or does it just make the war more exciting?

Through 2008.

It's either the beginning of the end, or the end of the beginning. Time will tell.

Agent X

Norml said:
saw this at AVS.:lol



Mojovonio said:
Could they at least inherit the HD-DVD name?

Blu-ray doesn't sound like a format, it sounds like a Ninja Turtles character.

At least with HD-DVD you would think, oh that's a HD version of a DVD.


That's not a good idea at this point in the ballgame. If this was 3 years ago, then it would be different, but HD-DVD already exists in the market. It wouldn't make sense to rebrand Blu-ray Disc as "HD-DVD" now, as it would only cause more confusion (particularly with people who already bought HD-DVD hardware).


I honestly don't believe there is enough demand for BRD players or the PS3 to warrant increase in sales everyone is expecting here.


AAK said:
I honestly don't believe there is enough demand for BRD players or the PS3 to warrant increase in sales everyone is expecting here.

we (the sane) already know that.

But thank god that bullshit is over.


btw, dunno if this is great news for ps3? good yes. its great for blu ray for sure.
related to gaming, it means squat.


Just wondering.

Whats the chance now that both groups agree on a immediate merge around blu-ray-only deal?

Toshiba gets some advantages and let exclusive movie studios free to go blu-ray. Of course tha BDA can let hd-dvd bleed, but it will take longer, so maybe a deal now is more profitable...

Just wondering :D
Jirotrom said:
why... thi sis great news for the ps3 and really what it needed. It will do alot over time. Mind share will finally acknowledge Bluray as the only movie format and ps3's will sell. Now how long this takes who knows. But if places start liquidating their HDDVDs...man my HDDVD collection is about to get real big.:lol
so in order for the ps3 to sell, it needed a movie studio to support its disc format? okay!?


AAK said:
I honestly don't believe there is enough demand for BRD players or the PS3 to warrant increase in sales everyone is expecting here.
it may not be a sudden jump but it will increase because of this. This is nothing but good for the PS3 imo, I mean this really solidifies stronger system sales in the future.

topsyturvy said:
so in order for the ps3 to sell, it needed a movie studio to support its disc format? okay!?
no... but this move basically ends the war and adds more value incentive to the ps3. If you don't see how this "helps" ps3 sales I don't know what to tell you. Increased PS3 sales means more systems out there which means a greater chance for software releases to hit more people.
Agent X said:

That's not a good idea at this point in the ballgame. If this was 3 years ago, then it would be different, but HD-DVD already exists in the market. It wouldn't make sense to rebrand Blu-ray Disc as "HD-DVD" now, as it would only cause more confusion (particularly with people who already bought HD-DVD hardware).

I cant believe you gave a serious reply to that.
I shall be purchasing a PS3 now. I have a 360 and I love it, but I want a Blu-ray player. Plus, Resistance should be fun. And KZ2.

I was kind of hoping that HD-DVD was going to win (Blu-ray is freaking overpriced) because it's much cheaper than Blu-ray, but w/e. An excuse to get another console.


GallonOMilk said:
I shall be purchasing a PS3 now. I have a 360 and I love it, but I want a Blu-ray player. Plus, Resistance should be fun. And KZ2.

I was kind of hoping that HD-DVD was going to win (Blu-ray is freaking overpriced) because it's much cheaper than Blu-ray, but w/e. An excuse to get another console.

2 sales already, take that NPD!


MassiveAttack said:
What do you think, KK?


what the fuck is he doing?

it like he's in a LSD induced dream.

topsyturvy said:
besides the deepest dwellers of the internet on a friday night....who gives two shits about this?

Since the last 12 pages wasn't about gaming at all, let me make it relevant to this side of the forum again. I don't think this will do anything significant to sells for the ps3 whatsoever.

As said, the fact that greenshirts such as yourself keep reiterating this "point" suggests that there are at least some people (you know, such as yourself) who see it as a possibility. You wouldn't keep yapping about it if it didn't bother you that it might have an effect on PS3 sales. So who are you trying to convince?
Jirotrom said:
it may not be a sudden jump but it will increase because of this. This is nothing but good for the PS3 imo, I mean this really solidifies stronger system sales in the future.

no... but this move basically ends the war and adds more value incentive to the ps3. If you don't see how this "helps" ps3 sales I don't know what to tell you.
millions of ps3s won't sell because warner bros supports bluray. Because of bluray? yea, but i highly doubt that warner will be the soul reason for millions of people to buy ps3s. :/


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
can't wait to see the next batman in glorious high def.
CES HD DVD Event canceled due to Warner announcement

Notice of CES Press Conference Cancellation by North American HD DVD Promotion Group

“Based on the timing of the Warner Home Video announcement today, we have decided to postpone our CES 2008 press conference scheduled for Sunday, January 6th at 8:30 p.m. in the Wynn Hotel. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We are currently discussing the potential impact of this announcement with the other HD DVD partner companies and evaluating next steps. We believe the consumer continues to benefit from HD DVD’s commitment to quality and affordability – a bar that is critical for the mainstream success of any format.

We’ll continue to keep you updated on new developments around HD DVD.”

Wow. Doesn't this convey an alarming sense of defeat?
AltogetherAndrews said:
As said, the fact that greenshirts such as yourself keep reiterating this "point" suggests that there are at least some people (you know, such as yourself) who see it as a possibility. You wouldn't keep yapping about it if it didn't bother you that it might have an effect on PS3 sales. So who are you trying to convince?
i can't point out that it won't sell ps3s? really? Isn't this seriously the reason this is in the gaming forum and not in the OT forum where its already a HUGE thread where you and others post in. Really? because i thought that was the soul reason for this thread in the gaming forum....


topsyturvy said:
millions of ps3s won't sell because warner bros supports bluray. Because of bluray? yea, but i highly doubt that warner will be the soul reason for millions of people to buy ps3s. :/
maybe you aren't understanding what it means by Warner going Blu-ray exclusive... HD_DVD is practically dead. It's the killing blow and its only a matter of time before HDDVD's hit the bargain bins. I stated the sales wouldn't be instantaneous but it does nothing but benefit the ps3 as the DVD drive benefited the ps2.


Jirotrom said:
maybe you aren't understanding what it means by Warner going Blu-ray exclusive... HD_DVD is practically dead. It's the killing blow and its only a matter of time before HDDVD's hit the bargain bins. I stated the sales wouldn't be instantaneous but it does nothing but benefit the ps3 as the DVD drive benefited the ps2.

ok, now you're really pushing it.
radioheadrule83 said:
Not necessarily. They're probably going to discuss what they're going to do in response. My bet is, this isn't over.

I'd seriously like to know what they could do to remedy the situation in the long run. Dual-format partners are no more.

And yeah, Jiro, BD will never effect PS3 like DVD effected PS2.
Jirotrom said:
maybe you aren't understanding what it means by Warner going Blu-ray exclusive... HD_DVD is practically dead. It's the killing blow and its only a matter of time before HDDVD's hit the bargain bins. I stated the sales wouldn't be instantaneous but it does nothing but benefit the ps3 as the DVD drive benefited the ps2.
sweet jebus, you do know that paramount is exclusive to hd-dvd for a 18 months right? i don't see hd-dvd dying just yet you know...
topsyturvy said:
i can't point out that it won't sell ps3s? really? Isn't this seriously the reason this is in the gaming forum and not in the OT forum where its already a HUGE thread where you and others post in. Really? because i thought that was the soul reason for this thread in the gaming forum....

You've "pointed it out" quite a few times. It's a bit odd for someone to feel the need to point it and explain such an obvious and certain outcome that many times (never mind moving the goal posts around every now and then). Me, I think you're doing this in part because it bugs you that some might actually so much as suggest that there might be a PS3 positive here, and in part because you're honestly nervous that there might be something to that. If it was the logical certainty that you like to claim that it is, you wouldn't be scuttling about like a bothered beetle right now.


Bacon of Hope
topsyturvy said:
millions of ps3s won't sell because warner bros supports bluray. Because of bluray? yea, but i highly doubt that warner will be the soul reason for millions of people to buy ps3s. :/

there are millions of people who want to buy a PS3 but are on the fence, and things like this is what will push people to buy it.
Jirotrom said:
those are possibilities... but this is a plus...explain to me how this is a negative for the ps3?
i don't think anyone is pointing out that this is a negative for ps3, this is a negative to hd-dvd. :/


Pai Pai Master said:
I'd seriously like to know what they could do to remedy the situation in the long run. Dual-format partners are no more.

And yeah, Jiro, BD will never effect PS3 like DVD effected PS2.
not to the magnitude but lets say a year from now, Average Joe X wants a bluray player... Is it out of the question to think that a PS3 would be a good value for that consumer?
haunts said:
there are millions of people who want to buy a PS3 but are on the fence, and things like this is what will push people to buy it.

Possibly. I mean, the Warner deal is obviously on a part in the puzzle. But with one format, there will be less uncertainty and with that more people might finally get over their format war worries and invest in HD video.

topsyturvy said:
i don't think anyone is pointing out that this is a negative for ps3

You said, "why is people still praising this as if this will help the ps3???????", which would suggest that it'd at best make no difference.

This spinning....it's.... apparently seriously confusing you.
haunts said:
there are millions of people who want to buy a PS3 but are on the fence, and things like this is what will push people to buy it.

I don't see that happening. The majority of people "on the fence" about PS3 probably won't ever even hear about this news. The people you're talking about will be tipped to the Sony-side when something bigger to the mainstream hits, such as the discontinuation of the HD-DVD brand, which won't be happening any time in the near future.

How long is Universal signed into a contract with Toshiba?


Myself in the other OT thread said:
Some things to point out:
-I think Toshiba's plan all along (since they were making so much money on the regular DVD format) was not to "win" the HD format race, but rather delay it.
-Taken the point above Toshiba may further complicate things by not letting go of Paramount (although this is more of a contracted time exclussivity deal) or Universal...which means that the competing side (Blu-Ray) will either be forced to some kind of reckoning terms (bigger cut and/or midground specs) or have incomplete libraries...this isn't "over" yet.
-One of the reasons Universal (and to a lesser extent Paramount & WB) chose their sides earlier on is because they've been trying to jolt the movie industry...it's obvious these 3 titans do not like rental and to some extent don't like physical retail (because they get burned (pun intended) on piracy & previously viewed sales they don't see a lick from) this is why you'll see a lot of their media on other formats (online/subscription services/set tops) day 1 right next to the physical store shelf discs.
-You guys keep saying how "sly" WB is about this when they said (before XMAS mind you) that they weren't choosing sides...hell, what do you expect them to say: "don't buy all these 10's of thousands of HD-DVD discs we made this X-MAS 'cos we're chosing BR right after."
-Speaking of which, if you weren't paying attention, WB was running tons of great sales on their HD-DVD discs (Harry Potter & Batman collections) this XMAS...can you say clearance?
-If you wanna talk "sly" when it comes to WB, it should be noted that they were amoung the first to release DVD's and they did so before the spec was truly finalized which lead to several things: the format being easily cracked, WB getting a "headstart", thusly them making enemies.
-Taken the point above, it's probably why WB decided to announce this now, before CES so as to not piss off MS & Toshiba as much as if they were to have dicked them at or after CES Nintendo style.
-As far as easy pirating, WB knows all too well ('cos it was mainly their fault jumping the gun with DVD before it was ready) the dangers of this issue and it seems HD-DVD was RECENTLY OPENLY HACKED...so that may have had some effect on this announcement too.
-Paramount (Viacom/Nick/MTV/DreamWorks) recently did align with HD-DVD for mainly an I believe, valid spec-point (online access to progressive special features (I hate buying a movie and then the same movie *with better features* comes out 2 months later...that's BULLSHIT) so that as new features become available, registered buyers have access to them without having to buy a new "edition" of the same movie)...however, when the announcement was made there was A LOT of pissing/moaning by directors who wanted their movies to be on the opposing or both formats: Michael Bay & Steven Speilberg being amoung them!
-Sony has A LOT riding on these events and this means A LOT for PS3...Sony has a dangerous strategy and this may be part of the turning point for them...Sony aquired MGM for this reason, they almost bought Blockbuster (rumor a couple years back, I work for BB) through Columbia House in order to try to force Blu-Ray, but instead opted to keep a very good/open relationship with Blockbuster (who, BTW, is about the only rentail chain that isn't dying in a dying business) and people WILL bite on PS3 once the price is right mainly BECAUSE OF Blu-Ray...Sony & Blockbuster (as well as all the other BR partners) are pushing this format down everyone's throats and this can effect gaming so it is relavent to not only movies, but gamers as well!
-To add, this could've REALLY F'D up Billy Gates CES/X360 plans...this is legit for gaming news!

All that said (sorry I had a lot of points to make) I love DVD and (while I have an HDTV) I think the way the movie studios and CE companies went about HiDef formats was ALL WRONG. It shouldn't be a "format", it should be online digital distribution (like iPod/iTV and the like) and this can prevent a lot of the problems with people today...pirates are always gonna find ways to get what they want, but how 'bout lowering prices (via downloads instead of discs) and offereing ALL special features in reward to all those people who legitimatly buy and register your movies? To top it off, not only would you have those special features but you can opt to buy the movies soundtrack and/or a portable resolution version of the movie thus giving the consumer more value? I guess that just makes too much sense.

Also, gaming related...this really brings the focus off Nintendo vs them and brings it back to MS vs Sony...Nintendo further seperates itself and creates it's own market seperate and apart from them. We know this, but this will drive the point to everyone else outside of gaming as well and when it comes to Sony vs MS, I think Sony will ultimatly end up "winning" between the two.

Just pointing out the bold...


shagg_187 said:
Well i expect refunds... should i expect refunds?

Also, last time i checked, Sony handed Cell production to Toshiba. Can't they pull the plug on it to harm Sony one way or another?

And last time I checked IBM was still fabricating Cell's, Xenon's and Broadways. BTW, Sony may have sold their manufacturing plant but they didn't sell their IP to Toshiba. Also, the plant is controlled by Toshiba and Sony.


Mojovonio said:
But you guys really need to stop comparing the DVD BR situation to the VHS DVD situation.
I'm not, i'm just hoping for really cheap HDDVDs because it doesn't matter to me what disc I watch as long as it looks good:p
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