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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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DrGAKMAN said:
Just pointing out the bold...

He makes some valid points. I just wonder how the Toshiba board of directors took the news when they they found out that their intention was to never win the HD format war, but to invest Billions in R&D and manufacturing plants just to delay it.

Note: I am using the MAGIC word of the day.


Bacon of Hope
Pai Pai Master said:
I don't see that happening. The majority of people "on the fence" about PS3 probably won't ever even hear about this news. The people you're talking about will be tipped to the Sony-side when something bigger to the mainstream hits, such as the discontinuation of the HD-DVD brand, which won't be happening any time in the near future.

How long is Universal signed into a contract with Toshiba?

Eh, you'd be surprised. This news, over the next couple months, really really narrows down the options for HD players. Random dude wlaks into BB and needs something to show off his HDTV with, you think the sales reps are going to push him to get a HDDVD player or something at this point? Probably not, the option is PS3 or some stand alone blu ray player, and PS3 is obviously a better value.
nib95 said:
Post from DVD boards:

Steve_Zissou posted:

Well, if the talk around the office at Warner turns out true the wake this announcement has caused hasn't even come close to hitting yet. My guy at Warner says a lot of the talk coming from the upper level guys at WHV is going something like this:

1. Toshiba ending HD DVD stand alone production within 8 weeks.
2. MS will be notifying retailers to liquidate any remaining 360 add-ons.
3. P/DW will be allowed out of their contract.
4. Universal will be canceling production of HD discs with a BD launch date as early as Q3 2008.
5. The BDA made a nearly $300 million dollar package of marketing incentives, production incentives, and cash payments to get Warner to switch now.
6. The HD DVD promo group recently offered a similar package totaling $350 million.

He says 2 and 3 could be announced as soon as Monday. 1 and 4 might be a little ways off.

Take it for what you will.

Reading all the facts and rumors, i am still in silence inside my head even though i might be speaking alot. Whatever the outcome would be, i swear it will be beautiful.


Mojovonio said:
fuck that, i'm hoping for cheap blu-rays.
the war keeps them cheap with all the BOGO deals and stuff like that. I still kind of hope Toshiba whips out some crazy shit to prolong the BOGO deals!:p

Tron 2.0

Rody said:
By the way, what is "P/DW"?

They signed as exclusivity agreement with HD-DVD for (I think) 18 months.

But, reportedly, the payout from the HD-DVD camp was only about $100 million. Which is nothing compared to the potential payout from a next-gen home video format taking off.


This game joint by my house in West LA, CA has this side those tha tsells recently release of blu ray movies for 24.99, Im down with that price. F that Best buy price shyt.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I guess Toshiba and the HD-DVD camp were banking on Warner's neutrality now thats shot to hell. I wonder if this effected microsoft at all at CES.
g35twinturbo said:
This game joint by my house in West LA, CA has this side those tha tsells recently release of blu ray movies for 24.99, Im down with that price. F that Best buy price shyt.

If you have a Fry's Electronics nearby, you'll find them even cheaper at times.


neojubei said:
I guess Toshiba and the HD-DVD camp were banking on Warner's neutrality now thats shot to hell. I wonder if this effected microsoft at all at CES.

They issued an official press release saying it didn't which confirms it did.


Jonnyram said:
So how long are Paramount/DreamWorks exclusive to HD-DVD?
Does this even begin to end the war or does it just make the war more exciting?

:lol Serious? Gee I wonder why HD-DVD cancelled their 2 hour Press conf?
AltogetherAndrews said:
You've "pointed it out" quite a few times. It's a bit odd for someone to feel the need to point it and explain such an obvious and certain outcome that many times (never mind moving the goal posts around every now and then). Me, I think you're doing this in part because it bugs you that some might actually so much as suggest that there might be a PS3 positive here, and in part because you're honestly nervous that there might be something to that. If it was the logical certainty that you like to claim that it is, you wouldn't be scuttling about like a bothered beetle right now.
maybe because i actually believe that warner supporting bluray exclusively won't sell ps3s???

Oh and, please stop while you're ahead. you sound like an annoying psychiatrist thats obviously wrong.


Pai Pai Master said:
If you have a Fry's Electronics nearby, you'll find them even cheaper at times.

yeah I heard, theres one in Hawthorne but the CSR there are douches and theres always no parking.


Will drop pants for Sony.
scoobs said:
Whats stopping microsoft from putting out a bluray add-on for the 360?

Pride , maybe? Or Direct Download service plans...

Truespeed said:
They issued an official press release saying it didn't which confirms it did.

True. There is probably tons of text messages, cell phone calls, and emails being sent right about now.


Mojovonio said:
Shit, its 20 bucks too.

I'm so on this.

I never said it was.

But you guys really need to stop comparing the DVD BR situation to the VHS DVD situation.
People need to see that the inclusion of blu-ray was a good move even if they don't watch movies or even HD movies. That is why the system needs to have blu-ray win the format war as soon as possible. The more standard BD is, the more standard PS3 is.

I bet the rest of the blu-ray movie studios are happy about this.
kay said:
People need to see that the inclusion of blu-ray was a good move even if they don't watch movies or even HD movies. That is why the system needs to have blu-ray win the format war as soon as possible. The more standard BD is, the more standard PS3 is.

I bet the rest of the blu-ray movie studios are happy about this.
this right here is what i'm stating, as long as hd-dvd is around. I can't see bluray launching the ps3 where its suppose to be.


Tron 2.0 said:

They signed as exclusivity agreement with HD-DVD for (I think) 18 months.

But, reportedly, the payout from the HD-DVD camp was only about $100 million. Which is nothing compared to the potential payout from a next-gen home video format taking off.

Oh, thanks.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
neojubei said:
Pride , maybe? Or Direct Download service plans...

True. There is probably tons of text messages, cell phone calls, and emails being sent right about now.

Microsoft has stated that if blu-ray is chosen, they will release a blu-ray addon if needed


if Universal jumps ship, then i'm jumping in and picking up a blu-ray player

i didn't want to pick up either just in case - warner really set the groundwork for a blu-ray victory however it's not over yet... but it's close


i dont know what to say about this.

- Good For Sony
- Hope its good for PS3
- Very good for us
- Very bad for people with HD DVD only [ ebay is gona be cool ]
- Very bad for Toshiba.


Guy LeDouche said:

Hate to quote myself again...

same thread said:
DVD is the most successful format of all time and this last year was the first year since it's inception that it went on a decline (and not a huge decline either)...Toshiba makes A LOT on DVD, moreo than Sony, hense why Sony is putting themselves on the frontline for BR, because they were amoung the last to get on the bus with DVD. I never said Toshiba didn't want to be successful with HD-DVD, but if they hadn't came up with/pushed the format that would've meant BR would've come in unchallenged and thus prematurely put DVD out to pasture...a format that is STILL the top money maker for movie studios & CE companies alike and will still give them a good chunk for a couple more years.

It was clear to anyone with foreknowledge that BR was eventually gonna "win" and that even before the formats were launched Toshiba didn't have an agenda of creating a successful next-gen HD format...they instead had an agenda to compete (thus confuse, cripple & delay) with BRD (as the format was called then). Even when Paramount went over the outlook was still bleak for HD-DVD. Toshiba's efforts all along really seem futile...and beg the question why? Because they wanted to prolong DVD as the dominant format so as to make money on it for as long as they could.

Look at the original BRD specs too...recordable, encased, totally different manufacturing processes that would've destroyed the laxed comfort Toshiba made itself with the DVD format...if BRD would've went unchallenged it would've hurt DVD, thusToshiba and probably the rest of the industry as well.
topsyturvy said:
maybe because i actually believe that warner supporting bluray exclusively won't sell ps3s???

Oh and, please stop while you're ahead. you sound like an annoying psychiatrist thats obviously wrong.

Actually you do come off pretty one sided. Intentional or not.

Being GAF that's not out of the norm mind you, but if you dislike Sony its not hurtful for your reputation to simply say something like "I dislike them winning".


Will drop pants for Sony.
DopeyFish said:
Microsoft has stated that if blu-ray is chosen, they will release a blu-ray addon if needed

if Universal jumps ship, then i'm jumping in and picking up a blu-ray player

i didn't want to pick up either just in case - warner really set the groundwork for a blu-ray victory however it's not over yet... but it's close

My thoughts are that Microsoft "jumped in" to the HD-DVD camp because the PS3 had blu-ray. Microsoft never seriously supported HD-DVD as they did with their TV show/Movie download service on LIVE. Microsoft will not release a blu-ray player. They might cut whatever losses on HD-DVD when paramount and other studios jump ship, and support the LIVE video download service as an alternative to blu-ray.

Like I said before, there will be a ton of restructuring of strategies because of Warner's announcement.

This is the true definition of a Megaton.:D


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Doubledex said:
It was over a long time ago

no, it wasn't.

sales of discs don't matter for shit at this time. it's all about the standalones. As long as there is more people with units, they know that their movies will sell. (i don't travel into BRD/HD DVD threads simply because half the people don't understand this concept, which sane studios like Paramount/Universal/Warner use)

HD-DVD was DOMINATING until november/december when a couple bad months really fucked them over (warner's deciding point).

it was basically a tie up until warner going "bwahahahaha suckers"


Doesn't this announcement hurt the chance of a lower cost standalone Blu Ray player anytime soon? Fierce competition was about the only way we were going to get an affordable standalone player anytime soon IMO.
UntoldDreams said:
Actually you do come off pretty one sided. Intentional or not.

Being GAF that's not out of the norm mind you, but if you dislike Sony its not hurtful for your reputation to simply say something like "I dislike them winning".

If HD-DVD camp has no response to this and the war is truly over (ie. if it means I can one day get things like Battlestar Galactica on BluRay for example) then yeah, it's very positive for Sony in the long run...

but in the short term topsyturvys not saying anything thats too far out there really. When all this hopefulness and ken kutaragi picture posting dies down, when will this announcement be reflected in NPD?


AltogetherAndrews said:
They really should have known better though
Yes, Disney/Fox/Sony and now Warner make up most of the industry, I don't know what others think but even before Warner it never looked too promising for HD DVD with 0 movies from those studios.
harSon said:
Doesn't this announcement hurt the chance of a lower cost standalone Blu Ray player anytime soon? Fierce competition was about the only way we were going to get an affordable standalone player anytime soon IMO.

There will still be competition among BR player manufacturers. And with the "war" coming to an end, more companies will bring more models to the market. It will regulate itself, as the CE business always does.


Will drop pants for Sony.
DopeyFish said:
no, it wasn't.

sales of discs don't matter for shit at this time. it's all about the standalones. As long as there is more people with units, they know that their movies will sell. (i don't travel into BRD/HD DVD threads simply because half the people don't understand this concept, which sane studios like Paramount/Universal/Warner use)

HD-DVD was DOMINATING until november/december when a couple bad months really fucked them over (warner's deciding point).

it was basically a tie up until warner going "bwahahahaha suckers"

Dominating what? tie? On what? Have you been to the HD-DVD/Blu-ray forum in the OT?

There was a week blu-ray sold more than HD-DVD and there wasn't anything new released for blu-ray only hd-dvd. (I should note it was at the same time blu-ray had the B1G1 free sale)


Not bitter, just unsweetened
harSon said:
Doesn't this announcement hurt the chance of a lower cost standalone Blu Ray player anytime soon? Fierce competition was about the only way we were going to get an affordable standalone player anytime soon IMO.

No, it actually increases the chances

since if Blu-ray is finally chosen, a lot more people are going to jump over... more demand = more sales, more sales = more manufactured which in turn means cheaper parts and higher yields which will mean cheapness

if blu-ray is chosen within the next couple months, by the end of the year you might have Blu-ray player that were even cheaper than HD-DVD drives depending on how well it takes off

neojubei said:
Dominating what? tie? On what? Have you been to the HD-DVD/Blu-ray forum in the OT?

I browsed it, just to bask in the insanity

A ton of incorrect assumption and circle jerking

Movie studios are looking at HD media for ACCEPTANCE of the platform, not the velocity and longevity of their movie sales. Like DVD, they'll just look at those sales as quality of their product


DrGAKMAN said:
Hate to quote myself again...

It was clear to anyone with foreknowledge that BR was eventually gonna "win" and that even before the formats were launched Toshiba didn't have an agenda of creating a successful next-gen HD format...they instead had an agenda to compete (thus confuse, cripple & delay) with BRD (as the format was called then). Even when Paramount went over the outlook was still bleak for HD-DVD. Toshiba's efforts all along really seem futile...and beg the question why? Because they wanted to prolong DVD as the dominant format so as to make money on it for as long as they could.

Look at the original BRD specs too...recordable, encased, totally different manufacturing processes that would've destroyed the laxed comfort Toshiba made itself with the DVD format...if BRD would've went unchallenged it would've hurt DVD, thusToshiba and probably the rest of the industry as well.

That's an interesting point you've made. Toshiba is one of the primary inventors of the DVD format and they get a lot of their revenue from the royalties from the sale of anything related to DVD's be it media, players, recorders, etc. By delaying it they've sabotaged the adoption of HD video and clouded the market, thus, ensuring they'll be collecting DVD royalties for some time.


neojubei said:
Dominating what? tie? On what? Have you been to the HD-DVD/Blu-ray forum in the OT?

Don't fall for it. He's setting you up in the classic HD-DVD fanboy trap of using standalone player numbers only (not counting PS3 sales) and ignoring software sales.

DON'T FALL FOR IT! Just run away.
radioheadrule83 said:
If HD-DVD camp has no response to this and the war is truly over (ie. if it means I can one day get things like Battlestar Galactica on BluRay for example) then yeah, it's very positive for Sony in the long run...

but in the short term topsyturvys not saying anything thats too far out there really. When all this hopefulness and ken kutaragi picture posting dies down, when will this announcement be reflected in NPD?

Topsyturvy has been arguing everything between that it won't have any effect at all to that it won't sell millions, and any mix you will find in between those extremes. And given that few people have argued that it will lift the PS3 to the skies, well the persistence seems odd to say the least. A dead certainty shouldn't need to have goalposts moved like this, nor should it need the amount of repetition it has received. Seems more like he's nervously projecting personal hopes and dreams, but hey.


neojubei said:
Dominating what? tie? On what? Have you been to the HD-DVD/Blu-ray forum in the OT?

There was a week blu-ray sold more than HD-DVD and there wasn't anything new released for blu-ray only hd-dvd. (I should note it was at the same time blu-ray had the B1G1 free sale)

I think they were dominating in the category of being dominated.


harSon said:
Doesn't this announcement hurt the chance of a lower cost standalone Blu Ray player anytime soon? Fierce competition was about the only way we were going to get an affordable standalone player anytime soon IMO.

if anything it helps it. Once the format war is over, they'll have to turn their attention to the real competition - DVD.


AltogetherAndrews said:
They really should have known better though
your point... they can still put their discs into their HDDVD palyers and watch them, this just sucks if they spent shit loads on individual discs as they will soon be lower cost.


Truespeed said:
I just wonder how the Toshiba board of directors took the news when they they found out that their intention was to never win the HD format war, but to invest Billions in R&D and manufacturing plants just to delay it.

unlike blu ray discs, hd-dvds are manufactured on DVD lines. my understanding is that any recent-built DVD line can also produce hd-dvds.


Ponn01 said:
Don't fall for it. He's setting you up in the classic HD-DVD fanboy trap of using standalone player numbers only (not counting PS3 sales) and ignoring software sales.

DON'T FALL FOR IT! Just run away.


According to Sanders, however, Warner's decision was driven by consumer behavior, more than an expectation of resolving the format war.

"It’s hard for us to speculate about impact this will have on the format war. All we can do really is make the best decision for our business and the rest of it will really take care of itself, in time," he said. "One of the things you see in the NPD data for this fourth quarter was that even with a $100 [price] premium, Blu-ray set tops outsold HD set tops in December. Even with Toshiba having the lowest-cost player in the market, software sales remained 2 to 1 in favor of Blu-ray."

The studio certainly wouldn't mind if it did help resolve the format war, however.

They were beaten by the standalone BD players in December even with a $100 premium.
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