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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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Snah said:
This is good news. I honestly think that everything will settle pretty much by the end of CES.

The big guy (Warner Bros.) made its move. The Blu-Ray camp has the majority now, and the HD-DVD camp has the minority.
Warner Bros' decision is more like an avalanche and I think it dawned those studios (at the HD-DVD camp), that if they stay there they have a high probability to lose (instead of benefitting) from the situation.....

I think they know if they move to the Blu-Ray camp, everybody wins (in union is strength!) as the Blu-Ray technology will be adopted/broadened faster in the market.
I think Universal is going to make the move first.


dabig2 said:


Lol, damn :lol

I would love to collect one of these. It's like the pets.com sock puppet, but in bag form.
Eteric Rice said:
Are you serious? I hope you realize that a Blu-Ray disc is pretty much digital bits on a disc. :lol Also, hard drives can be made portable like the 360's hard drive, so I could take my whole movie collection to a friend's house.

My God though, don't drag me into your fanboy debate. Seriously. I'm just saying that if the internet connection issue could be overcome, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility at all.

I'm not trying to condemn blu-ray or something. Jeeze.
I know blu-ray is digital bits on a disc you know what I'm trying to say. I want something physical.

Like something I can hold in my hand. I love Warhawk but I'm not taking out my hard-drive and bringing it to a friends house.


Eteric Rice said:
Are you serious? I hope you realize that a Blu-Ray disc is pretty much digital bits on a disc. :lol Also, hard drives can be made portable like the 360's hard drive, so I could take my whole movie collection to a friend's house.

My God though, don't drag me into your fanboy debate. Seriously. I'm just saying that if the internet connection issue could be overcome, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility at all.

I'm not trying to condemn blu-ray or something. Jeeze.

No offense but your whole "I refuse to buy a PS3 for a Blu-Ray player" decision is entirely based on a fanboy rationale.


InterMoniker said:
I know blu-ray is digital bits on a disc you know what I'm trying to say. I want something physical.

Like something I can hold in my hand. I love Warhawk but I'm not taking out my hard-drive and bringing it to a friends house.

buy the disc version like i did?


Suckin' dicks since '66
Aggelos said:
The big guy (Warner Bros.) made its move. The Blu-Ray camp has the majority now, and the HD-DVD camp has the minority.
Warner Bros' decision is more like an avalanche and I think it dawned those studios (at the HD-DVD camp), that if they stay there they have a high probability to lose (instead of benefitting) from the situation.....

I think they know if they move to the Blu-Ray camp, everybody wins (in union is strength!) as the Blu-Ray technology will be adopted/broadened faster in the market.
I think Universal is going to make the move first.

Well hopefully this stuff can happen soon cause the longer they delay they piss me off and probably even more people.


Aggelos said:
The big guy (Warner Bros.) made its move. The Blu-Ray camp has the majority now, and the HD-DVD camp has the minority.
Warner Bros' decision is more like an avalanche and I think it dawned those studios (at the HD-DVD camp), that if they stay there they have a high probability to lose (instead of benefitting) from the situation.....

I think they know if they move to the Blu-Ray camp, everybody wins (in union is strength!) as the Blu-Ray technology will be adopted/broadened faster in the market.
I think Universal is going to make the move first.
I think Paramount are going to move Bluray before Universal.


Psychotext said:
How you aren't banned yet is beyond me... that aside, I've been using this sort of service in the UK (Virgin on demand) for quite some time now and I think it's great. Sometimes I just feel like watching a movie so being able to get one within 15 mins is just perfect for me.

Planning in advance is fine for things like Lovefilm, but sometimes I just want to throw something to watch on.

lol you should have extended the quote to the next line. You want me banned because you don't know enough about technology to make your own life easier? Get the Fuck Out!

If I am banned for trying to inject some common sense into this thread then so be it. I will still have a ps3 (with the better HD disk format) and an xbox360 both connected to my multi-terabyte media server.
B-Ri said:
buy the disc version like i did?
Maybe I should have but I'm just trying to make a point here.

My point is I really like Warhawk and play it all the time but I doubt I will take my hard-drive around to play warhawk, thats going to stay at my house on my ps3.

I don't want my movies on a hard-drive like that. Some games are fine like Warhawk I can play that off my HDD whenever I want. The only downside is I can't take it to another ps3. So I want my movies on a disc.


ndiicm said:
lol you should have extended the quote to the next line. You want me banned because you don't know enough about technology to make your own life easier? Get the Fuck Out!

If I am banned for trying to inject some common sense into this thread then so be it. I will still have a ps3 (with the better HD disk format) and an xbox360 both connected to my multi-terabyte media server.
Dude the way you worded it was like you were calling all 360 owners retarded. And you have a multi-terabyte media server? What kind might I ask?

Eteric Rice

Kittonwy said:
No offense but your whole "I refuse to buy a PS3 for a Blu-Ray player" decision is entirely based on a fanboy rationale.

That's more of a "I don't like where they stand" rational.

Besides, this is a completely different debate. :D

And you're the one to talk about fanboys. :p


Dude the way you worded it was like you were calling all 360 owners retarded. And you have a multi-terabyte media server? What kind might I ask?

Built it from scratch actually. 6x500gb in raid 5

No I didn't call all 360 owners retards. I said "average" and I was half kidding when I said It I just don't care much for fanboy drama queens I guess. I automatically assumed that neogaf makes up a majority of above average xbox360 owners. I own a 360 myself and though I think the ps3 is the better buy Halo 3 and Mass Effect are games I would recommend.


Still kicking myself that I didn't take the PS3 at $280 from Futureshop (open box). My rational is that the war was not decided and I would wait.

WB you could have made this announcement 2 weeks ago, damn you!!


Dunlop said:
Still kicking myself that I didn't take the PS3 at $280 from Futureshop (open box). My rational is that the war was not decided and I would wait.

WB you could have made this announcement 2 weeks ago, damn you!!

So you never planned to play games on the PS3?


ndiicm said:
Built it from scratch actually. 6x500gb in raid 5

No I didn't call all 360 owners retards. I said "average" and I was half kidding when I said It I just don't care much for fanboy drama queens I guess. I automatically assumed that neogaf makes up a majority of above average xbox360 owners. I own a 360 myself and though I think the ps3 is the better buy Halo 3 and Mass Effect are games I would recommend.
I know, I'm just saying it was easy to take what you said out of context. Cool as hell about you server though. What else do you run through it besides PS3/360? and why is this thread not in the OT already?


Reading much of this thread since the Warner announcement, and even before that, a lot of people have been saying that Digital Downloads are the future, and not any new disc formats. This is especially true now that HD-DVD is at its last.

How about we settle this once and for all........someone post some solid figures as to how much downloads brought in for 2007 in comparison to Blu-Ray, HD-DVD , and even DVD. I've looked everywhere I thought to and couldn't find anything. Maybe someone in here already has that sort of data at hand.

BTW, where's KLee? I haven't seen any posts from him in so long I can't remember. He was the one that first brought up news about Blu Ray and AOD (HD-DVD before it was HD-DVD) here before most of us, including me, knew anything about it.

Rolf NB

forgeforsaken said:
What the fuck are you talking about? I've only posted real numbers that I can find and real actual problems that either HD movie format needs to overcome.
The statistics collected by the single biggest online retailer in the world mean something, namely that today, Blu-ray accounts for 32% of the top 100 disc-based movie titles, based on a certain mixture of actual sales and mere interest among the customers of that same biggest online retailer of all. You don't get to dismiss that just because it doesn't support your moonshine argument. You won't be able to explain to me how these statistics fall into place if not by actual consumer interest anyway, and that's why unqualified dismissal is the only way you can approach them. But they do mean something. And that's the thing I am the fuck talking about.

Eteric Rice

xemumanic said:
Reading much of this thread since the Warner announcement, and even before that, a lot of people have been saying that Digital Downloads are the future, and not any new disc formats. This is especially true now that HD-DVD is at its last.

How about we settle this once and for all........someone post some solid figures as to how much downloads brought in for 2007 in comparison to Blu-Ray, HD-DVD , and even DVD. I've looked everywhere I thought to and couldn't find anything. Maybe someone in here already has that sort of data at hand.

BTW, where's KLee? I haven't seen any posts from him in so long I can't remember. He was the one that first brought up news about Blu Ray and AOD (HD-DVD before it was HD-DVD) here before most of us, including me, knew anything about it.

I personally think they're going to exist side by side in the future. It'll just depend on the person. Some may want to rent/buy movies through a box, some may want physical copies.

Hell, the service might offer a feature where you can buy the physical copy after renting the movie digitally. Sort of like some software companies on the net.


I know, I'm just saying it was easy to take what you said out of context. Cool as hell about you server though. What else do you run through it besides PS3/360? and why is this thread not in the OT already?

I also have several computers connected to it as well as a modified xbox running XBMC. I am thinking about setting up an ftp server on it as well so it can be accessed remotely. In the process of moving my website to it as well.
bcn-ron said:
Set A is the group of people who want a current-gen console (maybe they want a PS3 specifically, or maybe they haven't made a decision yet).
Set B is the group of people who want to add an HD movie player to their HT arsenal.

The intersection of the two sets will find the PS3 to be highly attractive. But even outside of the intersection, it's reasonable to expect some synergies.
I.e. either set will find the PS3 attractive to some extent, and should they make the purchase, they also have a trojan horse in their house that increases the effective market size for "the other thing" they did not initially want. If you have a PS3 in your home for games, and go shopping for movies, suddenly Blu-ray versions of films become applicable purchases, and if the price/benefit ratio is good enough for you personally, you will end up buying a Blu-ray instead of a DVD. Other way 'round for games. Why buy Lego Star Wars for the Wii if you might as well play the high-def version on your PS3. Or something.

It really is easy to understand. If you go in with a clenched face and desire nothing more than Sony HQ being swallowed by the earth in a massive quake, yeah, I could see you having reservations against the obvious.
I don't know why this thread is still in gaming, considering the ratio of (non-PS3 related posts):(PS3 related posts). That said, I think the above post is the best response to the topic at hand, so far.


xemumanic said:
Reading much of this thread since the Warner announcement, and even before that, a lot of people have been saying that Digital Downloads are the future, and not any new disc formats. This is especially true now that HD-DVD is at its last.

How about we settle this once and for all........someone post some solid figures as to how much downloads brought in for 2007 in comparison to Blu-Ray, HD-DVD , and even DVD. I've looked everywhere I thought to and couldn't find anything. Maybe someone in here already has that sort of data at hand.

BTW, where's KLee? I haven't seen any posts from him in so long I can't remember. He was the one that first brought up news about Blu Ray and AOD (HD-DVD before it was HD-DVD) here before most of us, including me, knew anything about it.
I think digital downloads are the future for the consumer. It's faster and digital data is easier accessed just boot up what ever device you have in place to access it and you can put a whole library at your finger tips just think ipod. The problem is for the media companies. The industry: movie companies, music industry, mpaa, riaa etc. Don't have it set up so they can benefit from the digital download model. Plus there is the issue of broadband internet proliferation in the states. It's not like Japan or Norway where you get 100meg line easily and cost effectively.

The video game industry is incorporating this already with xbla and psn. Warhawk, Stardust HD, Tekken 5 DR, Bomberman Online, carcassonne, etc all used the download distro model.


I wanted to show ym support for the move Warner and New Line made, so I went out today and picked up Polar Express (WB) and Pan's Labyrinth (New Line) on BD. Polar Express was 19.99 and Pan's was 26.99 at Future Shop.

I can live with those kinds of prices. :D

I also noticed the size of their BD section had increased and the HD-DVD section had been shrunk.
steve said:
I wanted to show ym support for the move Warner and New Line made, so I went out today and picked up Polar Express (WB) and Pan's Labyrinth (New Line) on BD. Polar Express was 19.99 and Pan's was 26.99 at Future Shop.

I can live with those kinds of prices. :D

I also noticed the size of their BD section had increased and the HD-DVD section had been shrunk.
I feel the need to buy some more blu-rays myself. I only got my first one on Christmas!


ndiicm said:
I think digital downloads are the future for the consumer.

Then the hard drive fails (or the whole box fails) and all of a sudden getting everything back is a huge pain in the ass. Then there's the DRM authentication: If the service goes away, you're either stuck with the inability to play what you bought, or not get a refund if you get a new box that either 1) uses a different service; 2) won't let you play the file without authorization.

Nevermind that we still have a ways to go before everyone has the bandwidth to make a 1080p movie download not a hassle. Blu-Ray MAY very well be the last physical format we all deal with, but the issues involved with moving to a completely digital format are still very real and need to be hammered out before it can be as seamless, transparent and portable between hardware upgrades/replacements as a good, old-fashioned disc.


neojubei said:
I personally think Microsoft will not, they will focus on Direct Downloads.
I agree, I want to watch HD Transformers as well but I refuse to buy a HD DVD player to do it. I'll want for the Bluray release.

Actually quite more entertaining. Someone started a petition trying to get Warner to change their minds. :lol
bcn-ron said:
The statistics collected by the single biggest online retailer in the world mean something, namely that today, Blu-ray accounts for 32% of the top 100 disc-based movie titles, based on a certain mixture of actual sales and mere interest among the customers of that same biggest online retailer of all. You don't get to dismiss that just because it doesn't support your moonshine argument. You won't be able to explain to me how these statistics fall into place if not by actual consumer interest anyway, and that's why unqualified dismissal is the only way you can approach them. But they do mean something. And that's the thing I am the fuck talking about.

Ok, so you're going to leverage Amazon specific hourly sales rankings vs. the yearly total sales data across all vendors? Go you!


Will drop pants for Sony.
Lightning said:
I agree, I want to watch HD Transformers as well but I refuse to buy a HD DVD player to do it. I'll want for the Bluray release.

Actually quite more entertaining. Someone started a petition trying to ger Warner to change their minds. :lol

Seriously??? awesome


For games, downloads work somewhat, I don't really see it surpassing what we have now by much, Smaller XBLA/PSN/VC style stuff will continue, maybe even some larger games going beyond what you expected (like SOTN did on XBLA). But other than Steam having some success on the PC, downloading whole games isn't going to do it for everyone. Downloads have a future, to an extent, for certain games, for certain platforms. I'd be cool with Nintendo having some sort of download service for DS games, using blank DS flash carts or something. Actually, if Nintendo didn't have their heads up their asses concerning online, I'd be surprised they didn't do this already.

And I think its the same for movies. Some people will like downloads, because for many, media is throwaway. Its watch once, and then they don't care. But there's always going to be a place for those of us who like owning a physical item, something to show for the money they spent.

Thats what I think anyway. But really, where's Klee?


ndiicm said:
I think digital downloads are the future for the consumer. It's faster and digital data is easier accessed just boot up what ever device you have in place to access it and you can put a whole library at your finger tips just think ipod. The problem is for the media companies. The industry: movie companies, music industry, mpaa, riaa etc. Don't have it set up so they can benefit from the digital download model. Plus there is the issue of broadband internet proliferation in the states. It's not like Japan or Norway where you get 100meg line easily and cost effectively.

The video game industry is incorporating this already with xbla and psn. Warhawk, Stardust HD, Tekken 5 DR, Bomberman Online, carcassonne, etc all used the download distro model.

let me add:

Like I said in a previous-previous post: because companies need a format to market their wares- combined with the fact broadband internet isn't as widely available as it could be- Optical Disk format is going to be around for a bit longer. And High definition is the next step in that direction just as DVD was the next step in Standard Def.


xsarien said:
Then the hard drive fails (or the whole box fails) and all of a sudden getting everything back is a huge pain in the ass.

The price of drives are constantly falling as others have pointed out. With the right redudancy precautions you can get an affordable solution that will probably outlast the shelf life of your optical backup if you run it properly.

Yes I mostly agree with the rest I stated something similar pages ago.


ndiicm said:
I think digital downloads are the future for the consumer. It's faster and digital data is easier accessed just boot up what ever device you have in place to access it and you can put a whole library at your finger tips just think ipod. The problem is for the media companies. The industry: movie companies, music industry, mpaa, riaa etc. Don't have it set up so they can benefit from the digital download model. Plus there is the issue of broadband internet proliferation in the states. It's not like Japan or Norway where you get 100meg line easily and cost effectively.

The video game industry is incorporating this already with xbla and psn. Warhawk, Stardust HD, Tekken 5 DR, Bomberman Online, carcassonne, etc all used the download distro model.
Digital downloads will never be the future for consumer for at least 10+ years. Get use to Bluray replacing dvd in the next year.
DD will be a big part of future sales eventually but in my experience Itunes hasn't killed off CD sales and it's much easier to download a song or 10 compared to a 25gig HD movie.


Lightning said:
I agree, I want to watch HD Transformers as well but I refuse to buy a HD DVD player to do it. I'll want for the Bluray release.

Actually quite more entertaining. Someone started a petition trying to get Warner to change their minds. :lol

OMG! :lol


RumFore said:
So you never planned to play games on the PS3?

I'm a wii60 owner and my wife is at home with the kids. So I have to put a little more thought into my whim purchases :lol There is nothing atm on the PS3 that interests me gamewise enought to justify the purchase. End of 2008 is a different story


Eteric Rice said:
I think they will. Didn't Moore say something to that effect?
Microsoft did. I don't know if it was Moore himself, though. (He's gone now, remember)

It makes sense to, but I have a feeling too many HD-DVD Driver owners feel burned, so it wouldn't sell as well as you'd expect. Maybe once it takes off, it'll be integrated. Or put on the 720 in 3 years.


gamerx said:
Digital downloads will never be the future for consumer for at least 10+ years. Get use to Bluray replacing dvd in the next year.

When I said the future for consumers I meant the ideal from a technology perspective. Best for the interest of the consumer. I know what you mean and I agree with you.

Rolf NB

forgeforsaken said:
Ok, so you're going to leverage Amazon specific hourly sales rankings vs. the yearly total sales data across all vendors? Go you!
So you're going to select your data in ways that deemphasize recent and ongoing growth. Blu-ray has only really started in November 06, and has grown quickly since then. Early 2007 doesn't mean much anymore when it's a relevant chunk of the movie disc business now.


I don't usually follow film studios' decisions, but from a purely historical standpoint, is there any possibility for a backtracking in their decision?


JMPovoa said:
I don't usually follow film studios' decisions, but from a purely historical standpoint, is there any possibility for a backtracking in their decision?

Given Warner rather plainly stating that they're doing it to accelerate the END of the format war, I doubt it. I'd sooner expect Paramount to exercise whatever right they have to get out of their HD-DVD contract and for Universal to follow them shortly after that.


JMPovoa said:
I don't usually follow film studios' decisions, but from a purely historical standpoint, is there any possibility for a backtracking in their decision?

No, Warner want to kill one system and there is not a real chance of comeback for HD-DVD right now. Is in life support waiting for the end.


Acosta said:
No, Warner want to kill one system and there is not a real chance of comeback for HD-DVD right now. Is in life support waiting for the end.
Acosta... I know you can type something a little more coherent than this.
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