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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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Jirotrom said:
Acosta... I know you can type something a little more coherent than this.

I am sorry, too much work. I will stop posting for today, probably my mind is not clear enough to write properly in english at this moment.


took a programming course
xemumanic said:
How about we settle this once and for all........someone post some solid figures as to how much downloads brought in for 2007 in comparison to Blu-Ray, HD-DVD , and even DVD. I've looked everywhere I thought to and couldn't find anything. Maybe someone in here already has that sort of data at hand.

There aren't many hard numbers available for digital downloads and most people suspect that this is because by and large the numbers are very low, at least in the UK. One major studio was said to have sold a number in the single digits online for a recent big release that would have sold hundreds of thousands on DVD over here.

I think it has quite a way to go to get mass market adoption but as a niche market it's certainly viable even now. Same goes for HD. DVD isn't going anywhere soon.


Forgot to mention I was disappointed to see that Shoot Em up on BD was sold out in Future Shop today. Probably for the best, wasn't keen on paying 34.99 for it anyway.


Like many, I suddenly had the urge to buy more BD movies. Ordered Ratatouille from amazon, and 2 others with the BOGO Free deal. Also planning on getting Sunshine once that's out :D
Eteric Rice said:
Are you serious? I hope you realize that a Blu-Ray disc is pretty much digital bits on a disc. :lol Also, hard drives can be made portable like the 360's hard drive, so I could take my whole movie collection to a friend's house.

My God though, don't drag me into your fanboy debate. Seriously. I'm just saying that if the internet connection issue could be overcome, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility at all.

I'm not trying to condemn blu-ray or something. Jeeze.

Yeah but that's somewhat a pain in the ass. If I could go to a friends house and just sortof sign in and redownload in an instant and watch it then that's when it will replace it.


Eteric Rice said:
That's more of a "I don't like where they stand" rational.

Besides, this is a completely different debate. :D

And you're the one to talk about fanboys. :p

Where do they stand? They offer both games and media playback of both DVD (upscaled) and Blu-Ray without having to purchase an add-on, their current PS3 hardware is reliable, they offer online gaming for free and there was no severe outages this holiday season, they publish some of the best games on the market like Uncharted, Ratchet, Warhawk and Resistance, I'm sure you don't like where they stand.

Yeah, and I actually own both consoles and you own what now? When even I start rolling my eyes at your fanboy bullshit it's pretty sad.

Eteric Rice

Kittonwy said:
Where do they stand? They offer both games and media playback, they publish some of the best games on the market like Uncharted, Ratchet, Warhawk and Resistance.

Yeah, and I actually own both consoles and you own what now? When even I start rolling my eyes at your fanboy bullshit it's pretty sad.

I own two of the new consoles as well.

And I've already said what they stand for. They thought they would rule the market with an iron fist (even without games), and thus far they're not. I'm not buying a PS3 because I don't want to support that mindset. It's no different than the people who aren't buying 360s or Wiis because they don't support MS or Nintendo's ideals.

And don't roll your eyes at me, you have your biases as well.


Ashhong said:
Like many, I suddenly had the urge to buy more BD movies. Ordered Ratatouille from amazon, and 2 others with the BOGO Free deal. Also planning on getting Sunshine once that's out :D

My next purchases will be The Rock, Sunrise Earth, Con-Air and Shoot Em Up. :D


Eteric Rice said:
I own two of the new consoles as well.

And I've already said what they stand for. They thought they would rule the market with an iron fist (even without games), and thus far they're not. I'm not buying a PS3 because I don't want to support that mindset. It's no different than the people who aren't buying 360s or Wiis because they don't support MS or Nintendo's ideals.

And don't roll your eyes at me, you have your biases as well.

Then you're not a gamer at all. I'm in it for the games, that's why I've played and enjoyed all three systems!!!


Eteric Rice said:
I own two of the new consoles as well.

And I've already said what they stand for. They thought they would rule the market with an iron fist (even without games), and thus far they're not. I'm not buying a PS3 because I don't want to support that mindset. It's no different than the people who aren't buying 360s or Wiis because they don't support MS or Nintendo's ideals.

And don't roll your eyes at me, you have your biases as well.

That's complete bullshit.

Not sure what mindset you're talking about, did the PS3 come out without games? Nope, the best game published by ANY publisher during the PS3 launch is from whom? SONY, and that's Resistance.

What is the best game on the PS3 and one of the best games this year? Uncharted, also from Sony.
Best platformer on the PS3? Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction, also from Sony.
Best arcade racing title? Motorstorm, also from Sony.
Best baseball sim on the market? MLB The Show 07, also from Sony.
Best online downloadable title? Warhawk, also from Sony.
Innovation? Eye of Judgement, also from Sony.
Original? Flow, also from Sony.
Downloadable shooters? Everyday Shooter and Super Stardust HD, from Sony.
People criticized them for the Killzone 2 debacle and what did they do? They show a playable demo that blew people away at E3.

Yeah what a fucked-up mindset they have, yeah they intend to rule the market with no games by publishing all those quality games for PS3 owners to play, what assholes.


Eteric Rice said:
I own two of the new consoles as well.

And I've already said what they stand for. They thought they would rule the market with an iron fist (even without games), and thus far they're not. I'm not buying a PS3 because I don't want to support that mindset. It's no different than the people who aren't buying 360s or Wiis because they don't support MS or Nintendo's ideals.

And don't roll your eyes at me, you have your biases as well.


Stop taking this shit so seriously.


Kittonwy said:
That's complete bullshit.

Not sure what mindset you're talking about, did the PS3 come out without games? Nope, the best game published by ANY publisher during the PS3 launch is from whom? SONY, and that's Resistance.

What is the best game on the PS3 and one of the best games this year? Uncharted, also from Sony.
Best platformer on the PS3? Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction, also from Sony.
Best arcade racing title? Motorstorm, also from Sony.
Best baseball sim on the market? MLB The Show 07, also from Sony.
Best online downloadable title? Warhawk, also from Sony.
Innovation? Eye of Judgement, also from Sony.
Original? Flow, also from Sony.
Downloadable shooters? Everyday Shooter and Super Stardust HD, from Sony.
People criticized them for the Killzone 2 debacle and what did they do? They show a playable demo that blew people away at E3.

Yeah what a fucked-up mindset they have, yeah they intend to rule the market with no games by publishing all those quality games for PS3 owners to play, what assholes.

kitty FTW (yes i am still calling you kitty)


Suckin' dicks since '66
Kittonwy said:
That's complete bullshit.

Not sure what mindset you're talking about, did the PS3 come out without games? Nope, the best game published by ANY publisher during the PS3 launch is from whom? SONY, and that's Resistance.

What is the best game on the PS3 and one of the best games this year? Uncharted, also from Sony.
Best platformer on the PS3? Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction, also from Sony.
Best arcade racing title? Motorstorm, also from Sony.
Best baseball sim on the market? MLB The Show 07, also from Sony.
Best online downloadable title? Warhawk, also from Sony.
Innovation? Eye of Judgement, also from Sony.
Original? Flow, also from Sony.
Downloadable shooters? Everyday Shooter and Super Stardust HD, from Sony.
People criticized them for the Killzone 2 debacle and what did they do? They show a playable demo that blew people away at E3.

Yeah what a fucked-up mindset they have, yeah they intend to rule the market with no games by publishing all those quality games for PS3 owners to play, what assholes.

Relax Kittonwy take a deep breath, don't feed them man it's how crazies work.

Eteric Rice

Kittonwy said:
That's complete bullshit.

Not sure what mindset you're talking about, did the PS3 come out without games? Nope, the best game published by ANY publisher during the PS3 launch is from whom? SONY, and that's Resistance.

What is the best game on the PS3 and one of the best games this year? Uncharted, also from Sony.
Best platformer on the PS3? Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction, also from Sony.
Best arcade racing title? Motorstorm, also from Sony.
Best baseball sim on the market? MLB The Show 07, also from Sony.
Best online downloadable title? Warhawk, also from Sony.
Innovation? Eye of Judgement, also from Sony.
Original? Flow, also from Sony.
Downloadable shooters? Everyday Shooter and Super Stardust HD, from Sony.
People criticized them for the Killzone 2 debacle and what did they do? They show a playable demo that blew people away at E3.

Yeah what a fucked-up mindset they have, yeah they intend to rule the market with no games by publishing all those quality games for PS3 owners to play, what assholes.

I see we've all forgotten $599 US dollars, no rumble because it's "last gen," and I see you've even forgotten the "we'll sell the first 6 million consoles with no games!" I don't forget shit so easily.

Kitty, most of the shit you posted above was your own opinion. Stop being retarded.

Relax Kittonwy take a deep breath, don't feed them man it's how crazies work.

Yeah, I'm crazy. I just say that I won't buy a PS3 because I don't like what they stand for, and the whole retard rodeo comes down on me like stink to shit.

I'm crazy alright.


On Universal...

Apparently they haven't renewed their HD-DVD exclusivity contract for some months.
It has been confirmed that they have been checking out BD replication lines for sometime.

These come from the insiders at blu-ray.com

If they do go neutral I wonder what will happen to Ken Graffeo...
Eteric Rice said:
I see we've all forgotten $599 US dollars, no rumble because it's "last gen," and I see you've even forgotten the "we'll sell the first 6 million consoles with no games!" I don't forget shit so easily.

Why would you care what PR said in the past?
Look at the games offered now and in the future.
Look at the price.
Make a decision.

This isn't punish the big bad corporation, or you'd never have bought a wii since Nintendo was the most draconian corp at one time.


avaya said:
On Universal...

Apparently they haven't renewed their HD-DVD exclusivity contract for some months.
It has been confirmed that they have been checking out BD replication lines for sometime.

These come from the insiders at blu-ray.com

If they do go neutral I wonder what will happen to Ken Graffeo...

Uh oh.


Eteric Rice said:
I see we've all forgotten $599 US dollars, no rumble because it's "last gen," and I see you've even forgotten the "we'll sell the first 6 million consoles with no games!" I don't forget shit so easily.

Kitty, most of the shit you posted above was your own opinion. Stop being retarded.

Yeah, I'm crazy. I just say that I won't buy a PS3 because I don't like what they stand for, and the whole retard rodeo comes down on me like stink to shit.

I'm crazy alright.

Usually I don't buy a console because it doesn't have any games that appeal to me, but your way seems soo much easier and cheaper because you just phase something out even if it does end up having great games!

And yes, $600 was never a bad thing to me, and many others, because that price was fully worth admission to one of the best blu-ray players, and the best online free-dedicated servers games and still this gens benchmark Resistance. I don't like MS's business ethics one bit as they're a major offender on my list, i didn't care for the original xbox, but I still bought their 360 this gen because it has great games because gaming is one of my fav hobbies.

Eteric Rice

krypt0nian said:
Why would you care what PS said in the past? Look at the games offered now and in the future. Look at the price. Make a decision. This isn't punish the big bad corporation, or you'd never have bought a wii since Nintendo was the most draconian corp at one time.

Lets say I buy one, and they win the console race. What do you think they'll do the next generation? The same damn thing. I don't want them to do the same damn thing.

I don't dislike Sony for no reason, hell, I used to love them (I own both a PS1 and PS2). And it burns that I can't play Ratchet (especially Ratchet), Uncharted, and some other games, but that's the price of voting with one's wallet. It doesn't mean I won't buy Sony products, just not from their games division.
Eteric Rice said:
I see we've all forgotten $599 US dollars, no rumble because it's "last gen," and I see you've even forgotten the "we'll sell the first 6 million consoles with no games!" I don't forget shit so easily.

Kitty, most of the shit you posted above was your own opinion. Stop being retarded.

Yeah, I'm crazy. I just say that I won't buy a PS3 because I don't like what they stand for, and the whole retard rodeo comes down on me like stink to shit.

I'm crazy alright.

Oh man, take a reality check please, you speak as if no company has ever had a handbag full of PR douches ready to ad-lib their way into bullshit heaven.

I never wanted to buy a Microsoft product, but eventually it just came down to the fact that I couldn't refuse what they were offering me as a gamer. It is called being rational.

Dry your eyes. I should add this :p becuase I don't mean this to sound to harsh haha.


Eteric Rice said:
I see we've all forgotten $599 US dollars, no rumble because it's "last gen," and I see you've even forgotten the "we'll sell the first 6 million consoles with no games!" I don't forget shit so easily.

Kitty, most of the shit you posted above was your own opinion. Stop being retarded.

Yeah, I'm crazy. I just say that I won't buy a PS3 because I don't like what they stand for, and the whole retard rodeo comes down on me like stink to shit.

I'm crazy alright.

Wah Wah Wah is that you in your avarar?

So the fact that a console launched at a high price means you don't like it?

Rumble is the most overrated tech in gaming these days. Nevermind the whole legal thing that was going on so this was pretty much just a bullshit excuse anyways.

And wasn't it 5 million consoles with no games? Oh that was Kutaragi, who probably got booted out due to this and stupid comments like that. One man's opinions but I guess the whole company believes that.


Eteric Rice said:
I see we've all forgotten $599 US dollars, no rumble because it's "last gen," and I see you've even forgotten the "we'll sell the first 6 million consoles with no games!" I don't forget shit so easily.

"things break" "negligable 3-5% failure rate", we can play this game ALLL day honey.

$599 with no games was cocky, but with GAFs rampant opinion on PS3 games, they basically have done it. There was also a $499 package that you sensationalists neglected to mention when you made a fuss about the system, the PS3 20gb was in no way gimpped like the 360 core.

"Rumble is Last Gen," phil harrison is one of the men in the game business that SHOULD and DESERVES respect in the biz, sony first party has made some of the most amazing and DIVERSE catalog of games around. He already went on the record apologizing for the statement, because HIS company, one that he represents, was in the middle of a lawsuit, how else was he supposed to respond?

Please stop it, for GOD sakes please just stop while youre behind

Eteric Rice said:
Lets say I buy one, and they win the console race. What do you think they'll do the next generation? The same damn thing. I don't want them to do the same damn thing.

So they did you wrong by delivering a very state of the art high tech multimedia machine, sparing nothing but technology to todays standards, nearly futurproofed, and ALL this new technology in 1 shell, an EXTREMELY reliable shell? AT A LOSS to them?

Holy shit, what a horrible company.
Eteric Rice said:
Lets say I buy one, and they win the console race. What do you think they'll do the next generation? The same damn thing. I don't want them to do the same damn thing.

I don't dislike Sony for no reason, hell, I used to love them (I own both a PS1 and PS2). And it burns that I can't play Ratchet (especially Ratchet), Uncharted, and some other games, but that's the price of voting with one's wallet. It doesn't mean I won't buy Sony products, just not from their games division.

You'd better return that wii then. I mean if you gotta stand for something then it's all in or nothing. Unless it's based on something else more fanboy-oriented.

Eteric Rice

B-Ri said:
"things break" "negligable 3-5% failure rate", we can play this game ALLL day honey.

$599 with no games was cocky, but with GAFs rampant opinion on PS3 games, they basically have done it. There was also a $499 package that you sensationalists neglected to mention when you made a fuss about the system, the PS3 20gb was in no way gimpped like the 360 core.

"Rumble is Last Gen," phil harrison is one of the men in the game business that SHOULD and DESERVES respect in the biz, sony first party has made some of the most amazing and DIVERSE catalog of games around. He already went on the record apologizing for the statement, because HIS company, one that he represents, was in the middle of a lawsuit, how else was he supposed to respond?

Please stop it, for GOD sakes please just stop while youre behind.

$499 is a whole lot different than $599, right?

Not really.

I'm going to stop now, because I'm sure I'll get banned. But I'm no different than those who won't buy a Wii because of waggle, or those who won't buy a 360 because it's from MS. I'll probably get one down the road, but it won't be until I'm sure they're put back in their place.

You'd better return that wii then.

I'm fine with my Wii. Only part I dislike is the constant mini-games and friends codes.
Eteric Rice said:
I'm fine with my Wii. Only part I dislike the constant mini-games.

But if you hate all the things you posted, then you need to learn your Nintendo corp history. You can't be fine with your wii and be against SONY's corp behavior.

The whole idea is ridiculous.

Eteric Rice

krypt0nian said:
But if you hate all the things you posted, then you need to learn your Nintendo corp history. You can't be fine with your wii and be against SONY's corp behavior.

I know about Nintendo, and I was pretty much done with them after the cube. But it's under new management, and Iwata hasn't pissed me off yet, so all is good so far.

And I <3 my DS.

trinest said:
Blu-Ray or HD-DVD isn't going to win. We are now at a stage were digital distrobution is going good and gold.

And so it begins, again. :lol
Eteric Rice said:
I know about Nintendo, and I was pretty much done with them after the cube. But it's under new management, and Iwata hasn't pissed me off yet, so all is good so far.

And I <3 my DS.

And so it begins, again. :lol

Then you should go ahead and get a PS3 since you seem to have no problem with Nintendo's past. Either that or your moral stand is baseless.

trinest said:
Blu-Ray or HD-DVD isn't going to win. We are now at a stage were digital distrobution is going good and gold.

Not a fucking chance.

Eteric Rice

krypt0nian said:
Then you should go ahead and get a PS3 since you seem to have no problem with Nintendo's past. Either that or your moral stand is baseless.

But Sony's game division isn't under new management, as far as I know.

Isn't it still run by Kaz?

If it's under new management then sure.


trinest said:
Blu-Ray or HD-DVD isn't going to win. We are now at a stage were digital distrobution is going good and gold.
5 years time maybe. Sony know how this goes, they've been doing this for years. They predict the trends. Don't think they wont' be right at the forefront of digital distribution when the time comes.


trinest said:
Blu-Ray or HD-DVD isn't going to win. We are now at a stage were digital distrobution is going good and gold.

:lol :lol

It amazes me that people still say that. This isn't like downloading a song off of iTunes. We're talking about gigabytes worth of information to download, and not everybody's got fiber optics running to their house.
Eteric Rice said:
But Sony's game division isn't under new management, as far as I know.

Isn't it still run by Kaz?

Doesn't matter. All of that was in the past. You're just being silly but you can't admit it. "Until they are put back in their place" confirms it.
This isn't so much of a surprise. As others have pointed out, it made the most sense; HD-DVD was the least likely to win. Their best prospect at success was to split the market with Blu-Ray. Since it costs a little more to make a BRD, they could have either ended up a little worse off (By a 50-50 split and selling the same amount of product at a slightly higher cost to them) or by a clear winner (Which always seemed like a more likely prospect for Blu-Ray). The choice obviously paid off.

Also; some of you need to crawl off the idea that digital distribution of movies is going to suddenly take off in the near future. It's not even close.

Eteric Rice

krypt0nian said:
Doesn't matter. All of that was in the past. You're just being silly but you can't admit it. "Until they are put back in their place" confirms it.

How does it not matter? The people that caused this mess are still there.
B-Ri said:
"things break" "negligable 3-5% failure rate", we can play this game ALLL day honey.

$599 with no games was cocky, but with GAFs rampant opinion on PS3 games, they basically have done it. There was also a $499 package that you sensationalists neglected to mention when you made a fuss about the system, the PS3 20gb was in no way gimpped like the 360 core.

"Rumble is Last Gen," phil harrison is one of the men in the game business that SHOULD and DESERVES respect in the biz, sony first party has made some of the most amazing and DIVERSE catalog of games around. He already went on the record apologizing for the statement, because HIS company, one that he represents, was in the middle of a lawsuit, how else was he supposed to respond?

Please stop it, for GOD sakes please just stop while youre behind

So they did you wrong by delivering a very state of the art high tech multimedia machine, sparing nothing but technology to todays standards, nearly futurproofed, and ALL this new technology in 1 shell, an EXTREMELY reliable shell? AT A LOSS to them?

Holy shit, what a horrible company.

Those Bastards!
Everyone forgets 360's launch year with Perfect Dark being the amazing game that it was. I had bought a launch 360 just to play that game and ended up returning it. I own one now once games I FIND FUN. I ended up purchasing a 360 for gears and haven't been displeased. Each system has it's ups and downs, by having all 3 when one (I won't mention the name) died, I still had the other two to enjoy. Each have good games and their advantages, I don't understand why one MUST be better than the others.
Eteric Rice said:
How does it not matter? The people that caused this mess are still there.

Good god, I never knew you were like this. Carry on. This is all so petty.

And for your info, most of the people back in the day when Nintendo was evil were there when the wii launched. But for some reason that's ok.


Michael Bay is a...:lol

Michael Bay said:
I know the look, color, and sounds on my own movies better they anyone in the world. I color-time every single image, and am there for every single audio tweak. I see my films in the editing and final process no less then a 100 times. I know ever single nuance. For some dick wads on these posts who think I can't make an informed choice on what format in the end, has the truer results for my own films. Well you where to shove.... My films finished in Blu-Ray are better - more true. Hd is better than DVD, but just not as good as Blu-Ray. So buying a Transformers Hd is still the best you will see this movie as of today. But when Paramount caves for Blu-Ray in the future - This will happen, then you will see Transformers one day finished in Blu-Ray and I will sure be able to tell the difference.


deepbrown said:
5 years time maybe. Sony know how this goes, they've been doing this for years. They predict the trends. Don't think they wont' be right at the forefront of digital distribution when the time comes.

Cause they sure nailed keeping the Walkman as the default portable music device and didn't let some other player get into the portable music field with digital.

Rolf NB

Ashhong said:
Like many, I suddenly had the urge to buy more BD movies. Ordered Ratatouille from amazon, and 2 others with the BOGO Free deal. Also planning on getting Sunshine once that's out :D
It began!
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