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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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GAF's Bob Woodward
GauntletFan said:
So which studios support which formats?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like this now:


Paramount, Studio Canal, Universal, the Weinstein Company, DreamWorks Animation


Sony Pictures, Disney, Fox, Warner, Lions Gate

Studio Canal supports Blu-ray now too, IIRC. Not sure about Weinstein.

Of the major companies, it's Universal and Paramount behind HD-DVD, Fox (with MGM), Sony, Disney, Warner behind Blu-ray.


M3wThr33 said:
Games: Region locked
HD-DVD: Region Free

Games: Region Free
Blu-Ray: Barely Region locked (Warner movies never had any region coding to begin with)

Choose your poison, then.
Wait, why is this in the gaming forum? I thought this was in the OT! Taking 360 and PS3 out of the equation: Some region lock <<<<<<<< no region lock.


GauntletFan said:
So which studios support which formats?

HD-DVD: Universal and Paramont

BD: Everyone else (when Warner goes exclusive)

My question is why does GE (NBC/Universal) care to help Toshiba with HD-DVD?
Francias Castiglione said:
Yeah but it will be staying in the small spare room as opposed to the master bedroom which is occupied by DVD. HD-DVD is sleeping in the shed and has a nasty cold right now.

Exactly. This will solve the format war but do very little to stop the raging tide of consumer apathy toward HD Signal Adoption for anything past HD Cable.
Good news if it will finally end the format wars declaring a clear winner, really bad news if this will sharpen the fight forcing Toshiba/MS to counter buying other exclusive support.


Junior Member
GauntletFan said:
So which studios support which formats?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like this now:


Paramount, Studio Canal, Universal, the Weinstein Company, DreamWorks Animation


Sony Pictures, Disney, Fox, Warner, Lions Gate,Warner Bros.



GAF's Bob Woodward
topsyturvy said:
that doesn't make any sense, bluray is a sony brand. :/

It's not..it's a consortium effort led by Sony. Many of Sony's own hardware competitors make Blu-ray players, for example - they're also part of the association.

Nintendo doesn't belong to the DVD consortium but they still used it, eventually.


Sony took a big risk making the PS3 a blu-ray player, and it looks like it's about to pay off. This is their chance to really push the PSN for casual games. If they release a bunch of Popcap style games, possibly integrate them into Home, all of a sudden Judy-soccer mom who just bought her HDTV gets the PS3 for HD movies, all her puzzle games, a web browser, and streaming media. Sony needs to capitalize on this.
GauntletFan said:
So which studios support which formats?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like this now:


Paramount, Studio Canal, Universal, the Weinstein Company, DreamWorks Animation


Sony Pictures, Disney, Fox, Warner, Lions Gate

If you're gonna list subsidiaries on the HD-DVD list you should do the same for the Bluray one :p
topsyturvy said:
that doesn't make any sense, bluray is a sony brand. :/
CD? DVD? All had one major backer behind them. Get over it.'

Anyway, I think this should just be over mods. It can only get worse from here, and really isn't gaming related at all.


DeadGzuz said:
My question is why does GE (NBC/Universal) care to help Toshiba with HD-DVD?

GE wants neutrality, for the better sales it'd bring. Universal Home Video can do what it wants right now becuase HDM is not a huge source of revenue, Immelt's not bothered yet. When he is, GE will put its footdown.


hyperbolically metafictive
BenjaminBirdie said:
Exactly. This will solve the format war but do very little to stop the raging tide of consumer apathy toward HD Signal Adoption for anything past HD Cable.

do you really think 'raging tide' is really the most appropriate metaphor for apathy
mr_bishiuk said:
Will MS have to bring out a blu ray drive sharpish?
Peter Moore declared last year (or the previous, maybe), that if Blu-Ray would come out the clear winner, they'd have no problems to create a BR add-on.

Sony mounts Vista on its PCs, so surely MS can license Sony technology too.




steve said:
If someone who wants to buy into the next-gen disc format for watching movies and television shows was on the fence about buying a PS3, this shoud make their decision a whole lot easier.

Woke up this morning and didn't think you meant to phrase this announcement as a catch all solution for potential PS3 sales, so I fixed it for you.


nib95 said:
Microsoft's last attempt will be the 360 Ultimate and it's HD-DVD drive, but that won't be enough to save HD-DVD from this fatal blow.

the 360 Ultimate is BS. In fact, the rumor about it started here. I forget the thread, but yeah, same specs someone made up here a couple months ago were listed in Stuff.tv's report.

MS really does not give a damn about the format war.
As long as there is one clear cut winner I'm satisfied.

And BluRay becoming a standard does make the PS3 more likely in my future now.


Now that Blu-Ray wins perhaps disc costs might cut into gaming sales' profits less?

This thread is on life support now :lol
drohne said:
do you really think 'raging tide' is really the most appropriate metaphor for apathy

In this instance, absolutely.

Have you ever seen someone watch The Sopranos, stretched and letterboxed when the HD version can be found ON THE SAME BOX?

It's absolutely a raging tide.
Linkzg said:
If Blu-ray becomes the new standard format, chances are xbox 720 and WiiHD will either use it or be DD only.

Even if HD-DVD fails (which is not the same thing as blu-ray succeeding), MS will use it or another non-Sony high-capacity drive. The ability to play disc-based hi-def movies is not a huge selling point (the top 2 new consoles can't) and will probably still not be by the time the xbox 720 is out.
Spider_Jerusalem said:
Peter Moore declared last year (or the previous, maybe), that if Blu-Ray would come out the clear winner, they'd have no problems to create a BR add-on.

And Peter Moore doesn't work for Microsoft anymore.

CowboyAstronaut said:
I suspect Microsoft may respond by putting HD-DVD internally into the 360.

That wouldn't be a response, that would be more like saying: "Hey, we just made a more expensive and totally pointless SKU! Buy it!"
Open Source said:
Even if HD-DVD fails (which is not the same thing as blu-ray succeeding), MS will use it or another non-Sony high-capacity drive. The ability to play disc-based hi-def movies is not a huge selling point (the top 2 new consoles can't) and will probably still not be by the time the xbox 720 is out.

The same way blu-ray is used for PS3 games to have more storage space, it can be used on other systems. It isnt restricted to movies the same way DVDs arent.

and im just trying to get some gaming discussing in here is all.
CowboyAstronaut said:
I suspect Microsoft may respond by putting HD-DVD internally into the 360.

Yeah,let's put a death wounded format in our console...

They didn't before,why now?...

What get MS supporting the HD-DVD?

Sony is already pretty hurt in the gaming deparment...
Spider_Jerusalem said:
Peter Moore declared last year (or the previous, maybe), that if Blu-Ray would come out the clear winner, they'd have no problems to create a BR add-on.

Sony mounts Vista on its PCs, so surely MS can license Sony technology too.

I'm pretty sure Sony would rather have MS on board re blu ray than against them, i'm not even sure if MS are not on the Blu ray forum in some capacity.

I think this may have an adverse effect on any PS3 price cuts as the other blu ray manufactures will be upset if they no longer see an HD DVD threat however blu ray has now become a much more relevant selling point.
Linkzg said:
The same way blu-ray is used for PS3 games to have more storage space, it can be used on other systems. It isnt restricted to movies the same way DVDs arent.

and im just trying to get some gaming discussing in here is all.

I don't see why it wouldn't happen. But it's also just as likely that they just use HD-DVDs. It's not like the thing has to be able to be played in anything else...
GhaleonEB said:
To the extent that the format war ends, which will ultimately be helpful to everyone, it's quite good news.

And it's the beginning of when Blu-Ray turns from being a hinderance to the PS3 (price) to the incentive Sony wants it to be.
I fear Toshiba and more importantly Microsoft delayed this for far to long for that to really happen at this point. I think Sony's going to have to take being the controller of the next movie format and be happy with just that.
mr_bishiuk said:
I think this may have an adverse effect on any PS3 price cuts as the other blu ray manufactures will be upset if they no longer see an HD DVD threat however blu ray has now become a much more relevant selling point.

Good point, standalone players are where the real penetration is.


CowboyAstronaut said:
I suspect Microsoft may respond by putting HD-DVD internally into the 360.

I suspect it's too damned late for that. This is probably why they've avoided doing it so far, in case they were seen to be releasing some lame duck console. Even if Microsoft ever does produce an HD DVD version I think they'll make Toshiba foot the bill and maybe even use their own branding (with a "powered by XBox 360 sticker" or similar) simply to distance themselves from the model when it tanks or gets sucked down with the format.

They should have stuck an HD DVD drive in the Elite model when it appeared. It's much too late and embarrassing to bother now.


Wow to think of the times that I had the HD-DVD addon in my hands last month to purchase...phew

I also had an open box PS3 at $280 from futureshop that I didn't buy because I wanted a winner decided....doh

touche Sony, you may be in my living room before this year is up....


...and suddenly, a previously thought 'MEGATON' announcement is deemed meaningless by some as it relates to future PS3 sales. *sigh* Oh, GAF.

drohne said:
do you really think 'raging tide' is really the most appropriate metaphor for apathy
BenjaminBirdie said:
I don't see why it wouldn't happen. But it's also just as likely that they just use HD-DVDs. It's not like the thing has to be able to be played in anything else...

the problem with using HDDVD as their gaming medium is that it would shut out the movie playing capabilities of the console. If bluray (or HDDVD) becomes the movie standard and they have a HDDVD drive in the system, then that could be a problem, but then again there are combo HD DVD/bluray drives...so yeah.


TheRipDizz said:
I fear Toshiba and more importantly Microsoft delayed this for far to long for that to really happen at this point. I think Sony's going to have to take being the controller of the next movie format and be happy with just that.
MS did a lot of damage my prolonging the format war, and Warner seemed to acknowledge that in their statement by saying the window for HD formats could be missed if something doesn't break soon.

BenjaminBirdie said:
See above. I stand behind my illustration.
Apathy by definition isn't raging...but nevermind. :p
Mrbob said:
Ghaleon has it right.

Blu Ray disc goes from a hindrance too an incentive.

Good thing Sony is sticking with the 10 year plan. As it may take the PS3 at least a good 3 years to make a foothold and then take off. I see 2008 as the turnaround year, and 2009 as the year when hardware sales really start accelerating worldwide.

honestly tho: who the fuck wants to play the same system for 10 years? i dont. i know deep down you guys dont either. some bitch in shimmery stockings will walk by and all yall will bounce in a hot sec. that's a metaphor.

dont believe the pie: the 10 year cycle is a lie


CowboyAstronaut said:
I suspect Microsoft may respond by putting HD-DVD internally into the 360.

I think if this was the plan we would have seen prototypes by now. Didn't we see HDMI prototype boards photos out 6+ months earlier than announced?

steve said:
If someone was on the fence about buying a BluRay Player, this shoud make their decision a whole lot easier.

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