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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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neojubei said:
Does this mean Lord of the Rings triolgy will be blu-ray exclusive?

As LOTR hasn't been announced on HD, your guess is as good as anybody's. I suspect though that since it hasn't been announced or released that when it does appear it will be after they've gone exclusive.

The LOTR is the crown jewels for Warner much like Star Wars is for Fox. I doubt that even if they did go exclusive they'd be in any hurry to release the movies unless their bean counters said it was the optimal time to do it.


MassiveAttack said:
Kutaragi's doomsayers would certainly have to eat a shit ton of crow, at least as far as the inclusion and delays caused by BD.
Kutaragi did the right thing we just didn't get it. Now Kaz and some clowns are running Sony much like Bell replaced Peter Moore *shrug*


mr_bishiuk said:
MS might consider it mission accomplished, if the PS3 had come out and Blu ray had been the only game in town then the PS3 would have much better mindshare and would have probably sold heaps more units.

I think it more likely they are involved with HD DVD for console battle reasons rather than a future download business which is years away. (due to broadband takeups and speeds)

HD to masses has hardly even begun yet. This is just getting started. And a sexy as digital downloads sounds, there are some people that will only buy physical media. Not to mention the amount of time it wold take to download a full 1080p movie


non-sanctioned troll
jett said:
If only Paramount hadn't accepted Microsoft's moneyhats, then HD-DVD would be in an utterly hilarious situation.

Yes, it was MS who moneyhated Paramount...lol. Hey, if only Fox and Warner hadn't taken, considerations (read: moneyhats), HD-DVD would be covering over the grave of BD right now. It works both ways and those cheering this decision by Warner would probably be doing the opposite if Warner AND another company went HD-DVD exclusive instead.


GAF's Bob Woodward
MassiveAttack said:
There goes that rumor.

If he comes out and has little or nothing, we'll be left to wonder if that was what was on the cards for CES..canned at the last minute.


Worships the porcelain goddess
All I have to say is, one step big closer to this stupid format war ending. That is something EVERYONE who cares about HD movies should care about.


Bebpo said:
Gaming-wise, while everyone hahas, I think it would be in MS's best interest to announce a Blu-ray add-on for the X360. That way the incentive for X360 only owners to buy a PS3 for their HD movie fix is eliminated.

Totally agree, I suppose Microsoft would have liked to hold the format more time but given the situation, they should jump into this fast.


Philanthropist said:

More like



squatingyeti said:
I hate to be Debbie Downer, but digital distribution is still a good 8-10 years away just in the US. Other countries (excluding maybe Japan and South Korea) are even further.

Yep. Sorry I don't want some over compressed 720P DD from MS for $4. I want the option to buy a 1080P uncompressed 7.1 disc, many of which were selling for $10-$15 recently. If I want to rent I use Netflix, which is far cheaper than Live's HD movies.

Here is the US many don't have broadband and those that do hardly have the bandwidth for youtube, let alone good quality HD.

"Wha wha" (from Debbie Downer)
Finally some news towards one format future. I'm one step closer now to get into HD, hopefully this ends sooner than later. In other words, PS3 is now one step ahead of 360 to get into my house, both are still very far away from me though.
MassiveAttack said:
There goes that rumor.

I doubt very much MS/Tosh will throw any more money at HD DVD more likely they will ask for some of the Paramount money back! (if it wasn't already in the contract that they get some back if things go sour)


Woah, so there are fanboys for HD-DVD and Bluray too? I guess everyone extrapolated the "war" between PS3 - Xbox360 to this, but it sounds ridiculous preffering one over another format, both are almost identics in terms of quality.
Leonsito said:
Woah, so there are fanboys for HD-DVD and Bluray too? I guess everyone extrapolated the "war" between PS3 - Xbox360 to this, but it sounds ridiculous preffering one over another format, both are almost identics in terms of quality.

Blu ray is critical to the PS3 success it justifies the extra cost for a start.


Leonsito said:
Woah, so there are fanboys for HD-DVD and Bluray too? I guess everyone extrapolated the "war" between PS3 - Xbox360 to this, but it sounds ridiculous preffering one over another format, both are almost identics in terms of quality.

Yeah go figure....People like movies.


avaya said:
New Line is a subsidiary of Time-Warner.
They're an independent studio with control over their own output, though. But given their current stance (delayed HD DVD releases for new movies because of the lack of region coding for their international licensees) I can't see them sticking around on HD DVD for too much longer.

This pretty much does herald the end of the HD format war. I can't see it suddenly turning the tide of the console war in favour of the PS3 - let's not forget that HD movie sales are still miniscule compared to DVD, as is public knowledge - but it's certainly a late Christmas gift for them and it should make the general public more likely to embrace HD movies.

So now I'm just buying Universal and Paramount HD DVDs, then.
Leonsito said:
Woah, so there are fanboys for HD-DVD and Bluray too? I guess everyone extrapolated the "war" between PS3 - Xbox360 to this, but it sounds ridiculous preffering one over another format, both are almost identics in terms of quality.

It appears you missed the massive thread in OT that started last year.


Leonsito said:
Woah, so there are fanboys for HD-DVD and Bluray too? I guess everyone extrapolated the "war" between PS3 - Xbox360 to this, but it sounds ridiculous preffering one over another format, both are almost identics in terms of quality.

Yup, pitiful innit? :lol

NekoFever said:
They're an independent studio with control over their own output, though. But given their current stance (delayed HD DVD releases for new movies because of the lack of region coding for their international licensees) I can't see them sticking around on HD DVD for too much longer.

Not really, they're in with Warner for Blu-ray.
DrXym said:
As LOTR hasn't been announced on HD, your guess is as good as anybody's. I suspect though that since it hasn't been announced or released that when it does appear it will be after they've gone exclusive.

The LOTR is the crown jewels for Warner much like Star Wars is for Fox. I doubt that even if they did go exclusive they'd be in any hurry to release the movies unless their bean counters said it was the optimal time to do it.

Unless they release the LotR movies before May, they'll be Blu-ray exclusive. I guess they might do it because they only have 4 months left to capitalize such huge trilogy on both formats.
I'd be just as happy if this went the other way and I only own a PS3. One of the formats needs to die out (probably HD-DVD) so that we can just have the HD version of a movie and the DVD version for all new releases. We're a little closer to resolving the HD fuck-up that was created a year ago.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Leonsito said:
Woah, so there are fanboys for HD-DVD and Bluray too? I guess everyone extrapolated the "war" between PS3 - Xbox360 to this, but it sounds ridiculous preffering one over another format, both are almost identics in terms of quality.

You should see some folk at AVSforums...swearing off HD media after this announcement because they simply can't bring themselves to buy Blu-ray...

I've always supported Blu-ray, not for technical reasons per se, but because it always seemed like the path of least resistance to a single standard format.


Xisiqomelir said:
That has nothing to do with the relative sizes of the two industries.

Secondly, this was in OT when I started typing my response.

What I meant was, as a gamer, winning a movie format war can be correctly seen as "just that" regardless of industry size.

Carry on.


sucks for anyone that got a HDDVD for xmas :eek:

I'm not sure if this will significantly affect ps3's position in the market, but xmas just got a whole lot sweeter for sony corp!



HD-DVD is region free, which means it's so much better than Blu-Ray ;(

I still don't think this will have any sort of impact on the PS3.
I do think people have underestimated the value the battle has had as a benefit to consumours, its got us cheaper PS3', cheaper standalones and cheaper discs (BOGOF).

With out the competition expect prices to rise.


This does not belong in the gaming forum.
This will not save the PS3.

Dr_Cogent said:
Awesome. One needs to win and one needs to die. I've been hoping Blu Ray came out on top ever since the battle started. It seems to be the better technology. It certainly holds more data, that's for sure.

Probably will have to get a PS3 sometime soon to go with my new 52 XBR Bravia that is coming today.

Sure, Blu-Ray holds more data (and has a higher data rate).
But as a spec, HD-DVD is superior (in my mind).

No region coding, mandated support for more HD audio formats, price, and less of a focus on useless interactive crap.
Add to that the fact that triple layer HD-DVDs have been announced (51 GB) and the size difference is essentially moot.

HD-DVD is all but dead. I would have loved for it to "win". The extra capacity isn't really an issue if you're just storing a movie. I don't need 6 hours of special features on my disc. I hate interactive content, and I don't use optical media to backup data.

The only real advantage Blu-Ray has is data rate. With console games allowing / requiring installations now (and certainly for the next gen), I don't think the space / multi disc issue is, well, an issue, anymore.
Philanthropist said:
Unless they release the LotR movies before May, they'll be Blu-ray exclusive. I guess they might do it because they only have 4 months left to capitalize such huge trilogy on both formats.

I'm think all three of the LOTR movies were announced for BD in a European country, I think it was Spain


Dante said:
Yeah go figure....People like movies.


Yeah, but I'm talking about people celebrating the victory of one format over another, it's ridiculous , and I'm sure there is people that celebrates that the format war is ending, but in other cases is pure fanboyism, it's even more ridiculous than the fanatics of a single console-maker.


Leonsito said:
Woah, so there are fanboys for HD-DVD and Bluray too? I guess everyone extrapolated the "war" between PS3 - Xbox360 to this, but it sounds ridiculous preffering one over another format, both are almost identics in terms of quality.

The problem is people trying to drag out the war, it hurts consumers.
If Microsoft is paying Paramount to keep HDDVD exclusivity because they want to hurt the PS3, it's fine business sense, but it confuses the public.
[Nintex] said:
Kutaragi did the right thing we just didn't get it.

shit speak for yourself. i'd even argue kutaragi may have not even wanted the BR player in there, but was strong-armed by the media division.

come on. the real money has always been in the next-gen dvd royalties. putting the BR shit in ps3 was instrumental in that. not because it "allowed game developers to express themselves"


MassiveAttack said:
It appears you missed the massive thread in OT that started last year.

Yeah, I entered one of two times in that thread, but never paid too many attention, I'm going to read it now, I love GAF metldowns :D


NekoFever said:
They're an independent studio with control over their own output, though. But given their current stance (delayed HD DVD releases for new movies because of the lack of region coding for their international licensees) I can't see them sticking around on HD DVD for too much longer.

They're independent in the same way that Sony-BMG and Sony-Ericsson are independent of Sony Corporation.

New Line were the first Time-Warner people calling for exclusivity, before Warner execs let the cat out of the bag that they were considering it.


Junior Member
norinrad21 said:
well this thread has gone to hell.

Iwata should announce Nintendo support for HD-DVD :lol :lol :lol :lol

Oh shit, as funny as that might sound, it can so happen. What would it mean though ?
Bebpo said:
Gaming-wise, while everyone hahas, I think it would be in MS's best interest to announce a Blu-ray add-on for the X360. That way the incentive for X360 only owners to buy a PS3 for their HD movie fix is eliminated.
I don't see that happening ever.


Leonsito said:

Yeah, but I'm talking about people celebrating the victory of one format over another, it's ridiculous , and I'm sure there is people that celebrates that the format war is ending, but in other cases is pure fanboyism, it's even more ridiculous than the fanatics of a single console-maker.

Having Companies dragging out a format war sucks if you like buying movies. People are happy because this move is a signifigant step towards ending that.


mr_bishiuk said:
I do think people have underestimated the value the battle has had as a benefit to consumours, its got us cheaper PS3', cheaper standalones and cheaper discs (BOGOF).

With out the competition expect prices to rise.

Nonsense. There have always been more companies producing BD players than ever produced HD-DVD players, so there's plenty of competition to lower hardware costs. Remember the price trajectory of DVD players?

The only thing competition between the two formats might have done was engender competition at the patent/software licensing level, but those royalties are low enough that they were never going to be determinative between the two formats, nor anything that a customer would ever notice.

Perhaps you'll see BD movies be $1 a disc higher than they might otherwise have been or some such, but that'd be about the extent of it, and given that all of those prices will drop as volumes increase, the rising tide should lift the boats just fine.
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