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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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Linkzg said:
The same way blu-ray is used for PS3 games to have more storage space, it can be used on other systems. It isnt restricted to movies the same way DVDs arent.

and im just trying to get some gaming discussing in here is all.

Sure, but the only point in using blu-ray instead of another high-capacity drive is to play blu-ray movies, and I don't think the ability to play blu-ray movies will sell enough units to convince MS to support one of their biggest competitors in the video game arena.

I think the most likely possibility is that neither blu-ray nor HD-DVD will be widely adopted enough for the adoption rate of disc format to be a big concern in the next generation of consoles. They'll want something that's cheap, big, and fast, and blu-ray probably won't be the most ideal candidate, especially when you factor in that they would have to pay royalties to Sony every time they sell a console.

MS wants downloads to win out over disc formats, anyway, because they aren't in the disc-based movie business.
I think there's something missing in this thread.

Oh, here it is:



GhaleonEB said:
MS did a lot of damage my prolonging the format war, and Warner seemed to acknowledge that in their statement by saying the window for HD formats could be missed if something doesn't break soon.

I think MS has been stringing this war along because they have some downloadable movie platform in development. While they'll collect some royalties from VC-1 encoded movies I believe they're more concerned that if an HD physical format wins that it will severely impact their ambitions to own the downloadable content space. I would not be surprised if they announce some kind of download platfomr at CES or some time this year. We all know that the 360 has downloadable movies and I believe MS are trying very hard to produce an infrastructure that would support other devices as well.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I would probably buy a cheap Blu-Ray player before a PS3. LOST and Ratalouie are the killer apps.
I think you're not alone, and to some extent it works even for the PS3. Given how many of them have been sold could this be a big factor why games aren't selling that well on it? ie: this here box plays HD movies.. and I guess it plays games too but I don't own any.


The only valid "gaming" discussion would be discussing on how important has been PS3 for this to happen and if that validates Sony decision of format with PS3, in the contest of sales age and business discussion.

In my opinion, PS3 has been key for this. I am not really sure this can affect sales at all for the future, but the console has provided an important victory for the format and probably it validates the system for itself.


TheRipDizz said:
I think Sony's going to have to take being the controller of the next movie format and be happy with just that.

Are you aware that the disc media industry dwarfs the VG industry by several moneybins worth of phat loots, or was your "just that" construction unintentional?


BenjaminBirdie said:
In this instance, absolutely.

Have you ever seen someone watch The Sopranos, stretched and letterboxed when the HD version can be found ON THE SAME BOX?

It's absolutely a raging tide.

but how can something be both 'raging' and lacking enthusiasm at the same time? Perhaps 'standing sea of apathy'?


Xisiqomelir said:
Are you aware that the disc media industry dwarfs the VG industry by several moneybins worth of phat loots, or was your "just that" construction unintentional?

As gamers on a gaming forum, we usually are more interested in who rules the gaming industry.

That being said, cheap Bluray player ahoy.


Gaming-wise, while everyone hahas, I think it would be in MS's best interest to announce a Blu-ray add-on for the X360. That way the incentive for X360 only owners to buy a PS3 for their HD movie fix is eliminated.


If Blu-Ray wins in the end, will Sony see more profit from it than they have been seeing from their Playstation brands? I ask because I have no idea how many companies are involved in the Blu-Ray forum. Does Sony get the biggest cut?
This is getting tedious now, Blu-Ray should've won this a long time ago but it's being dragged out and consumers are suffering.

I think MS aren't too bothered by who wins, they would prefer it to be HD-DVD but like I said they don't really care I could definitely see them going down the route of digital downloads for games for the next console but if they will only do that if large enough HDD's are cheap enough by the time the next xbox is being made and if Broadband speeds are higher.


Great fucking news! Yes! One step closer to the end of this stupid format war. And this will also help boost the PS3 in some way.


Dot Hacked
Lame! Take this crap back to OT. I may be PS3-exclusive, but since I don't watch movies so this nonsense does nothing for me. ~_~


Philanthropist said:

Thanks. I was just about to make a post asking what studios are on which format(s).

Bebpo said:
Gaming-wise, while everyone hahas, I think it would be in MS's best interest to announce a Blu-ray add-on for the X360. That way the incentive for X360 only owners to buy a PS3 for their HD movie fix is eliminated.

Not a bad idea, seeing as I've been debating whether to get 360 or a PS3 for a good six months now and this is definitely a big plus sign for PS3 if this does truly signal the end of the format wars.


Well I guess that's enough for me. Had a PS3 for almost 3 months and no blu-ray movies. Looks like this will be the standard so I can finally send my receipts in and get those 5 blu-ray movies from Sony and start buying blu-ray instead of dvds if they're on sale.
Also for those that were complaining about Sony running those BR only commercials for the PS3 late last year, here's one of the reasons they were doing it.


Kyoufu said:
If Blu-Ray wins in the end, will Sony see more profit from it than they have been seeing from their Playstation brands? I ask because I have no idea how many companies are involved in the Blu-Ray forum. Does Sony get the biggest cut?

Probably second biggest cut, Matsushita(Panasonic) has the largest number of patents. Depends though.

If Blu-ray establishes itself to become even a fraction of what DVD is today, then income for those involved will simply dwarf anything from videogames.


Tobor said:
As gamers on a gaming forum, we usually are more interested in who rules the gaming industry.

That has nothing to do with the relative sizes of the two industries.

Secondly, this was in OT when I started typing my response.
MS might consider it mission accomplished, if the PS3 had come out and Blu ray had been the only game in town then the PS3 would have much better mindshare and would have probably sold heaps more units.

I think it more likely they are involved with HD DVD for console battle reasons rather than a future download business which is years away. (due to broadband takeups and speeds)
mr_bishiuk said:
MS might consider it mission accomplished, if the PS3 had come out and Blu ray had been the only game in town then the PS3 would have much better mindshare and would have probably sold heaps more units.

I think it more likely they are involved with HD DVD for console battle reasons rather than a future download business which is years away. (due to broadband takeups and speeds)

Makes sense. They certainly have the Throwing Around Money for those sorts of shenanigans.
avaya said:
Probably second biggest cut, Matsushita(Panasonic) has the largest number of patents. Depends though.

If Blu-ray establishes itself to become even a fraction of what DVD is today, then income for those involved will simply dwarf anything from videogames.

Kutaragi's doomsayers would certainly have to eat a shit ton of crow, at least as far as the inclusion and delays caused by BD.


mr_bishiuk said:
MS might consider it mission accomplished, if the PS3 had come out and Blu ray had been the only game in town then the PS3 would have much better mindshare and would have probably sold heaps more units.

I think it more likely they are involved with HD DVD for console battle reasons rather than a future download business which is years away. (due to broadband takeups and speeds)

Great for consumers!

el Diablo

While BD was winning against HD-DVD it was all still a drop in the bucket compared to DVD. With this there is actually a legitimate chance that BD becomes the next mainstream media format. This is best news the PS3 has had since it's announcement IMO, it actually justifies the higher price of a PS3 compared to the other consoles.

Now Sony needs to let the gaming division spend some of those moneyhat monies for some 3rd party exclusives....


neojubei said:
Does this mean Lord of the Rings triolgy will be blu-ray exclusive?

Yep. If new line also comes with warner. This must have been why new line was relaseing on blu-ray first with an HD-DVD version to come "later".


If only Paramount hadn't accepted Microsoft's moneyhats, then HD-DVD would be in an utterly hilarious situation.


non-sanctioned troll
anonnumber6 said:
This is getting tedious now, Blu-Ray should've won this a long time ago but it's being dragged out and consumers are suffering.

I think MS aren't too bothered by who wins, they would prefer it to be HD-DVD but like I said they don't really care I could definitely see them going down the route of digital downloads for games for the next console but if they will only do that if large enough HDD's are cheap enough by the time the next xbox is being made and if Broadband speeds are higher.

Yes, because ~15GB (estimating the average size of the NEXT-gen games) would be easily downloaded if we doubled the average speed of internet access in the U.S......Or not. I hate to be Debbie Downer, but digital distribution is still a good 8-10 years away just in the US. Other countries (excluding maybe Japan and South Korea) are even further.

It may be the future, but that future is realistically further than some want to admit.


neojubei said:
Does this mean Lord of the Rings triolgy will be blu-ray exclusive?

Since new line is a subsidiary of Time Warner, yes.

Yes, because ~15GB (estimating the average size of the NEXT-gen games) would be easily downloaded if we doubled the average speed of internet access in the U.S......Or not. I hate to be Debbie Downer, but digital distribution is still a good 8-10 years away just in the US. Other countries (excluding maybe Japan and South Korea) are even further.

Amon37 said:
Yep. If new line also comes with warner. This must have been why new line was relaseing on blu-ray first with an HD-DVD version to come "later".

Time Warner owns New Line, so that appears rather likely.


I don't care which one wins, but if Blu Ray wins out they had better get their shit together and finalize the freaking format already. Get all those features that HD DVD has had since launch and Blu Ray still lacks. Get players out that support that shit, and dump all the others. Quit this "we're launched and selling players and discs, but not done the format" crap, and get compatibility under control.
Acosta said:
The only valid "gaming" discussion would be discussing on how important has been PS3 for this to happen and if that validates Sony decision of format with PS3, in the contest of sales age and business discussion.

In my opinion, PS3 has been key for this. I am not really sure this can affect sales at all for the future, but the console has provided an important victory for the format and probably it validates the system for itself.

Yeah, PS3 was the costly price to pay in the videogame market, to win the overall HD format market. A risky gamble, but it seems to be paying off, Blu-ray has been outselling HD-DVD for like 2:1 for a good long while now and now has Warner exclusive, a huge gain for Blu-ray. It's only a matter of time for Paramounts contract to expire and whenever for Universal to cave in.


I hope Microsoft wasn't really planning on announcing an XBox 360 Ultimate with built-in HD-DVD drive Monday at CES, 'cause if they were, it'd D.O.A.
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