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Boon to the PS3? Warner Bros goes Blu-Ray

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urk said:
Yup. I think this brings us one step closer to a single format, which is good, but I'm not sure it's much of a boon for the PS3. It would have been at launch, when it was the cheapest and best Blu-ray player on the market, but now, though it's still a quality player, models that will upscale DVDs are available for about the same price.

Better then without, for sure, but nothing earth shattering.
PS3 upscales DVDs. In software of course, it's not like it has a Reon chip in it or anything, but that's okay because Reons are fucking expensive, and the PS3 upscaling is actually pretty damn good (equivalent to the DVD upscaling of some of the best Samsung BD players on the market).


Metalmurphy said:
Keep that shit of this thread please.

Is there something other than Warner Bros going BR exclusive that will somehow provide a boon to the platform this year? Didn't think so. Price point versus competitors versus gaming library is still the major obstacle for the platform. As the other companies turn down the road more and more momentum will build, price points will get closer and closer with time, which is why I believe 09 maybe the year of change. High-def movies are still far and away a niche market at this time and that is probably not going to change for a good bit. And btw, I do own the console.


butthole fishhooking yes
badcrumble said:
PS3 upscales DVDs. In software of course, it's not like it has a Reon chip in it or anything, but that's okay because Reons are fucking expensive, and the PS3 upscaling is actually pretty damn good (equivalent to the DVD upscaling of some of the best Samsung BD players on the market).

Right, but the Sammys can be had for $600 is what I'm saying. Prior to the lower priced players, upscaling was somewhat costly, especially to 1080p.
Chiggs said:
So matter-of-fact. Care if I bookmark this for future purposes?
ok, now people are going seriously overboard. Ps3 will not move to second or first place because warner is on the bluray bandwagon.

bookmark that.


Alex said:
Don't care, can barely tell the difference between a good DVD and a Blu Ray on an HD set myself. Certainly not enough so to repurchase discs or drop an extra 10 bucks on new releases.

I think it's one thing to say you don't want to spend extra money, but to say you can't tell the difference is pretty ridiculous.


Doesn't change the fact that the films I want to watch are on HD right now, but I hope this finally kills off HD DVD, having two formats is awful.


AAK said:
At the rate this thread is getting posts, you'd think Team ICO revealed their PS3 game or something. I don't care about this BRD battle. Show me some games!!!

So Resistance, MotorStorm, Folklore, Ratchet & Clank ToD and Uncharted don't exist?


Alex said:
Don't care, can barely tell the difference between a good DVD and a Blu Ray on an HD set myself. Certainly not enough so to repurchase discs or drop an extra 10 bucks on new releases.

You need to get your eyes checked.


steve said:
It's beyond me why you haven't been banned yet.

Use that ignore poster function, I did long ago

And for the HotandCold poster, wow, I'm glad my boss didn't walk by at work when I was reading your post. Seriously. Thanks mods for changing that. :lol


GAF's Bob Woodward
I think it's interesting that it sort of sounds like they weren't money-hatted. I'm sure the BD group did all they could to persuade them of the business case, but if there was money involved, I doubt BD would have wanted to let them release HD-DVD movies even in the interim.

I also wonder if Toshiba signing Paramount accelerated this..Warner was thus the only big multi-format supporter (i think?) left with a card to play, and they might have felt more pressure to do so in order to try and end the madness.

Finally, I wonder what Toshiba's next move will be. They can either try and poach a Blu-ray studio - which would be even more difficult now than prior to the Warner announcement - let things fizzle on as is and do their consumers a disservice, or concede and push remaining studios to BD. Can they really sustain a format with only two major studios backing it?


Tmac said:
Like if they took the oposite direction things whoudnt change completely....

It wouldn't have. Warner going BD exclusive increased BD's lead over HD-DVD to the point that should end the war.

If Warner had gone exclusive to HD-DVD the numbers would've been 50/50 give or take a few points in stead of the 70/30 this choice made.




Gold Member
topsyturvy said:
ok, now people are going seriously overboard. Ps3 will not move to second or first place because warner is on the bluray bandwagon.

That's really not what I was getting at. 2008 looks to be a great year for the PS3 regardless of Warner Bros. He was matter of fact and I challenged it.


sp0rsk said:
Look at all this Gaming Discussion.
Lemme try sp0rsk.

So does this mean that Warner Bros licensed games might get a special edition with a movie packed in on the blu-ray disc?


GreekWolf said:
NOW is when things finally get interesting.

Universal has no choice but to start pulling out the big guns for release in 2008. Jurassic Park trilogy, Back to the Future trilogy, etc. I'd also expect them to go "balls to the wall" with Microsoft in producing one big-ass moneyhat for Paramount to extend their contract with Toshiba/HD-DVD, and to coax Spielberg to allow his flicks to be part of the package.

That's really the only last, fleeting hope they have to pull this out.

There is no hope left for HD DVD to pull anything out.


omg rite said:
There's no winning team.

As I've said before, there's not going to be any big winner here. Blu-ray won against HD-DVD, but I highly doubt it's going to take over for DVD.

And this really won't do anything for PS3.

At all.

No one is going to say, "Oh shit, Warner movies are on Blu-ray now!? Gotta get me a PS3!"

So.. wrong forum.

Very True..

Even if BD is the clear winner of the war, and is the sole HD format out there, it will never surpass DVD, the way DVD did to VHS. To most consumers, BD is a niche market...


Junior Member
topsyturvy said:
ok, now people are going seriously overboard. Ps3 will not move to second or first place because warner is on the bluray bandwagon.

bookmark that.

You are missing the point brah. This here shit that just happened means blu is here to stay and it ain't going nowhere.


Metalmurphy said:
Hopefully others follow soon.

2 Formats do nothing but hurt the industry

Ditto. I'm neutral but I really want BD to win. It has more hardware support, more studio support, larger capacity, higher bandwidth and better for PC storage. The sooner this is over the better. I will gladly put my 360 add-on in retirement it's a clunky thing anyhow.


urk said:
Yup. I think this brings us one step closer to a single format, which is good, but I'm not sure it's much of a boon for the PS3. It would have been at launch, when it was the cheapest and best Blu-ray player on the market, but now, though it's still a quality player, models that will upscale DVDs are available for about the same price.

Better then without, for sure, but nothing earth shattering.

PS3 does that too btw, and no other Blu-Ray player plays games.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
This thread stays open only if there's gaming related discussion, which is not currently happening.


Gold Member
aparisi2274 said:
Even if BD is the clear winner of the war, and is the sole HD format out there, it will never surpass DVD, the way DVD did to VHS. To most consumers, BD is a niche market...

And this will never change, right? DD is the wave of the future and there is no use for HDM in retail stores whatsoever. Okay, whatever.

EviLore said:
This thread stays open only if there's gaming related discussion, which is not currently happening.

I think you know what's going to happen. In fact, I'm off to OT right now.
ZeroTolerance said:
You are missing the point brah. This here shit that just happened means blu is here to stay and it ain't going nowhere.


y'all should be ashamed
EviLore said:
This thread stays open only if there's gaming related discussion, which is not currently happening.

Metal Gear Solid 4 is awesome and on Blu-Ray.

Thread saved!


sp0rsk said:
Look at all this Gaming Discussion.

:lol I'm boggled as to why this is even on the Gaming board as well, especially when there's already an epic HD DVD vs BR thread in OT. Drag this back to OT please (and then have someone else drag it back here). Closest we can get to a cross board discussion. :D
Shin Johnpv said:
Seriously. I don't like the idea of Sony controlling a format, they're DRM assholes.
Actually, Sony announced recently that they're finally going to start selling DRM-free MP3s online.


Chiggs said:
And this will never change, right? DD is the wave of the future and there is no use for HDM in retail stores whatsoever. Okay, whatever.

DD is the wave of the future. Like 20 years from now.
Studios going format-exclusive is stupid because it makes people less interested in the next-gen video formats as a whole. No matter which format you choose, you're going to miss out on films from one or more studios. People are already reluctant to switch from DVD, and this kind of stuff just makes the next-gen formats even more irrelevant to the mass market.

Neo C.

sp0rsk said:
Look at all this Gaming Discussion.

Will Microsoft bring an Blu-Ray add-on and let the HD-DVD add-on die?
Will Wii2 use HD-DVD? The license might be dirt cheap in 2012 or so.

I tried. :(
So which studios support which formats?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like this now:


Paramount, Studio Canal, Universal, the Weinstein Company, DreamWorks Animation


Sony Pictures, Disney, Fox, Warner, Lions Gate
Open Source said:
Studios going format-exclusive is stupid because it makes people less interested in the next-gen video formats as a whole. No matter which format you choose, you're going to miss out on films from one or more studios. People are already reluctant to switch from DVD, and this kind of stuff just makes the next-gen formats even more irrelevant to the mass market.
Fortunately, at this rate there'll only be one next-gen format by the end of 2008.


EviLore said:
This thread stays open only if there's gaming related discussion, which is not currently happening.

The way I look at it is simple, once the format war ends, PS3 becomes a much more attractive purchase to someone interested in an HD player.

The gaming division cannot help but gain sales because of this, it's inevitable.

If someone was on the fence about buying a PS3, this shoud make their decision a whole lot easier.
ZeroTolerance said:
You are missing the point brah. This here shit that just happened means blu is here to stay and it ain't going nowhere.

Yeah but it will be staying in the small spare room as opposed to the master bedroom which is occupied by DVD. HD-DVD is sleeping in the shed and has a nasty cold right now.
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