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Booo to Gamefaqs!


In their poll of the day which asked about most wanted November PS2 release, they didn't include R&C3:UYA, oh, but of course they remembered Jak 3. Bastards.
Eric-GCA said:
In their poll of the day which asked about most wanted November PS2 release, they didn't include R&C3:UYA, oh, but of course they remembered Jak 3. Bastards.

Ask biz.gamedaily.com, it's going to bomb. :(


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
sonycowboy said:
Ask biz.gamedaily.com, it's going to bomb. :(

Hey, whoa there. WE aren't in the business of trying to predict sales. We ask people who ARE in that business, then relay what they tell us.

If Dan Hsu or an analyst tells us what they think is going to underperform that doesn't mean that should be attributed to the site.
GDJustin said:
Hey, whoa there. WE aren't in the business of trying to predict sales. We ask people who ARE in that business, then relay what they tell us.

If Dan Hsu or an analyst tells us what they think is going to underperform that doesn't mean that should be attributed to the site.

Sorry, I hoped people would realize I was kidding. In that case, I should have used a little winky face. But, on the other hand, you did say that you expected R&C and Killzone to bomb in the earlier thread.
I'm hoping that R&C's wonderful reviews will keep it from bombing. I mean, it's gotten perfect/near perfect scores almost everywhere now.
Speaking of which, why do these and the GameFaqs forums seem so similar now?

If I see one more person post "bump" in a thread, I'm going to kill them.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Lemurnator said:
Speaking of which, why do these and the GameFaqs forums seem so similar now?

If I see one more person post "bump" in a thread, I'm going to kill them.

Sadly a lot of fags from gamefaqs found their way here. If you see a junior member, there's an 80% chance that they're from gamefaqs.


Not that there's much of a difference between your average GF tard and most GAFers anyway, other than grasp of the English language


As of today Gamefaqs is no longer my homepage, a sad day in my internet live indeed.

There are just too many ads nowadays, they slow my computer down too much. I remember the good old days when there wasn't a single ad on gamefaqs and CjayC said we'd never see any ads on gamefaqs. Then the gamespot link came...then the sidebar ads, then more gamespot, then sponsored polls and now even the whole page used as an ad....why?....WHYYYYYYYY?


CJay was a sell-out buster. Why else do you think he suddenly stopped posting on his own boards except to bitch when the kiddies started fad topic floods?


Crispy said:
As of today Gamefaqs is no longer my homepage, a sad day in my internet live indeed.

There are just too many ads nowadays, they slow my computer down too much. I remember the good old days when there wasn't a single ad on gamefaqs and CjayC said we'd never see any ads on gamefaqs. Then the gamespot link came...then the sidebar ads, then more gamespot, then sponsored polls and now even the whole page used as an ad....why?....WHYYYYYYYY?



belgurdo said:
CJay was a sell-out buster. Why else do you think he suddenly stopped posting on his own boards except to bitch when the kiddies started fad topic floods?

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he'll start charging money for viewing the faqs section. Although if he does that, I doubt people will send in a lot of new faqs and that will be the end of gamefaqs.


Once that happens, and it WILL happen (will eat okra if wrong, etc.), gaming-age.com should take up the task. A hardcore forum with newbie faqs would be unstoppoppable!


Crispy said:
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he'll start charging money for viewing the faqs section. Although if he does that, I doubt people will send in a lot of new faqs and that will be the end of gamefaqs.

That's not possible. CJayC would be a total idiot if he does that. Also, can you imagine the legal issues arising? Like, would FAQ contributors get paid, etc........

Kon Tiki

Gamefaqs does rock. The forums on the other hand...

They need some serious moderation happening there, I mean delete anything that is not a question or a respond to a help thread.


Society said:
Gamefaqs does rock. The forums on the other hand...

They need some serious moderation happening there, I mean delete anything that is not a question or a respond to a help thread.

When they first started one offense of the TOS could get you banned, from what I gleamed off people there. I guess they ended up changing it when too many people complained and when stuff like 'moderator's pets' and 'buddy systems' where people could troll all day and never get banned started developing. They're still pretty heavily moderated and has some bullshit rules that make posting a little more difficult than it is, say, here (like having super-long posts deleted because the poster forgot to star out one of the cusswords :\) but there are so many people there now that it's hard to keep up
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