Is Claptrap the only "funny" main character? The other ones seem so serious...
Yeah Kinda a bummer how stoic they are considering how fun gaige Sal and kreig were.
Is Claptrap the only "funny" main character? The other ones seem so serious...
Gah this is so frustrating, I'm reading these post with people saying they are hitting a constant 60 fps with all setting including physx at max. But I can't get even close to that even though I have a fucking gtx 970. physx just fucking tanks my framerate. This is so goddamn frustrating wtf!
Is Claptrap the only "funny" main character? The other ones seem so serious...
Yeah Kinda a bummer how stoic they are considering how fun gaige Sal and kreig were.
They all have banter with other characters. It's kind of funny how Athena and Lillith dislike one another. Nisha says some off the wall shit that has made me LOL a few times. She's insane.
They all have banter with other characters. It's kind of funny how Athena and Lillith dislike one another. Nisha says some off the wall shit that has made me LOL a few times. She's insane.
This is the first time I've been able to play BL on a PC and I'm loving it. Full HD, 60 FPS, hardly any loading at's great...just feels so smooth. Also with Wolf and Saint for Wilhelm they actually talk (at least I know Wolf does). It's funny hearing Wolf mock the enemy while he's shooting at them. So far I have nothing bad to say about this game. I know it got mocked before (and probably still is) for being just a glorified DLC/cash in but honestly with all of the changes they have put in to this version I think it holds it's own with the other games very well.
I think claptrap was really short sighted for a class. Anytime I gunzerk, I feel bad that my friends do not get ammo regeneration and they are essentially wasting their ammo. I always hope I do not get that now when playing with friends. Some of the action skill decisions of what you get also do not make sense at all. They said it takes your surroundings and gives you what fits best for the situation...being surrounded by enemies=rubber ducky bouncing? wtf.
I unlocked it early in the US via VPN to South Korea however it checks to make sure you're still there when you play the game. So I think you'd need to VPN it all the time until official release or play in offline mode.Is there anyway to unlock the game early as it's still encrypted here in Australia. I've tried TunnelBear to proxy to the US but that gave me a 'Steam is busy' error when trying to run the game. Has anyone else had success?
I unlocked it early in the US via VPN to South Korea however it checks to make sure you're still there when you play the game. So I think you'd need to VPN it all the time until official release or play in offline mode.
I think claptrap was really short sighted for a class. Anytime I gunzerk, I feel bad that my friends do not get ammo regeneration and they are essentially wasting their ammo. I always hope I do not get that now when playing with friends. Some of the action skill decisions of what you get also do not make sense at all. They said it takes your surroundings and gives you what fits best for the situation...being surrounded by enemies=rubber ducky bouncing? wtf.
I don't understand. Was Salvadore able to regenerate the team's ammo with his action skill? I was under the impression that his action skill only regenerated his own ammo. He did have team ammo regeneration skill mods, but not his action skill. Unless I missed something while leveling Salvadore to max level?
...I was going to ask what I was doing wrong with this jump, but when I started recording what I would be my twentieth failure...
Video games.
Sal's skill had no impact on the rest of the team at all, while calptraps does. Claptrap makes the entire team gunzerk, while only claptraps regenerates. Sal's only made sal gunzerk, and he regenerated ammo
Oh shit he makes the whole team gunzerk? With no way to cancel it per team member?
...I was going to ask what I was doing wrong with this jump, but when I started recording what I would be my twentieth failure...
Video games.
...I was going to ask what I was doing wrong with this jump, but when I started recording what I would be my twentieth failure...
Video games.
I'm fine to stay in offline mode until it's officially released tomorrow, but is there a free VPN that works? I've tried TunnelBear and Spotflux and neither has let me play. I get steam errors even though it seems like it's decrypted.
Try FlyVPN.
Thanks. But I've found out the error I'm getting seems to be very widespread. Error 26, Steam severs are too busy to handle the request. It might not be the proxy that's the issue but Steam.
Well crap butts! How does a pre-sequel spoil the future? *rage*I don't know how much it would spoil Borderlands 2 for you, but TPS assumes you finished BL2. And Tiny Tina's DLC too, I guess. Just keep that in mind.
When is Gearbox going to fix this game? Had over 45 moonstones and then I get to Concordia and I have only 4...less than after my first purchase.
When is Gearbox going to fix this game? Had over 45 moonstones and then I get to Concordia and I have only 4...less than after my first purchase.
A little silly, but have you tried reinstalling and making your you have the software prerequisites yet?
I found my Moonstones kept going missing, i figured i must have opened the chests that require them to open without realizing after a while. I must pay more attention haha
This wasn't even developed by Gearbox. This was all 2K trying to get another BL game out for sales. Glad it's turned out to be a decent game outside of a few negative impressions.
Erm, if u diskike playing evil characters, then I would definitely not recommend u to play Nisha. She is even worse than Wilhelm. :dI'm having weird issues playing this game. Not with performance, but with the characters and story. For instance the class that sounds most appealing is Wilhelm. But I just can't get over him being an evil bastard in BL2. I can never play an evil character.
I got to level 4 with Claptrap, but I'm not sure I like his skill trees. Thinking I may try Nisha, but I did like all the unique Claptrap reactions I was getting.
I'm having weird issues playing this game. Not with performance, but with the characters and story. For instance the class that sounds most appealing is Wilhelm. But I just can't get over him being an evil bastard in BL2. I can never play an evil character.
I got to level 4 with Claptrap, but I'm not sure I like his skill trees. Thinking I may try Nisha, but I did like all the unique Claptrap reactions I was getting.
What level do I start seeing elemental guns at? I'm level 9 and I've only seen elemental laser guns so far (all fire), and a couple elemental mission reward guns. I'm seeing explosive guns, but literally no corrosives, and only a single mission reward shock weapon. Just a few fire weapons, one mission and a few laser guns. No cryo.
Also, is it because my guns suck or is elemental effect chance & length shorter in this game? I don't really feel too much like a siren, though it might be because of the "switch guns to increase elemental effect" combined with all of 2 (shitty) guns that I have for now.
Love how the game looks. Surprised people were bitching, I just got to "that part" with the Meriff, most environments have been lovely so far. "More BL2" is a fair criticism, but the game looks good. My main complaint is the guns so far, pretty sure it's just because it's low level loot. I probably haven't used a white or green gun in my last 100 hours or so of BL2.
Yeah that is my only complaint so far, getting a lot of loot. But most of it trash.
You're not necessarily a "good guy" in Borderlands for the most part, though this game does feature the most ambiguous of morality so far. Claptrap is probably your best bet if that bugs you, he's just comical while the others are a cold assassin, an evil outlaw and...I haven't encountered Wilhelm yet but he's probably a dick.