Are you using three items of the same rarity?
I figured that out, I thought you could mix stuff.
Are you using three items of the same rarity?
I've read a few people on here saying that they think this game is worse for solo play than the first two Borderlands. Since I only really play these games solo, I was hoping to get some details on why those of you may think this. Is it the number of enemies they throw at you at one time? Is it the amount of damage enemies take to kill? Does the game get insanely bullet spongy on UVHM like in B2? Are there lots of Raid type bosses that are impossible without other people (I think I only beat one of those in B2 by myself thanks to the Bee shield being overpowered before it got nerfed, the few others I did all killed me basically instantly)?
From my experience with the series so far, I liked B1 through all the difficulty modes solo and B2 was good through the first two difficulties, but Ultimate vault hunter got way too unbalanced for me to find it enjoyable by myself, and the DLC had some raid style bosses that I straight up could not beat on my own (maybe they were possible on the first play through? Don't think I tried.). I never even finished all of the B2 DLC. Barely played Tiny Tina's and Sir hammerlocks, and only finished the Pirate one all the way through.
From what I've read about the classes, Wilhelm seems like a good blending of the soldiers turrets and the Mechromancers robot pal. Athena seems like a good tank which is always good for solo, and the shooter chick seems ok. Claptrap seems funny, but maybe better suited for coop play.
Totally agree with you re the pickup thing. That really needs to go into Borderlands 3.
Re Jack's voice. The further along you get in the game, the more the VA sounds like he did in Borderlands 2. So my guess is he just had to get warmed up. (Also, woah, the VA sort of looks like Jack in the game.)
I've read a few people on here saying that they think this game is worse for solo play than the first two Borderlands. Since I only really play these games solo, I was hoping to get some details on why those of you may think this. Is it the number of enemies they throw at you at one time? Is it the amount of damage enemies take to kill? Does the game get insanely bullet spongy on UVHM like in B2? Are there lots of Raid type bosses that are impossible without other people (I think I only beat one of those in B2 by myself thanks to the Bee shield being overpowered before it got nerfed, the few others I did all killed me basically instantly)?
I think this might be kinda deliberate, he sounds a bit like a wuss in the start of TPS which is also how he sounds in some pre-handsome jack audio logs in BL2. And obviously the events of TPS turn him into the person he is in 2.
well that's a shame. any good drops from him/her/it?
You can but there's only certain combinations that will grind together to make things.I figured that out, I thought you could mix stuff.
so im in the container and nothing is happening wtf
My review below
I give the game a 6.0 as a Borderlands fan.. lots of the humor I don't get and I'm not a fan of some of the level designs. Gameplay tree wise, I feel that they kind of dropped the balls in comparison to BL2 especially when everyone is skipping claptrap all together because of his randomness which only leaves 3 classes. I think the story is mediocre with barely any "WHOA" moments that BL2 had but oh well. Gameplay is still as fun as before which is the one of the few redeeming me as well as the addage of O2 mechanics. At this point, I'm unsure if I'm going to pick up the DLC or not.
Jack and Lilith's clash at the end, and the build up to it, doesn't count as a "WHOA" moment to you? It was done way, way better than Roland's super obvious telegraphed death in my opinion.
Try stepping out and then back in if you're in the area I think you are.
Level 40. Current spec
I turned the default effects back on too. BL2 looked better with them off, but this game has a lot more added effects, so when disable the black outlines in the config, it also turns off other shaders too which look REALLY nice. So, back on they go.
That's a bit of an exaggeration.Especially when everyone is skipping claptrap all together.
Welp I would have never guessed that lol.i found my problem i set in config file to skip all movies lol
I got a sweet ice-assault rifle from doing a mission for the nurse at around level 12. Not sure if it was random, but it's pretty sweet - it freezes the shit out of people, and far more effective than fire guns. Used to love using the fire guns in BL1&2, but because of space, they've pretty much become useless.Level 12 and haven't seen corrosive or ice guns yet.
Still beats Destiny, which has even less enemy types, and missions that are essentially just horde modes, and Destiny had a huge budget.The thing with this game is that it has "underbudgeted" written all over it. It didn't need to be as massive as BL2, but the assets, number of enemy types, and even the story missions (which are too often reduced to "we got to do this but -oh!- can't do that before doing this other thing") tell me that the team didn't have a large enough budget or time available to do what they really wanted. It's a miracle it didn't end up being a total mess, so big props to them.
I got a sweet ice-assault rifle from doing a mission for the nurse at around level 12. Not sure if it was random, but it's pretty sweet - it freezes the shit out of people, and far more effective than fire guns. Used to love using the fire guns in BL1&2, but because of space, they've pretty much become useless.
Do they mention it anywhere fire weapons were going to be shit because of the lack of oxygen?
Is that why Fire DOT never fucking works?!
Do they mention it anywhere fire weapons were going to be shit because of the lack of oxygen?
Yes, it's mentioned on one of the loading screens.
They kind of make up for it by being excellent in oxygen environments. Fire lasers in particular are crazy in the right circumstances. That's not really because fire damage over time is high (it is!), but because lasers in general are nutso damage.
Yes, it's mentioned on one of the loading screens.
They kind of make up for it by being excellent in oxygen environments. Fire lasers in particular are crazy in the right circumstances. That's not really because fire damage over time is high (it is!), but because lasers in general are nutso damage.
In one of the side missions it's mentioned.Do they mention it anywhere fire weapons were going to be shit because of the lack of oxygen?
The ice scream it's a guaranteed reward from the quest bunch of ice holes it's that or the bar claptraps too scoops shotgun.I got a sweet ice-assault rifle from doing a mission for the nurse at around level 12. Not sure if it was random, but it's pretty sweet - it freezes the shit out of people, and far more effective than fire guns. Used to love using the fire guns in BL1&2, but because of space, they've pretty much become useless.
Still beats Destiny, which has even less enemy types, and missions that are essentially just horde modes, and Destiny had a huge budget.
I figured that out last night, maybe you need them in an oxygen area?
Fantastic characters for the players to choose from but the game itself feels a little barren. In regards to the enviro and how the enemies are spread out. Its quite unfortunate. Also the excessive zero G use gets old fast.
The new space looking humanoid enemies are cool though, what few new monster type of enemies in the game look pretty cheaply made...
Game to me is by far behind BL2.
The excessive Australian slang use totally ruins a lot of dialog too with the "new" characters. Since seriously if you are not familiar with the slang you will have no idea what the bloody hell they are saying. Which I reckon will be a lot of people. While its great that the game was made by a studio in Australia they really should have toned it back a bit more. Since its overboard personally. Also the VA work isnt the same and the humor kinda falls flat really with the new stuff. Huge let down is the lack of anything new with the existing weapons and things in some ways feel like a step backwards. Not enough variation at all. Its why I think its valid those who say that this should have just been some sort of massive DLC for BL2 instead. Even myself I question why I bought this at full price.
The good stuff is seeing what Jack was like (an asshole trying to be a good guy) was pretty amusing though. Also once again the 4 player characters are excellent personally. Lasers are pretty damned cool too.
With all that being said am going to go through the game once just to clear it and see how the story ends, but dont really want to play through it again. On top of the missions sucked generally. Also lack of "useful" locations for fast travel was even more irritating.
Am a pretty hardcore borderlands fan too which is why am quite let down overall. Still its not a bad game, but dont expect it to be anything mindblowing from after what one experienced in borderlands 2.
Heck, I wish my 360 version would just look like it's supposed to. I just played an entire long mission (Pity's Fall), with most of the textures not loaded. Sometimes the textures load late, but this time, they just didn't load at all. Even when the boss' title screen came up, it was just a blurry mess. And I didn't want to have to restart the level by re-loading the game. I did just instal the game on to my 360 to prevent this from happening again. Fingers crossed.
wow...was just soloing the raid boss in true vault hunter mode. Got to his second form, a friend joined me, then he reset to his first form as if I never even started the fight. So yeah, if you ever want to completely fuck over a friend, join them when they are far into the raid boss resets the boss for some reason. Probably could have beat him too. Only needed two more transformations done
Did you still beat him?
Yeah, I just finished that, and it just didn't seem to end. That mission and going through it's levels just felt interminable. It does pick up after that, however.Now I'm stuck in the most horribly boring quest choices following the most annoying mission I've had to play in a long time thanks to a little brat named pickle.
Yeah, I just finished that, and it just didn't seem to end. That mission and going through it's levels just felt interminable. It does pick up after that, however.
And man, do I hate the failable missions, especially if they're timed.
What do fellow gaffers think of the tier list so far in Borderlands: PS?
1) Nisha
...just reminding you that you should have rolled Nisha by now...
2) Everyone else that isn't Nisha
I'm playing claptrap right now. My next character is going to be Wilhelm and then I'm going for Nisha.
I just got the high five for Claptrap, though. It's nice... when it works. 1/2 the time the game doesn't register the high five for me.