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Boxing: Floyd Mayweather vs. Victor Ortiz |OT| 9/17

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WrikaWrek said:
Man, I'll stick to watching docus about great past fighters and shit. This stinks.

I'm telling you, listen to Ninjascooter. Watch some of the espn friday night fights or a non ppv fight. Those are where all of the great boxing really happens. Check out the showtime Super Six matches, please! They were incredible. Some of the best fights i have seen in ages


Higgy said:
Ohh, let me go in my room and pout. You got me! if you don't think what happened tonight in the ring is anything but disgusting then I hate the world for birthing people like you.
Disgusting is Paul Williams getting the decision over Erislandy Lara, a result so bad all of the judges were suspended. This was just bad refing and a fighter too stupid to keep his hands up.


Gary Whitta said:
Just saw it from another angle, yeah I think you're right, the restart is arguable at best. Really a cheap shot. LOL boxing.

Seriously, I just saw that too. I dont really watch a lot of boxing but that was a pretty shitty 'knock out'. There sure as shit wasnt a unmistakable restart in there any damn where. But it seems as if there is barely enough for the ref to claim it either way, and from what I hear about boxing, he is likely to just say he did restart the fight.

Thats a shame, couldnt have been a really good fight. At the least that guy shouldnt be reffing anymore. Jesus fucking Christ that was sloppy as shit.

This was just bad refing and a fighter too stupid to keep his hands up.

Fighter may have been stupid, but he still deserves to fight the match out to the end regardless, this prevented that. I agree about the ref though. Ridiculous.
I'll never stay up again on a Saturday night to watch boxing again, and will never think twice about it. Complete waste of time IMO. Something told me something like this would happen.
It seems like everybody is overlooking that dirty ass headbutt just to shit on Mayweather & the sport of boxing. What Mayweather just did is immortalized himself forever & also relit a match under the dying sport we call boxing.


EschatonDX said:
As a member of BoxingGAF let me just say: the knockout was legal and was just another example of a rule that's been in play since Ketchel got starched by Papke at the turn of the century. It's fair. That being said, absolutely a bitch move. Headbutts happen. Floyd was using his elbows. Both of them were skirting and breaking the rules, it's what happens in a fight. But that doesn't mean that you sucker punch a dude when he's trying to make a gesture to clean the fight up for the fans. Being a champion, and especially a guy at the top of the p4p lists, is supposed to entail a certain level of sportsmanship and decency for the fans- and to the people who are supporting it, look at what's happened in this thread. People are shitting on boxing now because of it. They don't watch fights like a real fan. They tune in once in a million years when they see them on ESPN. And for once a high profile fight is both entertaining, competitive, and skilled and it ends like this on some weak ass bullshit. It's an embarassment to the sport. I hope Ortiz gets a rematch. Floyd Mayweather can fuck off.

And he wasn't even dominating that fight.

yo i didnt catch the fight and i dont wanna play into Higgy's stereotypes or nothin

but my man Esch is spot-on here, and anyone who disagrees I WILL FIGHT YOU LIKE AN ANIMAL AND POSSIBLY HIT YOUR WIFE


You now belong to FMT.
I would have done the same shit.. I don't care what people think. The ref said fight (i heard it) and homeboy was too busy trying to lock lips with floyd.

The point was already deducted and you ALREADY kissed the man once. Let that apologetic shit go once you know the fight is about to start. No need for that extra we are the world bs... No need for that in boxing. tap gloves and get back to the friendly stuff when the fights over. I think Floyd would have knocked him out anyway after the head butt.. he was truly pissed


The worst thing is all of you crying about boxing sucking this and that and watching one fight a year. Apart from this and klitschko(lol) it's actually been a sweet ass year for the sport...


Yo Gotti said:

The veil is so thin.

I knew it was going down that path. Drawing conclusions from some insecurity gaf? White brown green blue who gives a fuck. If it was a white guy in the ring and pulled the same shit. No different to me.
Every Mexican I know is salty right now. Facebook is actually fun for once.

and the hate in this thread. No other athlete is hated more than Pretty Money.
Higgy said:
Don't give a fuck what you say. Floyds a fucking thug. No class acts like an animal. You can let your kids look up to that shit. Like I said it just how America is now. Bullying an old man, grabbing dudes around the neck, and how many criminal charges against this animal? Yeah it's just me on a high horse you fucking retards.

I feel racist undertones... >.>


Fuck that left a bad taste. IDK if i'm more pissed at Floyd's bitch move or Ortiz for being so vulnerable, i mean you're in a fucking fight dude don't hug and kiss him, shit and for ffs protect yourself at all times.

The M.O.B

EschatonDX said:
The worst thing is all of you crying about boxing sucking this and that and watching one fight a year. Apart from this and klitschko(lol) it's actually been a sweet ass year for the sport...




hide your water-based mammals
IrishNinja said:
yo i didnt catch the fight and i dont wanna play into Higgy's stereotypes or nothin

but my man Esch is spot-on here, and anyone who disagrees I WILL FIGHT YOU LIKE AN ANIMAL AND POSSIBLY HIT YOUR WIFE
Read this while listening to the National Anthem :p
Higgy said:
That fight is the epitome of what America has become. Thugs acting like animals. Larry Merchant may suck but asking tough questions hardly justifies projecting physical violence on an old man. Fuck that animal.

Talk about being extra and dramatic. Troll!


EschatonDX said:
The worst thing is all of you crying about boxing sucking this and that and watching one fight a year. Apart from this and klitschko(lol) it's actually been a sweet ass year for the sport...
This is my second boxing match I watched this year, so yeah that it been sweet.


it may have been legal, but it was a sucker punch as I ever saw one. Just awful reffing, and bad sportsmanship by both parties.
EschatonDX said:
As a member of BoxingGAF let me just say: the knockout was legal and was just another example of a rule that's been in play since Ketchel got starched by Papke at the turn of the century. It's fair. That being said, absolutely a bitch move. Headbutts happen. Floyd was using his elbows. Both of them were skirting and breaking the rules, it's what happens in a fight. But that doesn't mean that you sucker punch a dude when he's trying to make a gesture to clean the fight up for the fans. Being a champion, and especially a guy at the top of the p4p lists, is supposed to entail a certain level of sportsmanship and decency for the fans- and to the people who are supporting it, look at what's happened in this thread. People are shitting on boxing now because of it. They don't watch fights like a real fan. They tune in once in a million years when they see them on ESPN. And for once a high profile fight is both entertaining, competitive, and skilled and it ends like this on some weak ass bullshit. It's an embarassment to the sport. I hope Ortiz gets a rematch. Floyd Mayweather can fuck off.

And he wasn't even dominating that fight.

I agree with everything you said, I guess I just give Floyd a pass on the poor sportsmanship because of how blatantly dirty Ortiz's headbutt was. Yeah he can apologize all he wants because it mostly missed, but if he would have knocked PBF in the jaw he'd have accomplished what he wanted.

To the second part of your statement, the reason this exists is because people like Floyd and Bob Arum and Golden Boy don't give a shit about boxing. They want to get as much money as they can now. Dana White has said it countless times, but the problem for the sport is there is nobody looking out for it. Even the commissions are greedy and corrupt. Floyd and his camp couldn't give 2 fucks that people are bad mouthing the sport after this, because he just made enough money to put his great-great-great-great-great-great grandkids through college.


That Singer Guy... said:
It seems like everybody is overlooking that dirty ass headbutt just to shit on Mayweather & the sport of boxing. What Mayweather just did is immortalized himself forever & also relit a match under the dying sport we call boxing.

Relit boxing? If anything it made a even bigger joke than it already is...No idea what the ref was thinking. Forgive me if I am mistaken but after a headbutt, dont the ref sends the fighters to corners to check on the person that got headbutt and also to deduct points?
There is a big difference between Floyd using his elbows and Ortiz intentional headbutts.

Floyd is being masterful with his tactic, same way that B.Hop is known to bend the rules to his advantage. Ali used to hold peoples heads down as well. Guys push off. Guys throw rabbit punches. All these things are against the rules, but the nuance in refereeing these rules is there for a reason.

An intentional headbutt is far more dangerous, noticeable, and dirty. No real comparison. He could have broke Floyds jaw with that shit.


EschatonDX said:
As a member of BoxingGAF let me just say: the knockout was legal and was just another example of a rule that's been in play since Ketchel got starched by Papke at the turn of the century. It's fair. That being said, absolutely a bitch move. Headbutts happen. Floyd was using his elbows. Both of them were skirting and breaking the rules, it's what happens in a fight. But that doesn't mean that you sucker punch a dude when he's trying to make a gesture to clean the fight up for the fans. Being a champion, and especially a guy at the top of the p4p lists, is supposed to entail a certain level of sportsmanship and decency for the fans- and to the people who are supporting it, look at what's happened in this thread. People are shitting on boxing now because of it. They don't watch fights like a real fan. They tune in once in a million years when they see them on ESPN. And for once a high profile fight is both entertaining, competitive, and skilled and it ends like this on some weak ass bullshit. It's an embarassment to the sport. I hope Ortiz gets a rematch. Floyd Mayweather can fuck off.

And he wasn't even dominating that fight.
Bingo. Only thing I disagree with is I'm not interested in seeing a rematch, even though it sucks for Ortiz to have his only shot vanish thanks to ignorance on his part and bitch made-ness on Floyd's part. Ortiz just doesn't have the skills to open someone like Floyd up. He gets sloppy as soon as they got close every time, threw a ton of desperate and ineffective over the top punches, and when that wasn't really doing anything he resorts to a Balrog headbutt. He might have worn Floyd down or caught him with a lucky shot, but it wasn't looking likely. I'd much rather Floyd move on to Khan or Pacquiao or whoever next. No desire to see this one again. And Ortiz really needs to wakeup. Save that bro hug shit for when the fight is over, son.


My Member!
Ninja Scooter said:
Please, there is plenty of headbutts in boxing, but rarely as blatant as Victors tonight. he wasn't even trying to hide it. Shit was like a Zangeif super or something. And if he was starting to get to Mayweather, then he was stupid for headbutting on purpose and getting the action stopped and losing a point. People like you just see what you want to see because you hate Floyd so bad. If it was Floyd getting KO'd on a restart like that you'd be dancing in the streets.

It was an intentional butt, I don't know how there's grades of an intentional headbutt. He got docked for it, it wasn't enough to stop the fight or hurt Mayweather in a meaningful way obviously.

People like me? I see a guy who hit a defenseless guy to get a win in what was a pretty competitive fight with a potential for an upset. I see a guy who continues to duck the P4P best fighter in the world over consistently changing "requests" for different shit. I see a guy who's been charged with felonies and misdemeanors over abusing his ex girlfriend. You hear those boos tonight? I'm guessing a lot of people see it the same way.

Meanwhile you got a guy like Bernard Hopkins, who has honed his craft to a ridiculous level, in his mid 40's who made mistakes earlier in his life and turned his life around, who defies age, and doesn't need to resort to that kind of shit to get a W. The guy knows how to separate the hype and "villain" attitude from being an articulate boxer and sportsman without resorting to that shit in the ring and outside the ring.

I don't like Mayweather because he acts like a bitch in and outside the ring, while a guy like Hopkins who's worked his ass off for damn near 20 years is in the shadow of the sport compared to a piece of trash like Floyd. Anyone who claims to be a boxing fans should be fucking embarrassed at Mayweather's antics, and is the reason why UFC continues to kick it's ass on a yearly basis.


Love how this shit gets twisted into race. Wife Hispanic. Voted for Obama. But in today's society you can't say shit/truth without it getting twisted. Mayweather is a straight up thug ass criminal woman beater bully ass bitch.


Gotta say though, the way Ortiz just ate it twice without even a moan, and the smile he came back with...

Over cooked

abuC said:
Carl Froch vs Andre Ward is next month, bad time to give up on boxing.

I'm just bitter. I'll watch whatever fight people talk about here.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Cortez restarted the fight before that gif starts. He clearly restarted the fight, but Ortiz went back in for more apologies.

KO was legit and legal..

..was it a punk way to end the fight? Oh yeah.. but it was revenge for the headbutt and Ortiz should have kept his guard up.

Also, to the people thinking Ortiz smiling means it was fixed? You've never watched an Ortiz fight before.. he's ALWAYS ALWAYS that way. No matter what, dude is chill and smiling.





EschatonDX said:
The worst thing is all of you crying about boxing sucking this and that and watching one fight a year. Apart from this and klitschko(lol) it's actually been a sweet ass year for the sport...

People need to get the fuck over it. High profile games/fights/matches pull in more views, it always fucking has. More people watch the Superbowl than they do week 12, more people will watch Mayweather than any other fighter, and more people watch the NBA finals than they do the regular season.

If the shit mystifies you, get a clue. Some of those people watch those high profile matches and become more steady fans of the sport, some dont. Deal with it.

Yo Gotti

Higgy said:
I knew it was going down that path. Drawing conclusions from some insecurity gaf? White brown green blue who gives a fuck. If it was a white guy in the ring and pulled the same shit. No different to me.

Sure man, I'm not gonna get into the what if scenario's with you. It's just funny I've never seen or heard of you until I see you calling a guy a "thug and an animal" over an upset in a petty boxing match.

You're the only person here losing their shit over this, whatever your problem is you've got some real intense hate there, you need to work that out buddy.

Perhaps you should pick up boxing.


Now that I think about it, where the hell was Kenny Bayless? Dude should've been the ref for this fight.


NervousXtian said:
Cortez restarted the fight before that gif starts. He clearly restarted the fight, but Ortiz went back in for more apologies.

KO was legit and legal..

..was it a punk way to end the fight? Oh yeah.. but it was revenge for the headbutt and Ortiz should have kept his guard up.

Also, to the people thinking Ortiz smiling means it was fixed? You've never watched an Ortiz fight before.. he's ALWAYS ALWAYS that way. No matter what, dude is chill and smiling.
True, dude was smiling after Maidanna beat the brakes off him.

Baby Milo

Higgy said:
Love how this shit gets twisted into race. Wife Hispanic. Voted for Obama. But in today's society you can't say shit/truth without it getting twisted. Mayweather is a straight up thug ass criminal woman beater bully ass bitch.
this dude is really upset over a boxing match he had no involvement in

this is hilarious!


Higgy said:
Love how this shit gets twisted into race. Wife Hispanic. Voted for Obama. But in today's society you can't say shit/truth without it getting twisted. Mayweather is a straight up thug ass criminal woman beater bully ass bitch.
Tell us how you really feel...


Higgy said:
Love how this shit gets twisted into race. Wife Hispanic. Voted for Obama. But in today's society you can't say shit/truth without it getting twisted. Mayweather is a straight up thug ass criminal woman beater bully ass bitch.

bet Mrs isnt happy huh
Higgy said:
Love how this shit gets twisted into race. Wife Hispanic. Voted for Obama. But in today's society you can't say shit/truth without it getting twisted. Mayweather is a straight up thug ass criminal woman beater bully ass bitch.
ok then.....what do you want us to say? You're right? Ok then, you're right. Good job, you've won an argument on the internet. Now leave this thread. Or you can stay. Doesn't really matter.


Floyd VS Pacquiao would be great. The Villain VS The Good Guy.


has calmed down a bit.
Higgy said:
Love how this shit gets twisted into race. Wife Hispanic. Voted for Obama. But in today's society you can't say shit/truth without it getting twisted. Mayweather is a straight up thug ass criminal woman beater bully ass bitch.
You forgot to mention that some of your best friends are black!
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