Mango Positive
The last bit of Words of Radiance made me want to eventually pick up Warbreaker for some spoilery reasons.
I was so happy to have read Warbreaker first. I just can't see that moment being as cool the other way around.
The last bit of Words of Radiance made me want to eventually pick up Warbreaker for some spoilery reasons.
I was so happy to have read Warbreaker first. I just can't see that moment being as cool the other way around.
Apparently Amazon gives you cheaper price for the Kindle version of books if you've bought the print before. Just discovered this and picked up the Stormlight archive books for my reread. I'd since lost the printed versions after moving.
Concerning edgedancer:
I know there is a spoiler of Words of Radiance I'm it. But can someone tell me what chapter of words of radiance the spoiler is located? I just hit the 40's of WoR, and I don't really think I want to start reading edge dancer while reading WoR, but I'd like to know if I hit it yet.
I'd love to see Mistborn done as a Divinity OS-style turn-based action RPG. That way you'd have the freedom to get really strategic with how you use the different metals. Not sure surprising that it got canned though. It's gotta be a tough project.
Atium would be bullet time with visual effect that shows what move enemy is doing and probably telling the player exact counter. If enemy uses atium, mere bullet time but no other effects.I've always thought a Mistborn game could have real-time, character-action-game-style combat under normal circumstances, but shift into turn based when Atium is used.
I was looking forward to reading Edgedancer given it's relative brevity, but unfortunately it features Lift and....I was not a fan of her interlude chapter. In fact, I squarely place hers as the least enjoyable one of the entire series, so I'm not super enthused about reading it. I will eventually, but not immediately.
Not sure what i think of Lift (still need to read Edgedancer*). I found the interlude to have some hilarious stuff, but at the same time i don't find Lift a likable person, she's a tad too much of a free spirit and... i don't know, chaotic maybe? As a character, she is good i guess (since i know little, i don't have complete opinion yet).
*Hell, i need to read the whole Arcanum Unbounded but i'm not fan of short fiction in general (even when part of a bigger universe i like), so it is just waiting in my shelf. Or maybe in the box it came in... All i've read from it were the planetary system descriptions.
I'm about half way through Hero of Ages and did not even realize this was a shared universe thing. Ended up buying The Way of Kings so we'll see how this goes from here.
Shared universe is not really relevant for the books themselves in any practical manner. Or even visible, there are more or less subtle hints in most books.
It is visible the Stormlight Archive to an extent (if you know what to look at) but pretty sure the series isn't really a cross-over series.
IIRC, Sanderson implied third Mistborn trilogy would be something of a cross-over series (on the account of having FTL space travel) but since it is still probably decades away, this doesn't mean much. Plans do change.
SA is actually supposed to develop into something of a Crisis Crossover sort of thing, which isn't that surprising considering some of the people we ran into in Words of Radiance.
The most obvious example has to be Secret Histories, though.
Almost done with bands of mourning
Man, not sure why but Wax and Wayne trilogy was just a dud for me.
Loved: Words of Radiance, Way of Kings, The Final Empire, The Hero of Ages
Liked: Shadows of Self, Well of Ascension
Meh : Alloy of Law, Bands of Mourning
Super hyped for Stormlight 3.
Kind of off topic but where do I go from here? I'm in the mood for more fantasy. I want to get Sanderson a break though after reading 8 books in a row of his.
Other authors I love: Abercrombie, Martin, Lynch, Rothfuss
Almost done with bands of mourning
Man, not sure why but Wax and Wayne trilogy was just a dud for me.
Loved: Words of Radiance, Way of Kings, The Final Empire, The Hero of Ages
Liked: Shadows of Self, Well of Ascension
Meh : Alloy of Law, Bands of Mourning
Super hyped for Stormlight 3.
Kind of off topic but where do I go from here? I'm in the mood for more fantasy. I want to get Sanderson a break though after reading 8 books in a row of his.
Other authors I love: Abercrombie, Martin, Lynch, Rothfuss
Jim Butcher would be my rec. he's got an epic fantasy and an urban fantasy series, both worth checking out. Also good are Naomi Novak (more historical fantasy than epic) and Terry Pratchett (rip to the greatest).Almost done with bands of mourning
Man, not sure why but Wax and Wayne trilogy was just a dud for me.
Loved: Words of Radiance, Way of Kings, The Final Empire, The Hero of Ages
Liked: Shadows of Self, Well of Ascension
Meh : Alloy of Law, Bands of Mourning
Super hyped for Stormlight 3.
Kind of off topic but where do I go from here? I'm in the mood for more fantasy. I want to get Sanderson a break though after reading 8 books in a row of his.
Other authors I love: Abercrombie, Martin, Lynch, Rothfuss
Almost done with bands of mourning
Man, not sure why but Wax and Wayne trilogy was just a dud for me.
Loved: Words of Radiance, Way of Kings, The Final Empire, The Hero of Ages
Liked: Shadows of Self, Well of Ascension
Meh : Alloy of Law, Bands of Mourning
Super hyped for Stormlight 3.
Kind of off topic but where do I go from here? I'm in the mood for more fantasy. I want to get Sanderson a break though after reading 8 books in a row of his.
Other authors I love: Abercrombie, Martin, Lynch, Rothfuss
I don't think Lift is great but I was glad to get the general world advancement that Edgedancer provides. It changes the way I'll go into Oathbreaker.Just finished Edgedancer.
Yeah, Lift still sucks. I don't think I'm going to read any more novella's from him unless I hear they're really good, and it reinforces my decision not to seek out more of Sanderson's work outside of the SA. Sanderson when he's firing on all cylinders can be a great time. Sanderson where he's kind of puttering around with this meh character is a bore.
Almost done with bands of mourning
Man, not sure why but Wax and Wayne trilogy was just a dud for me.
Loved: Words of Radiance, Way of Kings, The Final Empire, The Hero of Ages
Liked: Shadows of Self, Well of Ascension
Meh : Alloy of Law, Bands of Mourning
Super hyped for Stormlight 3.
Kind of off topic but where do I go from here? I'm in the mood for more fantasy. I want to get Sanderson a break though after reading 8 books in a row of his.
Other authors I love: Abercrombie, Martin, Lynch, Rothfuss
In Oathbringer, the third volume of the New York Times bestselling Stormlight Archive, humanity faces a new Desolation with the return of the Voidbringers, a foe with numbers as great as their thirst for vengeance.
Dalinar Kholins Alethi armies won a fleeting victory at a terrible cost: The enemy Parshendi summoned the violent Everstorm, which now sweeps the world with destruction, and in its passing awakens the once peaceful and subservient parshmen to the horror of their millennia-long enslavement by humans. While on a desperate flight to warn his family of the threat, Kaladin Stormblessed must come to grips with the fact that the newly kindled anger of the parshmen may be wholly justified.
Nestled in the mountains high above the storms, in the tower city of Urithiru, Shallan Davar investigates the wonders of the ancient stronghold of the Knights Radiant and unearths dark secrets lurking in its depths. And Dalinar realizes that his holy mission to unite his homeland of Alethkar was too narrow in scope. Unless all the nations of Roshar can put aside Dalinars blood-soaked past and stand together―and unless Dalinar himself can confront that past―even the restoration of the Knights Radiant will not prevent the end of civilization.
”We're centered on a scene where Jasnah confronts the invaders," Whelan says of the cover. ”A giant has smashed a breach in the city wall, and Jasnah is called upon to restore it."
Whooooooo its coming!!!
Looks so damn good.
I'm most definitely saving a day off for this book's release. I managed to tear through WoR in 4 days, including 2 weekend days, so I'm guessing I can finish this in a week easy.
Days? These books take me months......I'm a slow reader though.
The best character finally gets a cover.