The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie | OT | To Old Friends, And New...


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Ok, so The Reverie Corridor is just straight up Momentos (Persona 5). Good to know. Doesn't make up for nixxing the bonding events tho :(
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As a PSA for those who are not aware, beside broken link system for the new playable characters there are also plenty of mistakes in the quartz, rewards, crafts and so on descriptions, some examples from reddit
A Note About Fishing - Remove a 0 (No Spoilers)

Have noticed that someone at NISA has really screwed up the rewards that fish cough up. Any items you get from a fish have an extra 0 added onto the end. No you did not get 300 sepith, you got 30. No, you did not get 10 Spirit Droplets, you got 1.

Some quartz and accessories are bugged like this too. The true Tamamo gem says it gives 1600 strength which is awesome… until you realize it only gives 160.
C’s craft, Zevarl, says that it gives STR Up (L) for 3 turns. It actually gives SPD Up (L)

Part 2 Lloyd: >!The beds in the boat shack claim to restore 100 CP but do not. Edit: Just kidding, after further testing, they set your CP to 100 if it is below 100, which is still different from restoring 100CP.!<
Juna's brave order war hammer has a typo and it says +250% more break damage when it should be +300%.

Also lol
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Alright, game, you're not really doing a good job of masking C's identity. I recognize the voice / voice actor even through the modulation, lol.


It's kind of amazing that you'd have to play NINE other JRPGs to know the whole story of this game.

One day I'll play all the trails games... Maybe after I finish all the Xenoblade games.

Also the Trails to Walk system reminds me of Treasure of the Rudras in the best way.
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Biggest Trails Stan
It's kind of amazing that you'd have to play NINE other JRPGs to know the whole story of this game.

One day I'll play all the trails games... Maybe after I finish all the Xenoblade games.

Also the Trails to Walk system reminds me of Treasure of the Rudras in the best way.

I love Xenoblade but it's a close second to Trails which is my number 1 JRPG Franchise of all time

Steam has all the games

You should play the Trails In The Sky Trilogy first

BTW Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is my favorite Xenoblade with Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed being a close second


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I love Xenoblade but it's a close second to Trails which is my number 1 JRPG Franchise of all time

Steam has all the games

You should play the Trails In The Sky Trilogy first

BTW Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is my favorite Xenoblade with Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed being a close second

I'm glad to have played all the previous games at least once but I don't think this is a franchise where I'll ever be doing a "complete franchise run" ever, unlike say my annual RE franchise replay.


Ok, so The Reverie Corridor is just straight up Momentos (Persona 5). Good to know. Doesn't make up for nixxing the bonding events tho :(

The corridors are just a different version of the corridors in Cold Steel II, which way preceded Persona 5.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The corridors are just a different version of the corridors in Cold Steel II, which way preceded Persona 5.

Right, I was just using the most recent big similar example.

Also, we can say they all ape a little bit of Tartarus from P3 :p


Biggest Trails Stan

10, potentially 100 hr JRPGs, is a huge overkill lol.

For me it's not though

The story is fantastic in each game

It's like reading a dense Fantasy book series that has a deep and unique lore/mythos

If these were ever books I bet each book would be IT length. Which was close to 1200 pages I remember lol

So yeah I'll be replaying all the games in order eventually
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

10, potentially 100 hr JRPGs, is a huge overkill lol.
Twelve and still plenty more to go if you consider the Japanese versions right now.

This is probably the most epic ongoing story you're going to see in a Japanese role-playing series. Even for a western role-playing series, this is pretty epic. It's very unique that way.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Twelve and still plenty more to go if you consider the Japanese versions right now.

This is probably the most epic ongoing story you're going to see in a Japanese role-playing series. Even for a western role-playing series, this is pretty epic. It's very unique that way.

It definitely is, and I'm glad to have played the games when they released (or got fan translations in the Zero/Ao cases). But for future I think I'm gonna stick to video recaps when the next entries are coming out :p
Wake me up when the Calvard Arc drops as I already played this 3 years ago and for once I'm actually waiting for the NISA versions of the Kuro games. Hope you guys enjoy it though.


Buy the NISA Japan version on steam and run it through the fan translation which is complete. I guarantee that NISA is going to butcher the translation considering the adult content. Especially Aaron, they're going to change his character


Just FYI for anyone playing on PC that had put their playthough on hold because of the link attack bug, you can replace the affected file with the one from the Hajimari fan made English patch and it works perfectly, everything is fixed.

Info and the files are out there to do this, not sure on the "legality" of me posting that info here so have refrained from doing that.

Gotta love that even though NISA released this broken on all formats and still haven't acknowledged the bug publicly, it's been fixed by fans pretty much straight away, with the very same fan translations they are constantly trying to shut down.

Still sucks for people on console, who knows how long ye will be waiting for a patch, hopefully it will arrive quickly.


Just FYI for anyone playing on PC that had put their playthough on hold because of the link attack bug, you can replace the affected file with the one from the Hajimari fan made English patch and it works perfectly, everything is fixed.

Info and the files are out there to do this, not sure on the "legality" of me posting that info here so have refrained from doing that.

Gotta love that even though NISA released this broken on all formats and still haven't acknowledged the bug publicly, it's been fixed by fans pretty much straight away, with the very same fan translations they are constantly trying to shut down.

Still sucks for people on console, who knows how long ye will be waiting for a patch, hopefully it will arrive quickly.
I ended up jumping into this game last night and was immediately bothered with this bug after the prologue. I can confirm that this method works. On the steam discussions page there is a post with save files for the previous games for the rewards and they included this linktable file on their google drive, fixed the problem right away. I hope an official patch is sooner than later since it was such an easy fix.

I find only the first playthrough of these games take a lot of time, subsequent playthroughs are fast and all playthroughs are fast if you aren't collecting all the stuff. It is only a 100hr RPG if you make it a 100 hour RPG.


Biggest Trails Stan
Got to Act III

I got into Reverie Corridor and beat the first boss and unsealed my first Colored Sphere. It unlocked a door and I saw the memory unfold. I got the dancer outfit for Rixia hot ASS. Let just say dancer outfit leaves little to the imagination. This aspect of the game is reminding me of Trails In The Sky The 3rd in a way since its similar in that aspect

The game is getting surprisingly Dark with Nadia telling these soldiers how she's gonna to torture them in vivid details. It's actually really descriptive and surprised to hear that in a Teen Rating game lol

Finding out the Rufus taking over Crossbell is a imposter was a good twist too. With the Real Rufus being C is a great twist

I'm on C Chapter 3 Route now

Does the link attack bug affect the game at all?
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Does the link attack bug affect the game at all?

Any character who is new, or wasn't useable in CS4 will be unable to use their link attacks, so they are missing some substantial kit. No finishing blow, powerful blow, arts support, cheer, Fury etc.

If you check any of those "new" characters link skill tables, you'll see every skill labelled as "Link Attack" instead of what they should be.

Won't effect the story or anything ofc, but if for instance you're playing on higher difficulty and like swapping links around mid battle to take advantage of certain effects, then it's a big hit to their skill set / kit.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Three and Nine is essential for the new characters in C's story arc, fortunately for people like me who prefer it this way, someone made an audiobook playlist for all the chapters.

10 chapters, over an hour but you can just listen to it while doing other things.

Gets you up to speed on the back story of the 2 new main characters in one of the character arcs.

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Twelve and still plenty more to go if you consider the Japanese versions right now.

This is probably the most epic ongoing story you're going to see in a Japanese role-playing series. Even for a western role-playing series, this is pretty epic. It's very unique that way.

Is there even a western franchise with a connected story and universe that spans this many games? Elder Scrolls is only up to 5 games and Witcher is up to 3 games.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
PSA. Don't rely on the games auto saves a lot, it saves at some wild intervals even if you have it set to 1, 5 minutes. Always make manual saves whenever possible.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Is there even a western franchise with a connected story and universe that spans this many games? Elder Scrolls is only up to 5 games and Witcher is up to 3 games.
I don't think so. Even Elder Scrolls is only connected in the sense it's in the same universe and world but doesn't really have a ongoing storyline in the way Trails does.
Got my physical Switch copy today. Kinda glad I'm not ready to play it yet with all the talks about bugs and glitches. By the time I do get to it, the game should be as fixed as it'll ever be.


With every game it looks more and more like generic anime JRPG. I dropped Trails of cold steel when I saw screenshots from the 3rd part.
Fortunately I still have Zero and Azure to play.

Ain't there enough JRPG with sexy lolies on the market ?
Why every japanese RPG series has to go this way now?
Zero and Azure introduced some of the largest cup size characters in the series (I am not complaining Rixia is best girl in the series), Tio is a loli. I guess sprites hide more of what you are complaining about, the character portraits didn't. but this romanticism with Zero and Azure is funny because it is chock full of anime waifus. Of course the games have different tones. The first cast was bracers and priests fighting a secret society, the second a police unit dealing with some really dark shit and the third was a high school setting. Expecting a high school setting to be as dark as human trafficking cults is probably not a good expectation. I never got any cosmetic DLC for these games so I have mostly avoided any creepy loli shit. Without that stuff It is easy to just see Rean/Altina as a Father/Daughter dynamic in the same way I would see Lloyd/KeA as a father/daughter dynamic and not sexualized at all.


Gold Member
Can't even finish the first Trails of Cold Steel game. Doesn't seem like I'll ever get to this one. They come out so quick lol.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
So is there any plot to the TRC or is it there just for leveling up and fighting high level monsters / loot ?


I am playing slowly on the other hand (also had been dragging my feet from the link bug). As usual, I spent 3 hours just talking to every NPC in Crossbell in Lloyd's Chapter 1 before starting the main quest. I was so, so happy that the team for exploring town is Lloyd/Noel/Wazy. Wazy's incessant trolling, often of Noel in particular, was a highlight of Azure, so I loved another chance to revisit that dynamic. Found a few gold nuggets while exploring town too. This one's my favorite:




I love the callback.

City music is hallmark Sonoda. I like it a fair bit more than "Caged Crossbell" from CS3 and whatever the track that played through the majority of Azure is called. Pretty simple tune but Sonoda's references to his own "Scenes of a Street Corner" from Zero in the track is tasteful and distinctive. That was always his best city theme for Crossbell anyway! I do wish if he had to reference a prior theme, he'd have picked "Afternoon in Crossbell" as I think that song is the most iconic, but given the context he probably made the right call.

Just FYI for anyone playing on PC that had put their playthough on hold because of the link attack bug, you can replace the affected file with the one from the Hajimari fan made English patch and it works perfectly, everything is fixed.

Info and the files are out there to do this, not sure on the "legality" of me posting that info here so have refrained from doing that.

Gotta love that even though NISA released this broken on all formats and still haven't acknowledged the bug publicly, it's been fixed by fans pretty much straight away, with the very same fan translations they are constantly trying to shut down.

Still sucks for people on console, who knows how long ye will be waiting for a patch, hopefully it will arrive quickly.

Grazie! I plugged in an edited link ability table into my game files and they're corrected now. Thanks again.
My googling has told me that Durante (who worked on only the PC version this time) is aware of the bug, actually, as it did come up during QA, but they're currently waiting for a fix. My guess is that NISA would rather put non-platform specific bugs through their own QA process, and maybe Falcom's holding the botteneck here? Idk.

Musse is the BEST

That is all

You say that but you don't even use her superior CS4 character note portrait for your avatar so I've called into question your devotion on more than one occasion.
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Biggest Trails Stan
Finished Rean Chapter 4 Route

Doppelganger Rean

out of hand GIF

Why Musse is the BEST

Hot Sexy Minx
Girl Genius
Sexy Voice (especially the English Voice)
Celine is like Puddy in her hands
Great with a gun
Looks great in the sexy costumes
Looks great in anything she wears really
Fun personality
3 dimensional

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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Is it just me or are there extremely few side quests in the game? I have only seen one green mark for a genuine side quest in my regular play so far.


Is it just me or are there extremely few side quests in the game? I have only seen one green mark for a genuine side quest in my regular play so far.
Afaik there are no side quests in the classic sense, only some events where you will be asked to kill powerful foes. Game is similar in structure to Sky the 3rd where side content moved to Daydreams, same as with the doors in 3rd.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Afaik there are no side quests in the classic sense, only some events where you will be asked to kill powerful foes. Game is similar in structure to Sky the 3rd where side content moved to Daydreams, same as with the doors in 3rd.

I have seen at least one green check mark side quest in the imprerial capital in the library.


I have seen at least one green check mark side quest in the imprerial capital in the library.
I'am also finished it, and yeah you can call it side quest, just they are not recognized as such in this game, and anyway there are very few of this kind of events in the game from what I gather. I myself still very early, only left TRC for the first time, so can't say for certain.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'm really glad they decided to localize all the games but it's taking forever.

The series has such amazing lore and world building. This has to be one of the most detailed Japanese role-playing games ever made. I really like to see where they're going with it since it's all an ongoing storyline.

I'm also hoping we eventually get to visit the Outside and especially Gehenna.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
So the daydream episodes are just glorified half hour long cut-scenes, lol.

Some of these look like scenarios that could have been part of the game.

Why does it feel like the developers convenient venue to throw in cut-content.


Finished Lloyd's Act 1, played through all of Rean's Act 1 last night.

I'm not sure how believable Falcom will be able to spin Rufus and co's motivations given how varied their backgrounds are and I can already see late Cold Steel hand-waviness on the horizon to explain it. Hopefully I'm wrong. Rean's story is a little more interesting - I'm looking forward to playing C's route to figure out what the hell is going on. Matteus is a goddamn lunatic though. Who the hell casually yeets their son off a mountain (and is then celebrated later as a stern but intensely gentle man)? I appreciate the effort to give Kurt's place in the story some more weight but he still comes off as a boring reiteration of Laura. Highlights are still, definitely, the party interactions. Small talk is the best. I also liked the scene at the very end where Juna just broke down. Decently put together and well-performed. Oh! And the exchange between Ashe and Musse when they're caught in the trap - these two rarely get 1-on-1 exchanges that aren't cloaked or cryptic, and I loved the frankness of the conversation. Musse plainly calls Ashe a wild beast in naked condescension, and it's a side of her I like seeing (where she's not playing a game of her own terms 100% of the time).

I can't say I like all the reperformances though. For bizarre reasons I don't understand, Falcom insisted on rerecording all the battle lines again, which would have been fine if they'd taken the better takes. I think most of the SSS's performances are fine in this regard, but there are some notable deficiencies so far in Rean's route. Koki Uchiyama's read of Breaking Dawn is less energized than before and I'm on the fence on Claire's and Musse's readings of their own S-Crafts, but the real loser is Juna. I have no idea what direction Nao Toyama was given but 90% of her battle lines sound as if they were read half-asleep, which is bad in general and bad for Juna's character as "the genki one". I don't understand it. Every single one of her CS4 reads are better. Maybe this is indicative of the game being rushed out the door? (or more evidence of poor Sonoda being overworked).

More discussion on music later (of course) but I generally like the new theme for Geofront (Section GFS II). Singa upped his game for composition and mixing although, as is often the case, there is a weak link in his tracks, and for this one it's the instrumentation. Everything else being solid carries the song through the first half but the prominent technoey keyboarding in the latter half is outright unpleasant. It's a little weird actually - I'm not used to having such mixed feelings on a single track. Either way, still a significant improvement over Synchronicity #23 from CS4, a track that a number of people in the community like, allot, but I think is arguably the worst track in the game for its awful mixing that blares the shoddy techno in your ears and the generally uninspired composition not doing it any favors.

So the daydream episodes are just glorified half hour long cut-scenes, lol.

Some of these look like scenarios that could have been part of the game.

Why does it feel like the developers convenient venue to throw in cut-content.

That's fine. I like the Sky 3 format. There's allot of stuff that's nice to see that just doesn't fit neatly into the main scenario's narrative. Sky 3rd spoilers: First one that comes to mind is the celebration party on top of Grancel royal castle with everyone that would have been a little long in the tooth as an epilogue if just stapled to the end of Sky 2. Then there's stuff the fabric of the universe is just better for having, like the star doors discussing the salt pale or Renne's backstory, or stories that just bring a big smile to your face, like the moon door about Joshua's early life with the Brights. Of course, some are duds, like the door covering the redemption of the Ruan street punks (seriously who cared about these goofs) but they can't all be winners! I haven't hit the daydream episodes yet but I hope that they live up to that quality.
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Biggest Trails Stan
Finished Lloyd's Act 1, played through all of Rean's Act 1 last night.

I'm not sure how believable Falcom will be able to spin Rufus and co's motivations given how varied their backgrounds are and I can already see late Cold Steel hand-waviness on the horizon to explain it. Hopefully I'm wrong. Rean's story is a little more interesting - I'm looking forward to playing C's route to figure out what the hell is going on. Matteus is a goddamn lunatic though. Who the hell casually yeets their son off a mountain (and is then celebrated later as a stern but intensely gentle man)? I appreciate the effort to give Kurt's place in the story some more weight but he still comes off as a boring reiteration of Laura. Highlights are still, definitely, the party interactions. Small talk is the best. I also liked the scene at the very end where Juna just broke down. Decently put together and well-performed. Oh! And the exchange between Ashe and Musse when they're caught in the trap - these two rarely get 1-on-1 exchanges that aren't cloaked or cryptic, and I loved the frankness of the conversation. Musse plainly calls Ashe a wild beast in naked condescension, and it's a side of her I like seeing (where she's not playing a game of her own terms 100% of the time).

I can't say I like all the reperformances though. For bizarre reasons I don't understand, Falcom insisted on rerecording all the battle lines again, which would have been fine if they'd taken the better takes. I think most of the SSS's performances are fine in this regard, but there are some notable deficiencies so far in Rean's route. Koki Uchiyama's read of Breaking Dawn is less energized than before and I'm on the fence on Claire's and Musse's readings of their own S-Crafts, but the real loser is Juna. I have no idea what direction Nao Toyama was given but 90% of her battle lines sound as if they were read half-asleep, which is bad in general and bad for Juna's character as "the genki one". I don't understand it. Every single one of her CS4 reads are better. Maybe this is indicative of the game being rushed out the door? (or more evidence of poor Sonoda being overworked).

More discussion on music later (of course) but I generally like the new theme for Geofront (Section GFS II). Singa upped his game for composition and mixing although, as is often the case, there is a weak link in his tracks, and for this one it's the instrumentation. Everything else being solid carries the song through the first half but the prominent technoey keyboarding in the latter half is outright unpleasant. It's a little weird actually - I'm not used to having such mixed feelings on a single track. Either way, still a significant improvement over Synchronicity #23 from CS4, a track that a number of people in the community like, allot, but I think is arguably the worst track in the game for its awful mixing that blares the shoddy techno in your ears and the generally uninspired composition not doing it any favors.

That's fine. I like the Sky 3 format. There's allot of stuff that's nice to see that just doesn't fit neatly into the main scenario's narrative. Sky 3rd spoilers: First one that comes to mind is the celebration party on top of Grancel royal castle with everyone that would have been a little long in the tooth as an epilogue if just stapled to the end of Sky 2. Then there's stuff the fabric of the universe is just better for having, like the star doors discussing the salt pale or Renne's backstory, or stories that just bring a big smile to your face, like the moon door about Joshua's early life with the Brights. Of course, some are duds, like the door covering the redemption of the Ruan street punks (seriously who cared about these goofs) but they can't all be winners! I haven't hit the daydream episodes yet but I hope that they live up to that quality.

So far I've been enjoying those side stories equally as much as I did for Sky The 3rd
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