The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie | OT | To Old Friends, And New...


Biggest Trails Stan


Biggest Trails Stan
Finished all Side Stories and Main Story in Post Game for Trails Into Reverie

Took me 66 hours

I highly recommended to play the post game and complete the main story in that.

Also I highly recommend doing all the Sidestories too since one in particular has a story that ties into Kuro

Overall this game was a great send-off for Rean and the rest of the gang.

I will miss those headpats though


Played up through Act 2 for all characters.

Lloyd's group clearly got the short-end of the stick lol - Tons of weak drama with not much substance. Illya's obviously under the influence of some kind of spell and I don't buy for an instant this is a legitimate betrayal, so all the fanfare behind the reveal and lamentation falls flatter than a noodle. I'm more upset Falcom would disturb the purity of her character and relationship with Rixia really. Elie drama of "I wasn't absolutely perfect in saving KeA in a warzone" is also unimpressive. Best part of that scene was the reuse of the classic "Someday, Surely" track from Zero, which was at least context appropriate and reminded me of better times.

Rean's group fared a little better. Not much went on but stomping around Heimdallr again is fun (as always) and character interactions were on-point. Favorite bit is definitely when the group is trying to track down Millium's stolen ARCUS unit but can't keep up with Nadia/Lapis, and Millium comes up with the idea that the two must be following the gourmet's street guide for the city because that's what she had been doing that day and the whole team is like, "Oh goddammit she's right, isn't she?" Most of Millium's antics were fun - The other standout is her diving for a hug from Altina who replies that she won't fall for the same trick twice in one day and Millium's smooth brain reads that as "So I can hug you once a day then!?" I could've gone without the back-and-forth perspective fights with C's group but they were alright. Favorite callback was probably the disgruntled IDF soldiers pulling out a Gospel unit of all things and the team having to take down a whole squad without arts or combat links.

C's group was the best (and all my evaluations of the routes so far are largely in line with fans' too, it seems). Going character-by-character:
1) Swin has a bad case of Light Novel Protagonist Syndrome - probably incurable, sadly - but I like the rest of the group.
2) Nadia really clicked with me around the point you defeat a pack of EDF soldiers in the sewers, she accepts C's request to torture their leader for info, and she goes on a minute-long spiel about the best ways to torture someone, the stuff to look out for when doing it, her limitations with her current gear, etc. Usually when these kinds of scenes appear in games they're not sufficiently drawn out and the impression you're left with too is that the torture is an empty threat from a too kind-hearted character against a target that's too easily fooled. Here, the game makes it clear in no uncertain terms that Nadia absolutely would have done everything she described. The script goes the extra mile of adding a scene immediately after where Lapis is trying to recompose herself afterwards and asks Nadia who toys with her for a minute before revealing "Yup, of course I would have *smile*" (and then is a little sad that Lapis probably won't look at her the same way again). The conversation with C after Lapis darts off (and Swin too to catch her) is good too - Nadia will take care of the dirty stuff to protect Swin and if C fucks with him, she'll make C's life hell. Nothing fancy in concept but the execution is solid.
3) Lapis is probably the best character in this game. She's the "pure soul among a group of rogues and misfits" - similar kind of dynamic as the Tales of Berseria team but with just enough twists to make it interesting. Lapis is also clueless about the world and innocent too (as the trope goes) but she's also intensely proud of her existence a beautiful Rosenberg doll, very easy to anger, and just as easy to forgive. There are allot of fun interactions that arise from it - at the start of the chapter in the sewers the rest of the group is planning their next move and completely ignoring her and her questions, she smashes an approaching monster in frustration, C reassures her they're counting on her for her battle prowess, and she settles down on a dime. Or any of a couple other times Nadia's talking about her and she doesn't quite understand but Nadia ends it with "it's because you're so cute after all" and Lapis accepts everything instantly. Part of what sells the character is that she's actually written as an intelligent but clueless doll most of the time. Her questions are very sensible, even if her reactions are uniquely her own.
4) C is... alright. Started Act 3, and the melodrama was a little thick, but I've always liked the character. Still not entirely sure I get/buy the reason he wore a mask. I heard his esoteric "I won't play at the craft Rean&Co. and the SSS have perfected as true heroes" spiel, and I get his character's always been a hands-on dude at the same time, but I'm not sure he needed to go through all the trouble. At the very least, he could have just told people he really trusted in the Imperial government about what he'd learned of the IDF and EDF's stockpile of war supplies beneath Heimdallr and then gone off to investigate Lapis on his own. Seems like it would have been cleaner than the whole Imperial Liberation Front cosplay.

I wanted to wait until playing a little of all the characters' routes to give an appraisal of the battle themes. What I'd known going into the game is that the internal composers each handled a normal battle theme for each character's routes. What I didn't know is that the True Reverie Corridor also had its own battle theme, whose production was handed off to Jindo (somewhere in the back of my mind, I'd written off any possibility of a unique battle track being tossed to Singa and me at best tolerating whatever it would be). I guess I'll lead with that one and say that "Infinity Rage" is phenomenal. Easily the best track in the game so far and probably the best Kiseki normal battle theme ever. A real shock to me. I didn't think anything would top Takeshita's "Masquerade of Lies" but here we are (and if for some reason you don't count "Masquerade of Lies", "Determination of Fight" is right behind it - Sky the 3rd's so good, man). Jindo gets it. A tight hook at the start followed by an exciting refrain, spearheaded by Teramae's anxious guitar and alternating back and forth to/fro Yamamoto's celebrating keyboarding, all as the track escalates the speed and detail at each cycle. The song is so fucking happy to be shredding, and I love it. Bravo, Jindo. I'm so glad this song is playing where I'll likely be fighting the majority of my remaining playtime.

The other 3 tracks are kind of pedestrian by comparison lol. I heard Koguchi's last of the 4 and at that point it would have been very hard to impress me haha. I think of the other 3, Sonoda's "Stand Up Again and Again" for Lloyd's route is my favorite, surprisingly. It's textbook Sonoda, for better and for worse, but the violin at the start is sharp and fits the Crossbell gang, the track gets to the point quickly, and the brass/guitar that follow do their job. Nothing spectacular but no real downtime in the composition (song, meet Sonoda). People have said Momiyama probably would have made something more interesting, and I... agree, but I admire this track for getting to the point. For how good Momiyama's battle songs were, their big flaw was taking too long to get to the clearly best parts, esp. in a game series where you can clear mobs in under 30 seconds allot of the time.

Unisuga's "Like a Whirlwind" for Rean's route is a bit of a letdown for me. I guess... I was expecting something more intense, and this track's definitely not as explosive as "Burning Throb". It's fine - good even - but feels too restrained imo. Best part is the guitar takeover at around a minute in. Koguchi's "Wind Up Yesterday" for C's route is probably bottom for me. Not bad, but the track sounds a little confused among its instruments but maybe I'm just not used to his sound? I can say the dynamics and mixing didn't sound right to me. With my headphones on, highs that I expected to hear just weren't coming through. That might be why I think it sounds confused.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
My memory of the final games of the past arcs is a bit hazy but I don't recall previous arc final entries hinting THIS heavily to the next ones.

That one daydream is basically screaming at the player "HEY THIS IS THE THREAD LINE FOR THE CALVARD ARC"


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
My memory of the final games of the past arcs is a bit hazy but I don't recall previous arc final entries hinting THIS heavily to the next ones.

That one daydream is basically screaming at the player "HEY THIS IS THE THREAD LINE FOR THE CALVARD ARC"

Your memory is correct. Reverie was intentionally written as a prologue to Calvard so its a lot more direct.


1) Swin has a bad case of Light Novel Protagonist Syndrome - probably incurable, sadly - but I like the rest of the group.

I like what they did with Rufus but I find both Swin and Nadia so tropey. And we already have like 3 kawaii-but-creepy-murder-child characters in that universe.


McBurn getting weaker by the day lol, now even Lloyd can stand head-to-head with him in battle. Yeah, it wasn't real McBurn, but still
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Having both Lloyd and Rean as an MCs in one game, characters who can't live without cheesy speeches every 10 minutes, seems like too much lol. Yesterday evening when Lloyd and Noel started heart-to-heart talk in the middle of enemy's territory, I just facepalmed and went to sleep😂


Patch finally released, fixed Link Attacks, but it seems that's the only thing that it fixed. Text errors are still there and even fishing rewards are still broken. NISA how much time you need for something so simple?
I just got past (finale spoiler) the fake Rufus and Ilya showdown and I have opinions that I can't help but share despite not having finished the game

Speaking to positives first. The battle system is still cool – I think maybe it's run its course at this point and it doesn't have the progressive element of previous games since you start pretty well decked out, but it's still fun on account of the customisation and breakability of the game.

The music is also incredibly good. There are so many battle themes in particular, and most of them are great.

As to the negatives... the story is stupid. It feels like a bad OVA. It's incredibly poorly strung together. Rufus and Lloyd's stories especially just feel like you're going around, conveniently happening to find exactly what you need, while characters arbitrarily leave or enter your party on the whims of the writers. The worst scene in the game (I hope) was in Rufus's Act IV where you go and see Ian Grimwood and he explains that he was secretly chatting to a magical AI on his Discord from his special prison cell where he gets access to the internet because he's working as a lawyer from behind the bars that he is behind for working for an evil intercontinental conspiracy to summon a magical tree, and then he goes on to explain half the plot in a way that is absurdly convenient.

Lloyd is the worst fucking character in this series. I'm convinced of it now. I will tolerate one of Rean's speeches any day, but Lloyd makes me violent whenever he opens his mouth and talks about how friendship and Crossbell's independence are so important but also not Crossbell's independence actually it's our own collective self-determination as a people and we the SSS are not the ones who have the responsibility but we do actually because we're the main characters but they put so much responsibility on us it was hard and we lost sight of SHUT UP YOU STUPID FUCKING GOON. Jesus fucking Christ. Look, I'll show my hand, I think the Crossbell arc was the weakest one and I do not like Lloyd or Elie because they're bland in those games, but Lloyd never made me want to commit violence against him previously.

I'm not at the end yet but I predict that the whole simulacrum aspect is completely not used at all. Initially I thought maybe our Rufus would turn out to be the fake, but I dismissed that because I knew it wouldn't be in character for the writers to portray Rufus as just a bad guy... actually, wait, that's a point.

Rufus is absurdly badly written. If you've forgotten, in the previous game, he killed a person in cold blood; in these games, that is a uniquely evil act, because they're written with an particularly naive perspective (especially from CS3 onwards). They struggle in this game between writing him as a sociopath, writing him as regretful, writing him as a sort of "cold, unfeeling Geohound"... what are they going for? It's fucking bizarre. I truly wanted him to be the fake Rufus, because it would have actually made sense given how much emphasis the script puts on the fakes being not quite right... but the scenario directors are cowardly, and the writers suffer their direction, so we end up with this unearned conclusion.

Oh yeah, the game has a lot of conspicuous callbacks. It gets silly. Characters constantly talking about "the time two years ago when...".


lmao at

the big epic combat scene where absolutely everyone comes in, literally every fucking character. But the full extent of Kevin's cameo is that Estelle points off camera and says "hey that's Kevin's ship! That means he's here!"

Also I was right about them doing nothing at all with the simulacrum plot but I couldn't have predicted how nonsensical the story is. So through some unexplained miracle the spirit veins, stimulated by The Great Twilight, coalesce in some way with the orbal net to create a literal mass-scale digitised copy of a brain (?) that is sort of an AI too (?) and it is able to harvest such great processing power by tapping into every processor on the orbal network that it can process causality and predict the future and, as such, it becomes infected with the curse/Ishmelga by predicting the bad ending from Cold Steel IV and thus actualising Rean Ishmelga into its own system and becoming corrupted? Is that about right?

Oh yeah, and this was mentioned very briefly, but the whole point of the EDF stealing the forfeited Erebonian military vehicles was so they could be reforged into the giant space laser/final dungeon? What?

The writing in this series has gotten gradually worse for a while, but what's really hurting now is that the scenario isn't even good. That's the easy part of writing – the broad outline of the plot. Cold Steel 1&2 didn't have amazing writing, but the scenario was fine. It feels like the entire direction is bad now and the writers are churning out shit for one reason or another. I hope Kuro is better.
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Biggest Trails Stan
I just got past (finale spoiler) the fake Rufus and Ilya showdown and I have opinions that I can't help but share despite not having finished the game

Speaking to positives first. The battle system is still cool – I think maybe it's run its course at this point and it doesn't have the progressive element of previous games since you start pretty well decked out, but it's still fun on account of the customisation and breakability of the game.

The music is also incredibly good. There are so many battle themes in particular, and most of them are great.

As to the negatives... the story is stupid. It feels like a bad OVA. It's incredibly poorly strung together. Rufus and Lloyd's stories especially just feel like you're going around, conveniently happening to find exactly what you need, while characters arbitrarily leave or enter your party on the whims of the writers. The worst scene in the game (I hope) was in Rufus's Act IV where you go and see Ian Grimwood and he explains that he was secretly chatting to a magical AI on his Discord from his special prison cell where he gets access to the internet because he's working as a lawyer from behind the bars that he is behind for working for an evil intercontinental conspiracy to summon a magical tree, and then he goes on to explain half the plot in a way that is absurdly convenient.

Lloyd is the worst fucking character in this series. I'm convinced of it now. I will tolerate one of Rean's speeches any day, but Lloyd makes me violent whenever he opens his mouth and talks about how friendship and Crossbell's independence are so important but also not Crossbell's independence actually it's our own collective self-determination as a people and we the SSS are not the ones who have the responsibility but we do actually because we're the main characters but they put so much responsibility on us it was hard and we lost sight of SHUT UP YOU STUPID FUCKING GOON. Jesus fucking Christ. Look, I'll show my hand, I think the Crossbell arc was the weakest one and I do not like Lloyd or Elie because they're bland in those games, but Lloyd never made me want to commit violence against him previously.

I'm not at the end yet but I predict that the whole simulacrum aspect is completely not used at all. Initially I thought maybe our Rufus would turn out to be the fake, but I dismissed that because I knew it wouldn't be in character for the writers to portray Rufus as just a bad guy... actually, wait, that's a point.

Rufus is absurdly badly written. If you've forgotten, in the previous game, he killed a person in cold blood; in these games, that is a uniquely evil act, because they're written with an particularly naive perspective (especially from CS3 onwards). They struggle in this game between writing him as a sociopath, writing him as regretful, writing him as a sort of "cold, unfeeling Geohound"... what are they going for? It's fucking bizarre. I truly wanted him to be the fake Rufus, because it would have actually made sense given how much emphasis the script puts on the fakes being not quite right... but the scenario directors are cowardly, and the writers suffer their direction, so we end up with this unearned conclusion.

Oh yeah, the game has a lot of conspicuous callbacks. It gets silly. Characters constantly talking about "the time two years ago when...".


lmao at

the big epic combat scene where absolutely everyone comes in, literally every fucking character. But the full extent of Kevin's cameo is that Estelle points off camera and says "hey that's Kevin's ship! That means he's here!"

Also I was right about them doing nothing at all with the simulacrum plot but I couldn't have predicted how nonsensical the story is. So through some unexplained miracle the spirit veins, stimulated by The Great Twilight, coalesce in some way with the orbal net to create a literal mass-scale digitised copy of a brain (?) that is sort of an AI too (?) and it is able to harvest such great processing power by tapping into every processor on the orbal network that it can process causality and predict the future and, as such, it becomes infected with the curse/Ishmelga by predicting the bad ending from Cold Steel IV and thus actualising Rean Ishmelga into its own system and becoming corrupted? Is that about right?

Oh yeah, and this was mentioned very briefly, but the whole point of the EDF stealing the forfeited Erebonian military vehicles was so they could be reforged into the giant space laser/final dungeon? What?

The writing in this series has gotten gradually worse for a while, but what's really hurting now is that the scenario isn't even good. That's the easy part of writing – the broad outline of the plot. Cold Steel 1&2 didn't have amazing writing, but the scenario was fine. It feels like the entire direction is bad now and the writers are churning out shit for one reason or another. I hope Kuro is better.

Van is the best Protagonist since the TITS Trilogy


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
So is this game similar to Trails in the Sky the 3rd in that it's sort of a dungeon crawler where most of the action takes place in a particular complex or realm? Or is it very much tied into the past four games and has outdoor travel and whatnot?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
So is this game similar to Trails in the Sky the 3rd in that it's sort of a dungeon crawler where most of the action takes place in a particular complex or realm? Or is it very much tied into the past four games and has outdoor travel and whatnot?

It's more of the later but there is big dungeon that is close to Sky 3rd as well, the dungeon adds more story post-game but the main storyline itself plays more like the Cold Steel games (minus the bonding events).


So is this game similar to Trails in the Sky the 3rd in that it's sort of a dungeon crawler where most of the action takes place in a particular complex or realm? Or is it very much tied into the past four games and has outdoor travel and whatnot?
Yeah, it's more like Sky 3rd. You are basically most of the time on the field or in dungeons, there are very little "free time" when you doing typical Trails routine like talking with NPCs, doing sidequests, travelling between settlements, etc.
But Reverie Corridor is a big time sink and making up for a more compact structure of the main game. I thought it will be more short in playtime in comparison to ToCS games, but I already 104 hours in and still not finished main story.
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This place is as good as any to ask: I'm playing Zero right now and am wondering when this game picks up? As of right now, it's the slowest moving game I've played in the series.


This place is as good as any to ask: I'm playing Zero right now and am wondering when this game picks up? As of right now, it's the slowest moving game I've played in the series.
At what point you are? I will say from the second part of Act 3, starting from Auction and onward.


Biggest Trails Stan
My memory of the final games of the past arcs is a bit hazy but I don't recall previous arc final entries hinting THIS heavily to the next ones.

That one daydream is basically screaming at the player "HEY THIS IS THE THREAD LINE FOR THE CALVARD ARC"

I finished the first Kuro no Kiseki game and so far it blows away the Cold Steel Arc by a massive amount
I finished the first Kuro no Kiseki game and so far it blows away the Cold Steel Arc by a massive amount
I played about 30 hours of Kuro and you're right, Van owns. I'm very happy with this game so far, and additionally I'll say that the fan translation is vastly better in tone than the official translations despite the need for further proof-reading.

Also lol at the constant jokes about paedophilia in the script. The famous racer who tries chatting up the two children in your car during a traffic jam is a particular high point

Reverie was a travesty and an Uchikoshi plot in disguise so I'm glad Falcom managed to hire some competent writers


Biggest Trails Stan
I played about 30 hours of Kuro and you're right, Van owns. I'm very happy with this game so far, and additionally I'll say that the fan translation is vastly better in tone than the official translations despite the need for further proof-reading.

Also lol at the constant jokes about paedophilia in the script. The famous racer who tries chatting up the two children in your car during a traffic jam is a particular high point

Reverie was a travesty and an Uchikoshi plot in disguise so I'm glad Falcom managed to hire some competent writers

I'm a big Cold Steel fan but the TITS Arc and the Crossbell Arc are so much better

Also yeah even though Kuro No Kiseki is fully English patched by fans they were using machine translation

The more I got through the game, the more I had to reread the same text due to them not doing More proof reading. Still did a good job though

Van is fantastic, the whole cast is fantastic. I can't wait for the English Fan Patch to be released for Kuro No Kiseki II. I'll be playing that right away once that happen. NIS America will just Censor the English translation so no thanks
I'm a big Cold Steel fan but the TITS Arc and the Crossbell Arc are so much better

Also yeah even though Kuro No Kiseki is fully English patched by fans they were using machine translation

The more I got through the game, the more I had to reread the same text due to them not doing More proof reading. Still did a good job though

Van is fantastic, the whole cast is fantastic. I can't wait for the English Fan Patch to be released for Kuro No Kiseki II. I'll be playing that right away once that happen. NIS America will just Censor the English translation so no thanks
Was that Zerofield translation a machine translation job? I guess I could believe that, but it didn't seem too evident. They definitely did manual work on it even if it was just a cleanup.

NISA's translations feel almost over-tuned to the point of being unnatural. They're also incapable of writing cool characters... I can't even imagine how they will mangle Van and Aaron in the official translation. The only well-written cool character in any of these games is Ash, and that's because he's meant to be the kind of wannabe who says things like "ass hat" unironically.

Kuro owns though, I think the cast is the strongest of any of these games.

Oh and PERSONALLY I think the Crossbell arc is the weakest one. I hate Ao. It's the only game in this series that I haven't finished.

e: I feel like we need to separate Cold Steel 1&2 and 3&4 as arcs. In my heart that arc ended with 2

e2: also I feel like the Falcom Sound Team isn't at its best. Singa's compositions are too basic. Reverie has an insanely good OST by comparison largely thanks to Jindo
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Biggest Trails Stan
Was that Zerofield translation a machine translation job? I guess I could believe that, but it didn't seem too evident. They definitely did manual work on it even if it was just a cleanup.

NISA's translations feel almost over-tuned to the point of being unnatural. They're also incapable of writing cool characters... I can't even imagine how they will mangle Van and Aaron in the official translation. The only well-written cool character in any of these games is Ash, and that's because he's meant to be the kind of wannabe who says things like "ass hat" unironically.

Kuro owns though, I think the cast is the strongest of any of these games.

Oh and PERSONALLY I think the Crossbell arc is the weakest one. I hate Ao. It's the only game in this series that I haven't finished.

e: I feel like we need to separate Cold Steel 1&2 and 3&4 as arcs. In my heart that arc ended with 2

e2: also I feel like the Falcom Sound Team isn't at its best. Singa's compositions are too basic. Reverie has an insanely good OST by comparison largely thanks to Jindo

Kuro No Kiseki is the first time I'm playing a game with an English translation patch. I bought the korean version off of Steam. I'm tired of waiting for the game to be released here, and two I know they will Censor it. So I don't know if the Zerofield translation is machine language translated

As for cast, this game is up there with the TITS Trilogy when it comes to cast. Just all around fantastic

Even though I love the Cold Steel Arc it was still 5 games. That was long and by Reverie I was ready to play as someone new

I'm happy that I played Kuro No Kiseki before it came out here. You know there are certain parts in the game that they will Censor and it would have pissed me off so much. Not to mention I bet they will Censor the DLC sexy outfits too
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Biggest Trails Stan
good luck sanitising this nisa (very minor kuro spoilers)

How far are you into the game? Like give me SPOILER specifics

There's a certain part in the game that I think NISA America will most likely Censor

It's why when the English Patch for Kuro No Kiseki II is fully released and the whole game is fully translated I will be playing that instead of waiting for the official western release

Like which Chapter are you on?
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How far are you into the game? Like give me SPOILER specifics

There's a certain part in the game that I think NISA America will most likely Censor

It's why when the English Patch for Kuro No Kiseki II is fully released and the whole game is fully translated I will be playing that instead of waiting for the official western release

Like which Chapter are you on?
I just got to Tharbad and started doing sidequests. I'm expecting some sekkusu and baiorensu, right? That guy knows what's up.

And yeah I think I'll do the same with Kuro 2 regardless of censorship but especially if they cut stuff out, fuck em. The slightly rough fan translation script is more fun anyway, and less stilted than the official translations.


Biggest Trails Stan
I just got to Tharbad and started doing sidequests. I'm expecting some sekkusu and baiorensu, right? That guy knows what's up.

And yeah I think I'll do the same with Kuro 2 regardless of censorship but especially if they cut stuff out, fuck em. The slightly rough fan translation script is more fun anyway, and less stilted than the official translations.

Yeah not going to talk about it but you are close to what certain parts I'm talking about. I was surprised that they actually showed some of it albeit in a PG13 way but even that will be too much for NIS America and the Wokies that work over there. After Reverie I'm done buying Trails games from them
Yeah not going to talk about it but you are close to what certain parts I'm talking about. I was surprised that they actually showed some of it albeit in a PG13 way but even that will be too much for NIS America and the Wokies that work over there. After Reverie I'm done buying Trails games from them

I didn't get up to it yet but it seems fairly obvious where they're going after finishing the first night there.

I gotta say this game makes me miss how Hajimari didn't have all these tedious sidequests to break the progression up. I feel like it took me three hours of just running around doing chores to get some minor plot progression. I'm way too old for this.


I just started the game. Did they fix the bug?

Link level bug is fixed on all platforms (as of a couple versions ago, I believe).

As a guy still combing through the game for all content, I can report that there are still allot of typos in the game's script, but most of them are relegated to optional content and the writing mostly flows well. Some of the mistakes are pretty embarrassing though - I've seen misspelled words in the UI ("milenial" in one menu and "milennial" in a submenu), wrong punctuation on gear ("_3" instead of "+3), words missing completely (one craft was just called "Supreme" after an upgrade, dropping the actual attack name) inconsistent descriptions in menus ("accessories" and "weapons", "200%" and "150%" IIRC). Just off the top of my head. It's bad enough that I second-guess what the UI tells me.

I don't know if NISA's other recent releases were shaky after launch... other than Ys 8 which was legendarily bad at release, but it's clear that right now this game needed another editing pass to clear up obvious mistakes. Which again is a little odd because most of the localization seems fine so I don't understand how so many silly mistakes got through.
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Biggest Trails Stan
I didn't get up to it yet but it seems fairly obvious where they're going after finishing the first night there.

I gotta say this game makes me miss how Hajimari didn't have all these tedious sidequests to break the progression up. I feel like it took me three hours of just running around doing chores to get some minor plot progression. I'm way too old for this.

I love the sidequests and extra stuff though. I just like how much effort and detail they put in those aspect especially in regard to world building

But that just me though l understand if that's a turn off for some people.

I always considered the Trails Series to be interesting due to playing each game is like reading a massive fantasy book series with lot of characters, huge plot, lot of side plots etc..
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Omg resetera hate rean so much. Itis stupid really. It is not his fault girls are interested in him.

Meanwhile lloyd all he ever talk about is muh crossbell. It gets tiring.
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I love the sidequests and extra stuff though. I just like how much effort and detail they put in those aspect especially in regard to world building

But that just me though l understand if that's a turn off for some people.

I always considered the Trails Series to be interesting due to playing each game is like reading a massive fantasy book series with lot of characters, huge plot, lot of side plots etc..
It depends. The thing is, you run through these games enough you start seeing the patterns, you notice that this sidequest is basically just another sidequest you've already done in a different game, and that the character interaction isn't really enough to justify it, then you get annoyed. That's also how I feel about Yakuza which, funnily enough, has a lot of similarity with Trails.

Some of the sidequests are interesting but it feels like a minority.

I get what you mean about the massive amount of characters, I know that's an appeal for some people, but most of the minor characters are basically just generic NPC questgivers with very little personality. Or they're some sort of simple stereotype.

Conversely the character events in Kuro are good because I like the central cast and want to see them interact more.

btw was the thing you mentioned might be censored the nightclub scene? I don't know, I can see where you're coming from but it didn't seem bad enough that they'd censor it. If nothing else, it'd be too difficult to do for it to be worthwhile.

Omg resetera hate rean so much. Itis stupid really. It is not his fault girls are interested in him.

Meanwhile lloyd all he ever talk about is muh crossbell. It gets tiring.
Reverie convinced me that Lloyd is the worst Trails character. I hate him so much. His ONLY fucking character trait is that he goes on heroic speeches about the power of friendship and other vague waffle and all the other SHITTY Crossbell characters stand around him in a circle nodding their heads and going soudesu.


Reverie convinced me that Lloyd is the worst Trails character. I hate him so much. His ONLY fucking character trait is that he goes on heroic speeches about the power of friendship and other vague waffle and all the other SHITTY Crossbell characters stand around him in a circle nodding their heads and going soudesu.
agree with you 100%

lloyd must be the most boring protagonist ever.


Biggest Trails Stan
It depends. The thing is, you run through these games enough you start seeing the patterns, you notice that this sidequest is basically just another sidequest you've already done in a different game, and that the character interaction isn't really enough to justify it, then you get annoyed. That's also how I feel about Yakuza which, funnily enough, has a lot of similarity with Trails.

Some of the sidequests are interesting but it feels like a minority.

I get what you mean about the massive amount of characters, I know that's an appeal for some people, but most of the minor characters are basically just generic NPC questgivers with very little personality. Or they're some sort of simple stereotype.

Conversely the character events in Kuro are good because I like the central cast and want to see them interact more.

btw was the thing you mentioned might be censored the nightclub scene? I don't know, I can see where you're coming from but it didn't seem bad enough that they'd censor it. If nothing else, it'd be too difficult to do for it to be worthwhile.

Reverie convinced me that Lloyd is the worst Trails character. I hate him so much. His ONLY fucking character trait is that he goes on heroic speeches about the power of friendship and other vague waffle and all the other SHITTY Crossbell characters stand around him in a circle nodding their heads and going soudesu.

You make some good points. But there's a reason why the Trails Franchise is my Number 1 favorite Franchise. It's due to the amount of detail they try to put into NPC interactions but I can see your points about the sidequests having sameness across the whole series

As for Lloyd, I don't hate Lloyd but I find him a bit bland compared to Estelle and Rean. I don't get the hate for Rean. As for my personal opinion on Rean, I find him somewhat cookie cutter but he's way better than Lloyd. The best Protags in the series is Estelle and Van. Also I only played Kuro No Kiseki but so far the cast is up there with Trials In The Sky cast when it comes to best cast.

Yeah I'm talking specifically about that scene that I think NIS America is gonna to Censor. I'm pretty sure there are more scenes but can't remember that they will try to censor or tone down. They will also Censor the DLC Bikini outfits where you will be able to put the girls into Bikinis but where they fully cover some spicy bit by using the one with the coat etc. There won't be any options to remove the coat so you see the full Bikini like you can when you are playing the Korean/Japanese version of the game.

I think for Reverie they censored the Bikini DLC for some of the character and for Cold Steel cast there was no Bikini DLC Costumes at all.

So going forward I'll just buy the Korean/Japanese version off of Steam that includes whatever sexy costume DLC they release and wait for a fan translation English patch since I'm getting tired of it and I don't want to support companies that do this stuff and try to further their Man hating woke agenda. Best thing these companies should do is fire these Feminazis and SJW. I guarantee you their games will sell even more due to not being censored
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You make some good points. But there's a reason why the Trails Franchise is my Number 1 favorite Franchise. It's due to the amount of detail they try to put into NPC interactions but I can see your points about the sidequests having sameness across the whole series

As for Lloyd, I don't hate Lloyd but I find him a bit bland compared to Estelle and Rean. I don't get the hate for Rean. As for my personal opinion on Rean, I find him somewhat cookie cutter but he's way better than Lloyd. The best Protags in the series is Estelle and Van. Also I only played Kuro No Kiseki but so far the cast is up there with Trials In The Sky cast when it comes to best cast.

Yeah I'm talking specifically about that scene that I think NIS America is gonna to Censor. I'm pretty sure there are more scenes but can't remember that they will try to censor or tone down. They will also Censor the DLC Bikini outfits where you will be able to put the girls into Bikinis but where they fully cover some spicy bit by using the one with the coat etc. There won't be any options to remove the coat so you see the full Bikini like you can when you are playing the Korean/Japanese version of the game.

I think for Reverie they censored the Bikini DLC for some of the character and for Cold Steel cast there was no Bikini DLC Costumes at all.

So going forward I'll just buy the Korean/Japanese version off of Steam that includes whatever sexy costume DLC they release and wait for a fan translation English patch since I'm getting tired of it and I don't want to support companies that do this stuff and try to further their Man hating woke agenda. Best thing these companies should do is fire these Feminazis and SJW. I guarantee you their games will sell even more due to not being censored

Rean is based. I can accept people not liking him because he's got a billion different special powers or w/e, but I think he has much stronger characterisation than Lloyd (the true generic shithead protag) and his corny speeches generally come across as believable given the character, whereas Lloyd feels like he's giving them based on a quota. It also helps he isn't a weak combat character like Lloyd is.

If they do censor that scene, they'll do it in the laziest way: they'll remove the poles, but keep the animations as they are, so it's just the girls dancing around an invisible object.

See, I don't want to believe that censorship is a matter of woke pandering rather than a bunch of NISA suits being overly cautious. I want to believe that they're following some sort of misguided rationale. But I can't deny the possibility that there's an actual culture of blue hairs at NISA getting mad that the game is too sexy. I'm tired of all this puritanical culture war shit

Oh yeah, I took a break from the game for a bit but now I'm in Basel. I hope something actually happens here instead of it being a waste of time like Tharbad lol
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