Late to the party but is the Deluxe Collector's Edition coming to the US?
I really hope this will be on eShop next Thursday night at 9:00 PM
PST / 12:00 AM EST.
just a fyi, for those living in the burbs of chicago, hit up kinokuniya
when I went there earlier today, there was a stack of BD artbooks
snagged one myself
No no, I am asking about the Deluxe CE, which comes with a figurine.
Looking around on google I'm not too hopeful now : (
Have you seen the figurine?
You're better off without it.
edit-- case in point:
I think I used a full valkyrie team with subjob salvemaker.Everyone defaulted until they all had 3 bp then unleashed super jump on the enemy. Whenever necessary use compound to heal/revive. Can't remember what my supports were but if I were to battle now I would probably go with two handed, auto-phoenix, see you in hell and absorb physical damage. My equipment was set to raise physical attack (headbands and power/hyper braces).
If you wanna get through things really quickly though, here's a strategy I found that completely owns most things:
3 dark knights, subjob doesn't really matter. supports two handed, physical attack 30% up, gloom.
1 thief, subjob spiritmaster. supports 20% and 30% speed up. Hermes shoes if you want.
Get your thief to brave 3 times and cast adaptation on everyone. They should always go first cos of the speed supports. Get all your dark knights to brave 3 times and spam dark nebula. You can go the opposite way and default 3 times and then brave if you want.
Great news for you then! The demo does not have any story from the game in it, you just do sidequests made up for the demo that earn you packages of items that transfer to the full game. The items/equipment aren't anything special but you can start building up villagers from streetpass and the game gives you a couple as well and transfer as many as 20 to the full game. Having 20 villagers to start should be pretty huge. Basically the only thing you'll do that's in the full game and would have to do over is leveling up your characters and jobs (and norende shops via villagers). Which is why I didn't power level and grind every job but you won't have to do any objectives over again in the main game.
Shops like that exist in the US?!? How's the pricing?just a fyi, for those living in the burbs of chicago, hit up kinokuniya
when I went there earlier today, there was a stack of BD artbooks
snagged one myself
Don't have one yet... If it's not up for me tomorrow, I'll be scared. (Though I already am a bit scared. :/)Just got the delivery estimate for my Collector's Edition from Amazon - Feb 11th.
Wonder if they had to source another allocation of them or something...
spoiler, only watch if you finished the game already:
are you guys excited as I am to see the curve of excitement dropping down fast when people hit the middle-part of the game?
Don't have one yet... If it's not up for me tomorrow, I'll be scared. (Though I already am a bit scared. :/)
you know what else is going to be good?
omg why is Airy so annoying
just a fyi, for those living in the burbs of chicago, hit up kinokuniya
when I went there earlier today, there was a stack of BD artbooks
snagged one myself
Hey if anyone has any (*interesting*) questions for the producers (Asano-san and Takahashi-san) let me know.
Shops like that exist in the US?!? How's the pricing?
Awesome, thanks. I had no idea. I figured it was just a section of the main game.
EDIT: Quick question. I've pretty much kept myself in the dark about this game, to avoid spoilers. Without spoiling, can somebody please explain how chapters in this game work? It seems a bit odd to have chapters in an RPG.
Just got the delivery estimate for my Collector's Edition from Amazon - Feb 11th.
Wonder if they had to source another allocation of them or something...
Any tips for the poison dude in the third chapter ?
He kicks my ass and wipes the floor with me, I´m around level 40 if that helps.
Thanks in advance.
If you guys have Amazon Prime, and you originally ordered with 2-day delivery to get it on the street date, just go into your order, click "change shipping speed," and "confirm" your 2-day shipping choice. That popped it back to the 7th for me.
I found he goes down fairly easily if you get rid of his regen. You can do so with the "Dispel" White Magic.
Okay, I'm right in the end-game and struggling. I'd quite like to be done with this now, so what are some cheese team comps I can use to beatand whatever comes after that?Airy's Third Form
Alternatively, where's the best place to grind the highest amount of EXP in late game? I have growth egg, but I can only find the best places to farm JP on Google.
Chapters just help you judge how far you've progressed in the game. The story progression is similar to other RPGs, you just see a chapter screen every now and then.
6 dayssss. i cant wait!
I just beat the demo and enjoyed it a lot. I'm looking forward to the main game now and am curious about the villagers. Do you get free villagers in the main game itself like you can in the demo, or is StreetPass the only way to get more?
Also, if I get 10 StreetPasses from the demo and not redeem them for villagers (I already have 20), can I put them into the main game when I start, thus beginning with 30 villagers?
Kino def jacks it up 10-15%. I got my copy a few weeks ago for 49.50 from Seattle Kinokuniya
I'm really liking everything about this game so far. Hopefully I like the actual game. The demo was just OK, but I'm mostly in it for the story (despite knowing nothing about it) so it wasn't very indicative of what the full game is like.
Ah, so now I get why people were so mad at Chapter 5.
ThisCrescent Moon spam is always the best way to grind
You could basically play other games (as long as it is non-action) while grind.
A few people in the Demo thread got their dates yesterday, and I got mine early this morning. Just wait until Monday, and if nothing has come up by then, contact Amazon.Getting super nervous that Amazon still hasn't given any shipping estimate for the NA Collector's Edition yet. Have had it pre-ordered since the day it went up. :/