• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.

Bravely Default |OT| For the Americas


Alright I've collected everyone's FC that they posted in this thread. PM me if you want to get on this list. Remember to PM the person you want to exchange Friend Codes with, you need to give your FC to them as well as take their FC before you are friends.

Bolded lines are ones recently added

Friend Code | Gaf Name

1289-9546-9303 | -Horizon-

1633-4303-2895 | 898

4012-3841-4625 | AcademicSaucer
5284-1470-9856 | ActStriker
3711-7239-3957 | Adam Prime
4468-1543-2080 | andylsun
3454-1343-7240 | Archon
5129-1498-5745 | Astarte

4055-2971-9246 | Baliis
3351-4223-3557 | Barristan Selmy
0731-6050-8147 | Basileus777
4081-5505-0754 | Baust
1091-9119-5213 | BestInZaWarudo
3239-3868-0899 | BETA.
1048-8492-3843 | betterhalf:
3995-6503-8615 | blackflag
1005-9452-9684 | bodine1231
3308-4551-9098 | BoSox06DH
2750-1612-9258 | Brew124
0576-4573-1272 | Bucca
3652-0543-3251 | bumpkin

4725-8075-8552 | Carfo
0104-0606-2901 | CcrooK
5043-3176-7106 | CertifiedFP
2294-4137-0448 | chaostrophy
0748-3494-6348 | chualie
1349-4427-3717 | cheststrongwell
3007-8076-1049 | CoconutTank
3050-8202-3744 | commish
1006-0030-1832 | Cow Goes Moo
3437-3063-7441 | CrichtonKicks
5284-2336-6820 | Crumbtiny
5241-3197-2951 | Czigga

0731-5307-6839 | DarkChronic
3668-9259-1166 | Dark Octave
1246-9071-4652 | Darkrider
0361-6762-6094 | demidar
2809-8861-2752 | DeuceGamer
1418-7585-0621 | devious.one
5258-0233-2151 | Dice//
1375-7203-5837 | DoctorWho
3952-7354-8700 | Dr Amazon MD
2680-8855-1558 | dwix

4742-6699-6179 | Easystride
0061-1548-5544 | Erehtih
4527-7857-4091 | EteRnal PAL
0705-2223-9813 | Euporia14

3523-2037-7326 | FaintDeftone
2191-7815-7922 | Fake Charlemagne
4639-9203-6187 | flc
0301-9787-5351 | frogg609

0705-2549-2806 | Gaz_RB
4313-0588-8609 | GenericBadGuy
0146-9307-5651 | gimel
5472-7153-6655 | goblin

0103-9461-9036 | HawthorneKitty
2449-6028-9833 | Human-Shield
2852-7377-6516 | Human Resources

5301-0048-9113 | INDIGO_CYCLOPS
3668-8833-5952 | Indrew

0619-3043-1337 | jacob armitage
2680-9880-5913 | Jade Knight 08
4725-8099-9451 | JLateralus
3437-4489-2370 | JLeack
0189-9840-1161 | joe2187
0516-7436-3426 | joe1138
0275-8781-4282 | Jonny Rizzo

5198-2420-2896 | kaiwing
3883-5700-5587 | KazeDancer
3523-3329-8903 | Kintaro

4425-1716-1788 | lemonlyman
3797-6027-9257 | Linearskillz

3926-4902-4188 | Magicalhatz
3754-8161-4423 | mauaus
1504-5738-5878 | Mauricio_Magus
2595-0813-1310 | Maybesew
3024-6346-6995 | Mazre
2036-6958-0285 | Mbrill82
3024-5320-8335 | Metaledgeking
0903-2967-7500 | michaeltraps
0044-4202-5746 | Mortimer Brewster
4382-2007-3016 | MrBS
0877-0929-0844 | mrjohill
0447-5051-5166 | mrpeabody
1564-2587-6274 | mtlam
0018-0544-2379 | MyvTeddy

2492-4141-8846 | necrolysis
4296-2993-6328 | Niahak
0748-2105-2817 | Night Angel
2724-0345-2695 | Nintyb
0989-1899-5644 | Nista
3711-8120-3309 | NoctisLuna

3625-9397-8180 | ovii

2423-2514-4317 | PanderingMonk
1048-9696-0571 | Paradox Green
1934-0839-3882 | pariah164
4339-2479-8171 | PaulDE01
0275-8876-8416 | picklecannon
1461-7154-9357 | pikmin_trainer
1607-1585-5884 | Pitch Black Flint
4312-9769-8566 | Protag

3926-5259-8072 | Qord
1735-9911-8184 | Quote
4957-2192-5527 | Qwerty Killer

1693-1948-7158 | Ravijn
4511-1753-7890 | Rawr its Ry
0705-4006-7018 | Ray Wonder
2637 9874 2211 | razgriz417
0662-4140-6435 | RDreamer
2380-3758-9099 | Rebel Leader
4210-4033-3949 | Relucatant-Hero
3153-3811-3474 | Renoir
3239-2814-9241 | rhinosmitty
4339-2494-9752 | robotzombie
0903-2750-1593 | RPG_Fanatic
1160-9808-6621 | RurouniZel
3711-8372-1606 | rybrad

1564-3240-6159 | Saganator
3754-6241-0623 | SaiyanRaoh
1590-5978-5742 | Saren Is Bad
0619-3105-4695 | Sera O
0430-8639-6820 | Sigma772
3866-9165-4303 | shadowkat
3179-7054-4898 | Shengar
0001-3308-1036 | Skilletor
3566-1628-5922 | Soul Beat
5370-0494-6994 | SpiderJerusalem
0404-6055-6338 | spiritfox
0860-3984-7822 | SpudBud

2750-1176-9837 | Tagg9
3995-7875-5641 | tenren
3909-7510-2374 | terrisus
0619-4526-7626 | TheBatman
3351-4054-5021 | thebigkahuna
0275-8919-1285 | The Ps4 Looks Great
2809-7988-8115 | Tommy DJ

4957-2267-6486 | unluckyhat

3523-2150-5412 | VRMN

1289-9119-8096 | Wilsongt
1118-0259-1800 | WonkyPanda
4468-1001-4124 | wrowa
4785-5303-9215 | Wunder

4098-3775-4990 | XcL_
3711-6795-4578 | Xerotwo
5241-1921-7740 | XiaNaphryz
0259-1115-6640 | xKilltheMx

1091-7972-4321 | Zareth
1676-3679-7062 | Zeer0id
Alright I've collected everyone's FC that they posted in this thread. PM me if you want to be added I suppose.

Gaf name: Friend code

ActStriker: 5284-1470-9856
Adam Prime: 3711-7239-3957
andylsun: 4468-1543-2080

Baust: 4081-5505-0754
betterhalf: 1048-8492-3843
bodine1231: 1005-9452-9684
Brew124: 2750-1612-9258
Bucca: 0576-4573-1272

CcrooK: 0104-0606-2901
CertifiedFP: 5043-3176-7106
CoconutTank: 3007-8076-1049
commish: 3050-8202-3744
CrichtonKicks: 3437-3063-7441
Crumbtiny: 5284-2336-6820

DarkChronic: 0731-5307-6839
Dark Octave: 3668-9259-1166
demidar: 0361-6762-6094
DeuceGamer: 2809-8861-2752
devious.one: 1418-7585-0621
Dice//: 5258-0233-2151

Easystride: 4742-6699-6179

Fake Charlemagne: 2191-7815-7922
frogg609: 0301-9787-5351

Gaz_RB: 0705-2549-2806
goblin: 5472-7153-6655

Human-Shield: 2449-6028-9833

Indrew: 3668-8833-5952

jacob armitage: 0619-3043-1337
joe2187: 0189-9840-1161

Kintaro: 3523-3329-8903

lemonlyman: 4425-1716-1788

mauaus: 3754-8161-4423
Mauricio_Magus: 1504-5738-5878
Maybesew: 2595-0813-1310
Mazre: 3024-6346-6995
Mbrill82: 2036-6958-0285
Metaledgeking: 3024-5320-8335
michaeltraps: 0903-2967-7500

necrolysis: 2492-4141-8846
Nintyb: 2724-0345-2695

ovii: 3625-9397-8180

PanderingMonk: 2423-2514-4317
pariah164: 1934-0839-3882
picklecannon: 0275-8876-8416
pikmin_trainer: 1461-7154-9357

Qord: 3926-5259-8072

Ravijn: 1693-1948-7158
razgriz417: 2637 9874 2211
RDreamer: 0662-4140-6435
Relucatant-Hero: 4210-4033-3949
rhinosmitty: 3239-2814-9241
RurouniZel: 1160-9808-6621

Sera O: 0619-3105-4695
Shengar: 3179-7054-4898
Soul Beat: 3566-1628-5922

tenren: 3995-7875-5641
terrisus: 3909-7510-2374
TheBatman: 0619-4526-7626

VRMN: 3523-2150-5412

Wilsongt: 1289-9119-8096
WonkyPanda: 1118-0259-1800
wrowa: 4468-1001-4124
Wunder: 4785-5303-9215

Xerotwo: 3711-6795-4578
XiaNaphryz: 5241-1921-7740
xKilltheMx: 0259-1115-6640

Zareth: 1091-7972-4321

mine is AcademicSaucer: 4012-3841-4625


So how badly did they tone down the sexual innuendo stuff?

They increased the ages to 18 from 16 or whatever it was, filled in some textures for the costumes so it'd reveal less skin (because apparently chibi designs = children, and even with the age increase visuals > text) and changed nothing of the dialogue.

Soo technically it's still for adults but kids can play it without mom's raging about shit.


They increased the ages to 18 from 16 or whatever it was, filled in some textures for the costumes so it'd reveal less skin (because apparently chibi designs = children, and even with the age increase visuals > text) and changed nothing of the dialogue.

Soo technically it's still for adults but kids can play it without mom's raging about shit.

My understanding was that they tweaked the dialogue(moreso than the usual localization stuff).


I'm loving this game so far. One thing that kinda bothered me was the whole job thing.
I like that their is a big selections in jobs but when you see a boss it's like oh well now I get his job .... it's a weird way of obtaining new jobs. Couldn't they just have you earn them buy doing certain stuff like for a monk help a monk with a quest.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
I'm loving this game so far. One thing that kinda bothered me was the whole job thing.
I like that their is a big selections in jobs but when you see a boss it's like oh well now I get his job .... it's a weird way of obtaining new jobs. Couldn't they just have you earn them buy doing certain stuff like for a monk help a monk with a quest.
The protags are actually parasites that feed off of victims.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I'm loving this game so far. One thing that kinda bothered me was the whole job thing.
I like that their is a big selections in jobs but when you see a boss it's like oh well now I get his job .... it's a weird way of obtaining new jobs. Couldn't they just have you earn them buy doing certain stuff like for a monk help a monk with a quest.
All I know is that when I fight whoever the
time mage is, I'm going to go meta and drop SP to beat the shit out of them. WHOSE THE TIME MAGE NOW, BITCH?!


My understanding was that they tweaked the dialogue(moreso than the usual localization stuff).
It's probably something that's hard to properly gauge, visuals are straightforward because we all share the common ground that matters, but language can be a tricky thing. Some innuendo may not have been able to translate over properly with words that have double meaning in Japanese while their foreign language counterparts are completely unrelated, and some stuff can be subjective, I think there was an RE4 example that was just blunt in Japanese but innuendo in English.
I'm loving this game so far. One thing that kinda bothered me was the whole job thing.
I like that their is a big selections in jobs but when you see a boss it's like oh well now I get his job .... it's a weird way of obtaining new jobs. Couldn't they just have you earn them buy doing certain stuff like for a monk help a monk with a quest.

the job asterisk thingy will be explained later


Unconfirmed Member
Are you guys enjoying the English or Japanese dub better? I can't decide. I love subs, but the English VAs are surprisingly great.

EDIT: Gonna toss my FC into the ring. I'm very active in other games, but I only have 20 spots left. You guys are so kind. :)
Please send me a PM if you add me! I can't send you my GAF-acclaimed SwapNote drawings, but I can be an awesome ally!



Anyone wanna add me?


I'll do my best to add EVERYONE in that big ass list up above.

Are you guys enjoying the English or Japanese dub better? I can't decide. I love subs, but the English VAs are surprisingly great.

I'm really enjoying the Japanese dub. I think I prefer Ringabel's JP voice better, but I think they're both fine.

It will be a while until I received my copy, but feel free to add me. Make sure you PM or quote me.



I have a question for you guys. For those who bought the physical release, did it come with a little registration card for Square Enix's website?

I was wondering how I'm supposed to register my "copy" of the game since I bought it digitally through the eShop?


Unconfirmed Member
I have a question for you guys. For those who bought the physical release, did it come with a little registration card for Square Enix's website?

I was wondering how I'm supposed to register my "copy" of the game since I bought it digitally through the eShop?

No card, but it did come with a Club Nintendo code.


Strap on your hooker ...
I have a question for you guys. For those who bought the physical release, did it come with a little registration card for Square Enix's website?

I was wondering how I'm supposed to register my "copy" of the game since I bought it digitally through the eShop?
Square Enix registration cards only come with games that Square Enix publishes.


Finally got around to playing the demo, and I'm sure as shit picking this game up. I got about 40 slots on my friend roster left: 4639-9203-6187 (screen name is "pine cones")

I'll add people who PM me as well as the people on that list up there.


Decided to play it anyway despite having homework. What are the best classes for each character from those who played the JP version?


Neo Member
Alright I've collected everyone's FC that they posted in this thread. PM me if you want to be added I suppose.

Gaf name: Friend code

AcademicSaucer: 4012-3841-4625
ActStriker: 5284-1470-9856
Adam Prime: 3711-7239-3957
andylsun: 4468-1543-2080
Astarte: 5129-1498-5745

Baust: 4081-5505-0754
betterhalf: 1048-8492-3843
bodine1231: 1005-9452-9684
Brew124: 2750-1612-9258
Bucca: 0576-4573-1272

CcrooK: 0104-0606-2901
CertifiedFP: 5043-3176-7106
CoconutTank: 3007-8076-1049
commish: 3050-8202-3744
CrichtonKicks: 3437-3063-7441
Crumbtiny: 5284-2336-6820

DarkChronic: 0731-5307-6839
Dark Octave: 3668-9259-1166
demidar: 0361-6762-6094
DeuceGamer: 2809-8861-2752
devious.one: 1418-7585-0621
Dice//: 5258-0233-2151

Easystride: 4742-6699-6179

Fake Charlemagne: 2191-7815-7922
flc: 4639-9203-6187
frogg609: 0301-9787-5351

Gaz_RB: 0705-2549-2806
goblin: 5472-7153-6655

Human-Shield: 2449-6028-9833

Indrew: 3668-8833-5952

jacob armitage: 0619-3043-1337
joe2187: 0189-9840-1161

Kintaro: 3523-3329-8903

lemonlyman: 4425-1716-1788

mauaus: 3754-8161-4423
Mauricio_Magus: 1504-5738-5878
Maybesew: 2595-0813-1310
Mazre: 3024-6346-6995
Mbrill82: 2036-6958-0285
Metaledgeking: 3024-5320-8335
michaeltraps: 0903-2967-7500

necrolysis: 2492-4141-8846
Nintyb: 2724-0345-2695

ovii: 3625-9397-8180

PanderingMonk: 2423-2514-4317
pariah164: 1934-0839-3882
picklecannon: 0275-8876-8416
pikmin_trainer: 1461-7154-9357

Qord: 3926-5259-8072

Ravijn: 1693-1948-7158
razgriz417: 2637 9874 2211
RDreamer: 0662-4140-6435
Relucatant-Hero: 4210-4033-3949
rhinosmitty: 3239-2814-9241
RurouniZel: 1160-9808-6621

Sera O: 0619-3105-4695
Shengar: 3179-7054-4898
Soul Beat: 3566-1628-5922
spiritfox: 0404-6055-6338

tenren: 3995-7875-5641
terrisus: 3909-7510-2374
TheBatman: 0619-4526-7626

VRMN: 3523-2150-5412

Wilsongt: 1289-9119-8096
WonkyPanda: 1118-0259-1800
wrowa: 4468-1001-4124
Wunder: 4785-5303-9215

Xerotwo: 3711-6795-4578
XiaNaphryz: 5241-1921-7740
xKilltheMx: 0259-1115-6640

Zareth: 1091-7972-4321

Added many of you already! Feel free to add me if you wish. I'm about 3-4hours in and loving the game so far.

Tommy DJ

Any reason to keep anyone as freelance or can I just set Ringabell to MNK immediately?

There's two reasons to keep someone a Freelancer. For specific skills you want (JP Up or Mimic) or if you've mastered a lot of jobs by leveling them to level 14 since the Freelancer job stat allocation scales based on mastered jobs.

A lot of the time, it isn't worth keeping someone a Freelancer because it has a really limited skillset, no real weapon or armour specialization and it doesn't have optimized stat shuffling. Both are reasons why you pick give specific characters jobs.

*To clarify: choosing a job basically shuffles your base stats around, lets you use certain active abilities (the Monk's Strong Strike), and gives you specialization in certain armours and weapons which multiplies the effectiveness of them. It doesn't seem to impact stat gains during level ups so feel free to use any job that makes life easier for you/


Wind Crystal boss:

Thought I had to take down the 2 heads together, and kept getting destroyed by the 2 AOE attacks. Finally tried taking down 1 head first, and was surprised there wasn't a countdown or regeneration of that head. -_-

Also, QTE LOL.


There's two reasons to keep someone a Freelancer. For specific skills you want (JP Up or Mimic) or if you've mastered a lot of jobs by leveling them to level 14 since the Freelancer job stat allocation scales based on mastered jobs.

A lot of the time, it isn't worth keeping someone a Freelancer because it has a really limited skillset, no real weapon or armour specialization and it doesn't have optimized stat shuffling*. Both are reasons why you pick give specific characters jobs.

*To clarify: choosing a job basically shuffles your base stats around, lets you use certain active abilities (the Monk's Strong Strike), and gives you specialization in certain armours and weapons which multiplies the effectiveness of them. It doesn't seem to impact stat gains during level ups so feel free to use any job that makes life easier for you/

Treat is pretty good though, Freelancer Lv 2 ability. I use it to heal and save MP when I have an excess of turns stored up.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
What part are you up to? Think of them as puzzle battles, the AI is predictable so you can use Brave and Default at the right times.
At the final one now, my guys just weren't doing enough damage, like single digits were appearing. I guess I just can't bumrush anymore.
The "also plays on piece of garbage" logo is the worst, suppose this is going to be a thing from now on :/

Edit: Just a sticker, nevermind my overreaction :p


The "also plays on piece of garbage" logo is the worst, suppose this is going to be a thing from now on :/

Edit: Just a sticker, nevermind my overreaction :p
Yeah, I was about to comment there. As long as it STAYS a sticker I don't care. Should it ever be moved onto the cover proper without a more elegant solution (IE changing the banner to say 2DS & 3DS or something) then it'll be irritating.

CE is sexy as fuck


Decided to play it anyway despite having homework. What are the best classes for each character from those who played the JP version?

Any character can be made into a competent member of any job class. It's up to you, really. Just be sure not to neglect any aspect of a character, as all are important -- job, secondary abilities, support abilities, and equipment. Any one of these things being changed on a single character can end up having a very big impact on a boss battle.

Tommy DJ

My god, I've never realised how prehistoric the Nintendo friend system is with these numeric codes and limited character space for names.

My code is 2809-7988-8115 if anyone wants to add me.
Alright I've collected everyone's FC that they posted in this thread. PM me if you want to be added I suppose.

Gaf name: Friend code

AcademicSaucer: 4012-3841-4625
ActStriker: 5284-1470-9856
Adam Prime: 3711-7239-3957
andylsun: 4468-1543-2080
Astarte: 5129-1498-5745

Baust: 4081-5505-0754
betterhalf: 1048-8492-3843
bodine1231: 1005-9452-9684
Brew124: 2750-1612-9258
Bucca: 0576-4573-1272

CcrooK: 0104-0606-2901
CertifiedFP: 5043-3176-7106
CoconutTank: 3007-8076-1049
commish: 3050-8202-3744
CrichtonKicks: 3437-3063-7441
Crumbtiny: 5284-2336-6820

DarkChronic: 0731-5307-6839
Dark Octave: 3668-9259-1166
demidar: 0361-6762-6094
DeuceGamer: 2809-8861-2752
devious.one: 1418-7585-0621
Dice//: 5258-0233-2151

Easystride: 4742-6699-6179

Fake Charlemagne: 2191-7815-7922
flc: 4639-9203-6187
frogg609: 0301-9787-5351

Gaz_RB: 0705-2549-2806
goblin: 5472-7153-6655

Human-Shield: 2449-6028-9833

Indrew: 3668-8833-5952

jacob armitage: 0619-3043-1337
joe2187: 0189-9840-1161

Kintaro: 3523-3329-8903

lemonlyman: 4425-1716-1788

mauaus: 3754-8161-4423
Mauricio_Magus: 1504-5738-5878
Maybesew: 2595-0813-1310
Mazre: 3024-6346-6995
Mbrill82: 2036-6958-0285
Metaledgeking: 3024-5320-8335
michaeltraps: 0903-2967-7500

necrolysis: 2492-4141-8846
Nintyb: 2724-0345-2695

ovii: 3625-9397-8180

PanderingMonk: 2423-2514-4317
pariah164: 1934-0839-3882
picklecannon: 0275-8876-8416
pikmin_trainer: 1461-7154-9357

Qord: 3926-5259-8072

Ravijn: 1693-1948-7158
razgriz417: 2637 9874 2211
RDreamer: 0662-4140-6435
Relucatant-Hero: 4210-4033-3949
rhinosmitty: 3239-2814-9241
RurouniZel: 1160-9808-6621

Sera O: 0619-3105-4695
Shengar: 3179-7054-4898
Soul Beat: 3566-1628-5922
spiritfox: 0404-6055-6338

tenren: 3995-7875-5641
terrisus: 3909-7510-2374
TheBatman: 0619-4526-7626

VRMN: 3523-2150-5412

Wilsongt: 1289-9119-8096
WonkyPanda: 1118-0259-1800
wrowa: 4468-1001-4124
Wunder: 4785-5303-9215

Xerotwo: 3711-6795-4578
XiaNaphryz: 5241-1921-7740
xKilltheMx: 0259-1115-6640

Zareth: 1091-7972-4321

Basileus777: 0731-6050-8147
I have to say that one little twist hit me out of nowhere.

I´m sure no one saw that one coming.

No one ! The people who played it know what I´m refering to.


Edit: Enjoy, fellow americans !


I'm loving this game so far. One thing that kinda bothered me was the whole job thing.
I like that their is a big selections in jobs but when you see a boss it's like oh well now I get his job .... it's a weird way of obtaining new jobs. Couldn't they just have you earn them buy doing certain stuff like for a monk help a monk with a quest.
No, they couldn't. But the reason for it is one of the biggest spoilers of this game, so I won't tell you ;)
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