Is there some way to swap the d-pad and circle pad functions?
subjob was soooo powerful in the demo when you had Transcience and Turn Tables equipped. Not only did you take a lot less damage (Utsusemi), but your damage got majorly pumped due to Turn Tables.Ninja
Blah, Belphegor beating me up even though I'm doing the rotation thing. Might need to level up Spell Fencer since I only have one caster (BLM).
Is the recommended level always 10, or are there stronger/weaker versions?
I think I'm missing something obvious with ranger. My thief with the bow was doing way more damage with the bow. Sure the ranger is only level 3 right now while the thief was 9, but the difference is astounding. Is the reason the class is so popular the "attack [blank] enemy type" skills?
Is the recommended level always 10, or are there stronger/weaker versions?
Chapter 3 sidequest spoiler
I'm having more trouble with Kamiizumi than I did the Fire Temple boss. Every attack he does does over 2000 damage.
I think I'm missing something obvious with ranger. My thief with the bow was doing way more damage with the bow. Sure the ranger is only level 3 right now while the thief was 9, but the difference is astounding. Is the reason the class is so popular the "attack [blank] enemy type" skills?
So I thought I was in Chapter 1, but then I saw the actual Chapter 1 title screen and I thought, holy crap, I'm already five hours in, what the hell.
Nearly got throttled to death by the two sub-scenario bosses, but I made it (barely)! Starting to get a better feel for the combat system, which is good. Wondering if the Optimize function really works properly--it gave Edea a bow when she was a knight instead of the Long Sword, just because it had 1 damage higher. But that doesn't make any sense, right? It's not even a special bow, just a normal Iron Bow. And yeah, I guess it's two-handed, but it's graded D for knights. On the other hand, I checked all four stats tabs and it doesn't seem any worse than the sword. Is this just an oddity in the game, or do the letter grades not really matter, or is there some hidden stat that explains the discrepancy?
Thieves have high agi which increases hit count. The ranger is popular? I don't think it's all that good of a class. The "attack [blank] enemy type" skills aren't great in boss fights, and there are better ways to quickly kill random mobs.
however, because weapon rank also influences # of hits, which also influences damage, the bow won't do as much damage as the sword
It's weird, my Ranger is the highest sustained DPS, does about 1400 damage per attack (10~14 hits) and I'm nearing the end of chapter 3. I cal also use Targeting to increase damage even more since my Ranger has Miscellany as a sub-ability and doesn't use MP.
Are you using Angel Bows? That speaks more to how overpowered the item is if you get it early more than anything else. And a lot of the bosses are humans, which really hurts the Ranger's usefulness.
Ranger is a mediocre class because it doesn't have anything gamebreaking behind it, just minor DPS increases here and there
They do high sustained DPS though (maybe due to the Angel Bow). But yeah, Thieves are better bow wielders, since they get better skills.
So uh, any tips for level 20 Belphegor?
My party is all level 26: Knight, Thief, White Mage, and Black Mage.
Usually wipe after a few Firajas and Self-Destruct combo. I have Abate Fire and other defensive passives.
Get Examine, then use your Black Mage.
It goes Fire -> Water -> Lightning -> Fire (it doesn't necessarily start in that order, but whichever it's weak to first, use that, then follow up with the next, and so on.
Why can't I choose any support abilities? I have the following jobs open: freelancer, monk, white and black mage. I have the tutorial quest to choose an ability but when I go through that menu with those jobs, I don't have anything to select.
Did you level the jobs up high enough to unlock any?
Yeah I think DQ8 was the last JRPG to get me this involved. It's an odd feeling because in many ways it is more substantial than DQ8 and in many ways less. I'm trying to appreciate all the good that it offers rather than focus on and complain about missed potential.Just wanted to pop in again to state how much I love this damn game. I haven't been this over-joyed to play a jRPG since either Final Fantasy 9, Dragon Quest 8 or Dragon Quest 9.
This starts to fade into meaningless drivel, robotic-feeling stands, and running gags that aren't funny, but you still get some golden lines now and then.Then, we finally get to something that really sets this game over the edge for me, Party Chat. Sure, it's been done in other rpg's before, but not quite like this. The conversations that my team are having are just so damn believable and relevant. It's taking a world and breathing life into the characters to really make them seem as denizens of the world!
No, the small touches are really great wherever they are found and do take it up another notch or two. If it weren't for them I'd really be bothered by stuff like the limited sound design/music selection.Perhaps I'm over-reacting to these small things, but this game is fucking brilliant.
They're at level 2. At what level do I get support abilities?
Question, I came across a locked chest in the like the final dungeon area of the starting area, and I think another one in the Ancheim area. How do I open these?
I just discovered auto battle. I knew it was there but I never bothered to try it out.
Oh my gosh!
It's really annoying that I can't change the VA from the beginning. :/ This happened in Fire Emblem: Awakening too.
angel bow+100% encounter rate+auto battle+4X speed= being allowed to turn your brain off for hours and max your jobs in no time
Any tips on using Valkyrie? Just got it and changed Edea to one but they don't seem to hit very hard.
What level should I be forTwilight Ruins?
Any tips on using Valkyrie? Just got it and changed Edea to one but they don't seem to hit very hard.