I never got around to bothering with Crescent moon. Maybe I'll switch to Valkyrie next. Someone in the other thread told me where the best grind spot is so once I decide to finish this dungeon, I'm heading over there to max out all the things! Well, except the last two job classes I'll still need at that point.
Yeah. I'm gonna need close to 170,000 gp (if the information provided was correct) to get 2 falcon knives for when I get the ninja. If after chapter 2 I've barely made maybe 30K, there is no way in hell I'd make enough money outside of grinding for hours andhours.
Too bad you can't send specific Nemeses to other people without StreetPass. I'm always sending the Elixir Mammon, but no clue how many people get it.
Funny thing was I got two Mammons from a StreetPass meet; I killed them (since I have one already) but I have a good feeling they had Elixirs too. If so, thumbs up.
I never got around to bothering with Crescent moon. Maybe I'll switch to Valkyrie next. Someone in the other thread told me where the best grind spot is so once I decide to finish this dungeon, I'm heading over there to max out all the things! Well, except the last two job classes I'll still need at that point.
Yeah. I'm gonna need close to 170,000 gp (if the information provided was correct) to get 2 falcon knives for when I get the ninja. If after chapter 2 I've barely made maybe 30K, there is no way in hell I'd make enough money outside of grinding for hours andhours.
You won't even bother with that weapon by the time you get Ninja as you'll have the means to get Kunai. You for sure get one in a chest before you get Ninja but I think maybe two from chests ultimately and then I believe you can buy them in a reg shop and they are better than the falcon knife.
Too bad you can't send specific Nemeses to other people without StreetPass. I'm always sending the Elixir Mammon, but no clue how many people get it.
Funny thing was I got two Mammons from a StreetPass meet; I killed them (since I have one already) but I have a good feeling they had Elixirs too. If so, thumbs up.
Wish one was sent my way! I was sent an ether one yesterday so perhaps I'll start getting Mammons consistently! The expiration on the Asmodeus' is today, will they be gone when I update this evening? or not until midnight? I'm hoping the former so I have room in my village for new Nemesis'. My roommate has one on send so I've gotten two of them every day since it came out here and I have 5 of them in my town with another ready to pop in if I update streetpass so I'm going to do the network update to try and get new Nemesis' from strangers before I let my roommates' streetpass pop in hehe
Yeah I know it's lvl 1 but derp on me for not thinking about putting it as a secondary! Thanks for jogging the memory, can't believe I didn't think about that haha I'll try it out when I get home.
I wish there was a way to individually turn off exp gain. One cheap enemy attacking first when I wasn't paying attention and now Edea is behind the others to an annoying extent. I am seriously considering intentionally KOing everyone but her on some easier battles. /OCD
You won't even bother with that weapon by the time you get Ninja as you'll have the means to get Kunai. You for sure get one in a chest before you get Ninja but I think maybe two from chests ultimately and then I believe you can buy them in a reg shop and they are better than the falcon knife.
This game is great so far. I have to admit I'm doing a little more grinding than I would like (specifically for cash), though I'm still in Chapter 1. I really wish I could make use of these Abilinks, but I have like 1 3DS friend!
You won't even bother with that weapon by the time you get Ninja as you'll have the means to get Kunai. You for sure get one in a chest before you get Ninja but I think maybe two from chests ultimately and then I believe you can buy them in a reg shop and they are better than the falcon knife.
I'd be getting falcon knives for the agility boost, then combine it with the thief skill of godspeed strike and the dual wielding passive of ninja and it apparently does a LOT of damage.
I'd be getting falcon knives for the agility boost, then combine it with the thief skill of godspeed strike and the dual wielding passive of ninja and it apparently does a LOT of damage.
Oh ok, I just remember running through the store option and the damage was much lower so I wrote it off but I didn't think about the agility combinations to make it worthwhile. Is it still better than Assassin Dagger without using godspeed strike?
I wish there was a way to individually turn off exp gain. One cheap enemy attacking first when I wasn't paying attention and now Edea is behind the others to an annoying extent. I am seriously considering intentionally KOing everyone but her on some easier battles. /OCD
I was with you, but at a certain point the game broke me and I just let go. With how easily your jobs levels can be out of whack it doesn't really matter anyway.
Oh ok, I just remember running through the store option and the damage was much lower so I wrote it off but I didn't think about the agility combinations to make it worthwhile. Is it still better than Assassin Dagger without using godspeed strike?
You must be confusing it with another weapon, Falcon Knife is a weapon unlocked from developing Norende. And yeah, it has higher p.atk, so it will be stronger.
Yeah. I'm gonna need close to 170,000 gp (if the information provided was correct) to get 2 falcon knives for when I get the ninja. If after chapter 2 I've barely made maybe 30K, there is no way in hell I'd make enough money outside of grinding for hours andhours.
The build up depends on weapon type. With daggers you need to use items. With the staff you need use healing magic. Just go into the menu and go to special it's written somewhere there.
Ahhhhhh, I see. In order for the skill to be used, you just kept on meeting the requirement and you can use it anytime you want. Here I thought you just need to meet it once then there's a cooldown etc
There is a lot I adore about this game, but the biggest thing I can think of is the side quests.
Jesus Christ, this is what I've longed for in RPGs; to have the side missions matter, to be strong stories tied to the plot and not "go here and kill a snake!" to have enormous rewards for them, to be fully fleshed out and IMPORTANT, full effort and time taken to craft them with voice acting and animations and character models and everything.
Seriously. They are fantastic. You follow threads about what's wrong in the land, encounter important enemies who you have seen in main plot cut scenes, get an entire job class at the end of them sometimes more, flesh out more of the character and worlds and dialogue.
These side quests have weight they matter. Your actions have an effect on the game (relatively speaking).
It's absolutely fantastic. I wish all the side quests in every RPG ever looked to this and used it as the pinnacle that all side quests should aspire to be. It's not a quest to throw a middling reward at you, to have a way to get more XP than normal grinding, or any small and inconsequential reason. Characters die, plotlines change, it's great.
Only one I think that was similar was the hardest secret boss in Tales of the Abyss.
You fight someone incredibly important to the plot and a fairly large side character gets fucking killed before it.
You must be confusing it with another weapon, Falcon Knife is a weapon unlocked from developing Norende. And yeah, it has higher p.atk, so it will be stronger.
I must but the one I'm talking about is in Norende and is the only one I have unlocked and I only recently realized you get some for completing some of the shops, I thought you only got costumes for that. I have 3 or 4 shops that hadn't been completed yet when I went to bed but one will be done by the time I get home from work so soon the village will be complete, very soon! My bad Admiral, I thought I had all the weapons unlocked already so assumed it was the one I viewed from the Weapons shop haha
I was with you, but at a certain point the game broke me and I just let go. With how easily your jobs levels can be out of whack it doesn't really matter anyway.
I completely agree on the side quests and they are by far the best part of the game for me. The main plot is easily the weakest and normally that would be a deal breaker for me since story is the reason I play RPGs in the first place. The combat and job system are addictive with all the options we get and the music and side quests carry me through the game. It's always exciting knowing you're about to fight a new boss for their job. This will be one of very few if not the only example, of an RPG I really enjoyed despite having a weak main plot. Though to be fair, I'm only in Chapter 4 but the quality of plot between some of the side quests and the main narrative have been large at this point.
when they got copy and pasted for Chapters 5 and 6
Were they compulsory in the original? I remember they said they cut down the completion time from 100 hours to 30; I just guessed they made some stuff optional.
when they got copy and pasted for Chapters 5 and 6
Were they compulsory in the original? I remember they said they cut down the completion time from 100 hours to 30; I just guessed they made some stuff optional.
Oh yeah, that makes sense. I just did Chapter 1 in about half a hour with zero encounters and skipping all the scenes... Of course, you need to add the extra time for the bosses if it's your first run.
Yeah, that sounds right; so glad they changed it. Loved those battles too : D
I have a strong feeling I'm not going to be surprised at all when I get to the plot twist because I feel the Euro thread made it extremely obvious what happens without me even highlighting a single spoiler tag. I don't know what the details are or how exactly it will go down, but I think I know what the main twist is. We shall see, but not until I get my uber grind on!
Chapter 4
Is chapter 4 much shorter than those before it? I'm getting that impression so far. Considering you go damn near straight to the enemy base and then the Earth Crystal right after, I can't imagine there being much else besides the optional Vampire castle nearby.
(Chapter 3, possibly big spoilers for later? I'm not sure..)
Did the game just make it so incredibly obvious that Ringabel is Alternis? The way the scene transitioned from Alternis limping away to Ringbel limping back into the next cutscene was way too big of a clue, lol. And I had already started to suspect it anyways when Ringabel went to rest on the ship back in Chapter 1 (or beginning of Chapter 2, forget which) and then Alternis came to talk to Edea. And the "D" on the journal.. Alternis Dim... I feel like the game gives a little bit too large of hints unless I'm totally wrong.
I forgot to ask a while back, for those that have played through the game, when is it worth reading the Book of D? The amount of pages you get at the beginning of the game was too much fluff and I never read another entry. I heard it adds a lot of value to the story so I'm wondering where it's worth starting from?
(Chapter 3, possibly big spoilers for later? I'm not sure..)
Did the game just make it so incredibly obvious that Ringabel is Alternis? The way the scene transitioned from Alternis limping away to Ringbel limping back into the next cutscene was way too big of a clue, lol. And I had already started to suspect it anyways when Ringabel went to rest on the ship back in Chapter 1 (or beginning of Chapter 2, forget which) and then Alternis came to talk to Edea. And the "D" on the journal.. Alternis Dim... I feel like the game gives a little bit too large of hints unless I'm totally wrong.
there's no way it's literally him, he couldn't travel to their main base and back that quickly and frequently and some of the enemy cut scenes have been while our characters are in a dungeon together. I think maybe it's an alternate version of him or a clone or something and has to do with why he can't remember anything. I'm hoping I'll find out when I finish Chapter 4 or at least in Chapter 5
there's no way it's literally him, he couldn't travel to their main base and back that quickly and frequently and some of the enemy cut scenes have been while our characters are in a dungeon together. I think maybe it's an alternate version of him or a clone or something and has to do with why he can't remember anything. I'm hoping I'll find out when I finish Chapter 4 or at least in Chapter 5
Yeah, the plot twist is pretty decently telegraphed and then in Chapter 3, the way they edit the cut scenes makes it SUPER OBVIOUS.
Anywho, I think the Voice Acting is actually Surprisingly Good Tier. I was expecting awful, but they're not bad. Seem to know when to put inflections and actually have normal speech patterns. At worst, it's decent.
he's Alternis from the future or some nonsense and the cutscenes are just there for misdirection; the journal would make a lot more sense, and it would continue the theme of FF nostalgia. All the game would need then is a tree man from the moon and that's FF1-V sorted. The only problem here is it makes no goddamn sense for Edea not to recognize him, but that can chalked up to 'JRPG protagonists are morons'.
Just picked it up after having to go to 4 different stores because it was sold out everywhere. Really enjoying what I've played so far. I hadn't really followed the news about it because I didn't want to have anything spoiled, but yeah, it feel like they are trying to "reboot" Final Fantasy 1 in a way.
The AR thing was annoying. When I play games I don't sit at a table so it's always a hassle to use it.
XP progression is kind of weird. With the growth egg I'm already level 99 in Chapter 5. Once you reach lvl 70 you always need 70000 XP for next level up until the max level. Each character also has mastered 10-12 jobs each now.
Nemeses system is kind of buggy. I received a lvl 99 Beelzeebub where the name of the Nemesis is in Japanese and has an expiration of 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2014.
So just as expected with using an ablink skill that is way beyond my character's current job level, it's not as effective. Big pharm doesnt completely heal the monster I damage, but instead Im healing the sand worm an average of 600 health per auto battle turn, so Itll take me longer. But god damn if I'm not grateful. First round I jumped from 20K to 66K, bought one more holy/healing shield for ringabel and now the auto battle consists of
attack>>heal party>>big pharm
over and over again with maybe my character doing 100 more damage to the enemy so every now and then I remove the attack, heal him completely, and repeat the above.
edit: got cocky writing this and didnt check down lol. I heard the victory music. Now I'm at 304K. It's like gambling son, I dont know if I wanna stop now or go further. Maybe I'll stop for now as I doubt I'll need this much cash for a while and focus on leveling up my merchant properly.
I have a good single brave system with that. I'm workin on a soil eater and two blessed shields. Anges does two party heals with the shield, tiz does two big pharmas, edea does a regular attack then provokes, and ringabel does another party heal then a worm heal with the shield. I think the worm heal with the shield keeps things balanced, so long as edea doesn't crit too much. Everyone is equipped with abate earth so there is really no worry of him possibly exceeding the shield heals. It has been going a while now and I make 1400-1600 a round. Ultimate laziness!!
Nice. Another option for me would be to level up at least one character to level 11 merchant, then use the ablink on say edea to have it as a secondary skill and simply repeat everything the same but with a second character doing pharm which could guarantee getting 1200 per round. But I'm happy where I currently am at the moment money wise, I might consider it later if money becomes an issue again.
OMG what the hell have I been doing all the hours I've grinded in this game? Why oh why didn't I ever try Crescent Moon?? One person with just two swings wipes out the whole enemy party...the battle lasts two freaking seconds and this is the latest dungeon I'm at progress wise, not an early area. So much time wasted watching everyone attack 4 times, sometimes a person or two in a second round...Grinding will be so much better now! or more efficient anyway hehe
OMG what the hell have I been doing all the hours I've grinded in this game? Why oh why didn't I ever try Crescent Moon?? One person with just two swings wipes out the whole enemy party...the battle lasts two freaking seconds and this is the latest dungeon I'm at progress wise, not an early area. So much time wasted watching everyone attack 4 times, sometimes a person or two in a second round...Grinding will be so much better now! or more efficient anyway hehe
Money-wise it is completely broken. There are faster methods, but this one doesn't require me to move the stick. This is the cheapest thing since chocobo auto-battles in FFT, which is funny to consider.