I will go with incomparable. They are bothvtpg but gameplay is completely different.
On cell and at work.
Though.. FE has lon`qu.. who kills everything. Not even god could stop him
Morgan and Severa > Lon'qu. We will run far OT though...
I will go with incomparable. They are bothvtpg but gameplay is completely different.
On cell and at work.
Though.. FE has lon`qu.. who kills everything. Not even god could stop him
Both are long.Both have long playtime or replayability?
I can't even beat a single one. I'm level 54, is it too low?
The stormy breath twice in a row
Stopped at that part too. Had my ass handed by him, now I'm grinding a bit and working on new builds for my characters.
The journal is neat, but there's at least one instance where it spoiled me, on chapter 1. Now I wait a bit before reading updates, and read everything at once near the end of the chapter![]()
Are you talking about the Journal spoilingI read that before it happened and was like WTF. lolthat Owen dies?
Nah shouldn't be. I can offer you a really easy, cheesy strategy where you can't lose if you want.
four ninjas, two daggers each, abilities are Comeback Kid(ninja), Transience(ninja), Turn Tables(red mage), and Counter Amp (swordmaster). You can do sword magic for your secondary for more damage. As long as your ninjas are faster than the dragon you can't lose. Use utsusemi (or whatever that ability is that dodges one physical attack is). Every dragon attack is physical, so you will dodge everything, including the breath as long as you reuse that move after dodging. Then just brave spam when you can plus the sword magic of your choice and you'll win
Yes, that's it. I know it's a journal that tells the future, but I thought that part of the Journal was Ringabell writing as the events happenedor so it seems
My fault, so I keep away from it until I feel it's safe to read again, after big events and chapter ends.
Finally beatthe wyvern, I spam with specials lol
Niraj, Gulbis beat DelPo T.T
Guys, question about accessoriesgolden egg & growth, is the effect for the group or individual?
So I just started Chapter 3 and I'm level 58 with all my jobs a minimum level of 9. You guys think I should turn off xp gain?
So I just started Chapter 3 and I'm level 58 with all my jobs a minimum level of 9. You guys think I should turn off xp gain?
I will go with incomparable. They are bothvtpg but gameplay is completely different.
On cell and at work.
Though.. FE has lon`qu.. who kills everything. Not even god could stop him
I started Chapter 3 at like 34 or 35, so.. maybe, lol. Up to you, though.
(and I'm pretty sure I was slightly overleveled myself)
I think Ominas...
if any one wants to add me my N id is 4210-4312-9060 need that village populated
if any one wants to add me my N id is 4210-4312-9060 need that village populated
That side quest boss is kind of a wimpy bitch.Lvl 26 and just got to chapter 2. Only done 1 side quest and got theclass. I'm ok with my level? Seems like some people really over leveled, and somewhat I feel overpowered. I really whooped that side quest boss pretty easily.ranger
Question for the people that have advanced further into the game about the Lore support abilities. Are there any really strong combos to work towards? Most classes already have the ideal weapon class as an S skill. But I was thinking levelingto use withRanger for Bow LoreI was wondering if that's worth while, or if any other combo makes sense.Thief.
Oh ok, thanks for the input.That side quest boss is kind of a wimpy bitch.
But you're probably a good level. The last boss of the chapter may give you pause.
Lvl 26 and just got to chapter 2. Only done 1 side quest and got theclass. I'm ok with my level? Seems like some people really over leveled, and somewhat I feel overpowered. I really whooped that side quest boss pretty easily.ranger
Alright guys I need a good, even exploitive money making strat because I need to afford the eggs.
I'm at the beginning of Chapter 3, level 36.
Yeah, as soon as I unlocked the journal, I started to read it (all 128+ pages), but when I started getting into stuff that, I stopped. I suspect we are supposed to read it anyways, but I just didn't want to especially after that spoiler in Chapter 1. I'm pretty sure that part of the journal was Ringabel writing the events as it happened (I think only the first section shows more) - I think the devs just made a mistake on the timing. I could be wrong, though.hadn't happened yet
k postgame done.
has anyone had any luck getting a Red Flan to cast Venom?
Yes but I haven't tried without.Have you tried Hasten World? I hear monsters will use their abilities more frequently with BP.
Near the beginning of Chapter 3 is a place called Grapp Keep and this is going to help you power level and gain a lot of money quick. Here are the steps.
1. Buy 4 Sage's Staff. These staffs allow you to cast Raise.
2. Equip the Staff on all your characters and enter the Keep.
3. The best place to grind is the third floor and if you want to maximize your $ flow have a merchant class ready.
4. Brave 4x with all characters using the staff. Items -> Sage Staff -> Use -> Foe List -> Enemy of Choice.
5.This will auto kill all the enemies in the dungeon since they're all undead.
6. Profit
*You can power level a merchant to level 11 to get a move called Big Pharma and use this for an infinite money glitch*
Have you tried Hasten World? I hear monsters will use their abilities more frequently with BP.
Fucking sweet. Thanks dude.
Squeenix just sent me something called like Be Mine;White Fox or something. I assume it's a Valentines Day nemesis, but the image looks like Mammon.
So did thelast night in ch. 2 and got spanked. Should have had time slip on... Any accessories that absorb or lessen lightning attacks?side quest for the red mage job
Once you beat Chapter 5 the game drops in quality so much. I guess this is some crazy Japanese conception of what purgatory is like. I was having a great time but now it's more tedious than fun.
I cheesed him too with a few of my high-powered friend summons. I had no choice. That son of a bitch kicked my face in on the demo. I'll be damned if I was going to be punked again!I did cheese thewith gifts from the trader in the wind temple. Down in 1 turn.Dragon