I just got theclass, and I've hear people saying its OP but I'm not sure why yet. What makes it so good?salve-maker
Compound items. Go steal Fulmen shards near the town near the wind temple. They will be very useful soon.
I just got theclass, and I've hear people saying its OP but I'm not sure why yet. What makes it so good?salve-maker
Compound items. Go steal Fulmen shards near the town near the wind temple. They will be very useful soon.
No, you can't miss it. Requirements are easy too.
It's the "normal" ending that's hard to get...
What mob do you steal it from?
TBH, I've used high-powered friend summons to take out foes who are giving me trouble. You want to talk about a pain the ass,Well, I've apparently found my first "wall" of the game. Early Chapter 2 sidequest:
That goddamnedsummoner fight. Her summoning Giratinablublu or whatever it's called takes off like 85-100% of my characters' max HP if they aren't defaulting, which sets me scrambling to heal back up before she does it again. Throw in the summoned soldiers who have some strong attacks in their own right and can inflict confuse, and there's just no way to recover aside from burning a special attack heal.
I don't think that I'm just woefully underleveled since everything else has been manageable up to this point, but I'm at a loss as to how to rearrange my party in such a way that her primary attack doesn't just cripple me. Even worse is that I go into this fight now knowing thatGuh.summoning has no BP cost, so technically she could just brave-summon twice at the very beginning of the fight and auto-win, or summon Giratina on every turn, but the AI just opts not to. The game is trolling the shit out of me.
The stats for equipment in this game, is throwing me off. Whatever is said in the status screen kinds of contradict the actual stat bonuses. Take the first shop of the game in Caldisla. Leather Armor and Linen Cuirass. 4 PD and 1 MD for both of them...and yet the Linen Cuirass offer a higher Magic Defense bonus than the Armor with the same MD 1.
Shit drives me crazy.
Also...how viable is Red Mage in the endgame? I just love Edea's look with it and I don't want to switch her out of that, as her main.
The stats for equipment in this game, is throwing me off. Whatever is said in the status screen kinds of contradict the actual stat bonuses. Take the first shop of the game in Caldisla. Leather Armor and Linen Cuirass. 4 PD and 1 MD for both of them...and yet the Linen Cuirass offer a higher Magic Defense bonus than the Armor with the same MD 1.
Shit drives me crazy.
Also...how viable is Red Mage in the endgame? I just love Edea's look with it and I don't want to switch her out of that, as her main.
The stats for equipment in this game, is throwing me off. Whatever is said in the status screen kinds of contradict the actual stat bonuses. Take the first shop of the game in Caldisla. Leather Armor and Linen Cuirass. 4 PD and 1 MD for both of them...and yet the Linen Cuirass offer a higher Magic Defense bonus than the Armor with the same MD 1.
Shit drives me crazy.
Also...how viable is Red Mage in the endgame? I just love Edea's look with it and I don't want to switch her out of that, as her main.
I'm really enjoying theclass. I have it on Agnes. I think I like it better than white mage, since they basically have a free cura every turn.salve maker
But man is the Ninja sub quest long. I was trying to get it done before work, but they talked so much (I don't skip cutscenes).
It learns up to lvl 4 magic. So nope. If it learnt lvl 5 magic it might still be useful.
Okay, silly question here, but how do you change your personal friend summon character? My friend summon character is so weak compared to others.
Whatever move you want to send, you select summon friend and then send. It'll send the damage of whatever the first move is that you do.
Just about every mob there on the world map.
Salve-Maker is probably my favourite support class. They can do so much more than just heal. Heal Lore is so good. Phoenix Down + Potion is awesome.
kinda wish I didn't end up being OP so I could experiment with all the classes. I just cheesed everything and I couldn't help myself ;_;Salve-Maker is probably my favourite support class. They can do so much more than just heal. Heal Lore is so good. Phoenix Down + Potion is awesome.
kinda wish I didn't end up being OP so I could experiment with all the classes. I just cheesed everything and I couldn't help myself ;_;
The instances where I could have used that Salvemaker compound that doubles max HP, well I never had a chance to do that stuff.
I just hit Chapter 4 and I'm losing interest. The story is awful.
They will disappear once you finish the chapter.I made it to Chapter 5 and the first boss killed me in one turn. I guess I need to level some more jobs for abilities and get some better gear.
Do the subquests in Chapter 5 disappear or are they available the rest of the game? I want to do them all, but I don't know if I want to do them all in one chapter.
They will disappear once you finish the chapter.
That sucks. :/
I almost forgot. I'm missing one job. Am I supposed to be missing one at this point or did I miss a subquest somewhere?
Holy shit at this difficulty jump in chapter 4. Just getting annihilated and I'm level sixty with all my jobs exceptat level 9+. Guess I need to mess around with my setup a lot more.ninja
Also Egil sucks, wish he had.fallen into the lava
Level 60? Are you playing on hard?
I managed to get through fine on hard, Just started chapter 5 at level 55.