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BrazilGAF |OT| of Samba, Carnaval... and letting GAF have a sample of it all!


People think you are trolling because, as people said, the general media is REALLY pushing the economy disaster because they are not fan of the goverment and there is a small portion of the population wanting some impeachment, where a more "media friendly" president will arrise (PMDB's Temer, president of the "democrat" [read : republican] party) instead of a liberal woman whose main focus is assistentialism

The media pushes the disaster in kinda hilarious ways sometimes, like how they clearly manipulate the images they show when impeachment protests arrise and when they give the news that some industry's profits arrised, "despite the crisis" (apesar da crise).

So the economy is bad, but the media makes it sound that we are at the brink of an apocalypse

this year we gonna have a recession of at least 2% and a very high chance of having a recession next year also, while inflation is reaching high digits with no salaries being increased because of the crisis, it's not the apocalypse, but the country is not far away from that.

and how is Temer republican and Dilma is liberal? are you high?


The famous Netflix Tax passed

Also included in the tax are tatoos, piercings, cremation and cemitery related things, which are the closest our country will ever reach from taxing churches

this year we gonna have a recession of at least 2% and a very high chance of having a recession next year also, while inflation is reaching high digits with no salaries being increased because of the crisis, it's not the apocalypse, but the country is not far away from that.

and how is Temer republican and Dilma is liberal? are you high?

I tryed to make him understand .... USA political parties does not work on brazil =P
Dilma has more politics that helps the poor and temer only cares about what makes him rich

Also, "inflation reaching high digits" you probably wasn't old enoght to remember but in the PSDB years we had product with one price in the morning and another in the afternoon. Those were high digits of inflation =P


Also, "inflation reaching high digits" you probably wasn't old enoght to remember but in the PSDB years we had product with one price in the morning and another in the afternoon. Those were high digits of inflation =P

I was a kid but a I remember that literally everyday even the bread was more expensive than the day before.


Não é possível criar impostos ou taxar igrejas. Literalmente, só com uma Constituição nova, e mesmo assim, tem quem ache que não seria possível (como eu).


Also, "inflation reaching high digits" you probably wasn't old enoght to remember but in the PSDB years we had product with one price in the morning and another in the afternoon. Those were high digits of inflation =P

I was a kid but a I remember that literally everyday even the bread was more expensive than the day before.
Overnight. Acho que o nome era esse, ou tinha algo a ver com isso. A inflação nessa época chegava a valores de 4 dígitos (> 1000%) ao ano. Eu ainda era criança pequena no início da década de 90 e não lembro de muita coisa, mas deve ter sido algo surreal... economia brutalmente volátil.

Mas sei lá... a conjuntura econômica (e política) dessa época era completamente diferente. Acho improvável que aconteça algo parecido hoje.
Ou, talvez, seja apenas wishful thinking da minha parte, haha! B)

Tiu Neo

The famous Netflix Tax passed

Also included in the tax are tatoos, piercings, cremation and cemitery related things, which are the closest our country will ever reach from taxing churches

I tryed to make him understand .... USA political parties does not work on brazil =P
Dilma has more politics that helps the poor and temer only cares about what makes him rich

Also, "inflation reaching high digits" you probably wasn't old enoght to remember but in the PSDB years we had product with one price in the morning and another in the afternoon. Those were high digits of inflation =P

Actually, FHC government ended that. You know, one of the PSDB presidents. The inflation is a lot older than that. It started going down back in 94, and stabilized near the end of his second term, iirc. Lula did well, keeping it low. It was a long term solution, like the one Dilma will have to take, probably. I hope it happens earlier, but maybe only the next president will see the results.

I think both PSDB and PT are too close for us to really paint one as a hero and another as a villain. PSDB may be a bit more economy-oriented, while PT is a bit more people-oriented, but both have programs and proposals on both sides. If you want something very different, maybe see those crazy christian parties, or the communist parties, on the other side.

The biggest problem on Brasil isn't who is the president, really. Aécio would be a bit better for the economy, because most of the political reasons that are the problem right now wouldn't be here, but... he is part of the problem, too, since he is one of the people who wants this government to be impopular, and fucks up every proposal.
So how is your economy doing?

Are thing looking up for the country in general?

Actually, FHC government ended that. You know, one of the PSDB presidents. The inflation is a lot older than that. It started going down back in 94, and stabilized near the end of his second term, iirc. Lula did well, keeping it low. It was a long term solution, like the one Dilma will have to take, probably. I hope it happens earlier, but maybe only the next president will see the results.

I think both PSDB and PT are too close for us to really paint one as a hero and another as a villain. PSDB may be a bit more economy-oriented, while PT is a bit more people-oriented, but both have programs and proposals on both sides. If you want something very different, maybe see those crazy christian parties, or the communist parties, on the other side.

The biggest problem on Brasil isn't who is the president, really. Aécio would be a bit better for the economy, because most of the political reasons that are the problem right now wouldn't be here, but... he is part of the problem, too, since he is one of the people who wants this government to be impopular, and fucks up every proposal.

Brazilian politics sound strange. How would you guys paint the two main parties? Left wing? Big tent? Economic liberal/conservative?

Here is a forbes article about the economic situation in english

edit : it even has "brazil shoot itself on the foot" ... totaly a neogaf reference =P
Thanks, but I don't really like Forbes too much. Regardless it does give some perspective on the country.

Tiu Neo

Brazilian politics sound strange. How would you guys paint the two main parties? Left wing? Big tent? Economic liberal/conservative?

It's... complicated. I'll try to explain, but there's probably someone who can do that a lot better than me.

There are a lot of parties, small and big. If compared with the american system, I'd say most of them are left wing. What may seem stranger to you is that a lot of those parties are also conservative. Most parties are not liberal at all, with very few exceptions, and even those are in favour of government interference on a lot of things. Basically:

- Most of them are pro social programs.
- Most of them call themselves socialist.
- Some of them are clearly religious, and even put that on the party name. Things like "Christian Socialist Party". Those are, most of the times, conservative, of course.
- There are a few crazy super-socialist/communist parties. There was one super-crazy right-wing party, but it disbanded a few years ago. There are few right-wing parties, but I don't think a lot of people take those seriously.
- However, there ARE some super-crazy right wing candidates on some parties.

Oh, yeah, there's this really confusing thing, that on elections, parties form alliances, so they can get favors, money or more advertisement time on TV and reach more people. Each party has an allocated free adversiment time on TV and radio, near the elections. Some parties do not have candidates for some things, so we can have a president candidate from one party that helps an governor candidate from another party's campaign, for example.

If I had to choose, I'd say the three biggest parties we have are PT, PSDB and PMDB. The first one is a bit more left-wing than others, and is currently on power, since 2003. The second one is a bit more liberal, and was on power from 94 to 2002.

And PMDB... is the one who always allies to whoever is on the power. It has a lot of known corrupt politicians, but has a lot of influence. It was allied with PT on the last elections, and our vice-president is from that party, but currently it's divided between supporting the government and being the opposition. It's kinda clear the vice-president is preparing himself to be the president.

One thing to take into consideration is that... candidates, here, sometimes are on parties that have nothing to do with what they believe. You can find right-wing candidates on parties that call themselves socialist, for example. Sometimes, its all because of the money.

There is a big problem here, with a considerable amount of people not really feeling represented by any party. It's pretty confusing, and some people pretty much ignore parties at all and vote for the candidates. There are a few new parties showing up now, but it's not THAT easy to form a party to participate the elections.


It's... complicated. I'll try to explain, but there's probably someone who can do that a lot better than me.

There are a lot of parties, small and big. If compared with the american system, I'd say most of them are left wing. What may seem stranger to you is that a lot of those parties are also conservative. Most parties are not liberal at all, with very few exceptions, and even those are in favour of government interference on a lot of things. Basically:

- Most of them are pro social programs.
- Most of them call themselves socialist.
- Some of them are clearly religious, and even put that on the party name. Things like "Christian Socialist Party". Those are, most of the times, conservative, of course.
- There are a few crazy super-socialist/communist parties. There was one super-crazy right-wing party, but it disbanded a few years ago. There are few right-wing parties, but I don't think a lot of people take those seriously.
- However, there ARE some super-crazy right wing candidates on some parties.

Oh, yeah, there's this really confusing thing, that on elections, parties form alliances, so they can get favors, money or more advertisement time on TV and reach more people. Each party has an allocated free adversiment time on TV and radio, near the elections. Some parties do not have candidates for some things, so we can have a president candidate from one party that helps an governor candidate from another party's campaign, for example.

If I had to choose, I'd say the three biggest parties we have are PT, PSDB and PMDB. The first one is a bit more left-wing than others, and is currently on power, since 2003. The second one is a bit more liberal, and was on power from 94 to 2002.

And PMDB... is the one who always allies to whoever is on the power. It has a lot of known corrupt politicians, but has a lot of influence. It was allied with PT on the last elections, and our vice-president is from that party, but currently it's divided between supporting the government and being the opposition. It's kinda clear the vice-president is preparing himself to be the president.

One thing to take into consideration is that... candidates, here, sometimes are on parties that have nothing to do with what they believe. You can find right-wing candidates on parties that call themselves socialist, for example. Sometimes, its all because of the money.

There is a big problem here, with a considerable amount of people not really feeling represented by any party. It's pretty confusing, and some people pretty much ignore parties at all and vote for the candidates. There are a few new parties showing up now, but it's not THAT easy to form a party to participate the elections.
Dude, no need to post that wall text. You can summarize the Brazilian politics with just a pic.


PS: the crying monster baby at the sink is called Aécio.


I have to say that I don't know the first thing about politics. I usually vote in the candidates that my father, who is very into politics, tell me to vote. Yeah, I'm probably part of the problem.


I usualy vote for PSOL because they are crazy enoght to support even stuff that will totaly not happen here like Church taxes, 1% rich taxes, gender law and drug legalization so every single one of then that enters the legislation is a good one
Porra, na mesma semana encontrei o Tales of Xillia 2 usado (mas sem sacanagem basicamente novo) por 39 dilmas e o Yakuza 4 novo por 29.

Alguém já teve uma fase boa dessas?


Danganronpa tb mas eu acho que dá pra usar os animes pra quebrar uns galhos antes do 3 =T

O primeiro anime é só de DR1. Já existe anime do 2? E ainda teria o Ultra Despair Girls...
Acho que todos aqui recomendarão fortemente que você adie DR3 até que você possa jogar todos os jogos da série na ordem de lançamento.

Mas claro, agora que DR3 foi anunciado pra PS4 não é impossível que os outros sejam portados também.


O primeiro anime é só de DR1. Já existe anime do 2? E ainda teria o Ultra Despair Girls...
Acho que todos aqui recomendarão fortemente que você adie DR3 até que você possa jogar todos os jogos da série na ordem de lançamento.

Mas claro, agora que DR3 foi anunciado pra PS4 não é impossível que os outros sejam portados também.

Eu entendi que vai ter que ter anime do 2...danganronpa faz muito sucesso... mas sim eu vou esperar....ou jogar o q der de algum jeito no psp, preciso treinar meu jap mesm @_@


Terminei Persona 4, True ending(na verdade Golden ending), Bom jogo, já fez valer a compra do Vita.
Agora vou voltar e terminar Majora's Mask.


Até sair DR3 o dólar já baixou e será possível arranjar um PSTV por uns 200~250 reais (com impostos e frete). Na Amazon já tá pouco acima de 30 dólares, daqui a pouco tão dando de graça.


Mas e a grana pra P5, Final fantasy XV, Setsuna, KH3, Odin sphere HD, o outro jogo da vanillaware e meu segundo controle pro MKX valer a pena D:?

eu acho que esqueci alguns jogos da minha lista pq pqp 2015/16 tá louco

Edit: e Zero escape 3


Comecei o dia bem, Resident Evil Revelations 2 do Vita foi enviado.
Agora é só esperar para ir buscar no correio e pagar o imposto.
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