Nothing like you've ever danced before.
How different from Argentinian Tango is it ?
Nothing like you've ever danced before.
How different from Argentinian Tango is it ?
I'm going dancing Samba with my new Brazilian girlfriend this weekend. I have never danced Samba before. What should I expect ?
How different from Argentinian Tango is it ?
Is it true that Brazilian friends of opposite sex will sometimes hold hands when being together ? I'm talking about two people who are sexually attracted to the other's gender and who are in a strictly platonic relationship.
Is it true that Brazilian friends of opposite sex will sometimes hold hands when being together ? I'm talking about two people who are sexually attracted to the other's gender and who are in a strictly platonic relationship.
Is it true that Brazilian friends of opposite sex will sometimes hold hands when being together ? I'm talking about two people who are sexually attracted to the other's gender and who are in a strictly platonic relationship.
Is it true that Brazilian friends of opposite sex will sometimes hold hands when being together ? I'm talking about two people who are sexually attracted to the other's gender and who are in a strictly platonic relationship.
Is it true that Brazilian friends of opposite sex will sometimes hold hands when being together ? I'm talking about two people who are sexually attracted to the other's gender and who are in a strictly platonic relationship.
Is it true that Brazilian friends of opposite sex will sometimes hold hands when being together ? I'm talking about two people who are sexually attracted to the other's gender and who are in a strictly platonic relationship.
Where did you buy them?
Nessa loja tem vários amiibos, nunca comprei lá mas um amigo comprou o Wii U dele lá e disse que a loja é muito boa, entregam rápido e tem suporte até por whatsapp. lol
Eta nomezinho hein. :lol
Caramba, comprei recentemente um 3DS XL e tava difícil achar Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask. Até usado foi meio complicado de achar. Mas então, onde vocês costumam comprar seus jogos de 3DS?
A maioria dos meus jogos também é no eShop, mas comprados antes dessa porcaria que fizeram com os cartões aí. Caí na bobeira de associar a minha conta brasileira no 3DS, e agora não tem mais como mudar para o Canada para continuar comprando no cartão.
Tem uma série de games que eu ainda quero comprar:
- Bravely Default;
- Final Fantasy Curtain Call;
E daqui a pouco:
- Monster Hunter 4;
- Zelda MM;
- Devil Survivor 2.
Caramba, comprei recentemente um 3DS XL e tava difícil achar Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask. Até usado foi meio complicado de achar. Mas então, onde vocês costumam comprar seus jogos de 3DS?
A maioria dos meus jogos também é no eShop, mas comprados antes dessa porcaria que fizeram com os cartões aí. Caí na bobeira de associar a minha conta brasileira no 3DS, e agora não tem mais como mudar para o Canada para continuar comprando no cartão.
Tem uma série de games que eu ainda quero comprar:
- Bravely Default;
- Final Fantasy Curtain Call;
E daqui a pouco:
- Monster Hunter 4;
- Zelda MM;
- Devil Survivor 2.
So are there any Homeworld fans here? I need the collectors edition of the remaster, but it's sold out everywhere except amazon uk, where it costs 99... pounds. This means 400 reais, so how much would it cost me to import this? An arm? A leg? (A kidney? Dthis kind of edtions what kind of taxes recieve in Brazil?
So are there any Homeworld fans here? I need the collectors edition of the remaster, but it's sold out everywhere except amazon uk, where it costs 99... pounds. This means 400 reais, so how much would it cost me to import this? An arm? A leg? (A kidney? Dthis kind of edtions what kind of taxes recieve in Brazil?
So are there any Homeworld fans here? I need the collectors edition of the remaster, but it's sold out everywhere except amazon uk, where it costs 99... pounds. This means 400 reais, so how much would it cost me to import this? An arm? A leg? (A kidney? Dthis kind of edtions what kind of taxes recieve in Brazil?
So are there any Homeworld fans here? I need the collectors edition of the remaster, but it's sold out everywhere except amazon uk, where it costs 99... pounds. This means 400 reais, so how much would it cost me to import this? An arm? A leg? (A kidney? Dthis kind of edtions what kind of taxes recieve in Brazil?
Como alguem que jogou Monica no Castelo do Dragão até fazer calos, essa história do novo Wonder Boy ser um reskin de outro jogo é absolutamente hilaria xD
Eu sou o cara com camisa do Everlast do lado do Shang Tsung sensual. Olha mãe, tô famoso.
Nem me fale cara. Ralei 2 anos pra entrar na Federal do Rio e quando entrei no curso não gostei e larguei depois de 2 períodos.Meu irmão não passou na Fuvest.
Malditos vestibulares, cara. O moleque se esforçou pra caramba o ano inteiro :/
Sistema desgraçado.
Enem não melhorou o negócio?
I'll be in Rio de Janeiro for carnival Feb 10th - 23rd.
Nice! Hope you enjoy!
Enem não melhorou o negócio?
E se você acrescentar o fato que a correção do ENEM não é la das melhores...