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Breaking Bad - Season 4 - Sundays on AMC

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Anyone else kinda happy the season ended on a happy note?

I say happy note because; Walt won, Gus is dead, Brock survived, entire family is still alive and Jesse and Walt are back being buddies.

Seriously this felt like a series finale. The wait for season 4 almost killed me but I don't even care about season 5. It could air 2 years from now and I wouldn't mind.


Discotheque said:
true, biggest troll in the Breaking Bad thread. I sometimes doubt he even believes what he's posting.

Oh, come on.

There's no way this is true when you're talking about a field that includes amirox.


Mr.Swag said:
Anyone else kinda happy the season ended on a happy note?

I say happy note because; Walt won, Gus is dead, Brock survived, entire family is still alive and Jesse and Walt are back being buddies.

Seriously this felt like a series finale. The wait for season 4 almost killed me but I don't even care about season 5. It could air 2 years from now and I wouldn't mind.

Maybe you need to watch the Jesse/Walt handshake again. Jesse is scared of Walt right now.

As a matter of fact that whole rescue Jesse scenario was done to make the viewer scared of Walt. Watch the way he walks toward Jesse. You'd think he was going to shoot him.


daw840 said:
Would anyone be willing to make me a new avatar with half a face?
As good as it gets.


This ended on a happy note because the series will not.

This is actually the calm before the storm.

The consequences weren't Gus. They're in Jesse and Hank. And they're coming.
Javaman said:
Easy, security footage at the retirement home. The cops are going to want to see who brought the old man the explosives. Gus might have been careful with his footage but they had no control over the retirement home's recording.
Yeah, i think this will link Walt to everything. I mean he met the old man in the common room the first time. Even if there aren't cameras, people either saw him there or the old woman saw him outside the window. Granted, without cameras it will just be Heisenberg and not Walt they will find out about.


If they do play the series out with Walt vs. Jesse, does anyone think they'll have Jesse figure out a way to outsmart Walt.

Wouldn't it be cool if this "dumb kid" tricked his mentor?


Water is not wet!
Speevy said:
If they do play the series out with Walt vs. Jesse, does anyone think they'll have Jesse figure out a way to outsmart Walt.

Wouldn't it be cool if this "dumb kid" tricked his mentor?
i think that Walt will completely underestimate Jesse if/when that happens.


daw840 said:
Would anyone be willing to make me a new avatar with half a face?

Er, so what if you post in other topics and people see it referencing what happened in the finale? What if they haven't seen the series yet and plan to watch it? That's spoilers right there.


Bruiserk said:
Er, so what if you post in other topics and people see it referencing what happened in the finale? What if they haven't seen the series yet and plan to watch it? That's spoilers right there.
That's why i terminatored him.
q_q said:
Really? Explain to me how it's possible for one person to be completely blown apart by a bomb but a person one foot away from him with no barrier somehow has his entire body in tact and has the ability, despite a grievous wound to the head that too off half of his face, to get up, calmly walk away, and adjust his tie before finally dying. Explain that to me.
Dude, it's expressionism. The show's been flirting with it on and off since at LEAST season two. And you know what? It ain't that weird. Thank god the show's refused to cow to some dumb strain of strict realism as it's become more popular. One of the greatest feats of Breaking Bad is its willingness to keep pushing the stylistic envelope even as its audience begins to demand more conservative brands of storytelling.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Speevy said:
I think the idea was that Gus knew he was dead, but he had too much pride not to leave the room on his own two feet.
Seemed pretty spot on to me that they were giving him one last Terminator Gus moment that the audience had been eating up all season (walking into sniper fire, escaping the poisoning) before they panned over and revealed this indeed was the end. It was the ultimate stylistic cap in a show that has always been obsessed with distinct visual moments that get burned into memory. The fact that Gilligan & co was so insistent for months of FX work to make this The Shot shows how important it was to them that they put an end to the Gus story like that. Saying he should have taken some shrapnel or stumbled around, just wouldn't be like the Gus we've seen for 2.35 seasons. In a show like The Wire, I'd ask for more, but with all the liberties the show has taken to this point, it didn't just get away with this kind of shot, it earned it.

As for the perspective on Gus' death, with the door being blown off and all, I take the perspective that Gus got up and already turned for the door. His back to Tio, the only way the pressure escapes that room is through the door - right half of his body is in the doorway, right half of his body getting blown off. I don't know shit about physics or bomb making and I'm sure this logic probably sounds absolutely retarded to someone who does, but that's my suspension of belief. Huell switching packs with Jesse and banking on the "fact" that his pack had exactly the same amount of cigarettes (or that the whole plan hinged on Jesse not leaving his pack in the car) requires more suspension than that.
mattiewheels said:
The way I see that final shot of Gus' is as a VERY stylized curtain call. I cringed when I saw it originally, but I tried to think of a better way to close that scene (and his character) and think what they did works pretty well in many ways, if I see it as something kinda divorced from reality for a moment.
This is pretty spot on (though I never found it cringe-worthy in the least).


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Speevy said:
I think the idea was that Gus knew he was dead, but he had too much pride not to leave the room on his own two feet.
The only thing I was struggling with is that Gus seemed like he knew he was dead when he was getting ready to go into the retirement home. I wondered why he needed to do the deed himself since the whole Tio DEA thing seemed so unlikely and he just thwarted an attempt on his own life last episode. Is it the same pride issue that Walt suffers from, maybe?
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Seemed pretty spot on to me that they were giving him one last Terminator Gus moment that the audience had been eating up all season (walking into sniper fire, escaping the poisoning) before they panned over and revealed this indeed was the end. It was the ultimate stylistic cap in a show that has always been obsessed with distinct visual moments that get burned into memory. The fact that Gilligan & co was so insistent for months of FX work to make this The Shot shows how important it was to them that they put an end to the Gus story like that. Saying he should have taken some shrapnel or stumbled around, just wouldn't be like the Gus we've seen for 2.35 seasons. In a show like The Wire, I'd ask for more, but with all the liberties the show has taken to this point, it didn't just get away with this kind of shot, it earned it.
I am behind this 100% and not just because we both happened to post the words "pretty spot on" near-simultaneously.
mattiewheels said:
The only thing I was struggling with is that Gus seemed like he knew he was dead when he was getting ready to go into the retirement home. I wondered why he needed to do the deed himself since the whole Tio DEA thing seemed so unlikely and he just thwarted an attempt on his own life last episode. Is it the same pride issue that Walt suffers from, maybe?
This. It looked like he was tearing up in the car. Which was weird.
maharg said:
I think part of the problem in the last few pages is that some people seem to believe in some kind of biological and statistical precision that isn't really possible. That Walt could poison a kid with exactly the right dose to make him almost die but never actually die, make a bomb that would only ever hurt the people inside a room he didn't really know the layout of, or that if you're near or in an explosion you die instantly and that's just the way it works.

None of these things are true, and I actually think Breaking Bad deserves *more* credit for realism than people are giving it here. Because life is weird and complex.

If you're 'touch and go', you can die. The shape of an explosion (especially from a homemade pipebomb) is complex, and people really do get up from having their faces blown off.

Except I'm not complaining about the realism of the scene. I'm complaining about that type of scene being written into the episode. For a show that spends 15 minutes on Hank with minerals, you'd think we could get a 30 second scene of the aftermath of the explosion instead of a walking corpse.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
LQX said:
Tyrus had a real evil vibe to him. He would make great villain in movies.
He'd slide right into the villain role of like half a dozen PG-13 slasher movies they release around January/February.


Puddles said:
Oh, come on.

There's no way this is true when you're talking about a field that includes amirox.

no you see I don't think Walt is sympathetic, because I'm not insane. You're thinking of yourself.


Probably mentioned, but since Gus had cameras planted all over the laundry facility, isn't there going to be footage of:

1) Walt killing those two dudes by the elevator
2) Walt telling Jesse about Gus's death
3) Walt and Jesse burning down the laundry facility

Gus's laptop at Pollos Hermanos probably has loads of evidence on it.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Sean said:
Probably mentioned, but since Gus had cameras planted all over the laundry facility, isn't there going to be footage of:

1) Walt killing those two dudes by the elevator
2) Walt telling Jesse about Gus's death
3) Walt and Jesse burning down the laundry facility

Gus's laptop at Pollos Hermanos probably has loads of evidence on it.
I dunno, I'd bet that Gus had either just a live feed or measures to be sure no random person (particularly once Hank was on his case) could walk in a bug his office / snatch that footage.


Sean said:
Probably mentioned, but since Gus had cameras planted all over the laundry facility, isn't there going to be footage of:

1) Walt killing those two dudes by the elevator
2) Walt telling Jesse about Gus's death
3) Walt and Jesse burning down the laundry facility

Gus's laptop at Pollos Hermanos probably has loads of evidence on it.

I think common perception is those were just live feeds and not recording. Seems kind of short sighted to keep hours of footage of your super secret meth lab on your laptop for anyone to find. But in reality it's one of those things that the writers never specified, so they can bring it back next season if they want to.

Sye d'Burns

q_q said:
Really? Explain to me how it's possible for one person to be completely blown apart by a bomb but a person one foot away from him with no barrier somehow has his entire body in tact and has the ability, despite a grievous wound to the head that too off half of his face, to get up, calmly walk away, and adjust his tie before finally dying. Explain that to me.

N Coward Parody said:
Dude, it's expressionism. The show's been flirting with it on and off since at LEAST season two. And you know what? It ain't that weird. Thank god the show's refused to cow to some dumb strain of strict realism as it's become more popular. One of the greatest feats of Breaking Bad is its willingness to keep pushing the stylistic envelope even as its audience begins to demand more conservative brands of storytelling.

Damn, that explains so much. I've been wondering just how in the hell that Aztek just keeps getting back up.
markot said:
makes me want to blow you all up with a dude in a wheel chair
This just reminded me that one of the special weapons in Twisted Metal is the ability to shoot guys on wheelchairs with bombs strapped to them.

Ahh, that game is going to be sweet.


_dementia said:
You see Gale and Ted died though, no?

That's like saying you don't see any of the people involved in the plane crash actually die so they must be alive.

Here's a good reason why Tyrus is dead. He's a pointless character without Gus. He has less of a relationship with Gus than Mike did and was introduced late in the game. There is no reason for the writers to even want him back, guy is useless.


blahblah...blah said:

Considering they didn't even know whether they were going to kill Gus until writing episode 3 of season 4, there's no way in hell that this is anything other than a complete (and fortuitous!) coincidence. Still, awesome nonetheless.
Could I get a source for this possibly?
So much awesome stuff going on in this show. Thank god for Gaf, open my eyes to all the hidden goodies.


I was kind of expecting him to walk out of the room with half his face and the plant poisoning tthe boy thanks to this thread. hmmmmm? is it all worth it??



SpeedingUptoStop said:
I dunno, I'd bet that Gus had either just a live feed or measures to be sure no random person (particularly once Hank was on his case) could walk in a bug his office / snatch that footage.

Dunno, it didn't seem like Gus had much security in his office. We saw him simply close the lid on his laptop and walk out of the room.

I am sure they could easily explain this away (that it was just a live stream, or that one of Gus henchmen destroyed the recordings or something) but I hope they use this as a plot point. It'd be nice to see Gus screw over Walt from the dead.
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